I may have a thing called Night Terrors
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
United States
March 3, 2008 12:08pm CST
Have you ever heard of it. its like a nightmare only you are woken up with a scream and confussion and images of terror, most people dont remember what they are screaming about but they are scared and confussed, I on the other hand remember what i see everytime this happens to me, Im not sure if its really night terrors or something else, but i do know that it has happened to me a total of 4 times in the last three years and then there was one time that it happened but it wasnt really a terror but an image of a woman. my first one i woke up and there was my arm by me and it was in a weird position and I touched to find out it wasnt my arm but one that wasnt connected to anything, it chased me across the bed and was gone when i turned on the light, it was dawn when this happened and b4 i studed night terrors the other day i had no idea what this was and im still not sure if it goes in the night terror catagorie. Then my second one i woke up and there was a dark blurry figure standing over me I screamed bloody murder and told it to go away untill it did. My neighbor said five min. b4 i screamed his tv went womp womp, that is why i dont know if this was a night terror either. the third one was the one that was a woman and when i woke it just made a little screech and reliezed it was nothing but a woman in white. And the last one which makes me think this one is a night terror i woke with a demonic looking face coming at me. I am still not sure if these are night terrors b/c in night terrors your supposedly still asleep but you can have your eyes open and in all these cases i remember waking up b4 I seen any of the figures. My fiance believes that i was still asleep (hes doesnt believe in the parnormal though) what do you think? Are these NightTerrors, or are they something else that is parnormal?
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13 responses
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
3 Mar 08
My exwife used to get these. Once I woke up and she was staring out the window, I asked her what she was doing and she calmly told me someone was stealing my car. I bolted out of bed and ran to the window, when I looked out, nothing. I turned around to ask her what the heck she was talking about and she was back in bed. Other times she would hit or kick me in her sleep calling me names. Some of her night terrors she remembered, but most she did not.
Along the same vein I once had a dream that someone cut off my arms, I woke up to discover that I had no feeling whatsoever in either arm. I had fallen asleep on my stomach with my arms crossed across my chest and in doing so I had cut off the circulation and my arms fell asleep. It is a scary feeling to have a dream where your arms are cut off, only to wake up to feel like you really have no arms.
I am not really a big believer in the paranormal, but I am a big believer that the human mind is more powerful then we generally give it credit for.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
yes thats another symptom of night terrors hitting and scracting your significant other. They said if they are like that then you need to make sure there is nothing by the bed she can grab to severly hurt you, not b/c she wants to but b/c of her night terrors she might think you are one of her night terrors or somehting like that. It is a scary thing and yes the mind is so much more powerful than we knwo and im one that wish i can find all that power and use it for growth reasons
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@michelyn (717)
• United States
3 Mar 08
My daughter has had problems of this sort for the past year or so. She said that she wakes up and there is a shadowy figure in a corner of her room looking at her, hovering over her. It scares the crap out of her and she has a hard time going back to sleep for a bit. I'm not the type to say that they aren't something paranormal because I believe there is much more to this world than we are allowed to know right now. My step-mother calls them Night Terrors, but whether that is what they really are, I don't know.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I would look into it search it or something, it is more commen in kids and goes away as they grow up. its said that only 2% of adults get it and its much worse if you get them when you are an adult. But if its the same thing over and over it may be more than Night Terrors. it may be her mind it may be something more Im not sure. There is medicine for Night Terrors that your daughter can take that may make it better. Just in case its parnormal I would look into it though. Its most likley Night Terrors or something though.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
yes it would be good, I dont know if they will have the answers b/c this subject seems to be an hard subject that would be hard to determine weather its Night terrors or somehting else. I dotn have them bad enough to get medication b/c they are so far in between
@michelyn (717)
• United States
3 Mar 08
She's 16 years old so technically it would be considered adult levels. I've never heard of anyone starting around that age. I'm sure she probably has some other instances, but those are the only ones she either repeats or remembers. She sleeps soooo deeply. She's the hardest person I know to wake up, so if something like that is waking her up, then it must be scary. She hasn't said anything to her therapist yet that would explain them, but maybe I need to talk to the therapist and bring those up again. Maybe they haven't revisited that yet.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Mar 08
"I on the other hand remember what i see everytime this happens to me,"
I'd be inclined to say that this IS NOT night terrors...reason I say this is because with Night Terrors #1 from what I learned you DO NOT remember them and #2 you DO NOT wake up from them...My son use to have them ALL the time (scared the crap outta me at first)..HOWEVER he was just a tot...BUT thats yet another reason for me to think its not Terrors with you...Adult Night Terrors are VERY rare from what I understand...
