This is the worst thing I have ever seen anyone do on myLot!!!!!
By killahclaire
@killahclaire (3665)
March 18, 2008 9:10pm CST
i started a discussion not long ago and was pleased when I got my first mail notification that someone had replied so I went and checked it out and clearly the person had responded to the title and had not read everything I had wrote in the discussion.
So I called them on it and asked them and he said no he hadn't could I please summarise the discussion in one or two lines for him please.
Of course I told him that the whole idea is that he should read the whole discussion.
The worst thing. He has a 7 star and has partaken in 368 posts.
This guy is getting paid money out or pot for this!
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25 responses
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I am so sorry you had to deal with that. From many other forums I would expect that kind of thing but I understand your frustration. I can't say I have experienced anything like that here.. yet. MOST of the posters I have found here are very high quality. I am sorry again but just remember, firstly why he has 368 posts with a 7 star and answered you like that, I can't say.. sometimes life is unfair but also remember that MOST of the time you will get a genuine response to anything that you post.
@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Well the annoying thing was that discussion took ages to write out and was a personal story so I thought he should at least have the decency to read what I had went to the effort of sharing.
It is called the secret of never aging. Go and look!
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
Lmao.. I saw that post. And I guffawed out loud. All I could think of, "Stuff like that only happens to Claire". ROFLMAO!!!
You've made posts in the past to purposely see if people would read the entire content of your original post, as have other friends on here. Some things just don't change, and sadly, that is one of them.
You could report them I guess, but giving a negative rating is likely the best route.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Well karen you must have read the post. It was long but it was a personal story that I had put alot of effort into.
And the title was not meant to fool. I just wanted to give it something catchy.
I stupidly went and negatived him and now can't report him.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
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@pitstop (14326)
• Australia
19 Mar 08
Unfortunately there are a lot of such people on MyLot like this - people who read just the title , a keyword etc and launch a copied answer or even a cut-and-paste job!
And then there are others who use translators and come up with hilarious answers and people who answer completely irrelevantly! We have an amazingly funny mix of people here!
@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
yeah but all these things you can kind of expect from a place that is offering money for responses but the real thing that got me was the fact he asked me to condense the post into one or two lines for him personally as he didn't want to read it all.
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@histechnoangel (356)
• United States
19 Mar 08
My bad experience was with one of my 1st posts.. I needed advice on a problem with my cat and people bashed me and told me to get over it. I mean, what the heck? Why even respond? Just to get money?
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Yeah I hate it when people do that. Obviously you went to the trouble of making your post cos you had concerns and the least people could do is respect these concerns and if they can't then they should choose not to respond.
I hate it when you ask for advice and people come in and just say "I am sorry but I can not help you"
I almost scream at the computer "Then why are you responding".
Sometimes I wish the mylot police had more force.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I'm guilty of doing that Claire. Sometimes it's because it's a friend, or I can comment on something similar that I went through, or I see that there is a low response and / or I want to help to boost the topic back up to the top of the screens so that more people can see it and hopefully respond.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
I have also made detailed posts before.
I would relate a very adequate content of the post and I would often conclude it with the inquiry in mind. Of course, I would assume that those who would reply to that discussion would have read the whole entry that I made but, it seems that some are more concerned with the last statement I made which is the question.
Then they would repond with just the question alone, with no regards with the details I have given which I would like them to contemplate on before responding their thoughts to share.
Kind'a like your situation, though my respondent replied only on the question I have given on the last part of my post while yours on the very title of your discussion.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
I think alot of people here think it is okay just to reply to part of the discussion in order to earn their money here and show no respect to the fact that someone has went to alot of time and effort writing out the discussion plus also choosing to choose a personal story.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Now that is very true. I am very glad to say that the reponses I have received to this discussion here has restored my faith back in the myLot community and even the majority of people have came back to check on what is being said and add even more comments to their responses.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
Well, not all members are like that and I guess we just have to expect those kinds of members every now and then.
Though it does seem frustrating to receive a short reply, indeed a 'comment' after the effort we have given but, it surely doesn't leave us discouraged but, we go on and be active since there are more members out who would most likely read our posts as well as reply in length about their opinions regarding the topic we introduced
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I hate it when that happens. I'm still new here, only been here 2 weeks, but it's still annoying. I have had discussions answered by fellow mylotters, that had obviously not read my entire discussion, because they posted something that wasn't even relevent to what I was discussing. Also, when you clearly state that you DO NOT want any referral links posted in your discussions, and people do it anyway. That drives me bonkers, because it takes away from not just them, but everyone who responds to the discussion. People should really read into things further before responding, but they don't, because it's just a race to them on racking on posts to make more money, and that's what is so wrong about it.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
I would be lying if I said I wasn't here for the money but obviously I am. But I really enjoy myLot as well and I think it is a great way to pass away the evenings bored in the house.
This kind of thing really irritates me because often I will go way out of my way to help someone on here if they are wanting help or advice and often find myself googling stuff for 15 minutes at a time looking for useful information for people and I wish more people were abiding by the rules here so we could get paid the money we deserve for our imput instead of it being handed to people that seriously should not even have an account here.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
OMG I think I would have told him to go shove his words in an unmentionable place LOL there is no point in replying if you have no clue what your replying to geepers. If it was me I would have gotten his reply removed.
