By nagkho
@nagkho (25)
March 14, 2008 2:24am CST
Is abortion killing? Do we sin by abortion? How about the freedom of the pergnant mother, do we have a right to say to her what to do and what not to do?
If abortion is killing by no doubt it will be the biggest killer that has ever faced mankind, consider this the percentage of known pregnancies that end in abortion are:
Russia (2005)- 52.5%
USA (2003) - 23.9%
The estimated total abortions through Dec 2006 are:
Russia - 35,267,441
USA - 47,241,423
Total(including Russia and USA) - 928,978,112
These are just arbitary figures, the real figures are estimated to be somewhere three to five times higher than this, considering that in countries like China and India where bulk of the human population lives it is done illegally , manily due to the social stigma and Government sponscered 'one child policy'.
Everyday thousands of women die due to illegal abortions and some even in the best hospials, thousand of women have confessed to the mental and spiritual truma they face after abortion; some being hounded till their grave. Couples have been seperated due to this, permanemt infertility have occured etc, etc. Do we need more proof about the effects and side effects of abortion. How many same women do we know who have said that abortion was the best thing done to them; even if we find some they are usuall among the minority. And how many do we know who have been torn apart by aborion? many.
Since aborion is legal in most countries does it leave us gulitless, free from all pain? Consider this Jo Woodgae the first women in Briian to undergo a legal aborion says she is still hauned by it 40 years on.
We care so much for he lives of animals, we care for he plants and fishes; hey! do we really care about mankind?
I have started his dicussion to find out whether abortion is killing and if so what can we do? This discussion is not to provide consclusive answers.
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15 responses
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Your estimates are very saddening. My son attends catholic school. And last month they put 100 white crosses in the front of the school and said that each cross represented 1 million abortion babies around the world from last year. Actually seeing that and reading it really makes a person think.
I myself though am pro choice. I do believe in the woman's right to choose. I do disagree with some of the guidelines though. I think some of them need to be stricter. The biggest one for me that makes me sick is that a woman can be 6 months pregnant and still get an abortion. With technology that we have today a baby can be born at this age and actually be saved. I think that if a woman chooses to keep the baby for that long than she should have to have the baby. At this point in the pregnancy the baby is actually a baby. It moves, actually will look like a baby on an ultrasound. has a strong heartbeat. If a woman chooses to have an abortion she should have it done right away.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
16 Mar 08
"The biggest one for me that makes me sick is that a woman can be 6 months pregnant and still get an abortion."
I don't know what LaLa Land you live in, but here in the US, abortion is illegal after the third month. In many states it's illegal after the second. I think the only places that allow late-term or partial-birth abortions are Russia and other lower class Eastern European countries.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Yes, it's illegal. If a doctor is performing late-term abortions without medical reason, they are breaking the law. There was even a Supreme Court ruling a couple years ago restating that abortion is absolutely illegal(and I think a felony) after the first trimester.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Its not a lala land, I have friends who have had abortions done close to 24 weeks which is the six month mark. It's not illegal and if it is illegal its not scaring some doctors into doing them.

@Darkwing (21583)
14 Mar 08
Now you've asked something. I'm a Libra, and my greatest trait is to weigh up the pros and cons of any situation. Therefore, I am split on this.
You asked, do we have the right to take away the freedom of a pregnant mother? To my mind, we're not taking away her freedom... she has done that herself. She acted irresponsibly in the conceiving of a child, so the onus is on her. Nobody has to get pregnant these days, if they don't want a child. There are ways and means of avoiding it! So, in this instance, I would look upon abortion as unnecessary killing of an innocent being.
However, in the case of rape, I feel the victim should be given a choice, early on in the pregnancy, and be treated with a little more compassion, because it invariably happens that a rape victim is left pregnant. This is not through their own choice, or their enjoyment of the act, and the chances are, the ensuing child will be a constant reminder of a terrifying attack. Therefore, I feel they should be given the choice before the fetus develops, i.e. in the very early stages of pregnancy, perhaps up to three months, of having that pregnancy terminated. I don't regard this as unlawful killing, because it's an act of compassion.
Brightest Blessings.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
14 Mar 08
Yes, in the case of rape I think an early abortion might be the answer for some women. To have a constant reminder of a terrifying attack must be an awful thing for a lady to endure. I would choose to adopt the baby then an infertile woman could have the joy of becoming a mother.
@heynow123 (147)
• Canada
31 Mar 08
Really in my opinion theres really nothing wrong with abortion. Its a part of life. I'm not religious, so i dont believe all that sin stuff. But thats not the point. Abortion is just the easy way of getting rid of an unwanted kid. If there was no abortion the population would be through the roof. But thats just my opinion.
@KirksPet (10)
• United States
15 Mar 08
In my humble opinion, yes, abortion is murder. The reason for my belief? Well, I'm a Christian. No, I'm not one of those fanatics that thinks you can't do anything at all because everything is sin.
But I do know the Bible says that God has a purpose for our lives, and that He knew us "while we were yet in our mother's womb".
Some laws state that a child is not a child until it has a heartbeat in the womb. Other's say it is not a child until it has been completely delivered and taken it's first breath outside the womb.
But God says He knew us while we were yet in our mother's womb....so for me, I believe this means He knew us from the moment of conception...because in my opinion...nothing as phenomonal as the conception of a child can be an accident or a product of evolution.
It took the most amazing, careful, awesome, breathtaking planning to design every cell in our body....from start to finish.
And for those that "love their lives" and "live life to the fullest" - that support the theory of abortion - they should think about how much they wouldn't be able to live life to the fullest and love their lives if their mothers had thought that abortion was the way to go.
And besides, with as many people in the world that can't have children...I think people who don't want their child(ren) should have them and give them to people who would love them unconditionally and make a good life for them.
