How injured or sick do you have to be before you will see a Doctor?

@filmbuff (2909)
United States
March 17, 2008 11:55pm CST
Some people will go to the Doctor for a scratch, bruise or hangnail. Others won't go until they are forced, have a broken bone (if then) or heart failure. So which one are you? If you are the "avoid medical types" type, what was the gravest injury or illness you ever walked around with? Did you eventually see a Doctor, or did you just let it go? Why? I'll start: About two months ago at work someone fliped my switch as it were. They made me so furious that it took every ounce of restraint to turn and walk away, versus beating them to a bloody pulp which admittedly is what I wanted to do. Later I was excericsing, trying to get out all the anger, when I just kind of lost it, and through a wayward elbow with the full force of my rage (and weight) at a door jam. Silly me. The doorjam fared better than I, but it'll have a good story to tell it's children someday. I didn't hit with the elbow, instead I landed with the middle of my arm, and clearly fractured it. Not full-on broken, but a fractured. Not my smarter, nor most proud moment. I didn't even realize for a week or two that my arm was broken, because the pain didn't stop and when I really felt it, I could feel the fracture. I am have to admit that I never saw a Doctor. The pain has long since stopped, though I can still feel how the bone was altered. I figure it will heal back stronger than before, in perperation for round two someday. (You hear me doorjam? I'm coming for you!) :) I do kind of laugh now thinking about how money I saved by not seeing a Doctor. I can't imagine what they would have done, or how much they would charged for x-ray's and the like. Filmbuff: 1, Medical Profession: 2,603,302 and a half. :)
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16 responses
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I'm the type will do everything I possibly can to keep from going to the doctor. I will never forget when I broke my foot in 5 places. I was in the Navy Seaman school, and I reached up to grab my garment bag for a room mate and came down on my dress shoes, which are very stiff. At first I really didn't feel any pain, but later that night omg, it felt like knives stabbing me as I tried to go to the bathroom. I basically fell half way there and someone had to help me up. I tried my best to play it off, but it didn't work. Next thing I knew I had the Officer on deck come up and he had to get 2 guys to pick me up and carry me downstairs by force to be put on a ambulance to go to the hospital. Well, after 4 xrays I was told I only had a really bad sprain and had my foot wrapped up really good. Now, your thinking how was my foot broken when I was told it was a sprain. Well, after I left the school, went home, and check into my command. I was told to report to medical on board the ship. There I was told my foot was broken in 5 places and the hospital didn't actually notice it until I was already on a van heading to the airport to head home. I got lucky, if the van was running even 5 minutes late, I would have been stuck there until my foot healed. Now I still don't like going to the doctor unless I absolutely have to go, because I think it's a waste of money to go when your not really sick or hurt. Now with my kids that's a different story. I have called my daughter's doctors over the slightest problem. I have drove almost 2 hours to get my oldest from my parents home to take to the doctor in fear that she might have strep throat, which she didn't. I love my kids doctor, they put up with a lot of crap from me over the years.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Mar 08
my kids take after me. after they got all their shots and beyond infant stage....they go only when they are really sick or hurt. I do have insurance for them...not myself but for them I do and did. Three out of four are grown and the y do not miss work or run to t he doctors each time they feel sick. I kind of can tell with my 14 year old if an injury or illness warrants a run to the doctors. It is not each time she has the flu or a cold , i can tell you that.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Wow, five places huh? That must have hurt. It's funny, but as much as I don't like seeing the doctor, I'm usually pretty quick to urge the people I care about to go see one, especially if they have good insurance.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Well I'm not one to go to the doctor for any little old thing although there have been times I wish I could have but money has kept me from it. The worst was a few years ago, I ended up in ICU for pneumonia. I couldn't afford to go to the doctor and figured well it will either get better or I'll end up at the ER. I ended up in the ER and then in the hospital for 10 days. I would like to be able to go to the doctors on some things but I do agree some seem to go over board. They get the sniffles and they go or they break a toe (not that they can do anything about that). However there are times when we should go and your arm is one good example. It could have some long term effects you don't realize yet. I wish you luck with it.
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
25 Mar 08
It's a sorry state of healthcare right now. Far too many poeple have no insurance or are underinsured. I did the math and figured I would have to pay out of pocket about $5000 before the insurance my company (soon to be former company) would actually kick in and start paying some of the bills. That isn't even worth paying the premiums for, so I elected to take no coverage. If I were in the hospital or needed major surgery, yeah it would help. But if I were in that situation a hospital isn't likely to refuse treatment anyways. Here's to hoping my next job has real benefits...
