to lend or not to lend what do you advise?
By BYOLA2871
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
South Africa
February 27, 2008 9:15am CST
I have thsi thing about lending money to people,i dont know if i should sy its bad luck or something.The thing is most of the time when i lend money to people they never returned the money or repay i came up with a principle that says"never lend an amount you cannot afford to loose or give"it has worked though but i made some good enemies.i have this very close acquiantance who recently asked me for some small loan ,though i am broke but i can still afford to give him but i am scared he may not repay me ,what do you advise i do?
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22 responses
@toppet (8)
• Nigeria
27 Feb 08
I dont think its bad luck to lend money to people, people that lends money dont tend to forget that the money they borowed. it's just that at that point they want to hang on to the money probably because they've not spent it yet on what yhey intend to use it on. Or if they used it on business they like, they'll want the money to come in full i.e both the capital and the anticipated income before they release any borrowed money with them. So all these processes takes time, and along the line they tend to forget that the initial money the stated the business with was borrowed
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
in this case i think it is only wise you discuss with the person who borrowed you the money in the first instance but to tell you the truth it makes me feel as if i am being taken for a ride,what do you say of someone borrowing $1000 from you refusing to pay back and after 6 months he bought a brand new car worth almost $150,000?does that sound like what you are saying?
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
you do have something good to say there and i do try to do that sometimes as long as my conscience is ok with it but i try as much as possible not to lend when i feel it will become bitterness if i dont get paid the loan
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
in fact people who are closest to us are usually our greatest p[roblem when it comes to this issue imagine your aunt taking $150 and paying back only $15 is that the 10% interest or the principal?thanks for sharing your experience
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
27 Feb 08
Spiderlizards responce is a great one,I never though of this, use to be free in loaning monies,these days I have learnt we sometimes do not do the person whom is seeking the loan any favours.And yes it certainly can backfire on one!Random acts of kindness serves both the giver and the reciever equally.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
yes he has a good one and i actually feel that there are times that people who ask fora loan are actually looking for someone to take for a ride as some of them know that they will never repay even before coming to yopu for the loan,i agree that some are actually genuine though
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
27 Feb 08
I never lend money, but I have not problem giving money. I never expect money that I give to someone to be repayed. That way i dont have to worry about something small like that hurt a friendship that I have. I think that it is a pretty good principal to live by. If you want to give someone some money do it, but never lend. And in your situation, if you really do want the money back, and you feel that the person may not pay your back. They do not lend them the money at all.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
yes good principle that will definitely help your friendship but what do you do in case of a friend who always comes back not because of need but for other reasons best known to them?
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Do a collateral when you do loans. I had a friend where when I borrow his stuff he would hold on to one of my stuff. When I return the borrowed item to him he returned my item to me.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
that guy must have had some form of experience and i guess he has read too much of shakespear"s merchant of venice,i think i will rather decline or give you what i can afford than do that .it will take the shine off friendship dont you think so?
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
27 Feb 08
So many times when things get messed up in my life, it revolves around money. I moved to a new apartment and my daughter and her husband helped me out. Within a few days, my daughter stopped talking to me. I asked my younger daughter what was wrong, and evidently my son-in-law felt I didn't pay enough for the moving truck he rented. He used the truck all weekend for his personal needs. Moving my things was only a minor part in the rental.
Totally exasperated, I spoke openly with my daughter. I was angry and confontational. I asked her "Is this what this is about? Is this about money? Tell me how much money you need to make this situation go away? I love you too much to lose you. Ask your husband how much money he wants and I'll write him a check right now." And I meant it. I wasn't trying to cheat anyone.
My daughter wouldn't take the money from me, but I got my point across. Money makes trouble. I've loaned my money to people who never paid me back. I've given money because I want to.
I try to ignore money as much as I can, and let it flow in and out of my lfe naturally. Listen to what your instincts are telling you. If you're not comfortable doing loaning money, don't do it.
You don't have to justify your reasons for not loaning money. You are taking too much of a risk. It seems you're in a bit of a pinch yourself; you need your money.
It's okay not to lend money to a friend. People often find a different solution if the people they ask can't help.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
wow,thanks for the response,i really appreciate this and i must tell you that i have come to a conclusion not to allow anyone make me hurt myself especially in terms of money because they go out there and say a lot of nonsense about you if they cant get the loan but when they get it they vanish,but i will only lend when i mcan afford to give and not feel bitter if it is not repaid
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
I would just explain gently that, through lending money previously and not getting it back, you are now unable to find the resources to lend him what he wants to borrow. After all, if you made enemies from friends, through not lending them money, then you can't call them "friends". A good friend will understand. You have to make a stand before they all break you completely, but do it as gently as you can, in the hope that they are friend enough to understand.
Brightest Blessings.
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
We have an old saying in England, "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be". This means that it is best to not lend money or possessions to other people and to not borrow from other people. When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.
Maybe you should point this out to your friend. :)
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
1 Mar 08
darkwing ,i totally agree with you its actually best not to borrow and it becomes easier to avoid lending because lending is about the best way to make your friend into an enemy but i believe you can give if its cofortable many people forget that the first time does not have to be the last time

@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I really don't think I would lend it either if I could not afford to lose it. They may be a good frind but you may never see your money again. I know this from experience.
If you are scared to lend, then I suggest you don't. You have to think about yourself first.

