It was Love at first sight!
By heart143
@heart143 (1202)
March 18, 2008 12:47pm CST
It took some time before I got pregnant. I had a delicate pregnancy and a difficult delivery. I had to labor for 17 hours hoping to have a normal delivery until the doctor said its not possible anymore and they have to do CS on me.
We've waited long enough...I have to bear delicate pregnancy...I have to endure painful labor just to see my beloved child.
I was half-sedated when the doctor handed me my baby, she was so fragile and small, only 4.2 pounds. I was stunned. My mind stopped working for a while...can't find a word to say...can't assess all the emotions I felt...only one thing for sure - its was love at first sight.
I was happy, I was surprised, I was amazed, I was relieved, I was crying, I was confused, I was worried, I was excited ...I was again injected then I fell asleep.
What was your reaction when you first saw your baby?
16 responses
@Gabrielle1609 (278)
• Singapore
21 Mar 08
My baby came after 20hours labor... so when i saw her it was pure love...
@ruthinian (2309)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Well, I have an idea. But since I still have no kids yet much less gotten pregnant yet, I can't tell how it feels. But what I know right now is that, when that time comes, I know I will surely feel the same way too.

@yuchen1984 (27)
• China
19 Mar 08
Congratulate for you!Our baby is the gift given by God.When we see or think of our baby ,we can overcome any difficult and do anything for he or her,it is our pleasure.
@JHEZ924 (119)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
exactly the same feelings i got when i first saw my son... i was also in c-section when i gave birth to him. all the pain and hurts were all gone when i heard his cry, what more when i saw him... oh its heaven... i've waited so long to see him, from the 1st day of my conception up to the day he came out of this world.
@kezabelle (2974)
19 Mar 08
Fear, i had a uick easy labour but she was very poorly when she was born and was taken straight to intensive care, it was only 20 hours later when I held her for the first time I felt any love, thats not to say I didnt love her before simply the terror of losing her was foremost in my mind and blotted out anything else.
My second daughter I got to pull her up onto my chest and i do think i fell in love with her right then and there, she wasnt breathing either but thankfully came round straight away.
I do know one thing though the birth of my two girls is not something I will ever forget and I will always remember dispite the trauma being 100% blessed in having my babies.
@Mickie30 (2626)
18 Mar 08
Love, love, love. Actually it was difficult but, even as I felt her for the brief second on my chest I knew I loved her. I had to have an emergency C Section because I had preeclampsia it all happened so quickly. I nearly was dying my kidneys were failing and my blood pressure was sky high and it was all so frightening. They put me in hospital then 48 hours later I was on the operating table awake with an epidural my husband by my side. When they took her out from me I was allowed to see her for a few seconds I don't really remember much apart from my husband telling me they had to resucitate her for 10 minutes.
Then I was away from her for 24 hours in the recovery room unable to see her apart from a photograph my dad had taken for me which I clung to whilst the nurse wiped the blood from my wound and I was out of it on morphine. The next I remember was being on the ward with all the other mums and yet my baby was not allowed to be with me she was on special care baby unit too small and precious to be with me yet. Then she grew and within 3 weeks we were allowed to take her home for Christmas. She wanted to come 6 weeks early so she could have her 1st Christmas with us.
We tried for 2 1/2 years for her and she is the most precious thing in my life. I love her so much every day I tell her how precious she is to me and when I hear other parents telling their children that they are naughty I cringe. I never tell my daughter that I love her and yes she has her moments, but she is the most precious valuable person in my life. I love her and nobody can understand that love till they are a parent themselves. My daughter is 2 now and we are trying for another. It may take another 2 1/2 years, but at least we will have fun trying. I only want 1 more as a brother or sister for my daughter.
@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
Now that we are mothers also...we understand better why our mothers are over protective to the point of being unreasonable to us sometimes. It is because of the love and caring they want to give us all the time. Sometimes naughty, sometimes cranky and sometimes very sweet...whatever our little ones do...they always make us smile.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
18 Mar 08
I have 5 kids and what joy I felt when I saw them especially the youngest. My eldest was a girl then a boy after the 2 eldest I wanted another girl really hoping the 2bnd child was a girl too..then 3rd time I got another boy and another boy for the 4th on my last child I said I don't care anymore if I got a boy again this would be my last baby for now.
..Then the time came when the baby came out and the doctor said it was a girl..I almost stood up because of that I was sooooooo happy.
It was so great. I think I healed that fast that day due to happiness

@makingpots (11915)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Love beyond words!!!!!! Amazement, relief, awe, happiness, excitement. It was without a doubt the most incredible moment of my life and I will never, never forget it. My son was not breathing and they could not bring him around right away. So within minutes my son and my husband were wisked away from me to another room and a whole other set of emotions set in.
@liquidblot (175)
• Singapore
19 Mar 08
after so much pain, you finnaly see your own flesh and blood, thats a incredible and happy thing.
thats what i feel~
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Love and Awe x3 for me.
Awe from the realization that this brand new living, breathing human being just came from you. Love because you know this new life is yours to cherish.
Together Love and Awe make your baby look like the most beautiful thing on earth. 

@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
18 Mar 08
It was one of the happiness days of my life. I was so happy to hear her cry,see she had all her toes and fingers. I was so excited to be a mom and I couldn't wait to her home. I was glad to see that all the pain(26 hours) I went through was worth it.
You summed it all up with worried,relieved,confused,excited,amazed and surprised.
@karma118 (294)
• United States
18 Mar 08
There was just so much that I didn't know when I had my first child. I was just so amazed and wondered how nobody told me how much bigger your heart grows. Stunned. Surprised. Relieved. Worried. Emotional.
I just had no idea what to do. All I knew was that the little man I was holding would always be mine and I would do whatever it took to keep him safe and happy.
To be honest, those thoughts are still with me and I still remember everything about my delivery. It was my most amazing experience and always will be. I know no other way to describe it. Simply magical.
Us mothers should give eachother a pat on the pack because we have to go through a heck of a lot!
@graceandowen (1637)
18 Mar 08
My 1st baby was a hard, painfull and compilcated labour but as soon as I saw my daughter and she was placed on my chest I was instantly amazed and taken aback by this precious little bundle that I had created and grown in my body I wouldnt say it was love at 1st sight with my 1st child it came with time but with my second child it was an easy uncomplicated labour and as soon as I saw him it was love at 1st sight, this hasnt had any effect on how much i love my children tho as I love them both equally. They were both natural births and I wouldnt have had it any other way.
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
19 Mar 08
The world seems more beautiful, the weather always perfect and your dream girl or guy the most wonderful person on this planet. If you are feeling all these and searching for valentine’s day ideas or a person for flower delivery for some time now; then let me tell you my friend, you are in love.
love at first sight is indeed something that happens and you don't remain yourself.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I once read that seeing your baby for the first time is like "meeting someone you'd been longing for you whole life" and as a mom of six, that is exactly how it feels.
I looked at this little face with those huge deep eyes and felt like I knew them already, I had known them for so long and was finally getting to hold them in my arms. It really is an indescribable feeling....and one I will miss dearly as I know I have met all the babies I was meant to meet.