In Mylot Land...Does Age Matter to You?
@Perspectives (7131)
February 25, 2008 1:52am CST
Hi to all...have been busy with work and home projects...and am doing my best to catch up on responses as I go. Anyway, I am signing off shortly and will be back tomorrow when I question popped into my mind...and it prompted this discussion.
I know for a fact that some members are either older or younger than the ages that are posted on their sites. The friend who singed me up...and then died was older than what she posted on her site. There are others that I have chatted with by private e-mail and their on-line ages are different than their chronological ages. I am curious to know how you feel about age here. Does it affect who you will or will not accept as a friend? Would you deny someone too many years below or above your age...or does it matter? When I first signed up I thought I wouldn't accept anyone under twenty. Then I was fortunate to connect with a young follow who says he is in his late teens...and we started having some philosophical chats that I would otherwise have I threw that guideline out and now Mylot age has not bearing on anything for me.
However I couldn't help but wonder if any of you would feel shocked or disappointed if someone you believed to be older or younger when you chatted on line was actually much younger or older if you had a chance to met them in person? For many that will not be of any concern...and I know it wouldn't make any difference overall with me either.
However it might create a little sense of surprise if someone who said they were twenty was actually sixty or visa versa. Even then it would not affect how I felt about them in what I learned about them on line...but quite honestly I think I'd prefer to have their age clarified before we met in person...just so my frame of reference was as I believed it to be. Being that our Cyber friendships have a little bit of a nebulous feel to them it was just something I was curious about.
Looking forward to hearing your views as always.
Cheers and best regards,
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76 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I don't really think it is possible for age to matter here because at first glance there is no way to know what a person's age is. After seeing quite a few discussions someone has started and the sort of responses they have given, though one can estimate what their probable age is by the cultural references with which they are familiar.
There is one person I have seen ranting and raving on here from time to time, who seemed very young in maturity but had a very old age listed on the profile. When I found out who this person was in real life it turned out she was neither the age she acted nor the age she said she was. She was just a person who had some serious problems and needed a place to vent.
I would prefer that places such as myLot did not display an age on our profiles, and it was my understanding that they would not when I first signed up, but obviously my understanding was wrong. Oh, well.
Nebulous is a very good word for it. One needs to be careful when "befriending" strangers online. I would be most disinclined to meet the vast majority of my online buddies in person whether they were myLot buddies or Pogo players or whatever. On the other hand there are a few, just a handful, who are obviously WYSIWYG. But even so, it was over 10 years before I arranged to meet the one cyber friend that I ever did meet in person after having "met" online. It is not something I would undertake lightly. So given that, age really doesn't matter to me.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08 is...especially when view others from the inside out...rather than the outside definers.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi again...and thanks for adding some good perspectives to the question of age on Mylot. The examples you cite are great ones and reveal that sooner or later who we really are speaks way louder than the age we say we are or...are not.
You are so right when you say there are some here who are very emotionally immature even though they claim to have been around the sun a certain number of times. Glad you liked the word nebulous...and yes, one does have to be discerning about befriending people and offering too much...too soon.
When I read your comment about some on-line buddies who were will have to forgive me...I have no idea what that means. Some of the short forms people use are beyond my zone of familiarity. As a writer...I am committed to the long form in if you'd be so kind to fill me in on that I'd appreciate it.
In my case I have exchanged e-mails with a few people and chatted with three women on the phone and my felt sense of them in Cyber space is proving to be true. However, like you I do my best to follow my 'intuitive knowing' when connecting with people here...and so far it hasn't let me down. the scenarios you have presented I can see why age is not a concern for you...and thanks for your well presented reasons why.
Warm regards,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Thanks for dropping by...and welcome to Mylot. Always great to see new members among us.
Anyway, I appreciate your viewpoint...and I agree with it!
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@duranv (516)
• Honduras
25 Feb 08
I don't think it matters too much, obviously it depends on the topic, I'm 46 and I definitely won't be able to talk about music with someone who is a complete generation younger than I, because their taste in music is completely different, not that I don't like any of today's music at all, but we'll just have different tastes, so all we would have would be arguments over which music is better, then or now. And this is true with a lot of subjects, but I do think I can have a decent interaction online with anyone, regardless of the age.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi..I totally 'get' where you are coming from in your example of age differences and how they can be glaringly apparent within generations and their musical tastes. That is very true.
