God or Darwin's theory of evolution??
By sharone74
@sharone74 (4837)
United States
February 1, 2008 10:21am CST
Do you believe that human beings were placed here by God, created from dust and breathed into by the almighty. Or do you choose to believe that humans evolved from some primate species that must now be etinct? The reason that I say it must be extinct is that humans have not evolved much since our magical evolution from Primate to human and there are no half-monkey half-human species of Apes or primates running around any of the worlds forests!
I choose to believe that we were created by God. I am not neccessarily saying that it happened the way that they say. Obviously no one was there, but given the evidence above I will go with my gut and my heart here. How 'bout you, what do you believe?
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24 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Darwin himself said that the theory of evolution was impossible, which is why I can't figure out why it is still being taught in our schools as fact. I guess it is just easier to teach that than for people to admit that there is a God. I think that most of the hang-ups here are caused by the fact that the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, which I truly believe, yet most people want to feel that they can make it on their own. Darwin's "theory" is still being taught because in order for them to acknowledge that we were created by God, as the Bible teaches, they would have to accept that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, and that there are some things that Jesus said were wrong and that we shouldn't do them....
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
2 Feb 08
They say that they teach it because they want to expose children to "both sides of the story" but now that they've removed even the traditional Pledge of allegiance from schools because it has the word "God" in it, where is the "both" sides to the story. I think if you teach one you should definitey represent the other perspective also so that students receive a balanced education and ca the make an educated choice to beieve what they choose. Given the two sides of the argument that is.
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@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
4 Feb 08
They still say the traditional pledge of allegiance at out public schools.
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Anyone who thinks God created this world in 6 days worries me greatly. I know there was a movement in the South to disprove evolution but luckily common sense prevailed. Common sense and that thing called science.
Why is it so hard for people to think that possibly God is behind evolution?
Anyone who fundamentally believes the Bible as 100% fact is very naive as in the first 2 chapters of Genesis itself the world is created in two different fashions. The Bible is not a history book, it is a book of faith and should not be misinterpreted the way it commonly is.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I never claimed nor even referred to the bible in any context as a source for either factual historical information, nor as proof of anything. You are aware that the bible is not the only book upon whih organizations of faith base their assessments of our world and or the existence of a supreme being. I didn't even ask whether or not respondents believe in either God or Christ or any of the religius dogma that is to be found out there. I believe in God. I believe in faith and admire peopke with faith and strong convictions based upon that faith. I do not however believe in organized religions. I believe humanity is flawed but that we all have our own paths of return to the father. I don't want to follow un the path of some pastor, priest, or even a Pope and find in the end that he/we were off track!
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@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
4 Feb 08
Anyone who thinks their God is incapable of creating the world in 6 days worries me greatly! If anything the question should be why so long? Evolution calls for naturalistic causes only and none that are supernatural. You can confirm this by researching any scientific journal.
The first two chapters of Genesis do not give two separate accounts. Chapter 1 is an overview of the whole creation; chapter 2 gives details surrounding the creation of the garden, the first man, and his activities on day six.
Jewish scholars did not recognize any such conflict with the account in chapter 1, where Adam and Eve were both created after the beasts and birds. There is no contradiction because in Hebrew the precise tense of a verb is determined by the context. It is clear from chapter 1 that the beast and birds were created before Adam, so Jewish scholars would have understood the verb "formed" in Genesis 2:19 as to mean "had formed" or "having formed".
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
1 Feb 08
is the website of an excellent movie covering this whole issue. Any creationist with an open mind should visit the website and watch the movie.
While I'm at it I suggest any Catholics who think The Church has no blame in the past transgressions of many of their priests should visit and watch:
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
2 Feb 08
I beleive what there is actual physical evidence for. There is no evidence that humans were plonked on earth by a diety, there is lots for evolution.

