Most Unusual Names. How do You Name Your Children?

@gemini_rose (16264)
February 8, 2008 4:59am CST
My children have not really got unusual names, but we always put thought into the names we chose and tried not to pick names that were really well used where we live. My sister in law however not only likes to name her children different from everyone else she likes to have unusual names! She has four children now and they have some really great unusual names. She had 2 girls called Billie Rae & Liandda , then she had 2 boys and they are called Daynton and Lincoln and you just dont hear anyone else with the same names where I live. So what about you? how did you name your children? Did anything inspire you to name them? or did you want to name them differently from everyone else? And did you ever name your children only to find that other people then seemed to name theirs the same?
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18 responses
@bunmi2501 (465)
• Nigeria
8 Feb 08
For most of us where I come from, we have names for our child based on the circustances that surround the birth of that child, so in any case if a child is born in a specific situation, that will form the basis of naming them.
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@kareng (70903)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I chose names that both my husband and I liked. They were not that common at the time and not over used. My girls names are Christina, Ashley and Nicole. My best friend carried on a tradition her mother started. All of their names started with the letter J. The kids in the family were Jackie, Jeanie, Jeff and James (Jimbo)--even the nickname had a "j" name. Her kids are named Jeremy, Jared and Justin. It's too bad her husband's name does not start with a "J"!! I'm surprised she didn't make that a requirement for a have a name that started with a "J"" haha
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 08
Where I live Ashley and Nicole are very popular! But not christina. There is a family round here that have named all their children with names starting with the letter M, its quite comical when you hear her shouting them all, they are all girls too, think she has about 4 or 5!!
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@kareng (70903)
• United States
8 Feb 08
Yeah, sooner or later you will run out of names with the same letter. What I wonder is did they really like the names or just went with them because they continued the tradition?
• United States
8 Feb 08
yes i have an obsession with the letter "p" i my dog name is peppy and i have 2 boys their names are preston and peyton. so yeah its kinda like what ever name comes out of my mouth when im mad. but they know im talking to them cause im looking at them. lol.really there was no reason for it but my dog ive had for 12 yrs. started with a "p" and he's like my own child. so i carried on the tradition of the "p" in his name to my sons.
@m3mema5 (90)
• United States
9 Feb 08
My youngest daughter is named Saliea Dawn She was named after her Aunt Sally, Aunt Georgia Lee and her older sister Donna and her middle name is after her father Don. When she was born she was a suprise for the Doctors thought when we took the sona gram that it was a boy instead.Her little hand was positioned in the wrong spot LOL.So the whole time I was pregnant with her I was thought I was expecting a 8-10 lb baby boy.Because that is what the doctors said because of the size I was.I was hugh LOL .But when it came time to give birth she was a surprise to the doctor and myself.She weighed 5lbs and 15 oz.and was 18 ins long. instead of an 8-10 lbs baby boy.Which I was expecting I thought. I had a boys name all picked out and everything.So when she was born I didnt have a named picked out for her. So I deceide to name her after my 2 sisters and her older sister.So her name became SA after her Aunt Sally, LIE after her Aunt Georgia and A after her sister Donna (SALIEA). She was very special indeed for she was also born with a raised birth mark on the right side of her head just above her temple in the shape of an F and E combined. My mothers name was Eva she must of been watching over her when I was carring her.
• United States
9 Feb 08
I was surprised as I said because I was expecting an 8-10 lb little boy instead of a 5'15oz baby girl 18 in" long. I did have everything ready for a baby boy. Nothing ready for a little girl.So might as well say I had to start from scratch but I would not of passed it up for anything in the world. My son was just 2 1/2 yrs old when Saliea was born and when I came home from the hospital.He was sitting on the couch and when I walked in the door he had his hands out and the first thing he said was. My baby Mommy .Because the whole time I was pregant with Saliea I told Roy (my son)that I was bringing home his baby.So he would not feel left out because of a new baby in the house.from that day on he was like a little mom hisself .He got the diapers when it was time to change her and even tried to help feed her.But now my 2 youngest one fight like cat and dogs for they are both teenagers roy is 18 and saliea is almost 16. But when push comes to shove he is still very protected over her.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Feb 08
A lovely surprise for you all then! 2 of mine are 18months apart in age and they are just getting to the stage where they fight like cat and dog its really horrible.