Your observations about being able to chat with most anyone of any age on Mylot does create a different level of communication and one that I continually enjoy. This is the first forum I have been on...and have no inclination to go elsewhere because I value the open mindedness members portray.
Thanks for adding to the topic.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Feb 08
Well, age doesn't really matter once I know how a person thinks. And I don't accept or reject a request based on the age. But I do have some perceptions of the person based on the age shown on the I wouldn't expect a 60 year old man to be discussing things a teenager would.
I expect people to be honest about their age...I don't see why they need to lie about it unless they have something to hide.
What bugs me more is when people post discussions that keep changing their age AND sometimes even gender! A 54 year old man (according to profile) suddenly changes into a 19 year old unmarried girl (in a discussion)....and then into a married 33 year old woman (in another discussion). That's the part I hate.
Besides that I don't mind the age of my friends and I make friends with people of all ages as long as their wavelength matched with that of mine.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Yes, I agree...this is an excellent response. Your points about deliberately distorting one's identity to the degree you experiences is something I wouldn't like either.
People who have chosen to add or subtract years on their profile have done it for personal reasons..that are theirs to make.
However, you said it all when you said that you do no care about age when the wavelengths match! Good one...and thanks for contributing!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Feb 08
In mylot I never thought about about age in here. I take them as friends if the interest and post go with what ever I thnk at the time.
I have never lied about my age no point in it I am as young as I fell lol adn no doubt about it I can hang with the younger one or older one makes no diff to me.
But if I was to meet some one from here I would surely like to know the real age but then again it might not make a differene at all.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Mar 08
lol am getting close to that 70 mark 2 more years I was just thinking yesterday that my oldest son will be 50 in OCt.
and the son that was here just turned 48 so I got some old kids as my brother once said about our mom.
as for ages that dont matter is how young your spirit feels
Hugs and blessings
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hi my ageless friend! You are a wonderful example of how insignificant the number of birthdays a person has nothing to do with how young their spirit is.
I love the fact that you are a free spirited person...I wouldn't care if you were 20 or 70...because we have connected at a level that is rather timeless. If people were planning to meet in person I am sure they would disclose their real surprises that way! (chuckles)
Hope you are feeling better...sent an e-mail today.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
With not having kids ourselves..we often see where we are in life by watching our friends' children 'age.' Yes, there are markers of time..but in our spirits we can be any age we want. You are right it really does not make any real difference when we are connected to people.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend..good to have some time to catch up here.
Warm thoughts and big hugs,

@Darkwing (21583)
26 Feb 08
I never show my real age for that very reason. I'm as old as people think I am, and I'm not bothered how old anybody anybody else is. That's my philosophy in all walks of life, not just in Mylot.
I have a lot of friends younger than myself and a lot older... it truly doesn't matter if you have something in common and get on well, so I agree with you, my dear friend and soul sister.
Brightest Blessings. x

@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 Feb 08
I never thought about it that way, Darkwing. I've always said I prefer for people to be honest with me about such things... not because I care about the age itself, but because the honesty means so much to me.
It's interesting to look at it from your perspective! :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi dear one...good to hear from you again. Hope your leg is improved and your mobility is coming back.
I am happy that you and I are of the same mind on our views about age. I also use discernment on line and posting actual ages does not seem like a good idea to me because of things like identity theft. Not that I intend to invite that in...but a healthy does of reality can prevent things from happening.
Your circle of friends sounds like ours..both here and in our personal lives..we love people for their essence..not their age!
Good addition as always. I have missed you but as I have said other world is brighter because you are in it...whether we chat or not.
Love and warm, light filled wishes,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hi to both...
Yes, we see things the same way...again. No big stretch there! In regard to Lecanis's comment...
I absolutely agree with you that honesty is important...and one to one I have no problem with revealing my age to people I have deeper connections with. However, just like other things in life discernment and 'a need to know' basis are other considerations that go deeper than always revealing things about ourselves that may not be relevant.
In new situations I usually ask myself.."Is there a need for them to know this..and will there be any benefit to them having this information?" Sometimes revealing too much too isn't healthy...even it is...'honest.'
