when was te last time a stranger was nice to you
@easymoney75503 (1702)
United States
February 10, 2008 8:15am CST
when was the last time that you remember a stranger being nice. it could of been holding the door for you. telling you to go infront of them since they had alot of items and you had 1 in the line. just anything. please dont count online stuff. i do things like that all the time. but yesterday a guy did it for me in walmart and i thought to myself how sweet. people just dont do that anymore that often. its seems people are in a hurry to get no where and over look the fact that others are around.if i am having a bad day like yesterday and someone does that it affects me even more cause it makes me stop and think and smile and say thank you. that little jester really does improve someones day.
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29 responses
@adnanezzi (243)
• India
10 Feb 08
hi there
life today is so fast that nobody has time for anyone else.
but the place where i live and the culture of this land is such that i dont remember anyone being rude to me here.always remember u get what u give
be nice to the world and the world would be nice to u
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Yesterday was the last time. I was at the store with my son, who is in a wheelchair. It started pouring outside and as we were leaving, a stranger, offered to stand inside the door with him, while I went and got the van, or if I would trust him, he would go get it for us. I did let him stay with him, as it was starting to storm and he was in the power chair. When I pulled the van up, the guy ran out, helped with the lift and helped get my son in the van, and loaded my groceries. I offered to pay him for his help, as I really appreciated it. My son would have been soaked and we had to go at the time because he had a dr. appt. next, and we all know how they like you to be late. There are nice people out there, and my angel was yesterday.
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@sneezeklenex (344)
• United States
11 Feb 08
That is absolutly wonderful! I'm so happy for you and your son that man was there to help you guys out. God bless you and that man that helped you. There aren't too many people like him in this world.
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@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
11 Feb 08
It happened just last Saturday. I was working then, am a photographer and was taking photos of an event. Then there was this group of friends that asked me if I could take their photo, and of course I gladly did three times, and there was this guy, well he's gay he came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said thank you.
It was a very random act of kindness that I really appreciated.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Recently I was caring for my dying mom and was quite stressed as the time had come when I knew that it was only a matter of time. I was at work one nite and the store was very slow. It was near closing and this woman came in and we struck up a conversation and for some reason I did tell her about my mom. I am normally very private. The next day when I came into work, she brought me an envolope and just dropped it off and left. It was some beautiful words of encouragement that she downloaded off of the internet. Days later, mom passed, and this lady knew somehow either through the paper or more than likely my coworkers but when I came back to work there was a beautiful card from her. It was just nice to know that someone who barely knows you cares that much.
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@blogger_29 (99)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
My friend and I was looking for a friend's house and we were like lost souls in the street when this ordinary man in street clothes approached us and asked us where we're heading at. Fortunately, he knew what we're looking for. In an instant, he delivered us right to our friend's doorstep. We finally thanked him for that favor he made to us.
please visit: http://vmarie00.blogspot.com
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@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
11 Feb 08
When our car's brakes failed in London last year, we stopped outside a house in an ordinary suburb. We were forced to ask for help in the end, as I was desperate to go to the loo (!), and we couldn't get the AA to come and help us. The people took us in, gave us cups of tea, rang their own motor service, and got them to come out for free!
@myworkid1987 (755)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Hmm...Im not sure on this one but I would prolly have to say holding the door for me while going into a store. That is the most common thing a stranger does that I see. I dont get to many people that let me but in front of them at the store cuz I only have one item. Although it has happened before not to much though.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Feb 08
Just as I do not try to remember when I was nice to someone, so I do not remember when a particular someone was nice to me. I can just generalize and do not make notes nor have a camera on me to record these wonderful good deeds. You see, I am not the person who is grateful when someone gives me a penny, or just smiles at me as if I do not deserve all this approbation. It has to be something spectacular. For instance there have been times when we were in a hurry and a lady or gentleman who only had a few items let us go ahead of them at the checkout counter, or someone holds the door open when we are going into the Mall, but we also do the same thing and I am sure that none of us keep records of our good deeds.
We are all just being polite.
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@jhovzky (39)
• Philippines
17 Feb 08
I think it was when i still applying for a job. Actually, i forgot her name already, i met her in one of my interview where she was also there in the building for interview. We don't both qualified in that job, so i need to look for other, she gave me an address where i can apply. I think that was the last time.
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@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
10 Feb 08
As far as I can remember.. uhmmm.. Last Year! So it's been a very long time since I can really say that a stranger was nice to me, so nice. It was a rainy afternoon after class and I didn't brought any umbrella with me. I was waiting for a cab but always end up waiting for another cab because some other stranger got to the taxi cab faster than I did. It was raining hard and I had nothing to cover myself. I was getting wet but then suddenly a stranger, a schoolmate who was waiting for her ride invited me to join her in her umbrella. That girl made me so happy even though we don't know each other. She waited until I already have a taxi cab to ride in which was so nice of her to do. I thanked her, gave her a smile, I ride inside the cab and then we move on to our lives. I haven't seen her ever since nor even remember what she looks like. But I won't ever forget that day that a stranger offered me an umbrella on a very rainy day. :) That little gesture that that stranger showed has changed me in ways like I should be doing the same thing to others if I had the chance.