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Feb 08
I think some of the way people name their children has been fantastic, and your story is no exception and I enjoyed reading it, how did you feel when you had a girl instead of a boy? had you bought all the things for a boy? But what a great name she ended up with and how strange about the birth mark, thank you for responding!
• United States
8 Feb 08
With my daughter I had been talking to someone on the computer the night before she was born. He was telling me the names of his kids and one stuck. When I was pregnant with my son I was working and would drive past this road everyday-Devonshire. And everytime I thought of names, Devin was always there. I think it's weird how names fit. It doesn't matter how odd the name, it still fits the person. I couldn't imagine any other name on my kids.
• United States
8 Feb 08
My daughter's middle name is Devin. She is named after my husband's best friend Devin (who is male). I call her Devonshire all the time!
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 08
It is weird how a name fits, when my sister in law told us she was calling her son Lincoln, I was really unsure, but as soon as i saw him the name was perfect! Devin is a lovely name and very unusual, I havent heard that much before.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
10 Feb 08
i too like to name my children with names that aren't too common but go with the flow here you could say. for my first child, his name was inspired through my dreams. almost all the boys that i knew in my dreams basically had the same name; chris or something around there. so i modified it. i'm expecting my second one now. i have no idea what to name her. but i basically like to go for names different from the siblings and not heard among the society here.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
10 Feb 08
exactly true gemini rose. i too can't be that bothered to think of new and unique names. hehe
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
8 Apr 08
well, i replied to your earlier post too hehe just wanted to thank you for the best response given. have a nice day.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Feb 08
I think a lot of people like to go for names that are not heard of much for the area where they lived, my middle boy is called Aaron and hardly anyone has that name where I live, I just never had the imagination to come up with anything out of the ordinary!
@mom4kids (657)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
With my oldest we really thought we were having a boy and didn't even discuss girl names. Well surprise, out comes a girl. I had always liked the name Kaitlin and we are christians so we wanted a biblical name or a name with a good meaning so we used Rachel for her middle name. Her name means Pure Lamb. Our second was a boy, we named him Joshua, after Joshua in the bible and Michael after his daddy. His name means Jehovah saves Who is like the Lord. Our third, a girl we named Aliyah Joy, which means Exalted Joy and she has always been so happy! Our last, another girl is Alexandra Hope, which means Defender of mankind and Hope. So for me, what was important was the meaning of the name. I didn't want some name that meant dark water or something like that!
@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Mar 08
Rachel is a good name, thats my name only my mum and dad spelt it rachael! Lovely names you have chosen for all your children.
• India
9 Feb 08
HI rose,i m an indian and in our country mostly names have meanings or it represents something,like my name is a name of a specie of a bird and my hubby's name's means air- pawan.coming out of an ancient script-devnagiri,they have meanings and are unusual who are ignorant to this script.
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Feb 08
Thats a wonderful way to get your names, I just bought a book to name my children, so there is not much meaning to them really.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Well, my mother definitely liked the idea of different names for us girls. My first name is Reina - which if I was of hispanic descent that would be ok, but I'm not. I'm about as white-bread American as you can get. I don't even use that name - except on legal documents - because no one can pronounce it correctly. My sister's given name is Anastasia - which we don't use, she's Stacy. And my other sister was born with Kennette - we call her Kennie. We feel those are pretty bizairre names. My brothers are Patrick and Chirstopher - pretty "normal" names. I was pretty particular when I named my kids. I didn't want anything "weird" and I even made sure their initial weren't something strange either.
@gemini_rose (16264)
11 Feb 08
Yes you do have to watch what the initials of a name are because they can turn out to be quite funny sometimes!
@tabyorky (281)
8 Feb 08
I have 2 children and we looked through a baby name book and wrote down all the names that we liked. Then put 2 names together with our last name and decided which we liked best. We chose names that are popular but not overly popular and names that people can say and spell too.