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@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
25 Feb 08
I don't think age matters to me a lot because I've found myself talking to adults nearly three times my age without any feeling of being 'inferior' or 'too small'. And sometimes I don't even know that I'm talking to an older person. So, I think age doesn't really matter because we are all part of the mylot family and there's no need to feel ashamed of being old or young here. We are happy to talk and communicate with each other, and we love to share any info under the sun with everyone. As far as I'm concerned, I'm sure many of the senior citizens on mylot feel young at heart, am I right? =P
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi and thanks for dropping by. I like your viewpoint and agree with it...especially about many 'senior's being young at heart and well informed. The same is true with a lot of younger people...a lot of them portray an emotional maturity beyond their years.
So yes, we all are a part of this great Cyber community and the unique parts make a very dynamic whole!
Best regards,
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
26 Feb 08
It does not matter, as long as their conversations are interesting to me, is all that matters.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hi...and thanks for adding your view to the topic. I agree with how you see it and from what I have read here most everyone feels the same way.
Good to know. Good conversations among good friends...who cares about a number!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Feb 08
I prefer for people to be honest with me about their ages, but I don't really care about the age itself. I have friends here who are over twice my age, and others that are much younger than myself. It really doesn't make any difference to me.
Age never has been something that's really been an issue for me in choosing friends, online than offline. I usually have friends that are both older than me and younger than me.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 Feb 08
I guess the honesty issue here for me is holding other people to my own honor code, which isn't really fair of me. *shrugs* I just don't like lying. I will completely withhold information if it's a safety issue (not everyone here knows my name, for instance) but I won't give false information. It's just one of those things for me.
I love having friends of different ages than me, personally, because it's neat to see which experiences they have are drastically different from mine because of time period and which are similar... basically which things are affected by time and which aren't. It's also neat for me to have older friends, especially in religious circles, because they tend to be closer to my level of experience than people my own age (since not that many people grow up pagan as I did). Young people are interesting for the opposite reason: fresh views on everything!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hello again...
Hope you are feeling better...from what I read on your site you've been going through another rough time.
I like your approach to the age question...on or off line. Yes, in an ideal world it would be great to think that everyone could tell their age without concern about consequences...but other things can apply in Cyber space. I respect those who tell their real age...but also honor the right of others to keep it more private...for whatever their reasons.
David and I also do not place a person's age as much of an indication of anything...just how many times they circled the sun. We also have friends of all ages and find it keeps life interesting.
Good input as always,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
I appreciate your strict code of ethics and respect you for it. Darkwing just posted her response and she says she never gives her real age...and I know her to be an ethical person...even though her lack of 'truth' about her age does not fit for you.
In my view people have their own reasons for making the choices they do and it is not for me to judge them. In regard to having friends of all ages...I really like what you said. Yes, elders have more wisdom and experience...and younger people having fresh perspectives. We need variety to keep life interesting and thriving...and mingling with people of different ages, beliefs, cultures or whatever can provide a lot of growth and insight.
I appreciate the strength of your voice Lecanis...and I am glad you keep speaking your truth.
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@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
25 Feb 08
Hi Raia. For me, age doesn't matter in this site. I do post responses to younger members here and also to older members. I also accept friends requests whether young or old. The age that is shown in my profile is my true age but I know that some members don't put their true age, but it's not a big deal to me. As long as I am interested in their discussion, I will participate in their post/ discussion.
Cheers and best regards to you too.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi again Joyce..
Thanks for offering your views on this. The way you see is akin to my views...not only here..but in personal exchanges.
In our work we interact with individuals of all ages and have come to see as you have that people are unique...and opening ourselves up can help us learn more AT any age..FROM any age.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
25 Feb 08
Hello my dear perspective friend. I don't think that age matters to me while choosing mylot friends. I love to have friends of different ages as they can always tell us about their different experiences in their life at different stages of age. Elder people are experienced far more in life than the young and the young learn more about modern technology and fashion as they care more about it than the old. So I think that I can learn a lot from people of different ages. I have never denied anyone because of their age in mylot land. Thank you very much for your discussion, dear perspective.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
26 Feb 08
Hello dear perspective friend. Thank you very much for your support to my viewpoint. I appreciate it very much. Yeah, my posts have been increasing very fast, especially before I started my winter vacation on campus rather than when I was enjoying my vacation at home with my family and relatives, when I did not have that much time for mylot. I really had a great vacation with my family. As this new semester is a busier one for me, I think that I will not have as much time to mylot as before, but anyway I will try my best to post more during my 4-day rest from work after working for twelve days or more before we have that four-day rest, when it is a time for me to have more posts. By the way, I will start to have my days off from March 3rd to 6th. I am looking forward to my days off to mylot. Thank you very much for your perspective discussion as always and I don't think that it will take you before you reach 2000 in the event. Happy posting and have a good day.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi again William...and look at you go...almost to your 6,000th post. didn't seem that long ago that you reached your 5,000th. I admire that. It is taking me forever to reach 2,000. Partly because I post longer responses here and when I visit friends...and the fact David and I have projects that take away from my time here. Anyway, good for you...keep going and adding all that you do here my friend.