@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
9 Feb 08
There's no evidence for large scale evolution only limited variation.
@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
12 Feb 08
Actually there may be no physical evidence- but there always are theories- a really good one is found in Dan Brown's book Angels & Demons. In there a scientist actually creates "the big bang theory" therefore proving that the world just popped up one day.....as I said its no physical evidence but there are always different theories on all subjects- and I for one respect them all...I may not feel the same way as you can tell by my post below- but who am I to say those that believe in evolution are wrong- I am just happy sticking to what I believe and debating it with my great friends here on mylot :)
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I'm not sure about either. I was raised Christian, but I had too many unanswered questions and had too many doubts about putting faith in "God." It's also hard for my mind to wrap around the fact that we all evolved from tiny cell organisms billions of years ago. :/
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Love, no one is certain of anything excet that we all shall pass on someday. I choose to trust in my faith because I think that a life or a world without faith is a word without hope. The evil in the world would be overwhelming without my faith in God and in mankind as a whole. The theory of evolution leaves just as many gaps as the God explanation. No oan be certain og anything, it's much like this question, what do you believe?
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Feb 08
You could even take it one step easier - do you choose to be related to an ape or to the wonderful image of God? Even if I wasn't christian, I'd still choose God!
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
2 Feb 08
That is a simple but eloquent summary of things I think! Thanks for the response!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I think "people" disect things so much in trying to find a perfect answer, or one that they want to believe or a reason to believe what they want, that the the point of the theory is so lost, that it doesn't even make sense anymore.Plain and simple - nothing wrong with that!
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
7 Feb 08
We are complex people for whom plain and simple rarely works anymore.
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@aruncrj (63)
• India
2 Feb 08
i beleives darwin's theory ofevolution. Because scince can prove it. But i am still beleiving in God.There may be different theories but there is no possiblity of evolution of life without any external interfearance. Hindu mythology relates the origin of human species with the Dasa avathar of Vishnu. That says life first originated in sea water in the form of a fish then have gradually developed to human beings through 8 steps.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Feb 08
At last we find someone who believes that for one or the other theory to be true does not prove or disprove the validity of the other theory. Thank you so much for your response!
@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
9 Feb 08
But what makes one accept part of what scientists tells us and reject the other if not a belief system no different from any other religion. Evolutionists tells us that the causations are all natural without exception. The supernatural according to evolutionists played no role.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
12 Feb 08
That is because their system beleif in science denies the existense of a God because they can't find "hard evidence" to prove that he is there.

@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
7 Feb 08
the only evolution we see are small scale changes. This is nothing more than fixed variation which fits the creation model just fine. The different varieties of dogs is a good example of this. Evolution is clearly limited to small scale changes.
@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
23 Feb 08
Why? I think if we're going to refer to large scale evolution as science we have to hold it up to scientific standards. I'm open minded as well when it comes to other people's religion and if people want to include evolution as part of their religion or world view, that's fine too. Just don't call it science and don't make our kids accept it as science.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Let's not confuse evolution and mutation.
There is lots of evidence for inter-species mutations. But there is absolutely not evidence for evolution from one species to another. In fact, the dog breeding example you give is an example that DISproves evolution. Genetically, inter-species mutations will destroy genetic information. Kind of like human inbreeding. The inbreeding creates a weaker variant. Mutations NEVER add genetic information. Mutations may make a creature more suited for an environment of other changes but it never creates the genetic information that would be required to say, evolve wings from a wingless creature.

@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
4 Feb 08
I by no means what so ever am one to claim to be religious. I would say I am more on the spiritual side. That being said I believe that we have all been here before- time and time again until we have learned all that is needed to learn before entering a relm of higher existance in yet another world yet unknown to us. I believe there is a higher being out there in control- whether we call him God, Allah, Jehovah or any other "name" so to speak. As far as evolution vs. God. I believe a higher power is the reason for our existance here on this earth and will be for our next life as well.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I believe that you are right. That's why you get the best response. Thank you warm weather woman.
@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
12 Feb 08
why thank you sharone :) I think this is my first best comment rate (cheesing) thanks again- I will be sure to check out your other posts and return the favor!
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
3 Feb 08
For one thing, Darwin's actual theory was not that humans evolved from apes. I do believe in evolution though. I don't know what we humans evolved from, but I don't think that we were placed here by a god, especially not the god spoken of in the bible. I'm not saying there isn't some higher, powerful being somewhere in the universe, but I can't bring myself to believe in creationism. I had a teacher that once told me that she believed people shouldn't take the bible so literally. Perhaps Adam and Eve were just symbols for the gradual formation of men and woman. And obviously it took billions of years for the world to form, as opposed to the Christians' 7-day theory. But there's far too much evidence in evolution, and I don't believe in fairy tales.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I have ioften said that parts of the bible are old wives tales and stories that were told around the fire for generations and have little or no basis in fact. Regardless of how he did it however I still believe that people were created by the Creator. Call him whatever you please and as to the period of time that it took him to do it? Ask Him when you get there.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I believe that God created everything. However, His days are probably at least a million years long. How else to explain the fossils and old human remains found? The Bible says 7 days because that's what people understood back then but it could just as well have said seven eons.
I think that God created the basis of life then sat back and attended his other creations while this planet developed and flourished.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I beleive much the same and I thank you for your response.
@aruncrj (63)
• India
2 Feb 08
i beleives darwin's theory ofevolution. Because scince can prove it. But i am still beleiving in God.There may be different theories but there is no possiblity of evolution of life without any external interfearance. Hindu mythology relates the origin of human species with the Dasa avathar of Vishnu. That says life first originated in sea water in the form of a fish then have gradually developed to human beings through 8 steps.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Feb 08
Science has not even proved the thoery of evolution to their satisfaction let alone to the satisfaction of the common man.Or are you neglecting to note that the missing link no matter how hard they have looked of how many sites they have excavated the missing link to mankinds evolution continues to be missing?
@jonatechme (104)
• Kenya
25 Feb 08
I believe God created the universe and everything in it including human beings. Darwin's theory is very suspect because evolution should be continuous even though he might argue that the time frame is too short for us to notice any difference.
I BELIEVE there was a BIG BANG!! This was the presence of GOD appearing in the scene! He is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End. All Glory be to Him forever and forever more, Amen!
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
13 Feb 08
I believe there is not much stupid person that believe the Darvin's theory nowadays, And I believe if that Darwin guy stated that theory in present day, he must be considered as person who live with mental problem, and non of future generation wil discuss about the stupid evo theory again. Let think that, if we are from ape, and what species the ape originally from? And why there's still much ape nowadays? Why don't they (those remaining unevolved apes) joint in that evo to become man?

