Whoever decided to start carpeting bathrooms should be shot.
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
March 18, 2008 12:04pm CST
It's an old situation that still hasn't been completely fixed. When we bought our home there was thick blue carpeting in the master bathroom. I thought nothing of it at first. After a while I started to notice a little dampness around the front of the toilet. Of course by this time it was too late. The toilet ( having been bolted down on top of soft flexible carpeting ) had been wobbeling & worn out the seal. With every flush a little water had escaped & seeped into the wood below. Of course this had been hidden by the very carpet that had caused the problem. The wood had rotted & the toilet was all but ready to fall through the floor before there was any real sign. Once I realized what was happening I took the day off, jerked up the toilet & carpet around it, relayed the flooring & tiled the area. Of course at the time we didn't actually have the money to do all that. Now that the taxes have come in it's time to consider tiling the rest of the bathroom since I'm sure they same problem exists by the shower.
I've heard similar stories from other people.
I want to shoot the moron
who came up with this so bad.
Is your bathrooom carpeted? Are you going to be looking for this problem now that you've been warned?

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21 responses
@killertomato (7)
18 Mar 08
I have lived in more than one home with this problem. Mold, I can't stand mold! I think it is a conspiracy. An attempt to conquer the world with spores.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Although I don't have carpet in our bathroom (thank goodness) I have seen similar happen and other silly ideas to be done in there. Our one bathroom has beautiful white time on the floor. What's the problem you ask? It gets a bit of water on it and you might as well be on oil over ice it's that slippery. Not the smartest things to put in a bathroom. In our old place the only thing holding up the toilet was the pipe beneath. It was a mobile home and the flooring was all particle board under the linoleum which when wet starts to break up. Again not the smartest things to have in a bathroom since it is so easy to get water underneath. It really makes you wonder sometimes what people are thinking about when they design things. I could really go into the flaws about my house but I won't (it was built in the 70's and I swear they were all on acid when they built it) only because it would take too long to post.
If you want some extra work our bathroom tub needs re-tiling :) but I'm on a shoe string budget so I might be able to pay in pizza.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
19 Mar 08
WOW I have never seen bathroom with carpet that is so not right. First of all it is a heaven for bacteria and damp second of all it is distroing the wood under it as the moisture has no way to get out or dry properly. Honestly what were they thinking.
@FaerieAne2003 (679)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I absolutely despise carpeted bathrooms. If there are any water lines in the area, DON'T FRICKIN PUT CARPET THERE!!! The "dressing area" of the bathroom (if it's a big enough bathroom) being carpeted doesn't bother me, but why put carpet around the tub or toilet?! I've even seen carpeted kitchens, and that's just plain nasty. My kitchen and bath are hardwood and linoleum, respectively, and the floors in each stay filthy. I sweep twice a week and mop once a week, and both could stand to be done daily. What happens if you drop a raw egg or a pan full of hot grease on that carpeted kitchen floor? A huge, uncleanable mess, that's what. What happens if you keep your dog in that carpeted bathroom while you go the grocery store and he/she poops and pees everywhere? Another huge, uncleanable mess, that's what! What happens if you are potty-training your toddler and he/she misses the toilet regularly? Yet another huge, uncleanable mess. I whole-heartedly agree with you, Uath. It's not only a pain in the butt when you have to relay the floor and replace the commode, it's also just out-and-out disgusting. Although, if linoleum isn't laid correctly it can cause the same problems. Shame there isn't a cure-all for it, eh? Short of tearing the floors up every 5-10 years, that is.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I think the tile I'm laying down will work pretty well, It looks pretty good too.
Of course by the time I'm done I'm going to be ready to track the builder down, roll him up in the mildewed carpet, string it up in a tree & call it a pinyatta.

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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
18 Mar 08
yeah that was a terrible choice of flooring for a bathroom for more than one reason. the best flooring for a bathroom is either tile or linoleum (sp?). The carpet gets wet every time you step out of the shower, water is sloshed when you shave or anything like that at the sink, and the toilet problem you spoke of is not a good thing either...all these issues can lead to mold and mildew in the carpet...not good for your health. Hardwood floors are not a good choice for bathrooms either. Stick with the two suggestions above...