I appreciate your viewpoint about learning from people of all ages and agree with you. Opening our minds to people of different ages can teach us much when we allow ourselves to learn.
Like you I would never refuse someone because of age..the young man I mentioned showed me that it really doesn't matter...who a person is the key.
Good chatting as always, I value your support here.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
Hi again..
Thank you and I will be watching to see when you do make your 6000th..are you going to post it as a discussion? I know Mylot doesn't like us to do that but each 1,000 is a milestone. I am also happy to hear you enjoyed your seem to give a lot out to others...and caregivers need time for self-care too. How is that student of yours that you have been mentoring? Hope things are going well for her too.
Wow..12 days..that is quite a shift. Good to know you will still be posting between your busy shedule. I always enjoy hearing from you and appreciate the warmth and caring you exude here. Thanks for you vote of condidence on reaching 2,000. Yes it will happen..slow and steady that's how we are make lasting changes...and progress of coursse.
We will continue to keep in touch..that is what friends do..on line and off.
Warmest regards,
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
25 Feb 08
No, it doesn't bother me. I don't think I've posted a discussion that was too mature for any age and haven't answered any that I thought were too young for me. I believe most people on here have something worthwhile to say despite their age. In fact, I don't think I really know the ages of anyone I've had a discussion with or given it much thought. I suppose I could kind of gauge by their responses and what they revealed of their personal life, but either way it doesn't matter to me. I respect everything I've read up until now.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Your approach seems to be aligned to others I have read so far. I agree with your viewpoint that most people here have valuable life and personal experiences to contribute...regardless of their age.
In Cyber space there is a different level of communication where strangers can quickly develop connections that have an ageless/timeless quality to them. It is a unique world alright.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Well age doesn't matter to me, but conduct can say a lot. A few times certain age groups have little intricacies I can pick up on when it comes to opinions and conduct, but I don't let this become the penultimate when dealing with people online. On the lot, I really have no age in mind when encountering others, but again, some of the hints can emerge in the response. I don't feel disappointed or anything when finding real ages. Its very low in priority in my view.
Unfortunately I've encountered situations on mylot where my age was used against me (and a couple of other members had this happen too). Apparently only people who reach a certain age can form opinions. Only people of certain ages have valid opinions. Anyone younger need not apply, else they face insults, misrepresentation or the reality of being ignored completely. Hmph.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Good chatting between both of you. In regard to what you have said Programer...I have no idea what age you are because I have always been very impressed by your well thought out and highly intelligent responses. I wouldn't care if you were 16 or 60 because in our various chats I respect who you are.
Sorry to hear about those who were subjected to ageism here. I appreciate that you do not pay much attention to the age that is stated...or whether it is valid or not. I don't care either. The content of discussions and the people who offer them is what brings me back...and I think most members feel that way from the responses I've read here.
Thanks for dropping by again..I always enjoy hearing from you.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
26 Feb 08
That's one of the problems with a site like this. People become self-important and forget that they were once.. or will be the same age as the person the are looking down upon. What they fail to understand is EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions based on the past experiences, beliefs or whatever. THAT is what makes this world so diverse. I think everyones opinions count. Gives me a better understanding of the world around me
and on the subject of opinons.. Opinions are like @ssh0les.. everyones got one and they ALL stink!! LOL After the speech above .. you all HAVE to know I am kidding ;)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi again..we are sharing some fun exchanges lately. I like your attitude and approach. I totally agree with you that when we open our hearts and minds we can learn a lot from everyone...of any age.
Good soon..
