Letting your right hand not know what your left hand doeth
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
February 11, 2008 3:22pm CST
As a Christian, I am not able to remember all the good deeds I do, nor do I keep track of those others do for me, and yet I find that many myLotters want to know what kind deeds I have done for someone as if it is determine that I am a nice person and worthy of being on their friend's list. Now since I am not allowed to let my rignt hand know what my left hand does, how do I respond to these people and why is it necesssary to give myself another pat on my back since I am fighting with conceit and pride anyway?
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22 responses
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I've always liked the adage give without remembering, receive without forgetting.
there is nothing wrong with saying thank you and you are welcome or it was my pleasure
in your mind think "I hope to someday live up to their good impression of me, Lord to do it make me able" that will help ward off any inclinations to self pride - another little ejaculatory prayer that may be helpful when you find yourself being tempted to feelings of self worth is : "Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine"
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
I do not like boasting in anybody and I get that idea from some who write here, that they are using the computer with one hand and patting themselves on the back. It is not their good impression of me that I am concern about it is their good impression of themselves that might make people who do not go to visit people in hospitals or do not go on marches to save women from cancer or men from heart attacks or foster special needs, feel guilty. I mean we all do what we can, and some in small ways, and we should not feel guilty if what we do is not as grandiose as the other person.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Feb 08
I did a lot of bad things myself, and the only time I am interested is hearing from someone how they reformed, not that they are proud about that. Hearing how some have made their lives better makes me ashamed of myself and my lack of progress.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I understand, now.
I also do not like all the braggarty that occurs online, especially on forums - I did this and that, hrmpf, what did you do...?
by the same token, however, i also dislike the curiosity towards another's sins...
how bad are you?, have you ever....?
for as much I hear against the having of confessors - it seems many wish themselves to be confessors.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I find it strange that people have actually asked you what you do that makes you "good"! Good grief. You don't have to explain yourself, or your struggles with humility and obedience...those of us who are Christians will totally understand. Just seek out those who are like-minded, here. There are some. And stand your ground.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
Thank you. I like giving all glory to God.
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@sunshinedap (615)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Absolutely. You have the humility to ask for forgiveness. Ask it not here, but of God, and that's the end of it. We do not have the right to judge. Only God, and no one can tell what your heart says. The world may not forgive you, but if you have God in your heart, he knows. Forgive yourself. The world will persecute Christians as is predicted. You will even find this in some churches where haughtiness prevails. It's still ok, cause God knows all. I worry about all this new age stuff trying to tell us we are all Gods and have been upset by it. But I heard in a sermon recently, "Read Revelation, You don't have to be a scholar, just a Christian, to understand what it means. We win."
God Bless.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
We are not supposed to count our good deeds anyway. We would wind up extremely conceited if we did and not only that, it would drive us crazy wondering what good deed done by someone else canceled out the good deeds we did ourselves. So I just should not be that concerned.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
12 Feb 08
WELL if i have to start reporting all my good and bad deeds to be someones friend i don't need their friendship..That is the sillest thing i have ever heard of...I won't even ask who this was but if i were you i would just tell them never mind ,i already had enough friends...No one has ever ask me this question and i hope they never do....
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
I was thinking of saying something fastidious such as "I have not killed anyone yet," so I decided not to. Any how I cannot just go on with the usual
"held the door open for this lady and her toddler," because at the same time, this man about my same age held the door open for me and for the lady and her toddler. So in essence does one good deed done by another cancel out the good deed or are good deeds only ones do like helping old ladies in walkers across the street or letting someone who is in a rush with a lot of groceries get ahead of you?
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
12 Feb 08
If you do not feel comfortable answering it, then don't. You also know, as a Christian, that your deeds don't even count in God's eyes unless you are born again. The word of God says, "For by grace are you saved, through faith. It is a gift of God, NOT Of WORKS, lest any man should boast.
When ever we do anything good, whether we are saved or not, it is God working through us. So God is the only one who should get the glory anyway. Paul said that there was no good in him. He said that with he wanted to do, he did not do. And what he did not want to do, that he practiced.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
I cannot feel right about boasting about what good deeds I did. I know that it is not in my nature to be nice. If you really knew me, you would not even like me or even hate me. I am a very vindictive person who would wish a lightening bolt fell on some people. So I think what I can do are gifts from God. For instance, HE was the one who arrange the War so my father boarded in my maternal grandmother's place and met my mother. HE was the one who arranged me being born, and with the right amount of genes from both so I can now write and I can sing praise to HIS NAME.
HE is the one who made sure my husband was transferred here so at last I could become a child of HIS.
