Smoking vs being over weight

Obesity and smoking. - An obese person smoking
February 2, 2008 8:31am CST
Until about a week ago I was a smoker and giving up has made me think about peoples attitudes to smokers. I heard someone make a good point on television a while ago. People have no qualms now about going up to someone they see smoking even if they don't know them and saying rude things like how stupid they are to be smoking when it's so bad for their health, I had complete strangers at the bus stop tell me about their husbands dying of cancer, I didn't need to hear it as I've lost friends young ones too to lung cancer, but this lady thought she had the right to make me feel guilty even though she didn't even know me. And people often were very rude about the way I smelled too, and hey I know smokers stink but non smokers can smell too I wouldn't be so rude as to point it out if they did. If that sort of behaviour has become acceptable how long will it be before before people feel they have the right to go up to overweight people they don't even know and say how stupid they are for being over weight, how they are risking heart attack diabetes etc, and how they stink of fatty food and body odour etc? Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking over weight people I know it is hard to lose to weight just as it is hard to give up smoking I don't want anyone who is reading this and is over weight to feel bad I just want to make this point. As at the moment society seems to have the attitude that we should be kind and not cruel to overweight people, I'm just saying how long before that changes? 10 years? maybe 20 years? Britain and America are already at crisis point with obesity statistics and related illness's, disturbingly children are more obese and have more type 2 diabetes than ever before in The UK. Something has to give so when they've finally bullied everyone into not smoking how long before they start on the fat people?
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20 responses
• United States
2 Feb 08
wow very good discussion!.. im over weight. because im very short no matter my weight im still over wieght unless im 93 lbs then im right at normal. i would be so upset if somoene had made comments to me about this. because its my body not their buisness. and i feel the same about smoking. now i can see if it was a pregnant girl standing their puffing away. of course that is ganna bring attention. but just me smoking. yeah my body u have no say so save ur breath... oxoxoxbritt
2 Feb 08
That's exactly what I mean, I gave up smoking when I was ready all the people who had a go at me for it were wasting their breath and I just thought they were rude. You also raise a good point about weight too, some people really can't help it like in your case it's your height, and there are very rare conditions where you can gain weight for no reason other than an imbalance in your body. Though I must say it's often used as an excuse by people who just have slow metabolisms and would have to work very hard to lose weight and just can't be bothered.
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@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
3 Feb 08
I think they may have more issues with weight then with smoking. Not that I agree with bulling anyone about either, BUT not everyone is overweight by choice. I'm almost certain my weight issue is medical related, because no matter WHAT I try I cannot loose weight, unless they put me on some impossible to maintain diet.
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3 Feb 08
Yes there are medical reasons why people can't lose weight, you should talk to your doctor and ask for a thyroid gland test maybe you have an under active thyroid.
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@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
3 Feb 08
I've never known anyone go up to a smoker and be so rude although I have known people ask others not to smoke, etc. The thing I have a problem with when people compare smoking to being overweight is that not many people choose to be overweight. Of course there are thise who can do something about it but there are many who can't. I know that's not what you are saying, I just thought I'd mention it! But, the point I was going to make is that people already do go up to overweight people and insult except that in my personal experience, people tend to have more of a bullying attitude when shouting abuse at overweight people. For example, I have always been overweight (not by much!) and have had people insult me, telling me I'm fat and I should go on a diet, get some exercise, etc. and I'm sure I'm not the only overweight person who has tried all those things without success. I'm sure it is had to quit smoking if you want to but my argument (well, not really an argument) is that smokers chose to smoke and smokers do stink but no, I don't think it's ok to go up to someone and tell them and I do agree with you that other people stink too but no one would tell them even though they think it is acceptable to say such things to a smoker. I don't know about society being friendly to overweight people but where I live, it's more acceptable to smoke than to be overweight.