Do I think its something paranormal though? Meh..maybe, maybe not..I'd say that your best bet if its bothering you that much is to talk to your doc about it and either rule in OR out the possiblity of it being N.T..IF he rules it OUT then I would follow other leads so to speak and figure it out....
Either way though, please make sure you are safe...its not uncommon for one to get up and roam around (sleep walk) and if you are in a state of panic you would IMO be more likely to hurt yourself severely than you would just sleep walking if that makes sense....
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
4 Mar 08
yea only about 2% of adults have Night Terrors but you got to think thats only the known cases theres probally more of unknown cases, the website i read said that you will wake up scared and confussed and most people dont remember what they see but some do remember what they see. I not sure this is what i have but its a possability. i dont have enough to really reallly worry about these though.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
Ewww that sends shivers down my spine. What you could be experiencing is sleep paralysis, where you are in REM mode and wake up in the middle... because when in REM mode you release a hormone that prevents you from acting out your dreams. But when you wake up, you can't move but you are well aware of too much that is around you, even every area of your room. You will hear weird sounds too, and sometimes they are scary. And frequently you will find a dark entity hovering over you and even pressing you down! Scary as hell! I experience that sometimes as I do also have problems with insomnia and have to go on sleep meds to sleep. My suggestion is, sleep on your side or stomach, it happens far less than sleeping on your back.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I have had similar experiences. In the last one that i clearly remember I "woke up" to find a dark image standing near me and cackling at me, we struggled, with me screaming at it the whole time to leave me alone, finally i threw it out my front door all the while it was still cackling this hideous laugh. That time it actually had a form and a face and was a very demonic looking creature. Once I fully woke up I was still in my bed and nothing was out of place so I don't have an explanation for what really happened.
A Christian friend told me it sounded like a satanic attack which can happen when Satan gets angry about a person's relationship with God. Non Christians have said it was paranormal activity that I need to take care of because "this demon" is trying to use me as a portal. A counselor thought it was stress related and represented my "personal demons" that bother me.
All I know is that they feel very real and are very terrifying and never happen when someone else is around to tell me if I was actually awake or not. One was particularly violent with me physically fighting off an attack from an unseen force. I very clearly remember wrestling around with it and being thrown off the bed and across the room. I was even sore the next day yet again nothing in the room was out of place like it should have been if the events 'actually' happened as I remembered them.
I wish I could offer a solution for you. I kept mine at bay for a few months by reading the Bible every night before bed but...when they came back they were worse and more frequent than ever, 3-4 times a week for a month! Then they stopped. It's been a while since I've had a major one, I also haven't totally slept alone since September. I still get minor ones once in a while...maybe once a month at most.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Yours sound like night terrors all over, I dont think its any of the others just b/c i read up on it and it points totally to night terrors heres a link to the night terror website ive been reading
This should help you out a bit. they might not be night terrors but just nightmares but if you wake after its most likley night terrors. You may need to go see someone about getting some medicine to help you. In this website it tells you how you get them and what happens to most people. Hope you find your answers. Another thing you can do is imagine a white protictive light around you protecting you, I'm not a christian but pray still has a lot of energy in it so pray and keep reading your bible. I dont know if that will really work but it may work for you.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
3 Mar 08
It worked for me for a while but then they got even worse. I've since rethought my position in religion and no longer follow the "christian path". I still believe in the same God and all I'm just not what other Christians would consider a Christian...lol I guess that's a different discussion! Funny thing is, since making that change they decreased in severity and frequency!
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I wish i had the answers but i dont LOL. Like i said b4 I dont really see it being a demonic being, it could be though. your best bet is to try the medicine for night terrors. Im not a type of person that likes medicine either but there is herbal medicine i think thats supposed to work

@irene0708 (2)
4 Mar 08
I do believe in paranormal but at this time you were sleeping then you suddenly woke up! I'm not an expert of this but in my opinion it has something to do with your subconscious mind that creates these things. I want to grab this chance to ask you if ever in your childhood do you experience fears that you haven't overcome? Or were there chances that before you sleep you are fond to watch horror movies? And another question is, why now? How old are you? Can i ask one more thing if you don't mind? Do you have family history who have schizo or paranoial? I'm sorry I'm just being curious. Do you have fears before going to sleep or imagining things such as like this?
