It's easier to die than to live

@SViswan (12051)
February 13, 2008 1:39am CST
I didn't understand this at first when I heard it. But then I thought about it and kind of understood a bit. I think what they meant is that once you are dead, you have nothing to worry about...but living is hard work. With all the ups and downs and obstacles that come your way. Even enjoying the little things can be strenuous when you are stressed at work. Ok, I'm not going to contemplate suicide (if anyone is wondering). I love my life and enjoy my kids too much to do that. But I was just wondering when I heard that...what it really meant? Any inputs anyone?
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29 responses
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
13 Feb 08
Hi SV after funny post its serious post what a contrast i was just repying ur response to my post and by chance i wrote similar thing which i am going to write now Its never easier to die my dear. if that would be case then all patients who are lying on bed since many year wanted to die but no despite of all pains/;problem they want To Live, as Allah made life such a beautiful things and tied u with so much threads like ur self, ur parents, ur kids, ur ambition, glitering life that u want to stay. its spicy, so intresting that u dont want to die and always looking for AAB E Hayat (myth which keep u alive) So i think to die is not easy its only social poit of veiw if we talk relegious point of veiw it will second it. Take care
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Feb 08
I heard someone say this on television and it got me wondering. I've never thought of ending my life (even when I think things aren't going right) but somehow I could get a little meaning into that sentence.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
13 Feb 08
Hi SV well i share my comments and sure life is beautiful despite of its ugliness take care
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
10 Mar 08
Hi indium thaks for ur reply thats positive sign that u never think of ending life its the way it should be sure every body is mortal and have to die so why worry about it let nature do it what u think Take care
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Feb 08
This is a great question. The actual dying process happens in an instant..Poof and your gone and your soul is off to wherever you believe it will go. Living takes time, all of your time. It also takes energy and if you can't keep the positive energy going, you may find that stress levels will come down and the little things begin to gather more importance and suddenly your outlook is much brighter.
@balasri (26537)
• India
13 Feb 08
For a person who loves his life himself and his family it is not easier to die.It is other wise for the person who doesn't love anything.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
15 Feb 08
Absolutely.The easiest ways are not always the happiest ways. Overcoming the obstacles an living on is the real happiness.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
13 Feb 08
Yes you are completely correct when I was a kid means at the age of 13-14 I thought that dieing for someone you love is such a hard sacrifice one can ever give. But when I grew older I came to know what life actually is!!! Living IS actually harder than dieing ..!! YOu know if you really want to give someone something then live for him\her give your life for him\her by "Living" it not by sacrificing it. Dieing is actually the easy way out.. its a God's gift and I would never like to throw a "gift" away!! Like living your life in someones rememberence ..!! I have even seen in movies.. take an example of Titanic it made me cry so much that I thought the girl should drown her self too with her boyfriend but as life without him could be so much painful he wanted her to live thats why she saved her and she LIVED for HIM..!!! This is called love. And not only in movies I have seen it in real too..!! Its a lot more thing. You should sacrifice your life for him\her but when needed not just because you don't want to live anymore and sacrifice it.. Live free die hard..!! :)
@SViswan (12051)
• India
15 Feb 08
Wow! I liked that too. Living for someone/something is harder than dying for them/it.
• India
15 Feb 08
hahah .. c'mon that was in childhood.. I was a kid!!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
15 Feb 08
Hi Stella nice response living for others is really hard but best thing but i was not aware that u had such dangerous thoughts since childhood( wink) but i am sure u are mature enough to decide clearly Take care
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• United States
13 Feb 08
That is what I always thought when I heard that phrase. It really is true. If you just sit down and think about some of the trials and tribulations you have come through, say in just the past 10 years you may find yourself sitting there shaking your head and wondering "How did I ever live through that"? Ok, so maybe that is just me.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
15 Feb 08
It's the only thing that came to mind when I heard that phrase. But I've got some interesting responses. I've often thought about all that I've come through and it gets me wondering how I lived through that. But it's showed me that I am stronger than I thought I And it helps me be stronger for the other things that are going to come my way in future. If I can overcome all those things in my past, I can overcome anything. I sometimes pity the people who've had a protected life...because they've never experienced which will bring out their inner strength. You are a survivor too (going by your discussions) and that's made you who you are today.
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I think it is absolutely difficult to live sometimes. Things can get very stressful. I believe though that it is worth the hard work and stress. I think you hit the nail on the head with the meaning of that sentence.
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@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
16 Mar 08
Well it depends. If I am 80 years old and can't get off the bed, can't even recall the name of my kids, loosing memories of my life and the life of the people who is important to me ... IT IS EASIER TO DIE THAN TO LIVE. But if I'm strong, healthy, got kids and family taht I love. I have work to pursue and dreams to achieve... well I think TO DIE IS HARDER THAN TO LIVE. So, it means that it is not applicable to all.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
23 Mar 08
I think I can understand that perspective.