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3 Feb 08
I'm talking more about the government launching a campaign against it than just personal abuse, on television here every other advert is one telling you to give up smoking. I agree some tactless people do shout abuse at overweight people probably more than they would at someone who is smoking, so there is a flaw in my argument you are right.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
2 Feb 08
There was a report that came out I believe it was last week that said Americans are now the fattest people in the world -- which is not EXACTLY true, we are the fattest non-3rd world country. We are actually ranked #9 9. United States 74.1 * percentage of people who's BMI (body mass index) is above average (obese or higher) The UK is 28th on the list and Australia is not even on the list... the full list is below thanks to 1. Nauru 94.5 2. Micronesia, Federated States of 91.1 3. Cook Islands 90.9 4. Tonga 90.8 5. Niue 81.7 6. Samoa 80.4 7. Palau 78.4 8. Kuwait 74.2 9. United States 74.1 10. Kiribati 73.6 11. Dominica 71.0 12. Barbados 69.7 13. Argentina 69.4 14. Egypt 69.4 15. Malta 68.7 16. Greece 68.5 17. New Zealand 68.4 18. United Arab Emirates 68.3 19. Mexico 68.1 20. Trinidad and Tobago 67.9 21. Australia 67.4 22. Belarus 66.8 23. Chile 65.3 24. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 65.2 25. Seychelles 64.6 26. Bahrain 64.1 27. Andorra 63.8 28. United Kingdom 63.8 29. Saudi Arabia 63.5 30. Monaco 62.4 31. Bolivia 62.2 32. San Marino 62.1 33. Guatemala 61.2 34. Mongolia 61.2 35. Canada 61.1 36. Qatar 61.0 37. Uruguay 60.9 38. Jordan 60.5 39. Bahamas 60.4 40. Iceland 60.4 41. Nicaragua 60.4 42. Cuba 60.1 43. Germany 60.1 44. Brunei Darussalam 59.8 45. Slovenia 59.8 46. Peru 59.6 47. Vanuatu 59.6 48. Finland 58.7 49. Jamaica 57.4 50. Israel 57.3 51. Saint Lucia 57.3 52. Austria 57.1 53. Azerbaijan 57.1 54. Turkey 56.8 55. Tuvalu 56.6 56. Dominican Republic 56.5 57. Slovakia 56.3 58. Cyprus 56.2 59. Saint Kitts and Nevis 56.1 60. Costa Rica 55.8 61. Colombia 55.6 62. Antigua and Barbuda 55.5 63. Switzerland 55.4 64. Montenegro 54.9 65. Serbia 54.9 66. Serbia and Montenegro (The former state union of) 54.9 67. Albania 54.8 68. Fiji 54.8 69. Bulgaria 54.2 70. Luxembourg 54.2 71. Croatia 53.9 72. Bosnia and Herzegovina 53.8 73. Portugal 53.8 74. Armenia 53.3 75. Grenada 53.3 76. South Africa 53.3 77. Iran (Islamic Republic of) 53.2 78. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 53.2 79. Lithuania 53.1 80. Lebanon 53.0 81. Czech Republic 52.9 82. Syrian Arab Republic 52.8 83. Spain 51.8 84. Hungary 51.6 85. Panama 51.4 86. Tunisia 51.0 87. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 50.6 88. Brazil 50.5 89. Belize 49.8 90. Sweden 49.7 91. Norway 49.1 92. Russian Federation 49.1 93. El Salvador 48.7 94. Lesotho 48.5 95. Suriname 47.8 96. Paraguay 47.7 97. Guyana 47.5 98. Poland 47.5 99. Latvia 47.3 100. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 47.2 101. Ecuador 47.1 102. Turkmenistan 46.8 103. Ireland 46.6 104. Belgium 46.3 105. Marshall Islands 46.2 106. Netherlands 46.0 107. Uzbekistan 46.0 108. Denmark 45.8 109. Mauritius 45.6 110. Oman 45.6 111. Italy 45.5 112. Iraq 45.4 113. Georgia 44.8 114. Ukraine 44.8 115. Solomon Islands 44.0 116. Botswana 43.6 117. Honduras 43.5 118. Equatorial Guinea 43.0 119. Morocco 42.9 120. Dem. Republic of Timor-Leste 42.7 121. Mauritania 42.5 122. Estonia 42.2 123. Republic of Korea 42.0 124. Swaziland 41.8 125. Kazakhstan 41.4 126. Republic of Moldova 41.1 127. Bhutan 40.9 128. France 40.1 129. Cameroon 39.9 130. Maldives 39.9 131. Algeria 39.8 132. Dem. People's Republic of Korea 39.4 133. Kyrgyzstan 39.2 134. Romania 39.1 135. Lao People's Democratic Republic 38.9 136. Cape Verde 38.2 137. Tajikistan 37.3 138. Gabon 36.5 139. Myanmar 36.3 140. Liberia 35.6 141. Sierra Leone 33.4 142. Haiti 32.8 143. Zimbabwe 