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I'm going to answer your questions in order, No i dont have any childhood fears that i am not over, allthough i did have an eye for the paranormal when i was younger. I dont watch horror flicks that often but it doesnt happen right after i watch them anyways, i watch paranormal shows and am fine the same night i watch them. I dont know why now im 21 and it started when i was 20, the website explaining nightterrors says that thats how it happens and there really isnt nothing that makes them happen, if thats even what i got. None of my family history has schizo or paranoial in it, Night Terrors is also heraditary and i dont think none of them have or had it. Most of the time I dont have have fears b4 bed time sometimes i do but they do not connect b/c i dont have these things happening on the same nights
@mohnish (116)
• India
4 Mar 08
when i was of 10 years of age , i use to sleep with my elder brother, one night he started screaming madly like anything ,every one in the house was scared and confussed that what is going on we discussed it with our family doctor then he said,there is nothing to worry about it its just a sort of a natural trauma which may happen to any one .
@subha12 (18441)
• India
4 Mar 08
I think you are not alone. i also get terrors at night. Rather i must say i am getting those since last 3-4 months. all these time I am under tremendous pressure of life. i wake up in night scared. and i remember also why i was afraid when i wake up.
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
3 Mar 08
I have not heard of night Terrors before,feel this may be what my husband is experincing,I will check out the link ,thank you for sharing.Demons etc through my paranomal experience which has been vast since 1999,are connected to your emotions.I have only ever seen one demon for a few split seconds around the 1999 period.I must say I felt a very strong surge of energy go through me,a strength which I did not associate as being mine.It was then I briefly saw what one would possibly call a demon,it was not solid,it did have color,and was most definatley not human,it was phantom like.This 'demon'for want of a better word lent forward with a great gust of strength and bit my husband on the shoulder,then I felt my body go slack and calm.After a month or so I gained enough courage to ask my husband did he see anything on this night untoward,his puzzled reply was no,I then told him what I felt and witnessed.
Several years passed and I would in quite times go back to that night,and reflect upon it.The experience I now find to have been a blessing in disguise,all my pent up anger,resentment,jealously,guilt, blame,fear etc caused through my lifes experience,had manifested itself in an energy form "created by these stored emotions" E = motion....energy in motion(emotion)There are many emotions we hold in both our conscious mind and many we hold which we are 'unaware' of, in our subconscious mind.These must be cleared before they affect us both mentally and physcially which in turn can then manifest as disease/illiness.
What to do? The most important thing is not to fear,when we do we create more energy which in turn strengthens the very thing we are trying to run away from.An analogy for this would be to imagine a small dust storm,the more energy it receives the larger it becomes,intensifies.When we face the demon without fear we take away it's food source,energy once again emotions.Liken it to a plumber who is called to clear blocked pipes,resulting in a backup, which is causing the system to fail.We therefore have to do the same,becoming a plumber to clear the back up of emotions.There are many ways this can be achieved,and many forms of modalaties these days available.
The process can be long,one must take care not to clear too much at once,gently,gently so our systems are not traumatized any further.This is why we dream,it is our subconscious mind wishing us to address a paticular issue.If the dream is very clear it is wise to reflect on what is happening in your life,other then this the subconscious is simply doing some plumbing,clearing disjointed memories and does not require our help.no reflection is neened. I can recommend a DVD which is a very helpful tool for understanding our bodies and mind,conscious and subconscious.
The Biology Of Perception,The Psychology of Change,piecing it all together.Bruce Lipton,Ph.D and Rob williams,M.A.
To visit the website www.psych-k.com
I do hope this is of some assistance,cheers.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
thanks for your responce, i agree with you sorta but do not know if that will be the only reason for all demons, but im not sure, Night Terrors are suppose to have nothing to do with your unconsious mind, its supposed to be like a nightmare only you are like awake but asleep at the same time. I dont knwo much about it but i will look into your link
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
Yes I use to have night terrors. The affect of them on my physical body took a few days to get over. A couple of time these type of dreams took place as soon as I went to sleep and when I would wake up I would think it must be the middle of the night but it was actually only 10 to 20 minutes of me going to sleep. Of course many were in the middle of the night. I would be shaking and crying uncontrolably and I would feel like my heart and my nervous system was going to explode. I was about 27 when I became a christian and one day I had a couple of ladies visiting my house. One of the women said they were praying for me and asking God if there was anything I needed prayer for. God apparently told her yes she has had severe nightmares for years. I was so totally shocked about this because I had not thought about my nightmares since I had become a christian as my christian life was so exciting. Will she put her hands on me and prayed and simply asked God to take these night terrors away. I have not had one since then and it has now been about 25 years. I find this amazing because I remember one of the last dreams I had I thought I would die from the after math of the dream; my heart and my body were so terribly shaken beyond what I thought I could bare if it happened again. Thank God that He set me free from them and much much more!
