would you consider lazer surgery?
By winterose
@winterose (39887)
March 8, 2008 8:56am CST
I have had bad eye sight all my life. I have been wearing glasses since I was 6 years. Once I tried contacts but really didn't like them.
I would never try lazer surgery, I don't like the idea of people even though they are doctors, poking around with my eye, If something goes wrong and I go blind then what, you know what I mean, and I don't have money for the procedure anyway.
would you consider lazer surgery?
give reasons for your answer for best response
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24 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Good god NO! I have been wearing glasses since as long as I can remember I know I got them like in kindergarten. My first pair was blue to match my eyes. I have always wanted to try cntacts but I could never afford them,my sister in law had them and she loved them but then she developed diabetes and can't wear them. My mom recently went in January to an eyedoctor because she has been having alot of problems with her eyes(she is diabetic) and he told her she has cateracts and wants her to do laser surgery and their is a growth on her eye he wants to remove also. and wants her to have surgery because her eyelids droop causing her blind spots because they droop over her eye to much both my grandparents had to have this surgery. She had an appointment but was sick and couldn't do it. They wanted to do laser and surgery on both eyes at once and she missed all three appointments the doctor has set up because she is afraid she will go blind even though they promise she won't and will be able to see alot better. She was told not to drive until it was corrected. I don't blame her I am pretty much weary of anyone like you messing with my eyes.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Hey winterose, Not ot be bossy or anything but your eyesight is not something you want to mess with. My husbands mother started having eye problems but let them slide until it was to late she lost her eye and had to have it removed which caused alot of complications(she had cancer in it). My mom is stubborn sometimes and I can't get her to budge on getting her eyes checked by another doctor for a second opinion because she is afraid the results will be the same and she will have to have the surgery I told her that they cannot do both eyes if she won't let them and only ask for one at a time. I don't think I would ever have laser surgery unless it did get as bad as my moms. She thinks that once you start messing with thingsit just makes them worse especially if your a diabetic. She has had family members and friends get worse and even die due to sugar complications so she is afraid. I think you should rreally get checked to see if you have Glucoma pardon the spelling.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
I think I might have glaucoma, I will only go see about it if it seriously hurts my eye sight,
the last time I went for glasses the optometrist said to see an ophthalmologist, the specialist for it but I haven't bothered yet.
@cynthiamurphy08 (4)
9 Mar 08
I would definitely consider laser surgery on my eyes if it would allow me to see better. My brother had lasix performed on his eyes and he said that within fifteen minutes of being in the recovery room it was amazing how much better he could see. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. If I had insurance or the money I would have already had it done myself.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 08
I started wearing glasses when I was ten years old and my eye sight carried on getting gradually worse. I got fortnightly contact lenses when I was 21 years old and a few years later I got monthly contact lenses. These days I get daily contact lenses and these are incredibly comfortable. I am glad about this because I would hate to go back to wearing glasses. I find them uncomfortable and I used to have the bother of switching from my normal glasses to prescription glasses. My sister's pen friend had lazor surgery on her eyes and she has had perfect eye sight since then. I haven't got the same courage as her for I worry what if I went blind. Daily contact lenses cost me £200 a year whilst lazor surgery costs £395 per eye so that would be £790 for both of my eyes. I could afford this and save on buying contact lenses. But going blind is a big fear for my traveling would not mean much to me anymore. Also if I got the courage to do my left eye and the procedure really hurt I would not have the courage to do the same to my right eye even if I got perfect sight. If I got lazor surgery what if I got tunnel vision in ten years time.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I had it done 3 years ago. And, believe me when I say that it was a huge deal for me to let go of my horrible fear of people touching my eyes. The very thought of it, even now, gives me the worst case of the willies up and down my spine. I can't even watch someone do tricks with their eyelids without making me want to crawl out of my own skin.
I had 20/40 an 20/60 vision with pretty bad astigmatism. Glasses never really helped me see as well as I would have liked. So, I talked myself into getting the surgery, even though probably about 2 years before then, I said I would never have it done because I was certain that I would go blind of have that horrible "Haloing" you read about a lot. But, I finally decided to go with it and couldn't be happier that I did it. I still have dry eye first thing in the morning when I wake up but, it gets better year by year so, I hope to be free of it some day in the future. It doesn't bother me throughout the day so, it is nothing I can't handle.
Let me tell you what you are missing. You think you see colors in as brilliant as they are. Nevermind the pleasure of getting to see the words on street signs from a distance. Nevermind never having to clean your glasses at the very least once a day or dealing with the routines of your contacts. Colors are the most beautiful and amazing experience in and of themselves. They were so bright and vibrant when I first saw them the way they are, that they actually brought tears to my eyes. Not out of emotion. Out of actual near pain. I can't really explain that because, it wasn't pain like "ouch". It was almost like sensory overload pain. Does that make any sense? Nature is so beautiful when you can see it as well as it can be seen. Being able to see individual points of leaves from a mountain in the distance (and, I don't mean that I can see it perfectly but I can see definition) is amazing. The green of grass, the blue of the sky and the multiple colors of flowers are indescribable and unimaginable. I actually feel bad for people who are born with perfect vision because they will never experience the feeling of first seeing nature as it is in all of its vibrant glory because they take it for granted as they have never known the dulling of the beauty of poor vision.
