Demons, Gremlins and Monsters Oh My!
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
March 9, 2008 6:20am CST
We all have our own personal demons, gremlins and monsters, but what are yours? Do you manage to keep them under control or do you let them run riot over your emotions and behaviour to others?
Do you find they take over, control you, manipulate you, or are you keen with the whip and knock them into shape so they are frightened of you and not the other way round.
Do you have trouble controlling those monsters in your head telling you things that you don't want to hear, do you want to get rid of them, or do you find they actually help you?
What are your own personal demons, gremlins and monsters?
How do you deal with them?
My demon is depression it strikes when you least expect him too, I have tried to tame him and it's an uphill struggle, I have tried positivity but he just eats it and it's weak, he's feeding me negativity and I have tried not to take it, but it's difficult.
It's a battle of wits and I'm trying hard to slay my demon
So have you slain your demon or is he winning?
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11 responses
@mummymo (23706)
10 Mar 08
Oh my darling brother all you have to do is look back to this time last year and see how have come to see how succesful your fight with your demon is! I do realise that you still have to keep fighting but I am really proud of how well you are doing! I know as I have the same demons you do and I know that you can't really rest on your laurels too long even after a succesful battle! xxx
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Hi Wolfie,
My demons and monsters are Social Phobia, Bi-Polar and depression and I am winning the fight with meds and therapy. I used to feel like I didn't have a purpose and I had very low self esteem but now I feel good about myself and feel like I do have a purpose in life. Before the meds and therapy I hated life and never wanted to do anything with my life. Now I want to go back to school and make something of myself. I hope you get rid of your demons soon. :)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 08
I have the Depression one as well and can not control it that is why I have to have Medication for it as it is not possible without
The others I can keep under Control most of the time like my Illnesses but only because I have the Medication for the main one
Before I became Ill yes I controlled them specially the Depression one but that was because I worked and I had my 2 Children to look after
I am sitting here now and I just want to cry I don't know why but I do but I am fighting it
In a Bit I will be taking Gissi out and that will take my mind of it for a while
I hate being like this I really do
I used to be able to cope with anything that was thrown my Way but since I got bullied out of my Job because of my Illness which has made me feel useless I can't handle things as well as I used to
How did you get on with your Incompasity B did you get it again
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 08
Still waiting sweetheart. What are we like eh? Brother and sister separated at birth. I was bullied out of my job too, and suffered a breakdown because of it. Gissi is great for getting rid of stress, I love him to bits. Sometimes stuff is too much and I know we can relate to each other xxx
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Theres a monster under my bed,
you know the one boys and girls.
The one with really big eyes, big straight teeth
smells like antiseptic and wears a white coat.
Thats the one I'm talking about,the DENTIST!!!
I'm not scared of the dark, or of heights, or of too
many things, (ok, maybe crickets and spiders get to
me a little) but the DENTIST, I've got a real issue
with. I mean after all how natural is it to put sharp
instruments in ones mouth and not only that to put sharp
instruments that plug into a wall socket into ones mouth?
In addition to that there is saliva in ones mouth, isn't
that like in liquid form and you want to put a
sharp wall socket electrical instrument into my liquid?
Excuse me, but how cool does that sound to you?
Now let me further elaborate on this by saying
before they put these sharp instruments of torture
into your mouth, they insert a syringe filled with
something thats going to help with the pain.
What about the embarassment as you sit in the
chair and you've got drool running down your face?
Got anything to help with that Doc? Or for the 5
hours later in the day that I have to face the
general public with a mouth so numb that I have to
wear a face shield as not to spray everyone with
my spittle when I speak.Charming.Back to the needle. They're sneaky at the DENTIST'S
office too. Have you noticed? I mean check out the
way they approach you with this huge syringe.
Always from the side like you aren't going to notice
this huge thing in your peripheral vision. And then
they pry your mouth open to dimensions which it
isn't accustomed to going. A good example of that
is the x-rays. They force your mouth open and
insert these sharp rectangular pieces of cardboard
back into spaces you didn't no existed and then want
you to clamp down on them and hold that pose.