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@rcaira7 (145)
• United States
26 Feb 08
wow, never thought about lying about the age.....i guess i wouldn't mind if someone else did but would be upset to know someone younger was conversing and lied about their age....reminds me to always be careful about the discussions you get into.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hi, welcome to Mylot and thanks for your viewpoint. Yes, having a healthy sense of discernment anywhere is useful. I find it especially so on the internet...because things are often not as they are being presented...or as they appear.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Age doesn't matter for me. I used to show my real age, but for my own safety, I feel much better with 88 than my real age.
You never know when they are going to show not only your age, but also your date of birth and social security...
It happen already on Yuwie.
Suddenly they start showing peoples b-days...
I was shocked, because it is way too much I would like to show for 500,000 people...
If possible I am showing age of 107 just to show that it is my private information and also that age doesn't matter.
I am not on social networking for dating, so I don't mind to be 107 or older.
I am baby boomer for sure and I said it many times on Mylot.
I feel much better talking to people older than 21 for many reasons.

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Thank you Deepak, you are very nice...:)))
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
3 Mar 08
Pola! what a logical and an excellent response. It is you only.....who can write such wonderful responses.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi and thanks for sharing your views. Age obviously isn't a concern to you...or most others here...and doesn't that say a lot about the whole community. Probably why we all enjoy being here...people sharing and caring and not thinking about age...just the connections we make.
Best regards,
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Good morning Raia:)
Just a bit of myLoting while I wake up properly to go to work LOL
Age..well, first, on members that purposely did not enter the right age. Each person has their own reasons to do so,but personally I don't see the point or why it matters.We are here to "talk", to discuss subjects, people can have opinions no matter what their age is.I don't see why a younger or older me would have more or less credibility because of my age.
I entered my correct age, I actually like my age LOL I haven't touched my profile page for so long that I don't remember if there is an option that allows us not to display our age if we prefer not to. I don't mind about it but I know that some people don't like to display their age. But choosing not to display it is one thing to me, entering the wrong one is kind of another, at least in my opinion.
In any case I very much would prefer to know that I can trust that what the person entered is right.
As for the "does it matter" part, it doesn't. Not at all to me.I hardly even check the age. Even when I'm viewing a profile I tend to focus more on discussions started and answers rather than the personal details of the profile.
I never set up with specific expectations regarding age, only regarding what I want to read and respond to.
Hope you have the most beautiful day. It is sunny in here and that in itself is a good thing LOL
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
Hi the time I am reading your post it is ten hours I imagine you are back home by is 5:39 PM here. Yes, we have sunny weather here too...and have had all week and I love it. It sure elevates the mood does the longer days of light.
In regard to posting the correct age...I can understand why people do not and I am fine with whatever their reasons are. One gal I know did it because she lives alone and probably thought appearing older would create less interest in her than if she was younger. My friend did it because she wanted people to get to know her as the youthful spirit she was rather than by being 'older.' I respect whatever reasons a person does it...and for those who are new to social forums and do not know what to expect it makes sense to me that they would lie about their age until they get their footing.
So yes, it is an interesting question and does make one wonder if the same rules always apply in Cyber space as they do in real life. I do not care much about age in any area of what people choose to say about it is less important to me that who they are.
Fun sharing...hope things work out OK with Bailey. I read one of your responses where you are still having trouble with him marking. Hope you don't have to make the hard choice of letting him go. That is tough.
Warm caring regards,
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Yes, people have their own reasons.
I would prefer that it would be possible not to display the age if one didn't want to. I am sure that many people would feel more comfortable with that. But since it's not possible there is the other option left.
It was a smiling sunshine day:) ANd you're right, the fact that we have light for a bit longer.
AS for bailey.. yeah... it's a bit complicated. WE can actually sleep now, which is a big improvement. But he's still spraying. It's not that unusual but it creates a bit of stress. THis is a house filled with teenagers - my kids, the girl that is living with us right now, my kid's friends. There's always something around. It's the clothes Andre forgot to pu in the hamper, it's the outfit that one of the girls thought about wearing and ended up changing her mind living it in the sofa, it's the jackets of the friends that came to visit, the backpacks from the kids that came from school with Andre or Katt, it's our sofa bed, that sometimes if I'm late I leave's even the baskets of clothes to take down to the laundry - many baskets sometimes - the key word is teenagers LOL. ANd usually those are the things that Bailey sprays.
