Do you believe the stories, about women not knowing they were pregnant ??

@kiran1978 (4134)
February 9, 2008 10:34pm CST
I recently read in That's Life magazine (Feb, 2008) that this women did not know she was pregnant, she thought she just had bad back ache the whole time. I cannot comprehend this as, during all my pregnancies I see my stomach moving from the baby kicking me all the time. Plus you can feel movement in there. Your periods stop, you put on weight, etc.I know there has been several cases where women say they did not know they were pregnant. I simply cannot understand this. What are your views on this topic? Do you know anyone who has been pregnant and did not know that they were.
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33 responses
• United States
10 Feb 08
I don't believe any woman who went through school in the US past the 8th grade if they make this claim. It is simply impossible. But I do believe that it could be possible if the woman never went to school, was locked in a closet until the very day she got out and got pregnant and didn't know a thing about the real world. Sorry didn't mean to be cynical in your discussion I just hate when people play stupid.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
That's ok about being cynical you are free to voice your opinion. I cannot understand it either, there is no possible way that you can't feel a baby inside you. Thanks for your response.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I understand your cynicism, but sometimes the body does not react as we expect it to. Especially if there are outside factors involved. I've had 2 pill babies and the last one, I did not know that I was pregnant until I went for gallbladder surgery. I had not missed a period, nor was there movement; no morning sickness like the other four kids I had had. Nothing in my last pregancy was normal or predictable. Yes, it's rare, but it does happen.
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• Canada
10 Feb 08
I have heard of this as well. The period thing is an easy one to discredit LOL not all women have regular periods like me when I got pregnant with my son I probably would not have know til he was kicking me if I hadn't decided to get checked. My periods were so outta whack I didn't really think about it until I realised it was going on 3 months without it LOL so I just asked the doc to check me for it when I went in for a visit because I was sick. LOL I have a lot of doubts about women that say they didn't know til they gave birth there's just no way in my opinion.
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• Canada
13 Feb 08
I totally agree with you Kiran. The main reason I didn't know was that i didn't get morning sickness with either of my kids. I have never really understood how women could not know.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I guess my question would be how long was the gestation period before the woman in the article gave birth. At 5 or 6 months it is fully probable to give birth to a healthy baby without ever feeling anything. At nine months, no. If that is the case, I would see a lot of denial going on.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
Hey StrawberryKisses thanks for your reply. I understand not all women have regular periods. Do not think it is unusual that you did not find out till you were three months pregnant. Like you just mainly find it hard to understand how some do not know untill they give birth.
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• United States
10 Feb 08
This has become somewhat of an interesting subject as I have had the opportunity to meet someone who said his wife had no idea that she was pregnant until the seventh month. This is incredible. Do you not think that if there were symptoms that she wold have gone to the doctor to see what was wrong? If she did not want to go to the doctor, then she could have gotten a home pregnancy test to find out if the symptoms that she was having were those of being pregnant or something else that was terribly wrong. I do know some women who claimed to never have any symptoms until she discovered, "Hey, wait a minute, I am putting on weight. Why? And what is that movement in my stomach region? Well, it couldn't be that food I had for dinner last night now, could it? It is definitely weird in my eyes when someone tells you that we had no idea she was pregnant until the baby actually arrived. Then again, we do hear of women who have babies and then abandon them in trash dumpsters or elsewhere. Do these women have any idea they are pregnant until the baby is actually delivered? Who knows. Yet, this is an interesting subject.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
Thanks for your comments, yes, I found it an interesting subject too and I have heard lots of fascinating stories about pregnancy now. It is especially hard to understand with the women who go full term and do not know up untill giving birth.
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• United States
10 Feb 08
thats a bunch of hog wash pregnancy has many symptoms and it is really hard for me to comprehend u dont know u are pregnant other than morning sickness there is the swelling of the belly and there comes a time when the baby moves around and u can see and feel it i dont buy the idea that they did not know they were pregnant i am unable to fathom any 1 with increasing symptoms would not seek medical help my god where are they brains
• Canada
11 Feb 08
Some people don't experience any of those symptoms though. You might have morning sickness or start looking pregnant - yes, this would tip you off. But some people still get their period throughout the pregnancy, don't have morning sickness, barely gain any weight, and don't really show that they're pregnant. Plus if you're using multiple forms of birth control you have no reason to suspect that you're pregnant. There was a girl at my work that was nine months pregnant, and she didn't even show it. Most co-workers didn't know she was pregnant until she had already left for maternity leave.
