would you tell?
By winterose
@winterose (39887)
March 13, 2008 12:44am CST
Tonight my neigbour told me his granddaughter who is 16 confided something in confidence,she asked him to two talk to her mother about it, her mother is his daughter.
he agreed,
what happened was the brother of the man her mother lives with and has two little boys with tried to rape her.
The brother stayed over at the house and entered Audry's bedroom.
He tried to pull her pants down but she fought him off.
She told her mother about it,the brother's excuse was he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing?My friend told his granddaughter to report it anyhow, even if her mother didn't.
would you have confronted your daughter if you heard that her daughter had been accosted?do you think it is serious enough to report even though nothing bad happened?what else would you do if you were the neighbour, the girl accosted or the mother.
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32 responses
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Whomever, it needs to be reported. Who knows how many others he tried this on. And it could happen again. She may not beable to fight him off the next time. I get so tired of hearing I was drunk. I'd turn his butt in and tell him well I was drunk. Two can play this game.
I would definately confront my daughter about this. She's not much of a mother if she doesn't do something about the situation.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
that is exactly what I told the neighbour, and that is when he stopped talking about it with me.
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 Mar 08
Whooah, she told her mother and she did nothing, I have a 16 year old and if any man tried anything like this I'd be after him big time. Being drunk is not an excuse, he shouldn't have gone anyway near in any situation, what happens next time he drunk who will he accost then eh! It needs to be dealt with now before another innocent is harmed. No harm done, what about the distress it has caused this girl? Harm has been done on a psychologial level surely. It should be reported. Ellie :D
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
the grandfather has told her to report it herself, this is all the info I have on it.
I don't even know the these people, I just know the neighbour
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 08
Yes I do believe it should be reported nothing happened this time what about next time he gets drunk
The Mother is wrong not reporting it her Daughter should come first this Man will do it again and again and always give the excuse he was drunk that is no excuse at all
The poor Girl must feel let down and on her own
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
13 Mar 08
That is awful. I would have confronted my daughter if she didn't know what was going on and something needed to be done about it. It is really serious enough to report because it just may actually happen bad the next time. If I was the neighbor, I would report it myself. If I was the mother, I would definitely report and if I was the young girl, I would report to authorites and not take the chance on someone else reporting it or not.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Mar 08
If my granddaughter came to me and told me something like that, then the person in question should leave the country, no actually the world. I certainly would be having words with the mother and if she didnt do anything about it then I would. If no one reports it and just puts it down to a drunken mistake then thats giving him reason to try again, it should be reported without a doubt, he tried to hurt her and thats enough reason to report it.
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@jeannebean (73)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I find it interesting how in just a few replies, the whole story, the original was completely discombobulated!! The little girl, who is Winter's neighbors granddaughter, experienced an attempted rape. After just six or so replies..it became
Winters granddaugher,
The mother "refused to report it..
and more!!
Please people...read the original post thoroughly before jumping to reply!!
The poor original poster took a verbal beating once by one poster, who thought the woman was trying to make money off this...wow, what a penny, maybe? I wouldn't consider that a goldmine...she was probably taken aback and wanted other opinions on the situation.
Gemini, you wrote a great reply!!
I hope this little girl was counseled by her Grandfather about going to her Mother first, then directly to the Police!
Good luck to your neighbor, Winter
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@vulgarlittleprincess (919)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
I think it is wrong that you posted this on the internet. For starters the young girl told her grandfather in confidence, he had no business telling you, a third party. And you Certaintly do not have any business posting this poor child's personal life all over the internet. You should be respecting her privacy! As the neighbour it is really none of your business. He had no place telling you and you have no place telling the how ever many members here on mylot. What happened to that young girl is between her and her family.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
first of all you don't have to be rude,
secondly no really names are mentioned and you nor anyone else has any clue who I am talking about. So no privacy has been violated.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Mar 08
That is why so much stuff is swept under the rug because of everyone closing their eyes and ears to things like this this girl wen tot her grandfather for help because she was scared and needed his advice and support. Him telling his neighbor whom is his friend was probably needing her advice or support. Something like that is alot to take in and can be stressful and you jus have to tell someone to help get it off your chest I don't see winterose in the worng. She gave no names and we don't know who her neighbor is or can we pinpoint exactly where she lives either. And mylot has aired more personal stuff then this I know.

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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
thank you mtdewgurl, I don't even know the people I made up one name, audry but I do not know this neighbour's family, I also urged him to report it, that I do not know if he will do. But he tells me the granddaughter says she will report it. I know that I cannot do anything because I do not know them, the only thing he has ever told me about his family is that they do not live in the same city as I do,
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@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
14 Mar 08
This is very serious! Don't let him get away with it. She should deffinately report it and the mother should not have believed an excuse of drunkeness.
People blame everything on being drunk or stoned and that just isn't right.
That girl is so lucky that nothing happened to her.
Can't stress that enough.
Good Luck to them.