Just my two cents.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
16 Mar 08
"He knew us 'while we were yet in our mother's womb'"
If god is omniscient and infallible, would it not stand to reason that god knows who would have an abortion and when? If so, why would god "allow" women who have absolutely no desire to carry or raise children to get pregnant? Would it not stand to reason that god is perfectly capable of stopping abortion if he really wanted to?
"they should think about how much they wouldn't be able to live life to the fullest and love their lives if their mothers had thought that abortion was the way to go"
My mother is pro-choice and had actually never wanted children. She had every intention of getting an abortion should she have ever gotten pregnant. Due to a culmination of circumstances, she decided to carry her pregnancy. Would I care if she hadn't? Absolutely not. How could I? How would I have known the difference. The fact of the matter is that I wouldn't and life would have probably been a lot better for her if she had.
"And besides, with as many people in the world that can't have children...I think people who don't want their child(ren) should have them and give them to people who would love them "
Abortion solves unwanted pregnancy. Adoption does not. Women who get abortions do so because they don't want to be pregnant or carry a pregnancy in the first place. How does carrying a pregnancy solve not wanting to carry a pregnancy? Makes no sense to me.
And fertile women owe absolutely nothing to infertile women. That's like saying am ambulatory person has to run a marathon because a paraplegic wanted to but can't. It makes no sense. The two are entirely unrelated.
@motherduck (1)
14 Mar 08
Just so that the people that say "it is the mothers body, let her decide" know. If you want to take your life, yes, that is your decission, but when you take the life of someone else, IT IS MURDER!!! Abortion is not about taking your life, it is about killing the life that is living inside of you. So when you say, "it is my body" it IS NOT. IT IS THE BODY OF A DEFENSLESS LITTLE HUMAN THAT IS STRUGGLING ENOUGH TO SURVIVE WITH OUT YOUR HELP TRYING TO MURDER HIM/HER.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
16 Mar 08
"there are people out there that want children and cannot have them."
Boo freakin' hoo.
What about the people who desperately do NOT want kids, but are unfortunately fertile? People who are hurt by the constant badgering that they "have" to have kids, as if it's their obligation to make up for the infertiles and give them babies. People who would give anything to be infertile or sterilized but can't because of uppity doctors who think all people want kids and have to have them.
Fertile people owe absolutely nothing to infertile people. Luck of the draw, babe, and we both lost out. Too bad. Get over it. Stop blaming other people for your misfortunes.
@danclement (138)
31 Mar 08
I don't think abortion is murder at all - at the stage the foetus can be aborted, it is still only a collection of cells and is hardly recognisable as human.
If it were murder to kill a collection of cells, we'd commit genocide every time we scratch an itch or take a shower.
@pretty_babe (704)
• New Zealand
16 Mar 08
Hi there.
I most definitely disagree with abortion. The only exception I might considers are someone who has been Sexually Abused or someone is likely to loose the baby anyway from illness, but that's it. It does mean you have Sinned by Aborting a poor baby who had NO CHANCE to even see what you are seeing and enjoy things like you are enjoying them. God did not Create them through you for you to just get rid of them. He Created You and I to help the world to be what it is meant to be. In the end Yes it is the Mothers choice and yes it is
up to them. Abortion is Murder so therefore it is the biggest kind of Murder then. As I said on another thing about something else. This is my opinion and as entitled
to an opinion as you are, so too am I and I am just giving my opinion.
Catch ya later.
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
16 Mar 08
Well, especially in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, I think there is nothing wrong with abortion if the woman wants it. It is not being mean to mankind, it is just being careful for a baby's life, and being ready for it. If you're not ready for that then you can attend that situation but of course it is not a very easy thing. I think in the first 4 weeks, the organism is not a human yet and if the woman wants to take this procedure,then we doN't have the right to choose another way for her.
@KirksPet (10)
• United States
17 Mar 08
With regard to your comment:
If God is omniscient....(etc.etc.) - yes, He could stop abortion if he wanted to. But He gave us a little something called FREE WILL - i.e. the ability to choose to do the right thing or not. The bible says murder is a sin. Plain and simple. It doesn't say "Murder is only a sin if the individual has already been born and taken a breath".
You also said:
"Abortion solves unwanted pregnancy. Women who get abortions do so because they don't want to be pregnant or carry a pregnancy in the first place."
My response:
Don't lay down and spread your legs - or if you do, use protection. Period!!
There's a little something called "If you play, you pay" or "Don't play if you can't afford the consequences."
As for the rest of your comments, they don't dignify a response...at least not from me.
@jonirei (116)
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
yes!ofcourse.its really a big sin!it was written on the bible that abortion is a sin.According to the bible:"though shall not kill"..well thats one kind of killing.killing innocent child who doesnt even see the beauty of life..tsk.tsk.
@sdj3rd (65)
• Philippines
16 Mar 08
abortion is a sensitive topic. abortion being a crime is very ambiguous. it's how we define terms relating to the term "abortion", like "life" and "killing". if we think of an embryo or fetus having a life of its own, then abortion is a crime. this is a point where everyone argues, how do we define a living person, is it the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg or the moment the child is born.
also, some people justifies abortion because of the reason why one commits abortion, a rape victim who gets pregnant might want to commit abortion because it is a fruit of a crime she wants to forget.
at the end of the day its how we face the consequences if we commit this action that matters.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Mar 08
Abortion is killing and killing is a sin. You ask about the freedom of the mother. Yes, the mother is free to choose which god she wants to serve. She is also free to do the will of the god she chooses to serve.
The child should have rights. The right to be carried in a mother who is doing all that she can to keep that baby healthy. And a mother who delivers that baby and gives it he/she all it needs for a chance at normal life. God is the only one to give life, therefore he is the only one that should be able to take it away.