Womens, do you compliment your men?

boyfriend - comments from girl
February 16, 2008 2:29pm CST
My wife expects this from me, how hot she looks, how nice she this or that is on her, but come to think about it, she hardly ever says how good I look. Do oyu tell your men how hot he is or do you take him for granted?
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18 responses
@littleone3 (2063)
16 Feb 08
I have to say i am bad at this i dont often tell my partner how sexy he is or how nice he looks. He tells me often how nice i look or how grogeous i am. Have promised myself i am going to try to compliment him more often from now on
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I tell my husband as often as I can that he looks good and what a wonderful husband and father he is. It's very important for him to hear what I think about him instead of me just thinking it's a given. Men need to hear it just as much as women do, if not more at times. My husband is overseas currently, but i always tell him what a wonderful man and how hot he is every time i get to talk to him. I would never just sit here and not tell him anything, because then he would become insecure about himself. He's an amazing man and father and husband and i will tell him that until the day i die. thanks for sharing and God bless
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Both, as nobody is perfect. But for the most part I do make a big fuss over him, not only with compliments, but also by by doing helpful little things and also, how can I say this? Bumping, lol. If I'm going past him in a narrow space, I will misjudge the space on purpose and run into him--not hard, but just a bit, or give him a little hug, or a quick kiss of the cheek. If I see him looking in the mirror, I will go run my hand over his hair or tug at his collar or something, just to let him know that I see him looking at himself and that I think he looks good. This is nurturing and is something most women are trained to do from infancy. I don't get mad and sulk if he forgets to nurture back, because there may be a whole day go by that I get busy with life and forget, too. But I will tell him about it! Hey! How come you didn't say I was gorgeous for 5 hours. Is something the matter with you? Whose honey am I anyway? But come to think of it, something tells me you probably expect your wife to cook for you, and why do I think you probably hardly ever cook for her? Do you take her for granted?
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Does he compliment you on the food you make for him and/or cook for you?
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
Sure thing! I compliment my man if I see something good in him, I do not shy on that idea of giving him good remarks. I believe its important in a relationsip, you must let each other know how you think about him or her..
@yoj118 (346)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
women do like to be praised for how they look or hoy well they cooked, even how well they are in bed, etc, etc... it's because we want to feel better of ourselves..feeling better of one's self can help boost self esteem...and women are like that... so if your wife tends to asks you about those things, answer her in a pretty much nice way...if she's indeed gorgeous, then tell her how gorgeous she is.. I do compliment my husband too like how he looks or how delicious the dish he cooks. By complimenting each other makes the relationship healthy..
• Malaysia
14 Apr 08
I do compliment my husband when he is looking hot, handsome and thank him for the little things he does as well especially around the house or taking care of my kids when I need to take a breather. Appreciating and knowing each other's worth is great.
@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
16 Feb 08
I always tell my husband how sexy i think he is, and how hot he makes me, and how smart i think he is, and how i would not change him for anyone or anything in the world! Oh yeah, and i always tell him how much i love him. He, on the other hand, never tells me compliments, or very rarely...he doesn't really ever say i love you, but he does answer me too, when i tell him i love him LOL..I know he does love me, but it'd be nice to hear once in a while.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yes I do tell my husband he looks good if in fact he really looks nice. We had a daughter get married recently and my husband wore a tuxedo. He looked just great and I told him so. He didn't menion anything to me about the way I looked all dressed up but that's ok. I did ask him if I looked presentable and he said yes. That was a good enough response.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Yes I do. I think it is important to compliment him as much as he does me. We all need to feel appreciated.
• India
17 Feb 08
i always tell my BF because he is lol
@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I compliment my boyfriend often. It's nice to have it go both ways. He always compliments me when he gets home from work so I feel that I should do the same. Some days I just sit here and watch him walking through the house and he says "What?" I just keep staring at him and he starts smiling. He know what that means by now.
• Philippines
17 Feb 08
hi mahesh! yes i do give some compliments to my significant other. I guess letting him know i appreciate his effort in taking care of himself and the preparation he does for our time together is important. I guess sometimes it is often neglected because we are assuming or we are thinking that they already know that blah blah, but hey that is the very fist step where you can tell your partner how you appreciate and love him,. =)
@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
Maybe your wife think that your not that good at all... Just kidding..Yes i do, coz i know that it will boost his confidence and more hot... lol... but everytime i do compliment him,i saw his face turning to red
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I always compliment my husband. It shows that I care about him. I respect him. If I dont find him attactive why would I be with him? Not everyone will see him like I do but that's how I see him. You should try telling you wife that you would like some compliments as well. You shouldnt be the only one doing it.
• United States
16 Feb 08
I always tell my man that he's good looking, etc... He's that way with me too. I also give him back messages, fill the tub with bubbles, fix nice dinners for him, etc... I'm very good to my man! :o)
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I always compliment my husband. I don't expect it from him, but we do compliment each other. Even if it's just a simple thank you for vacuuming or putting the dishes away - to how good he looks or how great of a dad and husband he is.
@gem4678 (220)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Me and my husband don't neccesarily complimant each other as much as we used to but yes I compliment him when he puts on a new cologne or something. I think thought that the reason many men have the problem of not getting complimented much is look at the reaction a man gets when he compliments his women. The huge smile, kiss, hug, the twinkle in her eye whatever it is you rarely get it from men. Look at my husband he may say thank you but the tone in his voice really doesn't make me think that he really cares to hear it so I think thats why men don't get complimented enough or as much as women.
• United States
16 Feb 08
I always tell my boyfriend he's handsome and sexy whenever I see him. I realized how much I like it when he compliments me and that he deserves the same. I think he really enjoys it just like I do! :)