Handicapped Parking...
By Bev1986
@Bev1986 (1425)
United States
February 7, 2008 7:51am CST
Oh, I am so mad!!! I had to stop at Walmart before work this morning. There are several handicapped parking spaces right in front of the store. I actually got a place pretty close to the entrance and as I was getting out of my car, this little car zooms past me and pulls into the handicapped spot. Okay... out jumps two young girls who were clearly not handicapped! They are laughing and joking and believe me, the way they were walking and carrying on, neither one of them was handicapped!
They did not have a placard on their car stating that they were eligible for handicapped parking...
It just makes me so mad when people park in a handicapped spot and they are not handicapped! They are just plain lazy and don't want to have to walk very far!
I went into the store and saw them in the checkout line a bit later. Still laughing and carrying on... what did they buy that was so important and such a rush? Make up. Oh goodness, you can't go to school without make up on!!!
I was so tempted to say something to them... but I didn't... should I have?
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24 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Oh I would have! I can't stand people that park there that don't need too. I will probably make a few mad, but I also can't stand to see people that are using the electric scooters that should be walking, maybe they would loose some of that weight. And no, I'm not saying that some of those don't have health problems, but walking could help.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I don't like it when people abuse the scooters, either. I can't stand their attitudes about it, either. It seems almost all that use the scooters have this attitude problem. They think they own the paths that they take, and you best move out of their way before they run over you. And, if you get in their way, it's like you're not being sensitive towards their handicap. those are the ones that are faking it. lol.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Feb 08
The people in the store can't do anythign about it... although it would have been funny to do what you said.
When I can, I call the police when people park in handicap parking without a permit.
As far as the card goes, they are still breaking the law if they don't have the card displayed while in the space.
You do have to be careful though, I'm eligible for a handicap parking pass if I wanted one, but you couldn't tell by looking at me.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I would've said something right as they got out of the car. I would've said it loud, too. I can't stand when people do that. I've seen kids driving their parents car and they use their parents handicap sign to park closer. That's wrong, too. Or, how about when a guy parks in the "expecting mothers" spot?
Just think of it this way-- if they want to keep parking in the handicap spot, karma will come and insure that they will forever.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Yes!!! and have him go in labor at the store and his car is parked farther down because somebody else parked in the expecting mother's spot. LOLOL. I'd like to see him run to the car. hahaaha!
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I often wish I had the guts to say something to people sometimes. I, like you, would have wished that I could. These girls are going to grow up to continue to be selfish like this if they are not called on their behavior. The handicapped places are there for a reason, not just convinience. I think you probably did the right thing by not saying something because you never know what kind of trouble it's going to start. I do wish we were back in the "old days" where kids were expected to listen to an adult, though, so something could have been said.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
7 Feb 08
agreed. If i would've backtalked an adult, i was guaranteed a slap from them, and a slap from my parents afterwards. lol. And, I would've deserved it.
@starangel (414)
• United States
7 Feb 08
well...that's a little extreme. I'd be ticked if someone did that to my car.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Probably, but I would not have and then I would have been angry just like you. How come there is never a policeman or a meter maid around when you need one?
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Thats makes me mad to! My dad is handicapped and sometimes cant get a spot because of some arogent jerk! I would have said something to them. My husband would tell me not to but I would have anyway. I would have asked if they understand the penalty for parking in a handicaped spot. You can get a big fine for that! Then I would have said something like move your car or Im calling the cops. I would have wrote down there licence as well, then they know im seriouse. I hate stupid people!!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Our Walmart is located in one of our 2 shopping malls - there are 30-40 stores including Pennys, Waldon Books and others (big companies). The mall has full-time security including a couple of jeeps that patrol the parking lot.
I would not have had to say anything because the security personel would have ticketed that car before they came out of the store - I've seen them do this and it is one of the things they watch for.
It really urks me when people do this and then you see elderly people walking a mile to get in the store with their canes and walkers...
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I wish we had security here! We have the Walmart and then 3 stores attached to it. There's a bank, a McDonald's and an auto parts store in front of it. That's it. And no security at all...
I've seen security sitting at larger Walmarts, but not ours... In fact, one time at a big Walmart, my husband pulled up to the curb as I was coming out with my groceries so he could help me load them and the cop came right up beside us and told us we could not load our groceries at the entrance! We had to move our car and I had to move the cart over to the car to unload it. We were not blocking traffic or anything, but it is clearly marked No Stopping... so we were in the wrong. No, we weren't happy about it, but we were wrong...
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 Feb 08
We are lucky to have the security - they also make themselves very visable so there is not trouble with people messing with cars and even at night I'm not afraid to walk in the parking lot.
I do think I would have said something to the greeter at Walmart in your case - those spaces are there for a reason and when non-handicapped people park in them then the handicapped are the ones who suffer.
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@dangaroo (234)
7 Feb 08
Handicapped parking is rarely seen where I live but you rarely see disabled people either. I've never thought to question why. However in England.. where there are more noticeable disabled people, there also seems to be a huge amount of disabled parking spots. It often looks as though there are a lot more spots than disabled shoppers and when all the other spots are full, there are still several available. Seems to encourage the above mentioned behaviour. What are the rules for shops, is it based on population or do they do it by survey?
I have an answer to stop your problem though Bev.. disabled shoppers take their cars and park right outside the shop and those who are able should walk! A single security guard would quite easily spot anyone faking!
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@ladyslew (91)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I know in Maryland it's some complex formula based on the total number of parking spaces in the lot. It's not just something easy like 1 handicapped for every 50 regular or whatever. It's something like if there are 50 or less parking spaces you have 1 handicapped for every so many spaces with a minimum of 2, and then if you have 100 to 200 spaces it's a different number of handicapped spaces for every so many regular, and so on.