@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Yes. It does cause bitterness even if I didn't need the money right back. It makes you not be able to trust them and it also makes me feel like they do ntare about me. It makes me feel like they only used me to get what they needed.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
3 Mar 08
you are quite right especially in a world where everyone has become so selfish people will even borrow for funny reasons,never lend what you cant afford to loose lest you create bitterness inside you if it is not paid back

@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
28 Feb 08
We don't ask anyone for money so we don't think anyone should ask us for money. I think if it was someone I really trusted and they needed the money then we would give them a small loan but for people like my step sister we would never loan her any money. If we need money we always use the bank for our loans.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
1 Mar 08
well its not everyone that will be lucky enough to use the banks for a loan,however how do you go to a bank for a loan of $200?the issue is just about whether you will lend or not
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
Well, I have bad experiences lending money too. Some were paid but still others remain unpaid. Some were even close friends.
Well, it's not bad luck to lend as long as you know that will come back to you. Better make a good written agreement and coming from your good judgment, see if you will be making a good favor for doing so.
Good luck to you!

@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
2 Mar 08
Thank you..
We rather save friendship and our money than losing a friend. It is not that bad to say no if it will save our friendship. Sometimes declining loaning a friend can be better than giving favor that will outlast a friendship.
Stay friendly!
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
1 Mar 08
hm!good food for thought thanks for this short but very useful response ,it is a wise thing to consider who we lend money to even when they are close to us they make it worse when they dont pay back

@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
I am a generous person. If I have excess money, and someone who is in need asks for my help, I easily lend. But up to what amount I can lend only. I don't give too much.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
well its good if you feel comfortable with people borrowing from you and not repaying but i really have something against that,i will prefer you ask me to give you than ask for a loan
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
you will be surprised that there is always a good reason for everyone who want to borrow money even when there is an underlying intention which may not be open to you the lender
• United States
28 Feb 08
First, it depends on the amount. Second, you need to know that persons track record, does he keep his word. If your response is yes, then lend him the money. If you are as concerned as you stated in your question, such as...scared..something is telling you not to loan him the money. Another answer to lending money is, have him sign an agreement, IOU, loan contract, with a date of repayment, all the necessary information or have that person give you something of value equal to the amount you loan him, value for value... If they react negatively, well., explain your past experience with loaning money out and that you are not in a financial position to be liberal witn your money, and as much as you would like to loan him the money, you need reassurance of being repaid.
I'm sure that if he is a good friend he will understand! Rememeber friendship works both ways.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
thank you i like the way you analysed your response i think i will do just this hoping he will live up to expectation ,i am just acting based on past experience but i guess your suggestion should take care of my fears
@jelliebean (30)
• United States
28 Feb 08
You may think that this sounds ridiculous but I'm serious. Never ever loan anything. Always give whenever you can. If you don't have it to give then say that. No hard feelings. But Loaning will do just what you said it has done. People never get out of debt, can't pay you back, won't look you in the face, won't come around. WhAT???? DRAMA!! Remember it is always better to give than to receive! And God Will Bless you!!!! Thanks
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
yeah you are very correct its so funny how money changes some people especially when they are indebted to you ,i wonder what life will be without anyone having to borrow do you think its possible?
@jelliebean (30)
• United States
29 Feb 08
No I do not believe that it would ever happen.. The Less fortunate and fortunate will always need some type of assistant at some point. Individuals who can help (with no strings attached) SHOULD help. I always give whenever i am able. "do unto others as you would have done to yourself" Hope this is good info 4 u... Much love and may God bless.
@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
If you are broke,say that you don't have money to lend.I sometimes lend/give money to those who need it and sometimes they don't pay me but it's ok as long as I helped someone in need and that makes me feel great.Besides they only ask for a couple of coins (Php).
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I say...stick to your principles. I actually have that same kind of thinking and even tho I can afford to lose a certain amount, It does hurt a bit when someone doesn't bother to pay you back. Affording it just makes it easier to forgive and move on. If I could not afford to miss the money and I wasn't 110% sure that the person would pay me back, I would tell the person that I really didn't have it to lend. It doesn't sound as if you are that sure so don't lend it.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
thanks its nice to have someone share the same opinion and i hope this guy does not go the way of the others
@gemini_rose (16264)
28 Feb 08
Its nice that you care enough about your friends to want to help them out when they are stuck, but sometimes it is a big risk. If they do not pay you back then your friendship is threatened but also if you say no then that can come between you. I think its ok to help out if you know they are really stuck and will definately pay you back but I would only lend small amounts that you can easily afford and not large amounts. But if you think that your friend may not repay you then I would try and just say that you cannot afford that you have other bills to pay.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
thanks but the great risk is that how do you determine that they will repay though some do but others may not pay i guess thats part of the things that make life funny but i hate money to become an issue between me and my friends especially when am trying to help out
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Loaning money is the best way to turn a friend into an enemy.
Don't do it.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
am sure you are talking from a wealth of experience,and i hope i can just keep to this,thanks for the straight and curt response
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Feb 08
I seldom lend money to anyone but have learned that if I do just consider it a gift and if I cannot afford to do that i just say sorry I am broke right now. that way you keep your friends because money can sure upset a friendship real quickly.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
its good to doggod but it becomes a problem when you have to loose at the end of the day i do have no qualms about giving but when you take me for a ride its bitter and i resent that,i sometimes told a friend that i have quit being a bank for loans when he asked me and he was furious i had to remind him that he is yet to pay the loan he took 4 months ago and that was the last time he came visiting
@rashmi_simha (13)
• India
28 Feb 08
its better decision to not to give anybody.U gave and feel sad when they dont repay or you may cruse them,instead of that dont give money and be friendly with them. Money will spoil all good relationship.better to be careful in handling with money
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Feb 08
good food for thought i will agree with you because its better to be freinds