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
It's a sorry state of healthcare when no one can afford treatment. Which is why I'm looking for a government job with excellent benefits. Don't worry about the arm, I'm not. I'm in better touch with my body (no not like that) than most. It's not serious, it's all but healed and I just don't *feel* a problem with it. I have other, more pressing concerns, but it's not like I can afford to have those looked at either.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Mar 08
it really is just too bad when people cannot afford to go to the doctor because I am a senior I have medicare and secure horizons insurance for aged people otherwise I would be owing almost pone hundred thousand dollars for a shoulder joint replacement due to a fall that smashed my left shoulder into little pieces
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
18 Mar 08
i don't really like to go to the doctor unless if i am really really sick... that is my problem... when i go to the doctor, sometimes it is already a bit too late and my illness already so serious... that's why i'm hospitalised about 2 weeks ago... i guess i had learnt my lesson now...
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I'm like that too. There is something really, really wrong if I'm in a doctor's office.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
I would try to self medicate. As long as that has a chance of working I won't see a doctor. But after so many years and it's still giving me problems I would eventually seek professional help. For a fracture I would definitely go to an orthopedist. The limb needs to be immobilized to allow healing to occur.
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Nice question and great story. For me, I used to have to be taken to the emergency room against my will before I would see a doctor. This, of course, meant that I was in no condition by that point to put up a fight. My personal worst was neglecting a cold until a friend, driving me back to college after a weekend away, had to stop at an ER for me because I could not breathe. I was lucky we were so close to one! It took me six weeks to recover from the Pnuemonia. My dad has me beat though. He is a retired farmer who once came to the door, having walked across half a field, a minor highway and our large yard after CUTTING OFF HIS RING FINGER! He told my mom he "probably" should go to ER, but he wasn't in a hurry. There was probably some shock involved, but he doesn't like doctors at all. That was the only time I EVER remember him going.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
He should probably go to Er, that's funny. I woke up oneday many years ago and found half of face paralized. Everyone, myself included figured I had stroke. It took about 12 hours for people to convince me to see a doctor. After I went to the ER and found out it was a temporary, not at all serious bout of Belle's Palsy, I was wishing I didn't bother.
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• United States
19 Mar 08
I avoid the doctor, but I rarely get sick so it works out. I haven't suffered any big injuries, but I only go if I'm having pains that won't go away with the over the counter medicines after a few days. Once, I went through a bad cold, several years ago, and thought I would just suffer through it. A month later I went to the doctor, got antibiotics and got better within days.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Yeah I've had some of those "If I would have known it was that quick and easy, I would have done this weeks ago," moments too.
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• United States
18 Mar 08
No wonder You were with me on that bottle of Sangria Handsome :))) I so understand why you felt my pain. LMAO Shame on you what did your door frame ever do to you? (other than fracturing the arm...that was self defense ya know ) I am a total whip when it comes to physical pain. If I hurt bad enough I generally will give in and see a Doctor. Other things such as a bad cold cough, I tend to let go. I do not over react with my kids and grands either, I let an illness ride itself out before taking them to the doctor, most of the time all they will do is give an antibiotic and we take far to many of them to begin with. "They made me so furious that it took every ounce of restraint to turn and walk away, versus beating them to a bloody pulp which admittedly is what I wanted to do.: LMAO I love it cause that is sure how I felt Friday evening :)))))
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
For the most part I've discovered that doctors are mostly incompetant and usually guessing. They rarey listen, and have never really helped me with anything. I've found that doing my own research and often letting things run it's course works much better. The only time I go to doctor's if is there is something I know needs treatment, like really bad asthma, most of the time its like: I have these symtoms, it's appears to be a, b, or c. What do you think. I agree "a" is more likely, lets try medication x, which I've heard works well. Sometimes they go for it sometimes not. I'm right more than they are.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I'm not going to say that I go in for every little bump or scratch, but I do go in when I know I'm in trouble. I'd've been to the doctor for the altercation with the door jam. I hate to say that the healed arm probably isn't as strong as you think it might be.
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@vicky30 (4766)
• India
18 Mar 08
I have to be so sick that i always feel pain in my body when i do movements.then i see the doctor.if i have got a severe cold then i see the doctor.otherwise i try to use medicines at home
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Not a bad way to go. No sense it paying for their jag's, for nothing.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Filmbuff, I understand wanting to avoid the doctor but, you really should go. Some stuff can heal fine on its own but, you only have 2 arms. What if something gets worse as far as that bone? I just think you should at least make sure it is healing ok. Better safe than sorry! As for me, I get sick for about 3 months every year in the winter. I get bronchitis and a bacterial sinus infection with sinusitis...or some crud like that. So, I go to get some antibiotics in the hopes of stopping it before it gets worse and has me wishing the Grim Reaper would stop by and ask me if I would like to go somewhere with him. It never works and I think I have found something that may work for me. I have immune boosters (all natural) that I am taking and will continue to take and hopefully I don't have to pay the doctor to tell me he usually doesn't see or treat patients until they have been sick with a cold or the flu for at least 7 days. Let me tell you...he told me that both times that I saw him this year. I had already been sick with the Bronchitis for a month went I got sick again and he told me again that crud about 7 days. To which I reminded him that I don't get sick for just 7 days. I get sick for 90 days! Ugh! Ok...I feel better! Thanks for letting me vent...even though you didn't ask me to! LOL! Anyway, please consider seeing someone to make sure that that bone is healing properly. You can get an infection. That is something you don't want to have in your bones.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
When I get a cold or flue, due to my asthma it goes to my chest and stays there for a long time. So I understand the being sick for 90 days thing. Thanks for your concern, but my arm is fine. Really it is as good as new, and medically speaking not even on the radar.