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@david2005 (798)
• Canada
7 Feb 08
I think that it would have been better not to say anything about it cause it is not worth the argument that you probably would have ended up having with them.
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@Esplosivo (34)
• Hungary
7 Feb 08
Typical probem in every country I think. In our country many people have cards for handicap parking... The authorities said that the card cannot be copied, it has special identificational things... than how, I asked and I got the answer: it's easy to claim... I just didn't believe to my ears. So there will be always people who cannot walk a few meteres to teh shop. And with a valid card you simply cannot say anything to them. :(
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@ladyslew (91)
• United States
7 Feb 08
This reminds me... I broke my leg in three places a few years back. I was walking on crutches and had a huge boot type brace on. I got one of those temporary hang tags to use handicapped spots. I parked at a grocery store, in a handicapped spot closest to the door. I got out of the car, and was readhing into the backseat to get my crutches. There was a couple, probably in their late 50's or early 60's, parked a few spots down the row from me, and walking toward the store. When they got to the point where their view of me was no longer blocked by my car the woman says to her husband, in a shocked voice "Oh wow, she really is handicapped!" I turned towards her and said "Oh wow, you really are rude!" It never pays to say anything, and I should have just ignored her. She didn't appologize of course, and neither did I. But I should have.
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@ladyslew (91)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I wouldn't feel too bad about not saying anything. Those girls would have just spent the whole day at school talking about that rude old lady who just couldn't understand that they had to get to school on time and couldn't possibly walk 20 feet further because it would have made them late ya know, and their weren't any old cripples out there needing the spots anyway, so it wasn't a big deal, after all the spaces were just sitting there empty and they were only in the store a minute ya know, and this old b**** was just so awful.... you get the idea. The only way they are going to learn is to get a ticket and get in trouble with their parents over it. Of course, they probably won't learn then either. They'll just get on their cell phones and tell all their friends how terrible their parents are for taking away the car ya know. And then 50 years from now when they are using walkers to get around there will be some 16 year old who needs make up keeping them from getting a handicapped spot. What goes around comes around!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
31 Mar 08
oh i will be very very mad too if i see that... especially if i need the spot more than those 2 young girls... i will definitely say something, take down their licence plate and report it to the manager... buying make up??? OMG!!! especially if i meet them again at the check-outs... they are definitely going to hear something from me telling them how inconsiderate of them and karma will come to them... they park in the handicapped spot while they are not handicapped... then may be they will be made handicapped forever so that they really can park in that spot!!!
@recycledgoth (9894)
31 Mar 08
This is one of those subjects that really gets my back up, big time. My mother was a disabled driver for a number of years and would regularly find the disabled spaces taken up by perfectly capable people simply taking the spaces without any consideration whatsoever. I wouldn't dream of parking in a disabled space, even though there are some days when I find it hard to walk very far without using my stick. I don't have a disabled badge or entitlement so I won't use the space, it's not fair to those people who really need the spaces.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I know how you feel. I doubt it would have made any difference if you'd said something to them. They are young and thoughtless and don't really care about other people.
You might have taken the license number and reported it to the store or the police. Don't know if they would have done anything either, but it might make you feel better!
Even when I'm in someone else's car without my handicap placard we don't park in handicap spaces, in respect for the law.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
8 Feb 08
I rated your dicussion a + because I wish more people would see the effect this has on us handicapped folks. You called these girls lazy. I seriously disagree I call it ignorant. I am sorry but anyone who has two good legs is not showing respect, concern or any form of intelligence by parking in a handicapped parking spot. Now this is all just my opinion. Some say you should have confronted them but being that they are that ignorant they'd have likely told you to "You know what". You could have reported the matter to customer service but would they have done anything? Some say call the police, well I don't know about where you all live but I do know here in Canada where I'm from there is a fine that can be charged but I have NEVER heard of anyone getting it, although I have seen many oportunities. This is what I finally did. I was at the city 3/4 of an hour away which is where we do our banking and I can not begin to tell you how many times I have not been able to park out front the bank. I have almost always had to drive around the block many times before getting even close to the handicapped parking. One day a work truck was in the handicapped parking so I parked right behind him so he couldn't get out and I sat in my car till he came out. Where I was parked was illegial parking and I was hoping a policeman would come but No. So when this worker came out I flashed my parking sign at him and I asked, "Do you feel like a man buddy?" He swore at me then I backed up letting him out then I called his work place from my cell phone, how nice the work number was on the truck. I asked for the boss and I told him the whole thing. Well not even two weeks later again no way to park in the handicapped spot so this time I called city hall and I told them, "You guys give me a pain in the --- with your restricted parking spaces and all the bright ideas you have in making life eazier. There's a ton of money to be made at each and every one of these restricted parking spaces and this corner at this bank is a number one money maker. Believe it or not I have done my banking the last two times and I've been able to use the spot and the girls at the bank said they have seen people get ticketed. This is not only ridiculous but absolutely uncalled for. Thanks for listening.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Apr 08
that was so unfair of those two girls and guess what who knows they may be older one day and have handicaps too. then when they try to find a parking spot for handicapped some other young healthty woman has stolen it from them. these people should be penalized
@spawned213 (2)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I wouldn't have said anything, because I am shy. I don't even stick up for myself when people yell at me for parking in handicap spots legally. (I do have a placecard ). I would have been mad like you though, I think that police need to issue more tickets for not being in handicap spots if your not there legally. I have seen many parents near my childrens school parking in handicap spots just because they are open and thats a bad value to show your children IMO.