32.1 144. Thailand 31.6 145. Papua New Guinea 30.2 -- the not fat breaking point 146. Malaysia 29.9 147. Ghana 29.2 148. China 28.9 149. Benin 28.5 150. Comoros 28.0 151. Angola 27.5 152. Nigeria 27.1 153. Yemen 27.0 154. Senegal 26.4 155. Philippines 25.2 156. Djibouti 24.9 157. Mali 24.1 158. Togo 24.0 159. Guinea 23.5 160. Sudan 23.1 161. Cote d'Ivoire 22.9 162. Singapore 22.9 163. Japan 22.6 164. Namibia 22.5 165. Pakistan 22.2 166. Sao Tome and Principe 21.4 167. United Republic of Tanzania 21.2 168. Malawi 19.3 169. Congo 18.9 170. Niger 17.6 171. Madagascar 17.4 172. Mozambique 17.3 173. Guinea-Bissau 16.7 174. Gambia 16.6 175. Indonesia 16.2 176. India 16.0 177. Somalia 15.8 178. Chad 15.6 179. Afghanistan 15.1 180. Uganda 14.8 181. Kenya 14.3 182. Burkina Faso 14.1 183. Rwanda 13.7 184. Zambia 13.0 185. Burundi 12.9 186. Central African Republic 12.9 187. Cambodia 11.3 188. Dem. Republic of the Congo 9.1 189. Nepal 8.4 190. Sri Lanka 7.4 191. Viet Nam 6.4 192. Bangladesh 6.1 193. Ethiopia 5.6 194. Eritrea 4.4 Now for your question... how long before fat people get 'bullied'. I think it is already happening. People that can't fit into airline chairs and need to buy 2 seats, people who are ostrasized from society from being too big. What HAS happened is the bar keeps raising. What is a 34 waist in America (meaning 34 inches around) is no longer a 34. Manufacturers have made it bigger to make us feel better about ourselves. Save for women. Even MORE so. I have a sister-in-law who is from a size 1 to a size 8 depending on the manufacturer. Now will we be forced to stop eating? No way. It doesn't interfere with others (second hand smoke does) which is a large (no pun) point. The ironic thing... Americans work out more than any other nation but are fatter than any other one... something is just not right.
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3 Feb 08
The connection between the two is smoking causes illness that puts people in hospital so tying up the health service, and so does obesity there's loads more people in Britain and America with type 2 diabetes than ever before. So the government has to do something or there will be a crisis, at some point they are going to start to make overweight people start to exercise and eat properly to help prevent them getting any sicker than they already are. They are already giving gastric bypasses like they are a miracle cure, soon to prevent the problem they will put kids on diets and exercise regimes as soon as they start to show signs of obesity I bet.
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• United States
16 Feb 08
thanks for the great post..i knew that Africa had 300,000,000 obese people but now this is more info..keep up the oood work
2 people like this
16 Feb 08
Banning people from eating altogether isn't the answer, people need to be teated on an individual basis and be given advice on how to lose weight to fit with their lives. I heard the other day that Macdonald's are now starting to refuse to serve overweight people in America, probably because they got sued by a few people for supposedly being responsible for their obesity.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Some people are. I am overweight, & had a kid ask "Why are you so fat?" I replied "If you think I am, you should see my roommate." Both my roommate & my former roommate have had kids say that to them, & they were a lot less polite. the former roomie asked why he was so rude, the current one asked the kid why he was so short & informed him that he wasn't likely to get taller if he said that to people. A gal my the roomie's job got walked because she was overheard in the ladies room by a supervisor saying - after being told to go to "X" because she knows the information. This bimbo replied that she wasn't going to ask her because she was fat & fat people are stupid. Who is stupid now?