-take care-
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Feb 08
Hi easymoney, I find this happening fairly often, I like to do it myself as well. I believe the last time was about two weeks ago, because I've been confined to the house with a cold for more then a week. Someone held the door at the supermarket when I was leaving. I smiled and said thank you, and was rewarded with a beautiful smile in return. Blessings.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I have people open doors for me all the time, I return the favor for others. One thing that sticks out in my mind when I think of the kindness of strangers is travel. I travel a lot. I am frequently in airports with my baby daughter. When I leave it is typically for a couple of months at a time so I am usually packing as much as I can in my suitcase, leaving me to try and fit everything else in a carr-ons. I have my camera bag, my laptop and my daughter's bag (which I shove my purse in). So, I have to carry her and all of this stuff around airports on my own.
There have been quite a few times that other travelers have spoken up on my behalf, so I can move ahead in the security lines. I stand quietly with the rest of the people in line and though I struggle with the weight of it all, I do fine. I let them know that it is not necessary but I do appreciate it. Most of the time when this happens they have gotten the agents and I am walked through to the front.
People always want to help me get my bags from baggage claim. I can do it just fine myself, I have been doing it for a long time. But, I always appreciate their kindness.
One time I was in Houston and had a layover, well a bunch of flights were cancelled. Everyone kept getting pushed to stand-by flight after flight. After the second time of having to wait to get yet another flight, the lady who was at the top of the stand by list wanted to give me her seat. The agent wouldn't let her though because there were other's ahead of me on the list. I was fine with it. It was really nice that she was willing to be pushed back to a different flight again for me and my daughter. Thankfully I did get on the next flight...it was a LONG day!
There are some really nice people in the world. We usually just hear about the mean or rude ones though.
@mathid (17)
11 Feb 08
once somebody has robbed my purse at that time a stranger came and helped me .He gave me alift on his bike and helped to chase thief and atlast we got my purse back. i thanked him a lot for his help. i didnt even know who his he but he has helped mea lot at that time.i remember him even now if i go out somewhere for any purchase
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
11 Feb 08
Well whenever i am by myself with my daughter in her stroller if i am trying to get into a store that doens' thave automatic doors, there is almost always someone there holding the door for me. And i do the same for other people when they need help. I dunno if its karma, or the fact that i live in cananda where people seem to be nicer to eachtoehr by the sounds of it!! lol. But i come across nice people all the time. I do come across rude people as well all the time!! but there are still lots of nice people around. Maybe also because i live in a smaller town there are more nice people here. raised up properly and such!
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@sneezeklenex (344)
• United States
11 Feb 08
It seems like for me, people are usually nice to me whenever I go out. You see, I'm paralized in the right side so I have to use a cane and it is hard for me to do "normal" things, like open a swinging door. Most people help me in this aspect, and I take that to heart and say, "Thank you!" It really shows me how thoughtful that certain person is. I think this world is getting too selfish and greedy. It's like most people are out for themseves and aren't considerate of others, so when I meet someone that doesn't fall into that category, I thank God for putting that one person here on earth. :)
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
In 2004 I was in St. Augustine, Florida, buying a glucose meter for my sister-in-law. The clerk was processing the purchase when the lady next to me informed me that in the box there is a discount coupon. I informed the cashier about it and true enough, I saved 2 to 3 dollars thanks to that nice lady. I hope there will be more people like that.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Feb 08
It would have been the other day when I was at Walmart's. I was waiting for my Mom to finish checking out and one of the workers started talking to me and we had a very nice conversation which took my mind off the long wait.
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
11 Feb 08
when the bum got out of my way ..he wanted to use my basement for an apartment..lol
he got kicked out of his own home by his wife for now following the rules of conduct..he did not work..he mooched off her and then was surprised he was kicked out of his free home by his working wife sho got tired of his freeloading attitude..he sure was a lazy bum..he made her pay for all his bills and expenses..
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@MyNameIsGabriel (34)
• Israel
11 Feb 08
I dunno, it might be just me, but it dosen't seem so rare to me.
What's the problem to hold the door for someone? it only takes about 10 seconds.
Or just saying thank you, or help someone that dropped something?
Maybe it's the way I was raised, but to me - these things are nothing special -
More than that, I EXPECT people to thank me if i deserve it, and I EXPECT people to apologize if they did something wrong - not because my ego enjoys hearing people thanking be, but because i know that if someone will help me, I WILL thank him.
Basic manners.
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