You Versus... Your Past Self?

@theprogamer (10532)
United States
February 6, 2008 7:34pm CST
I just thought of this discussion while replying to another. Some memories came up and I thought of the subject as a discussion. Do you think there would be things your past self could defeat you in? It can be anything you've ever done or been through. It could be hobbies, school, work(though that maybe unfair -_-), anything you can think of or choose to consider. This should be interesting. In my case, it depends on WHICH past self (yes I had to get more philosophical and thinkard on it). If it was only a couple of years back, it would be an even standing. Not that much has really changed. Well I might be able to beat him and any other incarnations when it comes to knowledge first and foremost. Hmm, still debatable when it comes to the high school incarnation. If it was from several years back, there is some chance of having a interesting contest. Different thinking, different life... I believe if it came to physical gaming (sports) I'd have an edge since I wasn't in the best health during this time. If it was electronic/video gaming, I'd most likely be destroyed. -_- In terms of hobbies, I'd actually have to give it to my past self again. Maybe a few hobbies I'd be better at (drawing, cooking, computers, design, technology). Other hobbies that are more my past and more of an occasional thing for me now, those I'd more likely lose at (advanced crafting, painting possibly, science, history, and others). Well, anyways, those are my thoughts on it. Ever consider meeting up with a past self for a friendly competition? I know its not the typical "What would you warn your past self about, or talk to your past self about"... but its something similar... yet different. I believe having a contest with your past self might reveal things about yourself; what you use to be, things you may have lost, reasons to continue living and growing, those could occur with this thought-exercise. If you want, imagine what it would be like to contest you former self in at least one thing. What do you think it would be like? Think you would learn anything? Or would you do this simply for the experience and the fun?
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13 responses
• United States
7 Feb 08
The former me was certainly more athletic. She played soccer, volleyball, was a cheerleader, and ran track. The me today can play dance dance revolution for 10 hours straight but my 5 minute mile then would probably be a 15 minute mile today. (12 years of smoking will do that to lung capacity) The me of today is smarter though when it comes to matter of the heart. When I think back particularly about my past relationships and things that were done and said I see how many mistakes I made by turning the other cheek and forgiving and forgetting. Yes the me of today is certainly smarter and of course more cynical and outspoken. I will never ever be a doormat for any one ever again.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I find this response excellent, this is exactly what I was looking for or hoping for. Nice perspective and introspection in my view. And I'll definitely second and bold your final statements. Quoted for truth.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
9 Feb 08
This would be cool for fun- my past self would kick my old self in dance. There is a reason why 34 year olds shouldn't do ballet anymore- out of shape and no more dexterity. But as far as the mind- like everyone probably I wish I would have known then what I know now. Lots of heartbreak that could have been saved.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Okay okay... well... there's always energy drinks? XD Alright, that wasn't me recommending anything. On your final statements about the past, its understandable. At the very least you do know something else your past self didn't, and you can use that to guide your future.
• United States
16 Feb 08
That's true and it does guide my future...:)
• United States
16 Feb 08
That's true and it does guide my future...:)
@Stiletto (4579)
11 Feb 08
Great question which made me think long and hard. You know what - I don't think my past self would beat me on anything really. Well, not on anything positive anyway. She could probably drink me under the table, could definitely out-b*tch me, and of course she looked a lot better lol! But I like myself more than I did back then, I'm older and wiser and generally nicer to be around (I hope!). Not nearly as self-absorbed as I used to be anyway. Even physically I would say I'm fitter now than I was when I was younger because I never played sports or worked out or anything like that, which are things I do regularly nowadays.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Intriguing. Really, its interesting how you put your case Stiletto. I can see how your present self would be the victor over your past self. Worry not about the "I hope" part. You are nice Stil, in my opinion.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
12 Feb 08
A competition with my past self?? hmmmm...interesting.. But I feel I'd win hands Thinking of it now, I wasn't really a perfect child...on the outside I was ...but all the things that went through my head....I know why I thought or felt the way I did...but that doesn't mean they are right. I've actually learnt a lot from introspection and so, I doubt I would learn anything new with a competition....but I might try it for the experience.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I would say its possible to learn something, but really its just a thought exercise. People can take this as they wish. Imagining this scenario at least one time, should give a bit of insight, or should trigger some sort of thought for consideration. But of course, it could be just another imagination to occupy a minute or two of your time.