I am not really sure of what to do. I will probably wait a bit more and see how it works, but if it persists I will have to make a decision.
It's making me sad. Bailey is a very gentle cat, he is the one that craves our company the most. He is the one that jumps on my lap when he feels I'm not at my best, and looks into my eyes like he's reading something in there.
But the smell, is so strong and difficult to clear...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi good to know the sunshine is a mood elevator for you too. Lots more of that to come. That will be great after the long, cold, dark days we had awhile back.
The situation with Baily sounds very distressing...I cannot imagine what we'd do if any of our three males were spraying like that. Is there nothing that the vet can suggest? We have never had that happen...but we usually have our pets fixed around 6 months as the vets suggest and so far it has worked out well.
My thoughts and well wishes are with you. I still miss Tasha and our cats are like yours...very lovey dovy fur-babies. It would be very sad to have to put him down because of a behavioral problem. Keep me posted...I hope you can find a solution.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 08
Hello Perspectives!
When I can’t speak truth, I don’t speak at all, so, when I say something, it is true to the best of my knowledge and I like others to be truthful and honest to me too. My profile age is my official age (I am exactly 3 months younger than my official age, that’s a long story though :-)).
That said, I understand reasons why some other people would feel hesitant to reveal their true age. Some do it merely to blur their true identity as much as possible just to save themselves from ills of cyberspace. Some do it for some “good” reasons in their own right.
Still, if I ever develop a personal level of interaction or friendly relationship with someone I would like them to be honest. It’s not that their true age will affect our relationship, if they ever told, not at all; it’s just about the confidence and trust in a person. Otherwise, I have friends from many age groups, both offline and online, from many different professions and fields of life, where age is not particularly a point in our relationship. Interestingly, most of my friends, offline and online, are older than me except for my university friends, who are normally younger than me. I don’t know why but I feel more comfortable with older people and when I am talking to them I feel like they are of my age group, really!:-)
As to your question:
“However I couldn't help but wonder if any of you would feel shocked or disappointed if someone you believed to be older or younger when you chatted on line was actually much younger or older if you had a chance to met them in person?”
It depends actually, if my ‘belief’ in what age they are, is based on my ‘perception’ of them, then No, I won’t feel shocked or disappointed because it’s not their fault. I’ll be surprised though. If, however, this ‘belief’ is based on explicit information provided by the other person, I will feel disappointed, not shocked though. I won’t take a direct issue with their age or the fact that they lied about their age either! But, I’ll be cautious about what they say from then onward.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 08
I really understand your reasons for not sharing your true age, Coralie, especially now when working out someone’s true identity is a lot more easier than what it used to be some 10 years ago. Identity theft is still a major cybercrime in Northern America. So, the more you keep your personal information with yourself, the more you can feel safe; that’s quite understandable and I won’t judge you, or anybody for that matter, based on this.
When I said about losing confidence and trust in someone, It’s when I have already developed an advanced level of friendly interaction with someone and upon my ‘explicit (though private) enquiry’, that person still tells me the wrong age. Otherwise, it’s of no consequence per se i.e. even if someone is on more advanced terms with me but I don’t “ask” explicitly, I won’t judge them for showing wrong age. My interactions here, friendly or otherwise, do not factor in the age parameter as such. The only exceptions are when I like to be…more respectful with people who are close to my parent’s age and older…or more fatherly with those who are close to my youngest sister’s age or younger. Still, there is no difference in the core of my content! I don’t know If I am making sense here anymore!? LOL!
Thank you for all your kind words, Coralie! You are one of the most respectful and understanding people here! :-)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
How good of you to come back and add some more clarity to our first chat. Thank you for your understanding about why I chose to tell a beige fib about my age. Like you truth and integrity are very important to me and in my personal and professional affairs it is my clear intent to 'walk my talk.' However, being the Newbie I was here I was not about to compromise things and I proceeded in revealing things slowly. Now that I have a circle of friends here I am more inclined to discuss things in a more open way. However, I do think that we all need to be discerning because not everyone lives with the same values as we are discussing here.
Within the circumstance you describe about someone lying directly to you that would be off-putting to me as well. Breaches of trust can create great divides between people and that is why I have come to believe that truthfulness is key to creating any meaningful relationship. So we are on the same page on this one.