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3 Feb 08
I understand fat people already get abuse but I'm referring to people walking up them and saying things like "if you don't lose weight you'll die" And do you know what all that extra weight is doing to your blood pressure?" not just making immature rude comments. Like people used to come up to me and tell me smoking causes cancer and heart disease etc. That type of thing seems to be quite acceptable now because smokers dying of all these illness's is becoming a burden on our health services. People being obese is causing the same problem, the question I asked was how long will it take before people start having a go at people for being overweight and damaging their health.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
3 Feb 08
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Nobody can make another person feel guilty, though, Nancy. Guilt is a feeling only we ourselves can allow into our consciousness and we usually only do it when we suspect in some tiny corner of our being that the other person was right, at least in part. As for the overweight people, please come visit my most recent discussion and you will find your answer.
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3 Feb 08
I will as soon as I've responded to these responses.
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• United States
2 Feb 08
I think that's a load of crap! I don't like smoking but I would never disrespect someone who does?! The fact is that the jury is still out on second hand smoke - we don't know definitively that it does cause cancer in non-smokers -- so if someone we wants to smoke knowing the potential health problems -- well it's their life not mine. Now I do harp on my hubby about it (and some other family & friends) LOL but that's another story and not what the discussion is about. I think we pity the over weight right now and just blame smokers LOL. I think too that the idea or second hand smoke causing cancers and things scares us stupid sometimes too. *note - I've heard and seen so many statistics on second hand smoke that I don't know what to believe on it. But I here's my thoughts about it -- those who are constantly around a smoker (such as myself as my hubby and damn near everyone else I know) smokes are probably at a much greater risk to getting the negative side effects from inhaling all that smoke. Now those who aren't around it but very little most likely have a bigger chance of getting cancer from heating plastics, and all the other millions of things that we now know can cause cancer.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
I agree with you completely. I am a smoker & overweight. I am sick of all the excuses people use to have a go at me about smoking. Sometimes I think they do this simply because it seems to be a legitimate way to have a go at someone, not because they are genuinely concerned. I have always said that when I loose the required weight, I would then try giving up smoking. It is impossible to do both at the same time.
3 Feb 08
Yes I gave up when I was ready and not because people told me to and I think you are right people just want an excuse to have a dig at each other it's human nature to some people sadly.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Feb 08
It will not take that long. I feel like doing it myself and I am overweight and according to my bm obese although I do not look it, but I will not for the following reasons. All the Fast Food-- are offering food that is good for you, a selection of low calorie and low carbs - here comes a rant now, BUT WHERE WERE THEY IN THE 1970S TO 1990S when I was gradually putting on weight? I did not go to the fast food that often but when I was at home, everything had trans fat and cake mixes have shortening -transfat -obesity. So in a way, you can see that these fat people got that way not just by overeating the wrong food, but by unknowingly eating the wrong type of fat. Smokers did know about the dangerous effects of smoking sooner and so anyone deriding them to stop can be expected. As soon as everyone knows of the dangers of trans fats and other contributors to obesity, then people will start deriding them about obesity because with most everyon else being healthy and more slender they will be the odd one out. But there are still a lot of obese people alive and that time has not come yet.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Feb 08
I watched "You are what you eat," and that was scarey. I am overweight, and I did not need to eat all the unhealthy food, the chips, and soda pops and the sausages, etc. to get that way. I had the bad luck of having a large frame, and a stocky build and I wonder how someone who does not have disadvantages as I have can get so fat.
3 Feb 08
It will be a while I agree, though there are a lot of tv shows being shown on British television highlighting how bad obesity is for you, including one where they did an actual autopsy on an obese man and showed you what it had done to his insides. It was awful, his lungs had no space there was so much fat in his chest cavity.
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• Saudi Arabia
3 Feb 08
Well I myself am overweight and faced this kind of problem. I am not that obese but so often I hear comments like 'oh you must lose weight' or 'have you gained weight lately' etc. Comments either from friends or from people who don't know me well. It is really annoying to approach people this way, whether they're smokers or overweight. I mean come on. Listen to this story of mine: A guy I know is a heavy smoker, one day, he felt something in his chest, he got worried and went to the doctor who told him, he needs to quit smoking and use medications before something bad happens to his lungs. When he told one of his friends what happened, then that friend took the oppertunity to encourage him stop smoking before it gets serious. You see what I mean? That friend chose the right time to talk. It is just not appropriate to jump and give a bunch of advices to someone caused you may sound like attacking him not caring about him. I mean, the problem with a lot of people that they don't know when to say what, got me? I just don't like rude and impolite people, maybe they mean well but the approach is bad. Nice Topic ....