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@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Your neighbor can report it as he is the grandfather.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Mar 08
I don't know the people, I have no names, addresses, or any information that the authorities can follow up on, I cannot report, the family in question has to.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
14 Mar 08
if i were in your shoes i would report it. you may not know this girl personally but if something does happen next time this guy gets drunk(as if i beleived that he was or that it mattered) i would feel so bad that i knew and did nothing about it. as far as her mother she is no mother. as a mom i want my kids to beable to come to me but this poor girl did go to her mom and she did nothing. if that was my daughter that man would of wished he never meet me. i really hope she turns it in before something does happen to her. by the sound her mother isn't going to do her job.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Mar 08
if your read through my responses you will see that I do not have any information, the authorities cannot follow up on it,
I can say a girl was assaulted,
they say what is her name I say I don't know,
they say where does she live I say I don't know
they say how do you know this, I say a neighour told me,
they way what is his name I say I only know his first name
they say where does he live I say I do not know his address, I met him on the street and he was upset having just heard that himself and he blurted it out to me,
I inquired about it all ready and they cannot do anything without some information to go on
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
Hi winterrose, This is very serious and the mother should make sure that this man never stays at the house again. The mother must stand up for her daughter. I'm not sure it should be reported, but if the young man's excuse was being drunk, then he had better quit drinking. The reason I'm not sure about reporting it is that you didn't give the man's age, is he by any chance a teenager, and has he been know to do anything like this before? If he is young, he may have learned a lesson here, and prison would only make things worse. If he is much older however, and has a reputation, then he should be reported. Blessings.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
he is not a teenager, but I have no idea who these people are so I do not know the age of the man in question
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@nakitalikely3617 (453)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Hello winterose! I have been in the same situation and I feel like since the mother was told and she didn't persue any type of legal action then the grandfather needs to go to the police. Trust I am arape and molestation victim. My mother did nothing about it at all, she lost her rights to me and all six of the other children and then she fought to get us all back. She divorced the man, but that's not good enough for me. It took her loosing all seven of her children to get rid of a man who was abusing your child that was not with this man. I sometimes blame my mother for what happen because when I cried out to her for help nothing was done.
Winterose tell that man to go to the police because her boyfriends brother or whoever won't stop and he will approach that girl again and it is not okay. She cried out for help from her mother and nothing was done. She crying out for help from him, and if he doesn't help who will or can she cry out to next. Please Winterose take it from someone who has been inher shoes tell him to go to the police. Save her because her mother won't.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Mar 08
hon I he told me the granddaughter was going to make the report herself,
I have not seen him again, I don't know his address and what his phone number is.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
I am not breaking the law I have already inquired about that, I do not have any information, I must have particulars, names, addresses etc, I do not have any of that, I don't even know the neighbours full name or what his address is.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Mar 08
the people have to have enough information to trace the people, it is the same in the house, the authorities have to have names and addresses or they have nothing to follow up on,
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@david2005 (798)
• Canada
16 Mar 08
They should report it so it can go on file just in case that it really does happen in the future.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 May 08
I would definitely confront mydaughter if I had heard
her own daughter had been accosted. the brother should have
been reported to the police for attempted rape. that just has
to be done as that guy can do it again. It is surely serious
enough to be reported and the granddaughter should also have reported him. Also if i were the mother I would not ever
again let that brother into my home. I do not care if he is thebrother of the man the mother lives with. He is bad news.As a neighbor I would also report the man. as the girl accosted report the man and as the mother report that man at once.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 May 08
I can't report the man I don't know who these people are or where they live or what their names are.
@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
14 Mar 08
If the girl was a very truthful person yes I would report it to the authorities if I was the neighbor or the girl.
The reason I said truthful is that there are a lot of girls that hollor rape but it never actully happened.
My son was in one of these situations and had to spend 6 1/2 years behind bars because my son is ADHD (attention defincent hyper active disorder) the so called lawyer he had was a public attorney they said that he was guilty,the girl he was supposed to have touch had told me recently that my son never touched her.
I pray that the girl was telling the truth and if she is than I hope he spends time in prison for it
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
excellent point that was not brought up before,
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
14 Mar 08
That is attempted rape, she is a minor, that makes him a pedophile (I think). Grandpa should have taken the young lady to the police station and she could come live with him until this man is in jail.
What about the other children - are they in danger??
I would call CPS, and the police.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
the other two are boys and I don't think this guy is into boys
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@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
15 Mar 08
That's scary.maybe it's better to report the incident.I get scared when things like that happen.I go home late after school since I have night schedules.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Apr 08
More and more of this thing is going on, and most people are naive and not seeing it or knowing it is rampid in our society. I think first of all, the grandfather needs to talk to his daughter and explain everything to her, that has happened. Secondly, I would make sure this young girl got help with it by going to her doctor and getting recommended to a child physcoligist. She is going to have some mental problems when she is older, if she doesn't get help now with it. I know from my own personal experiences that she needs to talk to someone about it. I didn't get the help I needed and I suffered as an adult till I got help. Then the mother needs to do something about it all. She needs to investigate all of this and find out what exactly happened and then kick the bum out. As far as going to the law, that is something I can't and won't advice someone to do because it has to be their decission as it will be a nightmare once it all comes out.
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@ghostlzy007 (157)
• China
14 Mar 08
it is serious, I think the girl should report it, and at the same time, she should leave her home for a while so that the guy want to XX her can't do bad thing to her. She can go to her friends' home or maybe your home if the police do not help her find a place to live. The girl can leave her friends' place when the man's brother leave her home. If the guy do not leave, I think her mother would not be glad.
The most important thing is that the girl should keep herself safe.
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@monkeymade (119)
• United States
14 Mar 08
This should be reported to the local police, and social services.
Pedophiles don't do this act one time, they do it over and over, like a sickness. He will either try it again with this girl, or another girl. How will you feel when that happens, knowing you could have stopped it, and did nothing? You have an obligation to report this as a citizen in your community, this is a crime and sweeping it under a rug is a great way to invite it to happen again.
Furthermore, the fact that her mother didn't do anything about it in itself is yet another crime, one of child abuse through neglect. This happened to her daughter, and yet she did nothing about it and excepted his "I was drunk" excuss. Let something happen like that to one of my daughters and see what happens.
In the meantime, YOU need to act on this now, before someone else gets hurt. Little 16 year old girls won't always be able to fend this guy off, and the more attempts he makes, the more brazen he will be about it, untill he succeeds.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Mar 08
|I cannot stop it I do not have the details, I don't know the people nor do I know where they live or what there names are,
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