@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I don't have that problem and there is a reason why. My house is only 7 years old. We bought it before it was finished being built which means we got to see it through a lot of the end stages. We went to see the progress one day and went upstairs to our master bath. Good thing because, we had asked for tile in all the bathrooms and they had carpeted it. Though we never thought of plumbing issues, we just knew we didn't want carpet for the fact that, if you step out of the shower with wet feet (my hubby does but I don't) then that water would build up and would eventually ruin the carpet by the shower. Plus, bathroom floors get filthy. The area around the toilet gets pee from men's sprinkle which is why we have throw rugs which we can toss into the laundry and wash. And, what little bit of hairspray I use on my bangs, any extra falls on the counter tops and on the floor. I have dropped my makeup on the floor. I even broke a bottle of perfume on my bathroom floor about a year ago when I dropped it. Carpet in bathrooms is one of the dumbest ideas every. Bathrooms are for water, makeup and haircare products and the clean up is a weekly necessity. How to you remove the pee from the bottom of the toilet bowl? The water from where you step out of the shower with wet feet? The blush, eyeshadow or foundation that spilled out of the container when you accidentally dropped it or the applicator you were using to apply it? The hairspray? Or, even the die that dripped on the floor while you were coloring your hair? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid idea!
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 08
To me it is the same as carpet in the kitchen.
I do not have this as we have hardwood throughout, but I have seen this before.
Why would anyone think it is a good idea to put carpet in a room in which water runs? (Or food is prepared, or toilets....)
Carpet not only hides serious damage lurking in the floor but it is germy! How unsanitary it is to have carpet in the bathroom. What an idea!
It does really defy explanation in my mind. I too think that whomever thought that was a good idea should be rolled up in the dirty, germy carpet and allowed to sit there for a bit to think about their decision.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I don't have carpet in entire house. When I bought my house, it was carpet on attic and in few rooms in my basement.
It was also laminate floor in basement.
I replaced carpet on attic with hardwood floor.
In basement I removed laminate and carpet and I placed acid concrete.
Carpet in bathroom, kitchen and in basement is a crime.
I helped my friend to place tiles in her bathroom.
She bought two different tile colors in local outlet for $120 total...and it took us 2 days to place it....
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
19 Mar 08
You are so right, carpeting a bathroom was the idea of someone who obviously was not thinking very clearly! We bought a home many years ago that had a carpeted bathroom and LUCKILY after being there only a few months hubby happened to look up one day while in the basement and noticed the rotten wood. The bathtub was ready to fall thru to the basement! A bathroom has much to high of moisture content to put carpet down. It holds the water, creates mold and rots the wood underneath. Another problem is urine smell if anybody misses the toilet and/or the toilet overflows onto the carpet int he event of a clog. It is just totally senseless to carpet a bathroom!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
19 Mar 08
That I knew about, what amazes me is more is how someone could consider carpeting considering the inaccurate aim that men and boys are prone too. You can not just remove it and wash it.
@definitelyarun (210)
• India
19 Mar 08
wow!! that was some thinking whoever it was. i am not shocked but totally astonished by the idea of carpeting the bathroom. i havent heard of such a disastrous invention. that person deserves a grenade suppository for the least. what will they think of next 'a window on the floor'.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I can't believe anyone would carpet a bathroom. I mean come on. Its a place where you shower, and with three kids that wouldn't do. they always get water on the floor. I couldn't imagine the mildew build up. You did the right thing by taking the carpet out.
@jellyjam74 (205)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
really it is a moron who thought of this, and a moron who continues to do this. i don't have carpeting in my bathroom, but i do in my kitchen. and it is just horrible! but i am moving in 2 weeks so i won't have to deal with it anymore (thank goodness!). the people that owned this building when i moved in said it was "easier to lay carpet throughout, so they didn't have to cut it twice" it's the same carpet through the living room, kitchen and into the bedroom, but i think it was just plain laziness!
@Antithesis (110)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Yes, yes they should be.
No, wait. They should be drawn and quartered.
Lol, I couldn't believe it when I heard people actually put carpet in the bathroom. That just struck me as really gross. All the mold and mildew that could get caught up in that junk...ew. I don't even want to think about it. Not to mention little "spills" and "messes." Ick. I wouldn't want to spend my time steam cleaning bathroom carpets every week. I'll stick with tile bathroom floor, thank you.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
18 Mar 08
i am so sorry to hear about what you have to undergo with your bathroom... my bathroom doesn't have any carpet on it... i don't really like carpet anyway... it is hard to clean...
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Ugh! My first house after I got married had thick maroon carpet in the bathroom. It seemed great at first for us too. No cold, slippery floors when getting out of the shower...
We didn't have trouble with the toilet, at least not that I know of because we only lived there for a year, but it did start to become a problem around the tub. The wood trim was rotting (another dumb thing to put by a bathtub) and the carpet dye stained the fooring below.
This place has carpet in the kitchen which is another annoyance...water, spills, food...you name it, it has it's own spot on the floor.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
20 Mar 08
the people we bought our home from - or the people before them decided to carpet through the entire house... I detested it in the bathroom - with tub spill overs from splashing kids, to toilet drips and shower sprays - what a mess. It was not long before I ripped that carpet out - now we have ripped out the kitchen and dining room carpets as well. waiting for the moola to lay down tile or some other flooring - as it is just cement right now - most unattractive.
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I used to live in a place with carpet in the bathroom, and I hated it. Because I have heard of things like that happening all the time. I now live in a home with tile in the bathrom. It makes it so much easier to clean, and keep dry. Plus if something is leaking from the toilet or shower I will know right away.
@gemini_rose (16264)
18 Mar 08
My bathroom is not carpeted, it was not carpeted when we moved in either thank goodness. It would have been taken up straight away, I cannot stand carpet in a bathroom, also I have 4 males in the house and no offence to anyone male, but my bunch miss their target with every pee they take and so to have carpet would be totally unhygienic, it would stink to high heavens!
@kezabelle (2974)
18 Mar 08
We do have carpet in our bathroom, mainly because we rented it with no flooring and we had some left over offcuts which fit cheap and cheerful. I hate it and will be replacing it as soon as possible, the kids splash water all over it despite me putting a towel down and its not like I can just mop it up.
Im sure the toilet is safe here though as there was nothing but bare boards when we moved in hubby fitted the carpet around the toilet and not under it after readin that im glad he did.