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Hi, I've had a few of those myself. Usually I try hard to move and am unable to which is really scary. Once I felt something (or someone) lie down next to me and when I opened my eyes, the springs of the bed went up like if someone rose quickly. Although they are rather scary, I like to think its my active imagination and not something paranormal. (I'd probably never sleep again if I thought it was something paranormal) Anyway, I just start praying very hard and sooner or later I can fall asleep again. I've heard so much about these type of nightmares and they are much more common than I thought. I hope yours end soon!
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I dont know if the springs did move... it could of been still the dream which would be a night terror, then the not moving cna be sleep palarlize, go to that link above to read more of it if you want, it is said that people see spiders, snakes, and dark blurry figures.
@Alfie1970 (257)
3 Mar 08
You seem to have stirred a hornets nest here! But on a serious note I cant catagorise my experiences as "night terrors" but bad dreams, last time i woke up scared silly i was screaming and waving my arms about, which i think scared my g/f more than me lol, i put these bad experiences to whats happening in your day to day life at the time. For instance when i had that last experience my mother was seriously ill in hospital and when i woke properly in the morning the bad dream slowly came back to me and i was actually trying to save her from drowning, p so i put it down to that.
But on the paranormal side, i once lived in a very old cottage with a churh yard at the end of the lane, very British country village, anyway one night my ex and i were in bed and all of a sudden the bed moved about 3 feet away from the wall, a second time my ex woke up during the night and saw an old lady hovering over me, scared crap out of her and she dived under the duvet until the morning, and another time was in the same house and it sounded like someone was jumping around upstairs to the point where the light fighting downstairs was shaking, i shouted up to my ex to ask what the hell she was doing when she didnt answer i shouted some more and she walked in the back door asking what i was shouting about! To be honest none of this bothers me in the slightest, but i know it does does bother the masses. If you experience anything in life that disturbs you then seek help and support from wherever its offered :)
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Night Terrors are differant b/c you kinda wake up but at the same time your still dreaming something like that, yes i know what you mean thanks for your responce
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I believe it could be both. Here is my situation. I get night terrors as well. I had one last night where I thought I swallowed something and was about to die. That is a common one. I do think that there is a correlation between my night terrors and how often they happen, and any caffeine consumed past maybe 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and also my menstrual cycle. I tend to have them sometimes around ovulation and somewhere a day or so before my period starts and sometimes during my period.
That being said, I also believe in the supernatural and believe that I too am haunted. So, some of the things you are experiencing might be night terrors. Do you drink caffeine or eat anything past 7 pm? Caffeine can effect you even after 3 pm because it has a long "shelf-life" in your system. If so, try cutting down on all consumption to get your metabolism back to a good rate for sleep. It can effect our sleep in ways that may be unusual to others.
Night terrors can be very realistic. I have had them for so long that I can, most times, bring myself out of it before it gets out of hand by reminding myself that I do have them.
But, there are things that have touched me at night and sights that were there as I had given myself enough time to snap out of a night terror and the sight was still there. When they are just terrors, I snap out of it pretty quickly and don't question it. But, when I am telling myself it might be a terror and the sight doesn't go away and I start questioning my mind, even to a point where I question it in the morning...there was something there. When it is a terror, I will usually remember it in the morning and can look at it clearly as having been a terror.
Also, I will see something out of the corner of my eye at home while I am awake. Explain that. And, it doesn't happen at work so it isn't just in my mind.
I am in the same situation. They hubby never sees any of it and doesn't believe in the supernatural either.
So, I feel your pain.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
this has only happened to me four times so its not that bad yet and i dont know if i drink any caffine or anything differant on those days, my fiance sometimes links it to my somking wacky tabacky but if that was the case it would of happened 7 years ago when i started somking not 3 years ago, it started when i meet my fiance. Hes into High Magick and stuff liek that but I know tahts not what it is. I think its just something that i will find the answer too LOL