@vonn1378 (706)
• Philippines
10 Feb 08
Huh! I can't believe it. Getting pregnant is one thing that women will definitely know maybe in the first weeks yes its unnoticeable. But for the whole month of pregnancy that's crazy if you'll not know that your pregnant. The fact that our body shape change at the time of pregnancy and it will be dumb if you'll not know it...
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I agree with you. Some women must be really dumb if they dont no that they are pregnant.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Feb 08
Yes I do believe - I was one of these woman. Having been told it was unlikely I would be able to have children (I also didn't have periods to miss) my husband and I went to a specialist to discover I was in fact 3 and half months pregnant. Yippee, after this first child we tried for years for another one with no result. I was extremely thin at only 7 and half stone and got back from a trip abroad feeling yuk, went to the doctors complaining of severe tummy pain to be told I was heavily pregnant. Two weeks later I'm sure the neighbours thought I had stolen a baby. I had no physical signs of pregnancy at all. Since then I have been blessed with a third child 16 years later but on this occassion I did know early on. My sister in law was also taken to hospital for an operation for them to discover she was 5 and half months pregnant and she is a paramedic and only a week before she had taken a woman to hospital in labour who didn't knowshe was pregnant so she got really ribbed at work as she had asked the same question as you at the time. LOL Ellie
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
Thanks for your story. It would have been a nice surprise after being told that it was unlikely you would have children to find out you were pregnant, congratulations. Wow you are lucky you did not have all the signs of pregnancy such as morning sickness and putting on weight etc. I guess it is more common then I think women not know ing they are pregnant.
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• United States
11 Feb 08
I can understand it up to around 5, maybe 6 months. Especially if it is the first because the movements are hard to tell at first. But after that it is called denial. There is no way you can go 9 months and not know something was wrong with your body. I am very overweight and I could still feel the baby move with every pregnancy and you could see it move from the outside (which is like the freakiest thing ever, lol). If they truly have no clue then they are oblivious to life around them. Mostly I think it is denial. They don't want to believe they are pregnant so they keep telling themselves they aren't and believe it no matter how much they feel the baby move--they say it is something else to ease their own guilt or whatever.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I agree! And especially when you have already had a child or two. I don't get it either.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I do not understand how a women does not no when she is pregnant.I read and heard stories like this to.I had four kids and I always knew when I was pregnant. Some women must be really dumb.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I definitely believe that all women know when they are pregnant. Maybe not at first, but you have to know once your child starts moving around in you. I think that in cases where girls say they didn't know is one...their parents would kill them if they knew they were pregnant, or 2...that they just dont' want to face it that they are. I don't believe for one second that any woman wouldn't know that she was pregnant. I just assume, for what ever reason or circumstance, they try to hide it. thanks for sharing and God bless
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@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
10 Feb 08
I do believe. I have a friend who doesn't know that she is pregnant till she is about six month of pregnancy. The reason she did not know is because she still have her monthly XXXXX. Till about six months than she realise that her stomach is getting bigger and her back started to ache. She suspected that she is pregnant so she went for a check up and she is really pregnant for about six months.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
I can understand how your friend may have not thought she was pregnant especially since she still had her monthly periods. Also some women take a while to show in their pregnancy especially if it is their first baby. But I would be surprised if after 7/8 months of being pregnant some women still don't know as baby is really active by then inside you. Thanks for your story.
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@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
10 Feb 08
yeah i know someone who didn't know they were pregnant. i was. well i found the day before my 30th birthday. all the time i had ate something i shouldn't have. i was having stomach pains. the doctor told me i was pregnant. i came close to passing out in the floor. i do believe the stories. i feel that you don't know what to look for then you won't know. the symptoms are different for everybody.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
Hi Cocoa, how far pregnant were you when you found out? Thanks for your reply.