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 08
When I was having my girl, we used a baby book and do you know it had 3000 names in it and out of all of the girls names in it, I found just one name I liked for her!! So thats the name she got!!
@shrub62 (42)
10 Feb 08
My oldest child is named after my father who is the light of my life. I felt my father was a great man and I wanted to honor him by naming my first born after him. I was getting a divorce at the time so there was no question of naming him after his father. My second son whom I had with my new husband was named partly after my brother. I made his middle name my brothers first name. Other than that we looked in a baby name book to try and find the first name. I looked at the names and tried to figure out what a cruel child could make out of it and if he could be made fun of about his name. I eliminated many names that way. My husband wanted to name him Zebadiah but I thought it was too old of a name. We settled on Zachariah. I wish now I would have named him as my husband wanted becasue there are a lot of Zac's around.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Feb 08
When we named our 3rd boy Jack there seemed to be no other boys with that name, but when he started school it seemed like all the boys were named Jack! I think there is at least 3 in his class.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I used names that both my husband and I could agree on. I came up with the names for all of my children though. My husband did choose my youngest daughter's middle name. None of my children have family names. I have Chandler Colin, Griffen Walker, Justice Victoria and Millanah Devin. I wanted names that weren't unusual but not overly used either.
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 08
Those are fantastic names! I have hardly ever heard any of those names before. I chose the names I liked for ours and we made the final decision between us. None of ours have family names, although my husbands father tried on every occasion I was expecting to get us to give the child his name as a middle name, but somehow we didnt think that Douglas suited what we were looking for in a name! Especially as a girls middle name!
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
11 Feb 08
My children have unusual names, it is their name made just for them. I don't want them walking down the street only to meet 5 other people with the same name. I have an unusual name and I love it, I was nearly 30 before I met anyone with my name, and I wasn't happy about having to share it all of a sudden. So far I haven't met anyone with my children's name and I have still only met the one other with my name
@gemini_rose (16264)
11 Feb 08
I think its great when a name you choose isnt too popular and there are not many about, I didnt meet anyone with my name much when I was growing up but now its seems to be everywhere.
• United States
8 Feb 08
Well I have a very common name: David. My sister, however was named after an old family last name. Her name is Miley. That name was unusual until Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana) came out. Now I have heard of more and more babies being named Miley.
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 08
Yes it is getting more common again now, its funny how movies and things like that can influence people in the choices of names, see I have never wanted to name any of my children because of things in the celebrity world or programmes I have seen on tele etc, I always chose their names because I liked them!
• United States
8 Feb 08
We looked for our girls names anywhere we could and picked ones we liked. Our first girl has a unique middle name and our second one has a unique first name. Mackenzie Rayne and Justice. Justice also has personal meaning to my husband. He wanted it since he was in highschool.
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Feb 08
I am hearing such lovely names, it makes me wish I had heard most of the names people have said before my daughter was born! You have all picked such lovely names, the only name I could come up with for my daughter was Georgia we then picked the middle name May but decided to spell it Mae so her full given name is Georgia-Mae.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
10 Feb 08
i have four children and i think they have unusual names. their names are Justice, Jury, Judge and Judiciary.
• Portugal
9 Feb 08
Almost parents choose the childrenĀ“names without think on children who use them. It is a fashion to named movie stars or idols or personages they incarned. I think we are induced to name children that way. Before my children born I had not an idea to name them, I did not choose any name because I did not know the gender of baby and on deliveries the names happened on my mind. My children are named like the royal Sweden family, a pure coincidence which later I liked to know. Who inspire me to name them?
@justmay (67)
• China
8 Apr 08
I name my child in this way:my first name followed by my wife's first name.
@reene0225 (351)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I don't have any kids right now, but I have a name picked out for a girl if I have one. It's Brooklynne Ciara Michelle. I really like the name Brooklyn, but I wanted to include some family too. My sister's middle name is Lynne so that's where I got that. Then my grandma wanted to name me Ciara and my mom decided not to. Then Michelle is my other sister's middle name. I have no clue what I'd name a boy if I had one.