I'm being lazy............

United States
March 11, 2008 12:32pm CST
I have so much cleaning and other stuff to do today, but I don't want to! I have a whole days worth of things that I need to be doing before my husband gets home, but now I only have about 3 hours to get it done in. I woke up this morning feeling like I could get it all done but then got side tracked by the computer. Now I am feeling very lazy and don't want to do any of it. UGH!!!! Have you ever had days like this? Days were you just don't want to do anything and had no motivation to get up and get the stuff done. Cause that is how my day is going so far. Of course most of the stuff is no big deal if I don't get it done before my husband gets home. So I guess that stuff can wait until tomorrow. But I really need to get off my rear end and get the other stuff done. I need some motivation. Any ideas of ways to motivate myself to get my stuff done? I really need some motivation!
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16 responses
@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
11 Mar 08
After you get your choirs done then reward yourself with computer time. Turn on your favorite music and dance while you work. Invite a friend over to talk while you work. Do the easy choirs first and then tackle one big task today and and do another big task tomorrow. Good luck. I have been known to burn supper-so your not alone-LOL
2 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 08
You mean I have to sing also before I get a break! Oh geez! LOL! Just kidding, you typed "choirs" instead of "chores". But thanks for the suggestions. I was able to get some stuff done before my husband got home. And, luckily I didn't burn supper. LOL!
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• United States
12 Mar 08
Yeah those dang typos will get you everytime. But thats okay. I think singing while you clean is a good motivation. Of course I always have music on when I am cleaning. It is just sometimes that doesn't even work. At least today I am more motivated and am getting things done.
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• United States
12 Mar 08
yeah dang typos cant fix it after you post-LOL A brain fart. Next time I'll reread before I post-LOL Glad you got chores done :) Singing never hurt-lol
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Cleaning rut? Or just plain out of energy? Oh wait.. side tracked by the computer...? There maybe some solutions (all said jokingly) There is always a red bull ^^ Another silly response. Me and the scientists are hard at work inventing the robot maid and butler... all accessible from your PC. We expect it out sometime in the year 2054. That'll solve the problems! Okay to answer your discussion at the end. There are times I pop a sip or so of an energy drink to get rid of the "down" feeling. Other than that, making a game or contest out of a chore helps too. You can also reward yourself at the end (though I think this maybe more self taught and habitual).
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• United States
13 Mar 08
I hope I am still alive in 2054. Because if I am I want one of those robot maids and butler. LOL! Wish I had one now. As for your suggestions. I am not to big on energy drinks. I have tried a few of them and I haven't found one that I like the taste off. But making a game out of it seems like a fun way to clean. I will have to try that tomorrow.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Mar 08
If you are really into the game idea Speedy, get a stopwatch and record your best times. That's one I do from time to time. I also take some cleaning time (well chore time overall) and I take that time to reflect on the day, the week, the month, future events. Its kind of interesting, and I recall at least one of my longest discussions/responses on mylot was due to thinking so much during a couple of chores.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
11 Mar 08
I think everyone needs some time off from time to time. So no advice on how to get motivation from me. I'd say you should just take the day off and enjoy yourself the rest of the day. All that stuff will still be there for you to do tomorrow
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
11 Mar 08
Then my advice is to do the things that he will notice and leave the rest for another day:-)
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• United States
11 Mar 08
Even though that sounds very tempting. I can't! You see I have a little confession to make. I was lazy yesterday too, so I don't think my husband would be to thrilled if I had two lazy days in a row. One day he doesn't mind, but two in a row. I think that would be pushing it.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
13 Mar 08
Hello dear speedy. I have to say that you are not alone there. hehe. It is the same with me when I feel very lazy. There are times that I want to do nothing of the household chores when I get back to my apartment, but only wish to turn on the computer and start to surf online, leaving what is supposed to be done behind. The only motivation for me to finish those chores is when the last moment comes. hehe.
• United States
14 Mar 08
Yes waiting until the last minute is something I am all to familiar with. I am very famous for putting things off all day long and then busting my you know what in the last two hours before my husband gets home. Luckily that doesn't happen all the time. I do have quite a few days were I am able to start in the morning and get it all done.
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• United States
13 Mar 08
Oh, I hear you speedy! I get days like that, especially when I'm sidetracked by the computer..like today, haha. I don't go into work until later and what am I doing? I'm here at myLot when I have a million other things to do. Sometimes when I know there is alot of things to do, the day before I make a list. Then, the next day as soon as I get one done, I scratch it off, and before you know it, the list gets shorter and shorter. It sort of makes me feel better to see I got SOME of it done, lol! Of course, I start with the easy stuff first, then it really looks like I'm doing quite a bit, haha.