@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
7 Feb 08
Thanks for asking this question it is a very interestinng ne indeed. I am really happy with the kind of person I am today, what I have accomplished in life and love my life now. O don;t think I would ever want to go back to the mousy, shy, non athletic non artistic person I used to be when I was younger. Now I feel good about myself and feel I am artistic in the way I decorate and arrange my house. I have a loving hubby 2 loving daughters a great son in law and four fantastic grandkids. Theonly thing I might want from my past would be my thinness. But personally, I would much rather by overweight and happy than thin and miserable. I am not sure if I answered your question or not, but I would really rather not have a contest with my past self, cause she has lost before we have even begun, lol! Good luck with yours though!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Sounds like my response to MSV is in here. Very well said. Now you didn't fully answer the question, but I'm that bad on these things. Your effort was great and you are on the right track. You said you don't want a contest with your past self due to the desparity in ability. All of this is good enough for me.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Well, I have to say that this one made me think about things for a few minutes. I would hate to go back to being the old me. The old me was a drunk who wasted a lot of good time and money chasing a good time. While I have been able to learn a lot by sitting back and thinking about all the things I should have done differently, and knowing what I know now makes me a better person, I have to say that the new (sober) me is a lot smarter and more capable than the old me. The new me would be able to make more money, and to make it go a lot further for sure. I feel the old me is a much better person than the old one.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Mm hmm. All the same. Sometimes the past self isn't as great as we are now. But its just as you say. Without that past self, we wouldn't be the person we are today.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
7 Feb 08
If I was even half the age I am now, I would be older than you are now. If I was in a contest with myself at that age, the past self would lose. I am twice as wise, twice as smart now. I am also twice as heavy, or almost, and that would be the only way I am not as good or better than my past self.
@humbleme (1004)
• India
7 Feb 08
Hello theprogamer,Thanks for the discussion,every human being is full of error and everybody of us continouslylearn to live life by gaining experience along with the time sometimes by winning or defeat or by unfair compromise sacrifice for a better cause and finally individual destiny matters and this is life all about.I am a deep thinker as well, but I have find out there is no gain thinking about past bad experiences frustrations cause I cant change those even if I know the solutions of those problems now but that time will not return anymore so just ignore past bad frustrations and try to remember the happy memories,and think deeper about the present problems for a better future,work hardhonestly ,dont blame God and accept good and bad destiny with a smiliing face all the time, its hard,but if I can do it then you too can do it.Thanks
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Feb 08
well inkling on my past self what youve claimed we not really aware of if i had..but im interested to know my past self ..and be able to learned some past mistakes if ever done during my past i right? your talking about reincarnation? give me some insights on how to know your past self plss..
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I was talking more about introspection of one's own life but your thoughts I've already discussed in another discussion (mind, body, self); this topic is just a thought exercise. Just remember your former self from 5, 10, 20 years ago or however far back you want to go. And then compare how you are now with that past version of yourself. For me, its mostly memory and a bit of imagination (since I did say it'd be a friendly game between yourself and your past self). For your question on how to know your past self... I would just take a quiet time to think and remember. It can be done through meditation if needed, but one can also do it by sitting quietly in a room or while looking at an old photo of yourself (or some other object that entices memories). Think of how you felt in the past, or how you thought back then; and then use a bit of imagination to piecemeal what your past self would say to you.
@pismeof (855)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Well I'd have to say that my past self could certainly kick butt when it comes to Sports or Playstation games.You get slow and blind when you get to be my age. My Kid kills me at Playstation because he's so quick.Keeping in mind I was no slouch in my prime LOL.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I'm seeing myself in the situation nowadays. Some of the very new games are starting to make me go "huh" or "uh"? Soon enough I'll be pining for the good old NES, SNES and PS1 days :D
• United States
7 Feb 08
Oh my past self was a tough A$$!! I don't think I could stand a chance in a physical confrontation, I was a fighter back in the day,lol...but as far as wisdom, I have her beat.I may have grown softer,but I am a whole lot wiser.
@wahptb (188)
• Canada
11 Feb 08
Definitely the me of old could beat me at sports. I am only 28 but have not really played anything organized in about 8 years. It's something that I could still change at this point if I could get myself to be more active. Drinking is another thing I was much better at before. I don't take the same pleasure in it as I used to. I actually enjoy it now in moderation. It really does taste better that way.
• Philippines
7 Feb 08
nice posts here! that would be fun. it would be fun to be faced to face with my past self. with all the things i learned through the years -- it surely will get a beating from my new one. i think my past self is very fragile. more on emotions, which of course is really bad. but through the years -- i've been tested by time. aged and rusted. know what i mean? but of course for looks -- my new one would surely lose! i envy people who becomes more good looking as they grow old. not me! i think i've become hideous! LOLZ! but hey, what are looks compared to the things i'm now able to do. my old self is very confined. just sits in one corner and watch. the new one -- goes out and have fun. i've finally broke free of my shell.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Indeed. Good perspective. I'd have to revisit this thought exercise myself in several years time. I wonder what the situation would be like then. Seems like for a lot of us, things have really changed and we've all grown significantly.