Parallel Universes.....What Do You Think?
By betsyraeduke
@betsyraeduke (2669)
United States
March 19, 2008 3:09pm CST
The concept of parallel universes is something that has always fascinated me. Science fictional accounts of a person or people who suddenly find themselves in an alternate reality, the same, yet different from their own are as intriguing as they are interesting. What would it be like to suddenly find yourself in an alternate reality? Is it possible that parallel universes really exist, or is this strictly science fiction?
Upon researching this subject, I have found actual scientific theories and studies that suggest that parallel universes may actually exist afterall. The theory of parallel universes was first proposed by US physicist, Hugh Everett, in the 1950's.
According to Everett's parallel universe theory, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits. Each possible outcome of a situation is played out in it's own universe. For example, if a person experiences a near miss with an auto accident, another version of that same person, may actually have the accident in another universe.
This was an outlandish idea that was dismissed by many experts, however, newer research from Oxford suggest that Dr. Everett may have been on the right track. The theory seems to provide a mathematical answer to the quantum conudrums.
According to quantum mechanics, nothing at the subatomic scale can be said to exist until it is observed. Untill then, particles are in nebulous, superpostion states where they have simultaneous up and down spins, or appear to be in different places at the same time. According to quantum mechanics, unobserved particles are described by wave functions that represent a set of multiple, possible states. When someone observes, the particle settles down int one these options.
The Oxford team, showed mathematically that the branching structure formed by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself could explain the possible nature of quantum outcomes.
More information about this can be found at the following links:
Regardless of rather this be reality or fiction, I still find the concept of a parallel universe to be fascinating. I ponder at the possibilites of what such a place might be like. What do you think of all this? Do you think parallel universes actually exist, or no? If parallel universes did exist, what do you think they would be like? Please share your ideas.
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3 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
3 May 08
Have a discussion and a response to this
My discussion
A discussion I responded to
Now in scientific theories, string theory, issues of randomness and mathematical properties... parallel dimensions seem very possible. Each random vibration or outcome on the atomic and subatomic levels could translate to different choices and reactions in thought and action. After this, the base theory is that choices people did not make exist in this "reality" in other reality. We cannot see them or interact with them because we did not make those choices.
It maybe possible to visit different dimensions by pinpointing quantum variations and the mastery of the Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes). Unfortunately with current technology and theory the wormholes would close the minute they were formed. A type of exotic matter or other energy would have to be utilized to make the wormhole stable.
There is also the possibility of many-minds, that the mind is what splits up and forms differently in each realm and not the worlds. Similar to this, maybe dreams and other forms of unexplained mental phenomena are actually from a different reality so to speak.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
17 May 08
Another interesting response! I especially like what you said about the possibility of the mind being what spilts in each realm and that dreams and unexplained phenomena might be different realities. That is a view point that I have never heard or thought about before. Interesting concept.
@rabboni (30)
14 Apr 08
It's great to see someone here who has an interest in this sort of thing.... :) I for one believe it is very much possible that the universe does indeed behave this way....well if it does, you can't call it a universe, rather a multiverse.... But i'd like to point out that you cannot "suddenly find yourself in an alternate reality" simply because it would all seem like one sequence of events. The universe will split based on whether or not there can be other probable universes, each for a probable outcome of an event. This means that each time the universe splits, you yourself are split..... so you are indeed experiencing a probable universe, but it will seem as if this was the only possible other words, there is no way you can make out that this is one of many other universes, and there is no way you can experience "another" parallel universe simply because you would then have to experience two universes to know the difference between them. But when you think about it, i think the one big problem with the parallel universes idea is this....let's consider an example of a coin being tossed.... naturally one would think that the universe would split in two because there are two possible outcomes of a coin being tossed...heads or tails.... but we forget that this probability is purely mathematical and that the tossing of a coin is governed by the laws of physics which means that the moment you toss that coin there is going to be only ONE outcome, an outcome that can easily be predicted with a complex set of equations.... probability exists only on paper and with some special scenarios, probably those in quantum mechanics....but in the macroscopic universe, everything can be predicted based on laws....which means that the same auto accident, will have only one outcome - the outcome that we other....
Sorry for the unnaturally long post......i myself strongly believe in the parallel universe theory, but as i was typing out this post....that probability idea struck me....and i couldnt help but share it..... i'd like to hear your thoughts on this.... :)
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
17 May 08
Wow..that was quite indepth and interesting. To be honest, I myself do not really understand alot about science when it comes to quantum mechanics or any of that. I'm simply intrigued by the idea or possibility of multiple universes and I enjoy science fiction shows in which this idea is displayed and examples of what one thinks a parallel universe might be like. Those I understand that those particular examples are fiction, they are still fun to watch. I also find it intriguing to imagine what a parallel universe might actually be like if it does exist.
Thanks for your indepth response. 

@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Mar 08
I think it's a very interesting idea. I'm one of those people who tends to believe that pretty much everything is possible, so I'd say it's possible, though I myself don't have any proof of it.
I think that parallel universes are probably a lot more different from our own than a lot of people would imagine. If there is a split every time something happens that could have happened differently, there are probably some universes that split over huge events that could have changed everything. Entire countries that we know could be destroyed, and there could even be worlds that look like what we would call "post-apocalyptic".
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Hmmm...those are some interesting thoughts on how some of the universes might look. I often wonder, if there are parallel universes, are some less advanced then ours, like the way our earth would have been a couple hundred years ago...and are there others that have advanced way beyond us....anyway, I think it's an interesting idea to comptiplate.