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3 Feb 08
Yes some people are just tactless and jump straight in and say rude things, it's always people who have never smoked or been overweight themselves so they have no idea how hard it is to change both things.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I'm afraid you're probably right. When a group of people are the designated villains of the week (or month, year, whatever) it seems to give people the go-ahead to say anything they want to say to complete strangers. As a smoker who wishes I could quit but I guess I don't want it quite enough yet, I've had lots of experiences with total strangers saying things to me that I'd never say to anyone! For now, we smokers are the ones it's OK to attack and the truth is, when people say rude things to smokers they really don't think of it as being rude or forward, they just assume they have every right to say what they choose to us evil smokers. Annie
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3 Feb 08
Yes and they are always people who have never smoked too so don't know how hard it is to stop either.
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
3 Feb 08
hello nancyrowina,I was a smoker and I know what you're going through.the humiliation,the embarrassment,the guilt!I totally understand.People who are judgmental should just keep their opinions to themselves.You've made your point.
3 Feb 08
Yes everyone knows the health risks of smoking nowadays so you feel stupid enough for doing it without strangers coming up to you and pointing it out. Just glad I've finally managed to give it up.
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@gdisites (161)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Yeah, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. A coin toss. I quit for 4 years and vowed not to be a pain-in-the-rear ex-smoker. It worked but I did gain weight. They say that the weight gain is just your body, going back to were it should have been. But, food tastes so good and it's hard to say no.
4 people like this
2 Feb 08
Well, having been in both positions at some time in my life, I can tell you that it's definitely easier to quit smoking than to lose weight. In many cases, being overweight does not come as a result of stuffing yourself silly, but is connected with certain conditions and/or medication that makes it impossible for you to lose any weight, even if you follow a sensible diet. I have a hormonal problem which is under control now and it's become easier for me to lose the extra pounds, but I've got to admit that when I was diagnosed I felt totally put out when the doctor said to me "you know what, now you'll have to be on a diet for the rest of your life". I believe that people have knowledge that some things they put into their bodies are bad, and they shouldn't be bullied about their weaknesses. Who knows, that lady who spoke to you might have had a weakness even worse than smoking. My parents, my brother and my fiance are still smokers, but I never have a go at them, I only offer them advice and support every time they decide to try and quit. I think that would be more productive, because the most you tell people what not to do, the more they go ahead and do it anyway. But yes, seeing that overweight children already get bullied at school, it's only a matter of time when overweight adults will be too.
3 people like this
3 Feb 08
I'm talking more about by the government trying to stem the rising obesity figures by forcing people to go on diets and fitness regimes, like they've banned smoking and are pushing people into stop smoking services. nearly every other advert you see now on British telly is telling you to give up smoking. Will they ever start showing adverts that encourage people to lose weight?
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• United States
3 Feb 08
This is a good discussion. People do feel it is their right to go up to someone and tell them that they need to quit smoking. That is just plain rude. As far as people smelling from their smoking they already know that there is a odor around them and on their cloths. My husband is a smoker and he has made the comment that he knows this about smoking. I agree with you that people are taking these liberties now with smokers. How long down the road will it be before they feel themselves justified to target over weight people. It is wrong and rude to go up to anyone including ones family and make comments to them.
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• United States
2 Feb 08
I think fat people already get a fair share of ridicule. Both smoking and obesity are really diseases and should be treated as such. The way healthcare is though it will never happen. No one wants the financial responsibility. Unfortunately as human beings we are all fallible so no one can be or will be perfect. What is right for one may not be right for another, we need to have more respect for others no matter what their obvious faults may be. Harassment will not make people correct their problems and in many cases may just create more and worse problems.
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• United States
7 Feb 08
Smoking vs. being overweight.... should be called... dying slowly, effectivly, and painfully vs. being beautiful for who you are. But hey... just an opinion.