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• Canada
10 Feb 08
I'm not exactly sure how a woman would'nt know they are pregnant. I had a friend in highschool who claims she didnt know she was pregnant. She was a bigger girl and she didnt "look" pregnant. She just looks like she had put on a few pounds all around. She didnt have any morning sickness or anything like that either. She claims that when the baby moved she thought it was just gas and what not. Being 34 pregnant and a big girl myself I'm not sure how she still couldn't know. The baby moves around and I can watch it, so I know its not gas. I think people just dont want to admit to themselves they are pregnant
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
Gas feels nothing like a baby moving. I agree with you I think some women just don't want to admit they are pregnant. Thanks for your comments.
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• Philippines
10 Feb 08
yup.. our clinical instructors tell us stories how some of their patients were unaware that they were already pregnant.. one of them didnt know that she's already seven months pregnant.. she felt that there was something moving in her tummy, only two find out she got two months only before she'll deliver the baby.. hehe..
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
14 Feb 08
i think it is not at all acceptable. how can this be possible? for be initially for few weeks its not possible to guess. but for some synptoms if someone dgoes to doctor, it can be predicted i mean.
@cydzzj (354)
• Australia
14 Feb 08
But when I was pregnant, I haven't any symptoms except getting fat. So I did not know I was pregnant that time.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Feb 08
I can believe it up to the fifth month when the baby starts kicking. And in some girls, they still have their periods or their absence of periods is because they were too thin. However once you reach the fifth month, and the baby kicks, then you will know, but a lot of the time before that they think the movement inside is just hunger. I did not know until I was in my fifth month, because I was very underweight and then the baby started to move.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
11 Feb 08
Hi Suspenseful thanks for your story. I know it would be quite hard not to feel the baby kick after 5 months. But it appears a few people in this discussion have had it happen to them, not knowing they were pregnant after 5 months. My baby at the moment keeps poking her feet out all the time, she like kicking me.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I think there are more people that don't realize they are pregnant than we could imagine. Sometimes, I think it's denial, because they don't know who the father is, he's abusive, or a whole other set of reasons. Other times, I think it's just because people are so busy that they really don't notice the changes. One of my friends had her monthly all the way through the pregnancy. She knew she was pregnant, though, because of the morning sickness. But if it was someone who didn't have morning sickness, and they were already overweight, they might not notice the changes as much. I didn't start showing until Christmas when I was pregnant with my son, and he was born February 1st! I knew right away I was pregnant, though, even though no one else could tell.
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@supeemom (121)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Everyone's body is different and every pregnancy is different. I do believe to a certain extent that you can be pregnant for a time and not know it. My very close friend did not know she was pregnant until she was nearly 6 months along. She did not have any of the normal symptoms of pregnancy. She continued to have her period for a few months and then when she didn't it wasn't much of a red flag because she has never had a regular cycle. She did not begin gaining weight until she was nearly 5 months along. This was her first clue however. She couldn't figure out why she was gainig weight and couldn't loose it. Now, the women who claim they didn't know they were pregnant until they went into labor --- that is unbelievable.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
18 Feb 08
Hi supeemom, yes I agree with you, I can understand how some women may not know they are pregnant in the first trimester and maybe second as they do not have signs of pregnancy. But like you said it is hard to imagine how they could not know right up till labour. Thanks for your response.
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
i have a friend who is irregular and got her period only about 3 or 4 times a year. she was not that thin but also not fat so you won't suspect pregnancy even if she looks like she's putting on a few pounds. then, one day, she had a really heavy flow and ignored it the first few hours. but when the stomach pain grew wilder, she decided to have it checked for any complications only to find out that she lost a four month old baby..
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
12 Feb 08
Sorry to hear about your friends baby that would have been awful news.
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
yeah.. she's still in maternity leave.. i haven't seen her..
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I have heard about this! I've read about women who go to the ER with severe stomach pain only to find out that they're in labor, and they had no idea that they were even pregnant. I've personally never known anyone who has that experience. I have however known a handful of women who miss a period, take a pregnancy with a positive result, and go to the doctor assuming that they're only 1 or 2 months along to find out that they're in their second or third trimester! Your body changes so much when you're pregnant, so it's hard to imagine how you possibly couldn't know that you're pregnant. But every pregnancy is different for every woman, and I guess some women's bodies just don't react the same as others.
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