So, that is the best way I can tell you how magnificent Lasik Surgery is. It has its problems and there are people who leave with bad results. It is a gamble but, when it works, that gamble is so worth it.
If you do decide to do it, don't go bargain basement. You get what you pay for so, go with a doc who offers it for a few thousand dollars. And, insurance should cover some of it. If you have flex spending, that is helpful. I don't have it but, my insurance did cover some of it.
Consider it. It is unbelievably worth it.
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@jsharriz (436)
• Ukraine
9 Mar 08
being a medical student i wud advice u to go for it... lazer surgeries have become affordable these days, they r fast, painless n it cant be going wrong in hands of a gud doctor..ur eye sight can be corrected n u dun have to wear ur glasses nymore... its not as painfull or risky procedure as it seems..u'll sure be happy after u have gone through it.. gud luck.
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@MelanieW (66)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 08
It depends on the situation.I will have laser surgery if i really have a thick glasses, say more than -12. And it recommended for them to have surgery, otherwise if it keep adding then it can caused blindness.
So i will say for some people who have really high minus to have a surgery.
As we know the medical equipment and knowledge keep changing, that is why now is safer to have a laser surgery, eventhough there may still some risk but it small compare to what can it caused from having high minus.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
25 Mar 08
I am also with bad eyesight. i have also given the laser surgery a thought. But doctors say it can be performed only when the power no more changes on eyes. also it is costly. so may be later i can go for it when i have enough money and the power no more fluctuates.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I actually had eye surgery 7 years ago. It was slightly different than the standard laser surgeries they do today, but a similar process called INTACS, where they basically implanted mini contacts into my eye. I'm not sure they even do this type of surgery anymore, since only people with mildly bad eyesight can use it. It also involved more cutting of the eye than standard laser surgery, which probably freaked people out.
I've been thrilled with the results, though. It took about a week to heal, during which I could see, I was just very light-sensitive. The only lasting drawback I have is that I sometimes see "halos" around light sources when I am driving at night. It isn't too distracting, and usually only happens when my eyes are very tired. GIven the choice today, I would opt for a regular laser surgery, due to the shorter recovery time or even a repeat of the INTACS rather than wear contacts or glasses (which used to give me headaches).
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Mar 08
thank you so much this was very informative, please stop by more of my discussions
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
25 Mar 08
I'm actually PLANNING on getting lazer-eye surgery. :P
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
9 Mar 08
no, nope not uh. at first it was only available for near sighted problems so I did not have to ever consider it - now it is available for far sighted as well and my doctors think I ought to consider it.
I am too much of a coward - as poor as my eyesight is I do not want to risk losing it altogether..
and I have assisted at an eye surgery and let me tell you GROSS the long needle going into the eye socket in various places to deaden the nerve - oh yuck yuck yuck...
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
9 Mar 08
No way, I don't trust a laser near my eyes. My luck I would go blind from the laser. I would be the one in a million that that would happen to.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
I personally wouldn't have laser surgery as I don't like the thought of people poking about with my eyes and if anything went wrong the thought of not being able to see, but my brother paif to have this done a few years ago as he couldn't get on with contacts and wearing glasses was difficult in the job he does, he said it is the best thing he has ever done and is really pleased that he can just wake up each morning and see straight away without having to bother finding his glasses of struggling with contacts. Its a personal choice thing I think. Ellie :D
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@rstuck2003 (43)
25 Mar 08
I would give anything to have laser surgery. I can no longer wear contacts due to my MS and I HATE wearing my glasses. I'm not a good candidate for the lasik surgery bacuase of my MS so unfortunately I have to deal with wearing glasses.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
8 Mar 08
i would say NO! but i guess i can't really say because i don't have to wear glasses all the time. i am supposed to wear them to read but haven't in years because i hate to spend that money when i am doing just fine without them. i don't mind my eyes being messed with but just think that something could go wrong and then what i go blind and don't see anything ever again. i have 3 kids ages 7,3,1 and i couldn't go the rest of my life not seeing them grow and the cute things they do. its to much of a risk.
now my husband was going to do when he was in the army because he has to wear glasses all the time or he can't see a thing. alot of the guys have it done in the army and they seemed to do ok so my hubby thought it would be ok. they just don't think as deep as us girls do.lol
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I definetly would try Laser surgery. That way I would break free from contacts. Im not worried about going blind I would choose a DR who has done the surgery many times. I can not afford the surgery right now. Maybe in the future. Although the last several months I have been wearing Night & Day lenses and I only have to take them out every 30 days I can sleep in them.
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@steffyhoney (706)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I would never have lazer surgery. To many things can go wrong and its to risky. I would rather have partial eye sight then no eye sight at all.
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@blueangel51 (94)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I have been waering glasses since I was 2 and tried contacts also but still wearing glasses I have never had lazer surgery so don't know what that is like and I am like you I can't afford it so I guess we are just stuck with glasses.
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@shuchikalra (30)
• India
9 Mar 08
im an optometrist and I've already gone under d knife n I feel great to be spc-free..need I say more?
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I have worn glasses since about 6th grade and I would give anything to not have to worry about that any more. I don't know that I would go through lazer surgery yet, but I have considered it. My main concern would be the cost. I know many people who have had the procedure and I wouldn't mind doing it when it gets a little cheaper.
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