I am very touched by your parting comments...thank you very much. I am honored that you see me that way...and I respect you immensely as well...and that is the truth!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hello Kamran...we haven't chatted in awhile and I always enjoy it when we do. As you always do what you have offered here is so well thought out and presented in your articulate inimitable style.
I appreciate the fact that you read the discussions and responded to all of it...not everyone does that. In my case I did not reveal my true age for a few well thought out reasons.
The first one was at the suggestion of the gal who signed me up...she didn't put her real age either. For the reasons you somewhat blur our identities...and secondly for concerns about identity theft. I had never been on any discussion site...and she was much more experienced than I...she was always on this site or I followed her suggestion.
Similarly my real name is Raia...but it is my second name...not my first. I chose to put my toes in the water very tentatively at first...but as my sense of community has grown has my trust with a variety of now I would be more comfortable in people knowing my first name...which is Coralie. If people have checked out my Blog or Homepage they already know that anyway.
I am committed to truth in all areas of life...but to my being more discerning in Cyber space disclosures has a different feel to it than in everyday life. I hold to my reasons for not stating my exact age..and I know others here have similar reasons to mine when they distort things around age.
In my view it is a personal choice...and a beige fib around age in Cyber space will not cause any harm..other than some might feel betrayed. However, if they can listen and hear the person's behind it I expect trust could be established. However I agree with the point you presented about a Cyber friendship was being taken to a different level. Then I absolutely agree that a person should fess up so that openness and trust are at the foundation of their relationship.
Otherwise age is of no real consequence to me and David and I have friends in a variety of age groups too. I can appreciate why some of your friends would be have a lot of 'soul' wisdom that has an ageless/timeless quality to it.
I have always appreciated who you are and how you present yourself and enjoy our chats whenever they occur.
Warm regards,
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Recently I found out here on MYLOT that one of my friends was much younger than I thought. This person didn't have an age posted until the cat was let out of the bag. I was actually impressed, he is very smart and well read for a person in his 20's. Age doesn't really matter to me anyway- intelligence and kindness...that is what matters to me and in younger people it gives me hope for the next generation! :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
No sure...but they sound as though we have a similar level of respect for their 'wisdom beyond their years.' Yep, the number doesn't matter...but attitude and state of mind does.
I am sure with the way you and I are approaching life we'll be ageless wonders! At least I hope so!
Keep on keeping on are doing great!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi again...
I had a similar thing happen when I first signed up here. A young fellow started responding to my discussions and I never checked out his profile page and had no idea how young he actually was.
When I found out you was delightfully impressed by his 'soul' knowing. That was what convinced me that whatever age people post...whether it is true or not is of little consequence when I can relate to them. I know there are many here who have told a beige fib about their age...(me too) but it is not going to cause any harm to I say go for it!
I also like your comment about how connecting with younger people with emotional mature attitudes does give me hope for the next generation too.
Good addition as always,
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
26 Feb 08
I wonder if we are talking about the same person- it sounds like it! Have a great one!
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Age really doesn't matter.. I rarely read profiles. If people respond honestly and intelligently to discussions, and want to add me... I will accept. If their postings seem to be just for the money.. I won't accept. I am not here for a popularity contest. I am here to participate in discussions.. learn some things about my fellow (wo)man and to hopefully have some intelligent "conversations"
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hello and welcome to Mylot...good to have someone joining us with your attitude. What you have offered here is appreciated and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Your reasons for being here are akin to most people and age is of little conseuqence in Cyber space if the content of discussions is something we can participate in.
It is a great site and I am sure you will find an abundance of great conversations...there are a lot of intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and caring people here.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Oh brother do I know that 'thinker' gets so wired up some nights that it takes awhile to wind down and get to sleep. I am sure you will find your way and figure out topics that will reflect who you are and what you believe. Navigating around and getting a feel for different members' sites and responding will help them get to know you too. Before long you'll have a regular circle of friends...and the fun and enjoyment factor is always here.
Good to have you here...take care and warm regards,
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
26 Feb 08
I am beginning to find that out. I am slowly learning the ropes and the do's and dont's (i think) I've started a few discussions.. but nothing as in depth as to what I have been responding. I know now to try and think a little more deeply about my topics to illicit the intelligent responses I crave
I just hope my brain doesn't explode in the process.... lol
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