@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Feb 08
I think so. When you are alive, there are many things there for you to finish. You have to be responsible. Sometimes your living isn't for yourself only, but also for the people who you love. The work is endless. When you die, then everything doesn't matter to you any more.
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@utuluk07 (47)
• Nigeria
14 Feb 08
Hello Sv, well the meaning you gave is right, even in the Bible, you will see a passage when they said blessed the day you die and cuse the day you were born. As long as we live, life has it trials to bring, we must face, even though we have all the money we got, sometimes we lack happiness, good health, we can never have everything. So for me, I live my life everyday like the last day.
@candytang (341)
• China
15 Feb 08
I think to die is not a easy thing for everyone to do .For you know there are so many elder people or patients didn't want to die ,they all want to live long and healthy.Maybe when somebody feel depression or suffering ,he would take the mind to die is easier than to live . I think I have the same idea sometimes and I said to myself why not I go die ?Is it no use or no good to live?But at last ,I still think that live is better than die,you know that live has chances and can do everything ,but if you die everything is become impossible. Yeah,live is really a hard thing that everyday we should face different things ,some are good for us ,but some aren't .I agree with the sentence that "To live is to face difficult!" To have a good life and enjoy your life !
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@posham (1236)
• Philippines
14 Feb 08
yeah.. it's easier to die than struggling to live. but our basic instinct is to fight for ourlives. just like in a game, it's easier to give up nd lose rather than defending your title. but which is more rewarding? i'm not saying that dying is such a bad thing but if you live your life well and let yourself be happy, then it'll be worth struggling for.
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• Australia
27 Feb 08
i love life too. i would always choose to live. but i understand your views on the statement. I have heard it before but always associated it with an accident -leaving you paralysed or something- where it is easier to live than die. Thanks for broadening my thoughts.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
12 Mar 08
Oh yes..that is another way of looking at it...and easier to understand too.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
13 Feb 08
It is true there are lots of obstacles and challenges in life. Living is a lot of hard work at times. Worrying each week how to pay rent/mortgage, pay bills, food etc. Also then you are faced with challenges such as heatache and loss. So I guess in a way it would be easier when you die as you do not have stress. But I would still rather live life and face challenges rather then die.
@testim (89)
• China
16 Feb 08
If you are pessimists,you might believe it's easier to die than to live.But you love life really,you do not agree.You live in the world,you should feel all the feelings,happy or sad,success or failure,in any case,it's our life.
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@dlphnrdr (105)
• United States
16 Feb 08
if ya really think about it is it really easier to die then to live?????? if you really trust and i mean trust in the lord then how can life be so awful hard? once you die then you face the maker so i think its a little easier to live then to die myself blessing to you
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@alamzaib (1287)
• Pakistan
13 Feb 08
If someone asked you what you would die for, what would be your answer? Maybe your family or your closest friends, the gospel or your faith, or maybe your passion or purpose in life. Whatever you thought of I am sure you could find at least one thing... Now, I want to preface this that I didn't think of this on my own.. I just finished reading Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz and this is a point that he makes that really had an impact on me. Now with those ideas or beliefs that you would die for in your head, don't you think that it is much harder to live for them? To live everyday for your passion, for your family, for your God. This is an excerpt from the book:
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
15 Feb 08
oops...we didn't get the excerpt...could you try again. You put a very interesting point and I'd love to read the excerpt.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
16 Mar 08
maybe to some.. it is easy to die than to try hard to live. life is not very fair to some extent. it is not easy to die for some too who have been bed ridden for quite sometime now... for those who still are living by means of machine... i guess whether you live or die, nothing comes easy in this world.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
14 Mar 08
It is and it isn't. Your right in that once you end your life your day to day problems are over. However, your also creating problems for loved ones having to deal with the loss. Not to mention what will happen to your soul after you die, if you believe that way. I'd rather deal with life here then take a chance at having to roast in H*ll for eternity. !!HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!! **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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• United States
14 Mar 08
I feel the same way. I am a very spiritual person and have a strong faith in God. I believe that the afterlife is much better than this life. There is pure joy and happinesss which is not over taken by the pains in this world. I am really excited to die. But of course I would never think of killing myself. I think it is important to do all you can with the time you have on earth. You only get to spend one lifetime here and you spend an eternity in the next world so there is no rush.
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@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
At this point in time many people would really agree that dying is easier than living. But still it is better to live hard meaningfully than die easily. I remember the fall of man when it comes to hard work. Adam was cursed to work right after they have sinned right? Because of the fall, we are required to work. If we won't work, we can't have a living.
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