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• United States
14 Mar 08
I have made lists in the past and they did help. I guess I should go back to that. And I am all for doing the easy ones first. I can see how that would make it seem like you are getting a lot done.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I felt this way yesterday as well. I just didn't feel like doing anything productive. My husband gets home about 5 pm. At around 3 I finally got some laundry done, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, then cleaned the living room and vacuumed. It really doesn't take me all that long when I get going; it is just the getting started that seems to take forever! We go out to lunch sometimes when my husband comes home for lunch so at least I have motivation to get dressed. Today he is meeting a friend that is getting ready to deploy to Iraq. Sooo, I am still in my jammies.
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• United States
13 Mar 08
Sorry to hear that your hubby is having to go to Iraq. I will keep you and your family in my prayers that he returns safetly. So at least I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one in a lazy mood yesterday. And like yourself I did manage to get some stuff done before my husband got home. Best of luck!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Hi my friend yes I often have days like your having today. What I do is go into the kitchen and make myself a strong cup of coffee. After my coffee I start with just doing one thing. And then when I see that I got something done Im motivated.LOL And I do more!
• United States
13 Mar 08
Yes Coffee! That is a must have. But it wasn't working for me yesterday. I think I had like 3 cups and I still had no energy or motivation to do anything. I did though get some stuff done before the hubby got home. So that was a good thing.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
11 Mar 08
the way i motivate myself is to spend some time doing what i have to then say sit for 10 mminutes reading or whatever---if i am watching tv, i usually get up and do stuff during the commercials (or do stuff while i am watching tv like ironing, folding laundry or cutting paper[for card making])
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• United States
11 Mar 08
Yeah someone else suggested taking a break in between chores. So I am going to give that a try just as soon as I get done eating my lunch and finish responding to everyone. Thanks for the motivation.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I totally have days like that! I've found the biggest motivator is to have some small goals...like if I get one load of laundry in the washer I can come here for one discussion, once I'm done with tidying the kitchen I can grab a quick snack, after I vacuum I can just lay on the floor for a game with the kids... Small chores that can be done or at least broken up into 15 minute segments work great for those lazy days. You get yourself moving for 15 minutes at a time and you either gain the energy to keep going or at least feel better that you got [/b]something[b] accomplished even it it is a minor chore. Good Luck!
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• United States
11 Mar 08
That's a neat idea! Do a chore then take a break then do another chore. Okay I will give that a shot. Hopefully I can get some stuff done that way. Of course it would help if I got up from the computer now. LOL!
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@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
12 Mar 08
lol I am so with you! Which reminds me, i really should go put the sheets on my sons bed, clean my kitchen and walk my dogs..... Daylight savings time is making me soooooo tired!
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• United States
12 Mar 08
Wow, you have to same stuff to do that I have. You know I think this lazyness might have something to do with the time change. Hope you get your stuff done.
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• Philippines
12 Mar 08
Hello speedy1279 :) Yeah, I've been there. And the best motivation for me is imagining (with some exaggeration) what will happen if I dont do what must be done. For example, I'd imagine piles and piles of laundry if I don't do it even for just one day. I imagine my husband being laughed at by his co-workers because I dont iron-press his clothes. I'd imagine cockroaches (oh this is a great motivator!) if I dont clean the house well today, etc. :)
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• United States
12 Mar 08
Interesting motivation idea. I will have to see how that one works out. The cockroach one I imagine would work the best. Gross!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas!
@rockvixen (894)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Well you and I are in the same boat. I have to get things done here and I mean really get them done. So I too get sidetracked on the computer. But to help us out both, I think we should just get up and start one corner at a time. Try to make things look more in order. Think of this, you will feel a hell of a lot better once it's done with. In fact I think after this I'll go start cleaning myself. Good luck. Remember just do it and you'll feel happier and better about it and about you.
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• United States
11 Mar 08
Okay I will try that with you. But first I have to finish my lunch. Maybe having a full stomach and not having that hungry feeling will get me to do some stuff. How about we check in together in an hour and see what we have accomplished?
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@gemini_rose (16264)
12 Mar 08
I have had many days like that, I would take the kids to school, come home put the computer on and wham before I know it its time to go and get the kids again and nothing has been done! So what I do now is do my chores before I put the computer on, then that way I know I have done what I am supposed to and the computer is not on to distract me! The other thing I do is do a bit on the computer then go and do a job and then go back on the computer.
• United States
12 Mar 08
Yes the computer can definitly be a big distraction. But unfortunately I can't leave my computer off until I am done cleaning. I run a freecycle group online and I have to check it periodically through out the day to make sure things are running smoothly.
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I am afraid I have had to many of those days lately. since it is just me who cares, lol. Well I do, but of late I have no motivation. So I guess it is time to turn up the tunes, this week. Get something done. Nice to know I am not the only one who gets that way, and hey thanks alot for motivating me. Hope you were able to get most of your stuff done.
• United States
18 Mar 08
Yes I did get most of my stuff done. I am glad I was able to motivate you with this discussion. Hope all goes well for you! Best of luck!
@gantwick (849)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Just blow it off. Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow. If your husband asks questions, assign him some chores. My wife did that to me, and now I don't question what didn't get done.
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• China
12 Mar 08
try your best,hoho