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
15 Feb 08
Well I don't see all scientists in the West as Christians.There are anti-Christians in the West like Richard Dawkins, and the late Stephen Jay Gould. But there are committed Christians in the West who are scientist. Names like Francis Collins (Director of Human Genome Project), Denis Alexander (Director of Faraday Institute of Science and Religion), Alister mcGrath (Biochemist from Oxford who also had Ph.D in Theology), Prof. Kenneth Miller(Brown University), John Polkinghorne (Cambridege Univ) ( et al are all scientists who believe in evolution.
Evolution has evidences from both fossils and genetics. There are even theologians like Billy graham, John Stott, B B Warfield et al who saw no problem with evolution. It can harmonise really well with the Bible.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
14 Feb 08
There are more people now who believed it because science is now closing the gaps with all the evidences through various disciplines. There are more Christians too who believe it cos they believe Gos is the author of both Word and world and they will never contradict.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 08
but there's so little evidence to prove the theory, and most of them wasn't concrete. In my experience, most of people that believe the theory are the persons who put science above religion. There were western scientists who study evolution (that Christian by name, and there' also from Scientologist, Judaism, free thinker / no religion, etc.) what happen in Asia, they see the western race scientist as all Christian. So that's Y many Asian Christian people thought that many Christians do believe in that theory. Actually not.
thank u

@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I believe in both God and evolution. I believe that God or the Higher Power (which ever you prefer) started the whole source of life on Earth. Then we descended from monkeys as Darwin said. That's how I reconcile my belief systems. I wish people would stop thinking of this as a binary issue.
@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Yes, I have thought about this too and it seems you are right. Not because of any facts I have but from the same conclusion of why we are not evolving into a more advanced species? Animals have not either.
I think the subject of religion is a matter of faith and what your experiences with studying your chosen area of belief...as you believe you shall receive.
@mihopopcorn (248)
• Philippines
25 Feb 08
We evolved from ape-like beings. I just don't understand why some people find it so difficult to accept this. Archaeologists, anthropologists, biologists, sociologists and geneticists have devoted their life studying this, yet some people choose to believe biblical fairytales. Or maybe some people are just too proud to admit that we came from primates. The truth hurts sometimes for some people, that they would rather fool themselves.
@sircrackpot (4)
• United States
2 Mar 08
Human DNA is constantly being tampered with by Retro Viruses...so I think "Evolution" is possible, though not how Darwin Theorized. That's why it's theory, though. If making universal law was THAT easy, science wouldn't advance at all.
What I hate is when people make it seem like God's actions are "Simple". Do you think a god that created an almost ENDLESS universe and possibly many other universes would work in a simple way? Everything about our bodies in tremendously complex. From our genetics, to our nervous system, to our high brain functions.
We, humans, still don't have a grasp on what makes up the other 99.9% of our universe. Yet, people are so quick to make it seem as god works "Simply". Like he created order in our universe for no apparent reason.
In my opinion, those who strive to learn more about how our universe works...how our WORLD works are closer to knowning God than anyone else. At least they don't make wild assumptions on God's mindset or how he likes to do his work. Creation or manipulation. (No, I don't mean manipulation in the negative sense.)