How to tell a girl that you love her?

United Arab Emirates
March 20, 2008 9:54am CST
A girl freind of mine that i have been knowing for more than 4 years. we are students in a college and share the same classes have almost simmilar plans, and always within the same group in the lab. I really love this girl. but the problem is that we always discuss science or homeworks even in the phone calls. there has never been talk about love or around it. i am crazy about this girl but the problem is i dont know how to open up and tell her that i love her. and if i do i dont know what she is gonna say. Have any one been in such situatiion, and what to do?
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46 responses
@fromvoid (62)
• China
20 Mar 08
I think you should tell her you love her!You shoule prepare a box of chocolates and call her or talk to her face to face,just say "I love you!".If she really love you she will promise you!just do it!
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
I will do it man. this is gonna be tommorow morning. thanks alot marevellous idea.
6 people like this
• Malta
21 Mar 08
good luck kilani hope she loves you too!
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@mrpippo (756)
• United States
20 Mar 08
the best way is just to come right out and tell her how you feel about her ,regardless of what her answer might be..
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
ok what if she is shocked i may lose her dont u think my freind ??????
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I would not just come out and say I love you right off. I think you should maybe ease into the situation. Ask her out for dinner or a drink. Tell her that you are really attracted to her and wonder if there is a chance you could take your relationship a bit further.
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
good suggestion my dear freind thank u
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• United States
20 Mar 08
Hello kilani123! Well just like you have been in this situation before. I suggest that you ask her out and try to spend some alone time with her. Be sweet and try to talk about anything but science. Get to know her and slowly but casual open up to her so that she can become familar with the real you. When I was in my situation I knew the person since birth basically he was a jock and I was on the drill team, just like you guys we only discussed dancing and football on the phone. This went on for about 4 months untill I got the courage to ask him to come and hang out. Don't be scared to open up tohr and if it doesn't work out in your favor always remember you are a good guy and you are going to be someone great. Also that there is someone out there for you that is going to make you a better man. I wouldn't suggest you tell her that you love her becuase she might not feel the same at first but through time if you be yourself then I bet she will grow to love you back. Well with that said NakitaLikely3617 is out!
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
thanks that was very helpful my freind i willl add u as a freind i hope that u will accept
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Tell her you think about her a lot, and not just about homework and such. Tell her you have feelings for her as a friend and as MORE than a friend too! Be sure to be on track so she doesn't try to change the subject. Just be honest about your feelings and let her know. If she doesn't feel the same, it's better to KNOW and take that chance than to let it simmer inside of you always wondering. I say go for it, just be honest and talk to her -- let her know! Best of luck to you!
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
Thanks alot
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@sweta123 (153)
• India
20 Mar 08
see as a girl i can suggest you onething that dont expect that she ll initiate from her side .there are very few girls who initiates from their side.ok lets come to the topic. mainthing is that there are 2 options and in love realted issues we cant predict if she says yes now then also you are not confirm that whether she will marry you or not.i know love things are very emotional things u cant see all these things practically but if once u started seeing it practically then no problem will happen to you.. ok do something like dont talk much with her for 2-3 days and even dont call her also.forget abt love but if she really cares about you then she ll definitely ask you whats the problem ?then u can say her that u r in love with her and the more u r talking with her the more you are getting fall in love with her..then say her some impressive dialogues like "i ll do manythings for you..i ll love you more than my life.etc etc.."then ask her do u love me?? do this and let me know ur progress... i ll be waiting for your responce. all the best
3 people like this
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
Good strategy. actually excellent one. Thanks.