Yet I refuse to just sit on my laurels, I will improve on my talents because if I did not do so, I would be insulting God.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
11 Feb 08
You know, it's not about how many people you help or what anyone does for you. If you are living for Christ then it shouldn't matter to anyone else. As long as you are doing what your supposed to be doing in the eyes of the Lord, then who is anyone to judge you or question you on what you've done. I get the same thing and sometimes it aggravates me and other times, i just feel like i need to end it with i'll be praying for you and leave it alone. thanks and God bless.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
I do like trying to remember whether I did this good deed or not. God knows what I did and HE is the one who judges me, not some other person who wants to know whether I live up to their standards. I mean do they have a set of rules saying that you have to donate so much to the poor and do so much enviromentally friendly stuff, and help so many ladies across the street to be what they consider a nice person? It really frustrates me sometime.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
i am a good person I do good things for people and they do good things for me, I praise them when they do good things for me and I do not see it as conceit and pride at all. I am an ordinary person and I am also a christian.
myloters don't see you in real life, they only way they get to know you is by what you tell them,
it doesn't not mean you feel you are better than anybody else because you answer their questions.
if a myloter asked me if I donate to charity I have no problem answering that question, but by the same token I do not bring up in every conversation on my lot or with my personal friends at home that I donate to charity, that is when the boastfulness comes in.
There is a big difference between answering a question asked by someone else and volunteering information to people who are no doubt tired of hearing it (at home)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
I do not like to tell people what I do unless they are asking what charity I donate to. I know what it is about bragging name droppers. I have a cousin who writes of all the good things he has done every Christmas and my father used to boast about the famous people he knew that I used to think, 'He's talking about Jim Patterson again?"
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
12 Feb 08
I don't think it's any business of other myLotters to make a judgement on your character. You know you are are good person and christian, which means God knows too, and that is all that really matters.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
If you were keeping track of all good deeds, then the answer would be zero, because if you do something for some one so that you feel good then it is not a good deed. I have had people come up and try to help me when I didn't need it, I was not in distress nor confused so I asked them why they thought I needed help. Oh they say, I am only trying to do a good deed,I always feel better if I do a good deed. So I tell them they will have to find some one else to help. To me a good deed is done when some one goes out of their way to do a service I may not be aware I need, for instance if I walked away and left my purse on the counter , the person who returned it has in my book done a good deed.because they saved me a great deal for trouble and grief. and it was done with no thought of how it would make them feel. I will always ask a person if they need assistance before I try to help them, other wise it makes them feel less than capable Good discussion
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I do not like thinking of doing good deeds for rewards or even showing someone kindness and certainly I would not help someone just so God can look down from Heaven and say, "A- has done a good deed, she let that old lady who has to take her medicine ahead of her!" or anyone looking on say, "Is not that nice lady wonderful. She let that old lady get ahead of her!" I mean why keep score?
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
no it's not necessary at all, suspenseful.
I never ask my friend whether they are kind and trustworthy people or not, as long as they are kind and trustworthy to me I will do the same for them. What they do to other people is their own doing, nothing to do with me, unless these other people are related to me.
Those who asked you this, are they your friends already? or are you inviting them to be friends?
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
Some of them are my friends and others are not, but it gets annoying when someone talks about doing some charitable thing like visitng someone in the hospital, etc. and about helping their relatives, or whateve3r good deed they are doing, and then you reach the end of the discussion, the question is not about the sick relative or the person in the hospital, but something entirely different. It is if I started to talk about my brother having Hodkins disease and we seeing in the hospital years ago, sacrificing, taking time off work, et ceter et cetera and the real question is more recent as how to get him to go out more instead of being glued to the Tv set.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
I don't think there is anything wrong in being ask of the good deeds that you have ever done and telling them outrightly to those who were asking. I remember the saying that says 'false modesty is pride'. When people ask me about something, i just answer honestly and frankly. Pride and boasting doesn't even come into it. It's just the simple truth from my point of view. It's also like being told that one is beautiful and instead of downplaying the compliment, one would just accept it at face value and respond graciously with a 'thank you'.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
I do think you are wrong. It is not false modesty for me not to reveal my good deeds because revealing them to you is showing you that I want you to think well of me. I would also question your motives in asking me. Do you have a standard that if someone does a good deed, that is a good person? And it is not the same as one asking how attractive I am or whether I can wear clothes well. That is my physical appearance and I can just say thank you, but when you want to know what good deeds I have done, did I do it to help someone or did I do it so people thought well of me.
