would you consider home schooling your kids
@easymoney75503 (1702)
United States
March 5, 2008 10:44am CST
i have heard alot of people say good and bad things about home schooling. i have let my kids go to public, private and now we are doing home school. some parents say they wouldnt do it cause they arent smart enough. some say they cant afford it, they have to work, or they just dont want to be with there kids that much. well it cost us about 200.00 a year and that is for 2 kids. we have learned it is cheaper to home school then buy the clothes, field trips, school supplies, etc. the books that we use make it so easy too. you dont have to know how to do the stuff yourself all you have to do is read the book for the part that they are doing and trust me you can do it. it is step by step. it is great. we love home schooling and well teh kids are learning more. plus they dont have all the other issues as well to deal with. granted they still have friends and still have peer pressure butwe are alot closer and well the kids love it. i was just wondering how many of you would think about it or do it.
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8 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 08
In this day and age, I would love to home school my daughter. there is so much violence and corruption in the schools now. I am afraid for her to go.
My problem is having the time to actually be able to make sure she learns. I would be afraid that I could not teach her the things that even I do not understand these days.
My 16 year old daughter brings things home from school and she asks me about some of it and I have no clue because we weren't taught that when I was in school.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
6 Mar 08
time is a big part. i mean you have to have min of 4 hours a day. because you dont have all teh other kids and etc the kidsreally can do a full days work in 4 hours or less. mine are 10 and 13 should be in 5th and 7th and well when we had them tested they are really at 7th and 9th grade levels. i have my ged and hubby finished highschool so we are no different then most parents. there are things we dont know but the books go step by step so we learn and so do the kids when we come across that and there are groups too so if you dont know something and cant seem to get it all you do is call a friend in the group.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I know what you mean. I tried and tried to help my daughter with some of her work, but I just could not understand how to figure some of it out for nothing. I made good grades all through school and I studied very hard and paid attention in class, but there was just once subject I never understood or figured out and that is Geometry. These are the types of things I just cannot help her with.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
6 Mar 08
yeah i have a really hard time witht hat too lol. and biology is not one of my good ones lol. i just get up and read it the night before the books guide you. also you can always call on someone. they have great support groups for homeschooling in every state and most cities. i mean our town is population 214 and the town next to us is only 5000 but we have a group.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
6 Mar 08
oh i have thought about it and would of done it if i really thought i could of. when we where in oklahoma the school my son went to was the worst and i hated to send him there. i wasn't sure of what i needed to know and what had to be done. i don't have a ged so i didn't think i would be able to do it. i did start studying for my ged because of it but then we where going to be coming back home to pa and i new the school was so much better. as far as the cost we did think about all of that and figured it wouldn't be as much as going to school with the clothes and trips and whatnot. so i guess if i had to i would do it what ever is better for my kids.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
6 Mar 08
you dont have to have a ged and really the books guide you step by step on how to do things. i know one girl she was home schooled and then her dad past away well her mom had to work 2 jobs so whe went back to school in public schools. she hated it the first day a boy got mad at another one and stabbed him over he was looking at his girlfriend. the teachers wouldnt answer her question cause she was busy with other kids. and alot of things so her daughter refused to go back after about 3 months. she was in the 9th grade but should of been in the 7th. whenthey come out of home school into public they get placed on ability not age etc. well she taught herself she is now 16 and finsihed school she started college this year. she loves it. her mom that home schooled her didnt finish high school she got pregnant. they did great and the kid has turned out to be wonderful. trust me the parent doesnt have to be a 4 year grad or anything. if you can read and learn you can do it. i had totally forgot how to do somethings but i just grabbed the books the night before and read and well i was ready for the next day,
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
6 Mar 08
wow good for her now a days its hard for kids to go to school they have so much to worry about and not just their school work. i know if we had stayed there i would of home schooled him. right now he likes school and no real big problems other then him being lazy but the way the school are getting i can see my self pulling him out and home schooling him and my other two.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I don't see anything wrong with home schooling. As long as the parents are well prepared and have the ability to teach their children. I do however think that it is important for home schooled children to have activities that allow them to socialize with children their own age. You seem to have it covered. Good job.