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@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I agree with you. I don't see how people can think it is ok to be rude to someone because they smoke. And, you can even take it a bit further. Why do people ridicule me simply because I don't have children? It's not a choice I made. It's biological. But for the last 20 years all I have heard is that I should have kids. Why?? The world stinks. Why bring someone into it if I choose not too. Again, not that I made that choice. But, people assume that since I don't have kids that I never wanted them. My step-father was at the hospital when I had a hysterectomy. A year later he thought it was funny to ask me when I was going to have kids because I needed to catch up with everyone else. People are just generally rude, unobservant, and uncaring. That's my opinion, anyway. And, how long until people tell gays and lesbians that they are stupid because they are not contributing to the population growth? I think there will always be something that people think others shouldn't do.
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• United States
16 Feb 08
I concur with this post. if more people would object with the people who are haevy on their feet maybe the message would sink in to do something about this epidemic in weight control or lack of it is many things that causes the problem but the simple solution is diet and exercise. there is no magic pill. wish there was. if you think the world will be cruel now about being out of shape..think of the future with the limits put on seats in airplanes, buses, cars, and even home furniture..wheelchairs are very heavy and take up ramps to move and extra lift doors plus any nurse will tell you the equiptment you must use just to move these people for the toilet or the bath..i have seen a lot working in the hospitals seeing theses heavy people strubble just to go to supper or to visit someone. You become a prisoner in your own body. Good luck
1 person likes this
16 Feb 08
I saw a TV show about a hospital in America that specializes in helping people who have got dangerously overweight. There were people in there who had to have wheelchairs specially made for them as they were too big for a standard one. Another thing that bothers me that in Great Britain and America there is a problem with our children becoming obese and the highest rate of type 1 diabetes in children etc. Yet in third world countries children are still dying of malnutritions and starvation, you'd have thought by 2008 we'd have found a way to sort that out wouldn't you?
@newfette (338)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
First of all Nancy, I love your responses. Just "met" you today when I check the discussions I started and checked that Q&A with crash. Anyhow, you're brilliant! I am a smoker. A part of me wants to quit, the other isn't quite ready yet. I haven't had one yet today and I have been awake for 4 hours so that's okay right! On the other hand, I'm very concerned about what me and my family eat. I know this might sound like I am a mean spouse, but I don't allow my boyfriend to eat poutine more than twice a month. We don't eat Mcdonald's only maybe 3 or 4 times a year, and usually when we are with people who want to go there. Pop, coke, pepsi, is a treat. Chips are a treat. They do stay in our house everyday. I make sure we get our fruits and veggies. Anyhow. Here is my point. People have made comments about me smoking that made me feel horrible about myself - and they did it in front of people. On the other hand, they eat crappy food and are a little unhealthy/overweight. I didn't say anything in return but I wanted to say, so I should stop smoking for my health, why don't you put down that cheeseburger and eat a salad tubby? Why do you think you're fat? You complain about being fat but you're not actually doing anything about it! When I am at a restaurant and I see an overweight person eating a lot of disgusting food I really almost want ot puke. Not that I don't like overweight people! Because I am a little overweight myself! But I eat right! I exercise, and I'm still overweight. I don't believe in taking pills to lose weight or having surgeries. This is how I am and I am learning to accept myself that way. But if you are overweight, and eating badly, you should not complain about being overweight! If you are a smoker, and you smell like smoke, you should n ot complain about stinking! It just makes sense. And if you wouldn't say to someone, man you're fat you shouldn't be eating that. then do not tell a smoker, man you know that's bad for you right? Smoking causes lung cancer. Well guess what? Obessity can cause heart disease, diabetes, irritable bowel disorder just to name a few! what is our society coming to?!?! People need to mind their own business. It's okay if someone's asks for help or advice, yeah give it. Follow my mom's advice: If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
12 Feb 08
Thanks for the nice comments about my responses, when you are ready to stop smoking you will be able to easily just don't do it because people are pressuring you too because it won't work. I agree about diet too I've always watched what I ate and kept fried food to a minimum and I try to avoid too much red meat etc. It is horrible when you see an overweight person eating greasy food then complaining they hate their body as they aren't helping themselves are they?