Like Father. Like Son???

Jason - Being wheeled into surgery on yesterday's show (March 5, 2008)
@Liasonfan (1702)
March 6, 2008 8:46am CST
Anyone see the interesting parelells in the Jason hurting his hand storyline, to his father Alan before him? Back in the day, Alan was an awesome surgeon who relied heavily on his hands to make a living. Then he 'cut them up' saving Monica and Rick Webber from a roof he himself rigged to fall on them. His days of being a surgeon were efficiently over. Now Jason has cut up his hands badly saving the woman he loves, as well as her ex and his ex to boot. His days of being Sonny's #1 hitman may be over, but it doesn't in any way mean he won't continue in the 'bizness' perhaps now though as 'boss' or chief pencil pusher, just as his father before him. One more way in which they are bringing history and the Quartermaine's full circle????
2 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yeah could be. That'd be nice if they'd bring the Q's back to Port Charles. I have missed them! But they ahve killed or written so many off, there isn't much left of the clan! I'm anxious to see the storyline take a huge twist with Jason leaving SOnny and doing........?
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
6 Mar 08
You know I had forgotten all about that.Interesting comparison. I can't help but wonder what is going through his mind now. How will the surgery affect his life/work and will it affect his relationship with his own family.