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
20 Mar 08
A job that stresses me out that much, is a job I don't need, which is one of the reasons I gave notice. haha. Yeah asthma sucks, with the cold...straight to the chest where it just perkolates for eons. The last few years I've been lucky though, I haven't gotten sick much, I did around Christmas, but it never made it to my chest so I was lucky, only lasted about 2-3 weeks.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I'm sorry that you can understand that! LOL! Doesn't it suck? My boss once scoffed at me when I told him that I was hoping not to catch the cold he had because I would be sick for 3 months. He said something like, "come on! 3 months? Isn't that stretching it a little?" When I caught his cold, once a month went by, he couldn't believe I was still sick. Then 2, then 3. I then reminded him what I had told him about my colds and how long they last and he said he didn't believe me then but, he has no choice but to believe me now. People who get to only suffer from a cold for 1 week make me jealous. They can't relate! Anyway, I hope you are right about your arm! Just don't go showing anymore structures that you mean business! LOL!
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@malda08i (53)
• Japan
18 Mar 08
u can save a lot for seeing a dr.whenever u feel something strange with ur body or pain or irregularities.but if u ignore ur health,take it for granted and becomes will costs a lot and even ur life.!theres nothing wrong with being paranoid when it comes to ur health.remember tht health is wealth.
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@gxnfly (1147)
• China
18 Mar 08
Oh,you were really pissed when you threw a elbow at a doorjamb.That's not good,LOL. I am loath to see a doctor too.It seems to me that they overcharge all the time and give you a lot of medicines to take which you probably don't need them.I never suffered serious disease,just catch a cold sometimes.I don't see the doctor ,the the cold will heal by itself after a couple of days. When I am not feeling well,I will go search the internet first ,see if I can overcome it buy eating some kind of food which is called food therapy.I think that is a smart idea,I can save a lot of money for me.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I do a lot of internet research before I waste money on a doctor too, unless I need somekind of specific medication, like for asthma attacks or the like.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
18 Mar 08
im not one that runs for every tiny little thing. figger if i can stop whatever from bleeding in under 3 minutes, im good to go! i will go if something doesnt go away within a week or so tho. theres been a variety of injuries that prolly couldve used a stitch or twelve, ( medical tape is just as handy to fix things as duct tape is, with a little bit of ice, yer all set =oP ) but id have to say the worse thing that i didnt bother with a doc was when i broke two of my toes and the bones right behind them in my foot. docs dont do anything for broken toes, fingers, noses cept give you some pills for the pain and a big fat hospital bill anyways. so i set the bones myself, taped them up and hobbled for a few weeks. do yourself a favor and dont buy those giNORmous economy size bottles of shampoo and conditioner, they hurt a whole lot when they topple off the shelf in the shower!
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I will avoid buying industrial size bottles of hair care products at sam's club from now on.. ;) Yeah the human body heals pretty well, and if its *that* serious, the doctors may not be much help at all. I've had broken toes too, tape up em' and soldier on.
@nandinim (96)
• India
18 Mar 08
I always avoid going to docter till I can manage.I hates taking medicines.Till now I didn't had any severe injury or frature so I was lucky in that manner.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I hope you continue to stay lucky, I'm with you less medicine is better medicine.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I listen to my inner gut and so far that has always served me well. I don't have health insurance and even when I did....i don't just run to the doctor for every little thing. As I type I have something in my back...i know not what but I took a real harsh fall on ice and hit my head and back to the pavement really bad. I saw stars and lost feeling in my hands and legs for a few minutes. Afterwards I had a huge egg on my head and my back hurt each time I movedd. it has been weeks and whle it still hurts it is healing. I deep down knew it was not anything critical and I'm sure it wasn't. The very few times that I have run to the doctors...I've been is a good thing you came in when you did. I do wait until I know it is do or die. Some people run for every little ailment. I don';t get it. I really have better things to do than sit in a doctors office for a sliver or a cough.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Mar 08
I hate going to the doctor and put it off aslong as possible but when I fell two years ago and smashed my shoulder other people saw it and called the paramedics who came at once.I literally could not lift myleft arm and I remember telling the parimedic that myshoulder was just dislocated and I would go to my doctor.mind you I also hurt my left knee and I could not even get to my feet so the paramedics won that one and I am now glad they did as my shoulder was not dislocated it was smashed into small bits so I had to have surgery and have a bionic shoulder joint replacement put in and after months of rehab I still have not got back the use of my left arm. so a fracture should be seen by a doctor I was lucky that my insurance covered all of that the bill was $86 000 dollars whew oh my