And I would feel obligated that I had better perform a good deed because that is what cdparazo expects of me.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
17 Jun 08
If you noticed in my response, I said pride and boasting doesn't even come into it. It's just a situation wherein a person asked about it and I answered. As simple as that. Whatever the motive of that person, I just answer with the truth. I don't speculate whether that person would like me or not because I find it stressful to think that way. Much more stressful is to take it further and think that a person would like me if I did those things. Ewww... My point is he/she asked, and I answered with truth. No cover-up, no hidden motives, no speculation. What you see is what you get.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
17 Jun 08
It is none of their business what your good deeds are. I would forget them.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I never keep track. I am not that good nor generous. I think of good deeds as giving someone loads of money or doing something that requires a lot of sacrifice, and I do not do that. So since I do not do those things, I wonder if perhaps they want me to give someone a lot of money to a cause or do something that requires me to go without something that I need.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
It is my principle in life that when doing good, I just don't broadcast it. I rather let my God see it and reward me. In fact, I am doing good not for my own satisfaction but for God's.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
You are so right, it is God that we should give the glory not for ourselves.
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
11 Feb 08
A true good deed is one done anonymously and one that gives credit to God.
anyone asking for more specifics should be ignored or shown the higher path.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
I do not like boasting and when someone mentions about visiting their sick grandmother or volunteering at the hospital for sick children, I wonder if they are doing that to make their posts more sympathetic especially when the question has nothing to do with that.
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
I wouldnn`t even answer that kind of question , if they want you as a friend then they will ask first and then they can decide , its none of their BEEZWAX what you do or have done , unless you want to share , or thats my opinion ...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
She was asking everyone and I do not know if she was already on my friend's list, but after she asked, I thought what if I had not done a good deed and I was on her list. Would she cancel me and is there others here who use that as a criteria as to who should be on their list. What if it was people who love cats, people who are against capital punishment, people who believe all roads lead to heaven, etc. rather than people whose interests including singing, travel, etc.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
As a Christian, we are not supposed to boast of our great deeds or even mention them, because it is God that grants us the ability to perform them. Normally I would not donate money to a cause or help someone. It is Christ who gives me this ability, and I should give glory to HIM.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I don't think it's one bit necessary to give yourself a pat on the back, Suspenseful! There's no need to "keep score" on your good deeds, either those done or received. You know you're a good person and those you have done good deeds for know it so what else matters? for what it's worth, Hon, we may disagree on some issues but I can see quite clearly that you are a good person without you "boasting" about what you've done for others. If anyone on myLot or elsewhere in life wants you to prove your "worthiness" of their friendship I wouldn't worry about having them as friends.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
I could not keep score of my good deeds, even if I try. For one thing, I am not sure whether I would consider these my good deeds. Certainly I do not think it is a good deed to hold the door open or to let someone ahead of me at the checkout counter. It is something that anyone in the situation would do.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I do not like telling what I do in public. If I open the door for someone, it is no big deal, and if I give money to a cause, I also assume that everyone else is doing it, so it really is no big deal. And when someone asks me, I wonder why they are doing so? I mean is there a judge good deal system, what good deeds are considered important enough?
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
I don't think it is so much that members here want to know about each specific deed you have done. It is just a form of politeness that people ask. At least that is the way it is with me. I just like to hear about nice things and if it happens to be you that are doing these nice things for others than that's just a coinidence, in my opinion. There is enough bad stuff happening in our world and all you hear on the news and such is the bad. So it is nice to hear there are still some good people in this world and if it makes someone else feel good why not share. I don't think this would have anything to do with conceit or pride, just a good heart on your side that you would want to share some good news with others.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
I don't like people asking me if I did something nice or whether I held the door open for an old lady. I would wonder why they asked. Even though I do good deeds, I want my reward to be in heaven not on Earth. It reminds me of a story I heard about this Pharisee who wanted everyone to see his good deeds so he had a horn blown when he went to do alms and someone to announce "Eli is going into the widows house!" (horn blow) "Eli has given the widow a jar of olive oil!" (another horn blow) "Eli is coming out of the widows house!"
I do not usually remember what I did for someone else, so it is rather embarrassing. And I wonder are they keeping score.
@Artfulladyfaye2 (5)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I agree with you on not letting your right hand Know what the left is doing. I try to do good deeds every day of my life according to the words of God.
The bible instruct us on doing good deeds in our life but it also tell us not to tell of the good
deeds that we do for others. The bible says to do
things in secret, so God can reward you openly. so
If the bible tell you to do things in secret that's the way it should be. If I had to tell of my good deeds in order to get someone's exceptance then they are not worthy to have me on their list. I will only do what God requires of me and not what so call friends expect of me.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
That is a good idea. I do not tell of my good deeds, and I sort of forget I did any so when someone asks what good thing did you do, I find it hard to answer them.