And they don't take just one, no they have to take
20 and for what, one tooth? And it hurts, those
damn pieces of cardboard aren't comfortable in the
least. You leave with gashes in your gum lines. So
now I've got one hurting tooth and 20 lacerations and
you want to put more sharp things in there? Wall socket
sharp things? Then to add insult to injury you're trying
to sneak up on me with a syringe the size of a
clarinet? And you want to do what with it?
Well, if you can get through the procedure to this point,
then guess what they are going to do next? They
are going to get a pair of vice grips and they are
going to tear out that tooth. Yeah I'm talking
they are going to rip it from its roots. Now what if
its my arm thats hurting, you just going to twist
it out of its socket too? I've got many pieces of
anatomy and I'm not ok with even one of them being
torn from its natural habitat.
And what are the DENTIST'S famous words?
"You're going to feel a little pressure." This is
a line I'm sure they must practice over and over
and over in that big dental academy from hell.
Because you are now lulled into a false sense of
security and you can only nod your head in a passive
way, while in the back of your head somewhere
someone is screaming "No, don't let him do it, this
is the part, the part you hate the most.Run, run
while you still can. Hit him if you have to." But no,
you've been hypnotized into this Gumby like state,
endured many tortures and you've given up the fight.
You're thinking of green meadows with beautiful green
trees bending gracefully in the wind, when suddenly
the breeze becomes a gale force wind and that beautiful
tree is torn out by its very roots. You look up with
tears in your eyes and the DENTIST says "It's over,
SPIT".And I want to add just one more thing, in the
off chance that you're all good with this, guess
whats he's going to do next? He's going to charge
you for it. He's actually going to charge you money
for putting you through tortures like you have
never seen in the best of horror flicks. I am
personally not ok with this and would rather
endure having to watch re-runs of the Partridge
Family for the entirety of my life. So next
time you see a monster under your bed, all I can say
is don't scream, keep your mouth shut.
I know this isn't quite the same as depression Wolfie, but thought it might cheer you up a bit. And how do I slay this dragon, ignore him and hope he'll go away.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
9 Mar 08
My demons are low self-esteem, depression and worst of all anxiety. I have a really hard time letting things go of things from the past.
I know exactly how you feel when you say it strikes you when you least expect it to. That is exactly how my anxiety works. I could be having the best day ever and suddenly my mind is overtaken with negativity and questioning. I hate it.
I am still working on it but I am on an upswing. I think this is a lifelong battle I just hope that a time comes when the fights are fewer and farther between.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Mar 08
with me its the little voice in my head telling me im never quite good enough. When im bottom of my bi-polar cycle the voice is huge and loud and its not just telling me im not good enough but that im ugly and fraudulent also. If anyone says they like me, then the little voice tells me they are lying and really dont like me at all.
When im well, the monsters, Deamons and gremmlins, although still there, are silenced by my self-belief but i know they come back and any good feelings are balanced by negativity at least
blessed be
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
12 Mar 08
Mine are, dwelling on irrelevant things, the past, past hurts, being too negative, BINGE EATING, and certain phobias. I have my hands full lol
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
11 Mar 08
Hi Wolfie, sorry dear demons never die, but if you ignore them they will go away, I just keep telling my self "who is in charge of me, an emotion or me. so I realize that I have to act rather than react. it is sort of like some one taking a swing at you, you do not stand there and think now what in the world is he doing, is he going to hit me, do I run or walk away. NO you duck. It is the same with stinking thinking as I call it the one that tells you you are no good for nothing and you deserve all the crap that is raining down on you.
Why is it so easy to believe something about our selves when it is a negative, and so very difficult to accept that concept that we are kind and caring people and do not deserve all this stuff. I believe it is so much easier to accept negativity then we do not have to do the work where as being positive requires us to have to do a bit of work and be open to possibilities that maybe we are good people.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
Hi wolfie,
One thing I observed about those monsters, they are always actively lurking around us when we are down or have some issues or troubles. We all have our own private hell to deal with.
I always TRIED to look on the positive side. I can understand how depression can eat us alive. There will be times that I like to simply give up and just let go. But turning my head, I will hear the sound of another person with a halo on her head telling me to fight and never, ever give up.
It is always a battle between the good and the evil. I'm just so glad that, somehow, I was able to pull through it all and be able to continue mylotting, lol!