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@killahclaire (3665)
20 Mar 08
Don't threat. His response was removed and he has dropped his star to a 6 as well. I am going to keep an eye on him though definately.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I went back to the discussion you referred to, and didn't see his post. It was'nt a really long post that he couldn't have read the whole thing. I can imagine how people reacted when he told you to summarize. What an idiot.
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@killahclaire (3665)
20 Mar 08
Well I am pleased to announce that it was deleted. Did you not see the person who wrote "Why did you delete my response?"
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Yeah well this one was even worse and had the rudeness to ask me to condense my discussion to one or two lines personally for him cos he couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
This happens to me to, sometimes I get disappointed at them but I know that I should let it go. For some of them might be here for the money indeed, some are hardly able to read and comprehend the words written in English and others are too bored to read long posts. But I wouldn't think of the third reason I have told you here, we have all the right to write no matter how long the posts is because we want to elaborate more and point out something to make our discussion lively.
Now for that person, I believe I've seen him post irrelevant responses on some discussions I've been through as well. The best thing to do, report that specific post of his so mylot admin could remove it. I'm sure, he won't get paid there..
@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Unfortunately I seem to have got myself into the habit of + or - as soon as I read a post and happened to do this one before it occured to me to report so the report button has now gone.
This is something that myLot should look to "upgrade".
I know alot of people are here to make quick money and I can only hope that they never make payout. And I know that some people do struggle with the English language and I do respect that but I a m quite happy for these people not to read my long discussions or do ask me to clarify certain parts for them.
I am just disappointed that someone can so blatantly not "play the game" right.
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@Eskimo (2315)
19 Mar 08
A number of members have had discussions about this in the past, putting something in the title which had nothing to do with what was in the discussion, and seeing how many people actually took time to read all of it.
This is a discussion site, which (from my dictionary), means that someone takes a point of view (and they don't even have to agree with what they write), and others respond to that either positively or negatively, but to take an active part they actually have to read what is written. I think a lot of people here don't do that properly.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Mar 08
And it is really insulting to the poster when the responder does not even do the courtesy of reading all the discussion. How could you give your own views pro or con on a discussion if you did not know what the heck the discussion was about? That is what a discussion is all about.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Mar 08
I would find this so annoying, I think I would probably get overly verbose in the sarcasm department. I read everything before I post. Even the other responses. I often find that my original reaction to the discussion changes as I learn more from the replys about the subject. Really what's the point of a discussion if you don't know what you're talking about or replying to? *shakes head*
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@killahclaire (3665)
20 Mar 08
Ha ha that is very very true. Thank you for responding. You have certainly made me laugh.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Mar 08
User approval. What a concept. lol Won't fly of course, because that would take the power away from admin. And no one likes their power base threatened. LOL
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@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Mar 08
Can you say lazy? And then he has the nerve to ask you to summarize it? Can you also say gall? Well at least he admitted it so you can't say liar! lol
@killahclaire (3665)
20 Mar 08
Dawn so true. There is nothing worse than a liar.
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@my_january (967)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
That must frustrating killahclaire. Of course, when I post discussions that is what I expect- others to read it and respond base on how they perceived or understand the content and not just by the title itself. I think as a responsible person, this is not only responding for the sake of being paid for it, but also in giving your participation the best way you can and to express your opinion in a healthy way.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Well the discussion was a personal story so I was really disappointed to see that they had not read it.
It's just damn right rude to ignore what someone has went to the effort of writing in order to make a quick buck and I am annoyed that he is going to make money off of responding to that when he certainly is not playing by the rules.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
His post was deleted and he has gone to a 6 star now. But h e was the first responder so alot of people had seen it. Imagine he had been in the second page of responses.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I will have to do a little investigation and find out why. I could not give an answer to your discussion, I mean I do not like agreeing and saying comments like it is nice to be young, and I think if he were like me in that he could give an answer, he should have left things alone. I do not like it when those who did not think clearly on the subject are the ones that get the higher stars and I suspect it is because they do not make waves and agree with everyone except on subjects that it is politically correct to disagree on.
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@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Basically I called my discussion The Secret of Never Aging!
Obviously it wasn't a secret and I went onto tell my story and he replied with many ways on how to defy aging. Like being happy and stuff.
The actual response he gave was totally irrelevnt to the discussion.
His response has been deleted and he is now a 6 star. Thank goodness.
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@Lovett (464)
• India
19 Mar 08
I m sorry Claire you had to go thru this,,but not everyone here on mylot thinks as you do,,,,there will be some good people,,,n then there r some really stupid peole who dunno how to make Goood use of such a wonderful forum as mylot. LEt him be him,,,hopefully he may get a lIFE!
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@onewickedsoul (540)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
I don't like people who responds to discussions without reading the whole post. I am quite fond of posting long discussions, too, and I would hate it if I read a response that is not related to what I've posted. Maybe you can just give anyone who posts irrelevantly with a negative rating.
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@virginia0813 (28)
• Australia
19 Mar 08
I think it's nonsense for that guy to ask you summarise the discussion. Only the whole idea can fully express what you want to talk about. He is barbarous but fortunately not many people in myLot are like that guy.
@killahclaire (3665)
19 Mar 08
Wel Virginia it is nice to see that you as a newbie can see exactly where I am coming from. Hopefully from reading this you will never be tempted to stray down this path.
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