@deepti15 (1190)
• India
5 Mar 08
I grew up with some home schooled kids. I would definitely not recommend it. The kids I grew up with (from different families), lacked social skills, didn't know what it was like to be up against other students for things like grades, projects, or sports, and when they got to college (those who did) were lost and clueless and didn't do well.
I have never met a home schooled person who said they were glad they were home schooled.
If you choose to do it anyway, make sure to put them in a LOT of activities with other kids. (kids that are not home schooled). Sports, instruments, and summer camps. so that they will be well socialized with other kids.
As much as the public school system has failed, there are some things kids get from it that you just can't get anywhere else.

@vicky30 (4766)
• India
6 Mar 08
No i would not consider home schooling my kids.because if we keep them at home for a long time they will love home and never like to go outside home.Its better if kids go out for school meet some new friends,talk to others.see things outside home.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I believe that you have chosen the right thing for your children. There are so many school shootings and sooo much more. I was wondering what you use for homeschooling. My daughter is 5 years old and we use ACE(Accelerated Christian Education) which was $459 for a year of kindergarden. It is an amazing homeschooling program though. I was homeschooled for the last three years of high school and have not had no social problems. I actually went from straight F's to straight A's. That is no lie! I loved it so much and I hated school. The difference in the grades were that first there were no distractions and second the curriculum was so great(I also did ACE). It was like teaching myself. And there were no teachers that wouldn't help me because they didn't like me. Teachers never would help me they would tell me to pay more attention or figure it out myself. I think you are doing a great thing for your children. What are there ages? I am so glad that they love it. And hunny as long as they love it and you enjoy it, you know you're doing the right thing. You do learn more with the homeschooling too. Honestly, you will probably have smarter kids than if you left them in public school. I probably should not put that I will probably get negative feedback but it's my opinion and I am entitled. I do not mean that a kid that goes to a public school is not smart but most kids that are homeschooled are more apt to learning since there are no distractions so they learn more and are therefore smarter. Keep up the goodwork!!!!!
And don't worry if you do get negative feedback. When I told one girl I was homeschooling my daughter she said that's the cruelest thing in the world. A lot of parents don't homeschool because they would rather "get rid of their kids for 8 hours". Ever hearda parent say I can't wait till they start school??? That's the one's.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
6 Mar 08
we use alpha omega. you can get it on ebay all the time. also we pick up computer programs one we found is wonderful. it is middle school advantage they have it for elementry and high school too. my kids are 10 and 13. they are 2 years ahead of where they should be. like i said they went to public and private schools before but just were learning and what they were learning was not good. i mean they were both straight A kids but they just were being taught what they should of been. i mean most kids come out of public schools go into college and well they spend the first year trying to lern what they should of learned in high school. that is why the number of drop outs are so high for college and the raise of adults are up. home school groups are great cause they get the social part but yet you know they are with good kids. you still have a few bad apples of course but you can always find a parent lol. my youngest said if we ever put her back in public school she wouldnt go she would just stay here and do it herself lol. there are so many scholorships availiable for home school kids too cause they do have the ability to make there self learn and the want to as well.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I have to agree with Deep', homeschooling is a great opportunity but it takes alot of discipline that some people are not willing to give it. My best friend homeschooled her kids and meant well but wasnt disciplined with them and alot of days giving them things to do and teach themselves, there was not the structure of getting up at a certain time of the day. I am not saying this happens with everyone but I do believe that the SOCIAL aspects are often ignored when homeschooling. My friends kids turned out pretty well because their grandparents are very outgoing and always having people over and catching up on their lives and the such, allowing them to have friends over, etc but the amount of social interactions were really lacking as they just had one family they were 'friends' with up until they were teenagers and entered high school which was a rude awakening.
I do not homeschool, my kids are 1 and 3 years old and I am a full time mother. I do not have them in childcare so they are never around kids UNLESS I arrange it. I constantly take them to our library which is very busy with kids after school, I take them to the biggest playground i can find, i do have a friend who has a son their age but I still think their could be more. I bought a membership to the zoo but want to take them on more trips just walking the city and having those split second interactions.