how does depression affects your love life?

@fossesor (268)
March 12, 2008 6:58am CST
? just wanna know for me to avoid affecting my love ones when I'm depressed.
6 responses
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 08
sometimes it just goes by itself, like doing something harmful to my spouse without even realize it. and later afterwards when i come into awaken mind that i somehow have harmed our him, i could only regret it. that's my experience when i'm depressed. not just him, usually everything that i do is mistakenly carried. so now i try not to be depressed, just to avoid these things.
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
14 Mar 08
oh... thank you for sharing your experience. Thank you for the response by the way
• China
13 Mar 08
I think depression just like murrain.when you are in depression,it will affect your lover' mood. In this condtion,I tell myself there are nothing to worry about.However, if you are in big depression ,I think it is better tell your love .it is an act of trust.I believe love will cure us all.
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
14 Mar 08
thank you for responding!
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
Depression - Corpse bride signature about heartbreak
Hi there fossesor! Even though depression is something that no one wants to have, it happens and we cannot deny the fact that it affects our loved ones too. I think that you won't be able to show fully how you love your partner because you're not happy and you can't offer anything to another person if you're not happy. It would be very difficult to create memories worth keeping if your depressed.
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
13 Mar 08
what should I do If I need to assure her her that i'm alright and don't make her feel she's taken for granted?
@klaudyou (501)
12 Mar 08
Just try to look at yourself through the eyes of the loved ones. Put yourself in their shoes in such situation, and this way you should get a hint or two how to not affect the others with your state of mind. Generally, empathy solves many social problems like yours, it always helps maintaining a good image, incresing self confidence and trust others have in you, and really helps you do good deeds naturally... Empathy is the key to success in social business!
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
14 Mar 08
thank you for your response!
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Mar 08
although our love ones not part of our feelings but we can't deny we can affect them...when we feel depress our mood are different, of course they will wonder why it in that case we affect them...they won't allow that we felt that way...our intension is to keep it secret in ourself but we can't keep it secret to anybody specially our love ones.
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
thank you for the response. You gave me Information That maybe could help me someday.
• Philippines
13 Mar 08
Sometimes when we are depress are love ones can be or can not be the reason of our depression. Either way, the affect on them will not have any difference at all- it is direct. If one person cares and loves you, they don't want to see you sad, suffer or depressed. They can see it, so you can never really hide- they get worried, and there are times that they can't do anything about it to help you, with that instance, they can also be depress for being disappointed of not being able to help.
@fossesor (268)
• Philippines
14 Mar 08
thankyou for the response!