3 people like this
• Qatar
20 Mar 08
Jamiely has a nice comment abaout it. For me, most of the ladies are the first type. Those are the ladies who will feel uncomfortable when you tell her that you love her. They have reasons why they are reacting like these. Some of the reasons are: 1. They are shy- They admire but dont know how to react with the situation. Once they heard the word "I love you", their response is just to move away from you because they dont know how to handle it. 2. They dont want serious relationship for now- They are inlove with you too but they are afraid to enter a serious relationship. They just want to play but the problem is they dont want play with you because you are kind and does'nt deserved to be hurted. They will just walk away from you because they dont want to feel guilty of the situation. 3. They like you as a friend but not as a lover- You are not the man of their dream. They want someone else. Better play safe for all situation like these. Dont tell them the word "I love you". Saying I love you will make them afraid from you. The best way to get her is to seduce her or waking up the woman spot in her heart by your actions. One best way is to make her laugh when you are together.I think some bloggers here can give better advice about seduction for the ladies that we love :-)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
thanks for the advice my dear freind
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
Go out and get coffee with her. This way you both can talk for along time. When you feel comfortable, compliment her on something. (Her hair, her eyes or her smile) See how she reacts. If she smiles back,blushes,gets nervous or maybe compliments you back..take notice. Those things can be a very good sign she might like you back. Now if you want to talk about Romance or things other things rather than science just change the subject. It's not that hard to do. Ask her more about her self and try to relate to her. Now after your evening is over with her and if she acts like she wants to kiss you and you both kiss, then wait about a couple weeks and then tell her you love her and you have been wanting to tell her for along time. Patience is a virtue. You don't want to rush saying you love her cause you can scare her away. But be patient with her, it can pay off and you could win her over.
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@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
Well, I think there are a lot of ways to do it. Perhaps a letter will do along with some flowers or a box of chocolate. This might seem old fashioned but it's very effective. Though you may ask her out on a date and get close to her. Then slowly tell her what you fell about her. Goodluck!
@xiaoyue (204)
21 Mar 08
I think you can imply your love to her,that is to say,youshould do something that can show your love, or you can ask her feeling about you indirectly.If you think there is hope,then you can take actions to let her know that you love her.If you have no courage to tell her face to face,you can send her message or on the phone.And don't worry,if she love you,too,then I will congratulate you,but if she just regards you as friend,I want suggest you that you should be optimistic and accept it. Because this girl maybe not the right one you are looking for.
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@anarki99 (40)
• Portugal
21 Mar 08
i have not been in so situation and i think you just have to talk to her...
@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
20 Mar 08
Go ahead man. tell her what you have to tell her. it is something as i understand that should be done along time ago. do not think about the beginings just go for it. it would work. that girl is crazy aboout you. Trust me Best wishes
1 person likes this
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
thanks my man i really like ur response
• United States
20 Mar 08
I think you should just tell her how you really feel. She might feel the same about you. But she scared to tell you. I was the same with the guy im with now. After being with him for a month i started loving him but was afraid to tell him until he told me he loved me. But he didn't tell me till we had been together for three months. but i was glad he felt the same.
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• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
yes u are right may be she is shy to tell i will keep that in mind
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• India
21 Mar 08
don't just go and say i love you spend more time talking to her and just say in a very serious manner that she is ur truest friend and then after few days say her that u have starting liking her company see her response and u will know if she likes u or not..... don't forget to say thanz to me
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
hmmm...hihih that sounds exciting...try to feel first, i mean try to understand what she feels about you before finding ways to tell her. then if you think that her favor is on you, then maybe you can plan on a romantic dinner or get-away. be creative. if you are too shy to say it out loud, maybe you can say it with gestures, like plan something so that some one else will deliver the message. then just follow it up with an how you fell in love with her. or something like that. anyway, hope you do well. :)
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
21 Mar 08
You can't just go from study partners to declaring love. You don't mention if you have gone on a real "date" yet. You first need to see if she wants to spend time with you on that level at all. Ask her to have dinner with you at a nice restaurant and see if she accepts. If she does, and it goes well, go on more dates. Enjoy her company for a while on that level. You may even decide when you get to know her better, that you are not as in love with her as you thought you were. But then again, your love might grow deeper. But don't tell her you love her too soon, or you will scare her off. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!!
• United States
23 Mar 08
I SERIOUSLY agree with this! As a girl who's been hit with the "I love you" thing WAY too unexpectedly, I encourage you to first ask her to coffee, to just hang out at your house, to go to the park, etc. Then start "making some moves" on her - you know, moving closer to her, touching her hand, her face, her hair - and see how she reacts. If she gets quiet, backs away, or starts acting like she needs to go, back off some. If she's not interested in you, then you can still have a great lab partner and friend. If she smiles a lot about the light flirting and perhaps reciprocates, then maybe take things a bit further. I would definately hold off on saying those three little words (I love you,) until you are both more comfortable (at least a couple weeks.) Please let us know how things turn out! Good luck, and let us know how she responds!
@IddiKlu (176)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I would say: We have known each other for some time. There is something I have been wanting to tell you for some time, but if you don't feel similarly, please don't freak out. I LOVE YOU!
• United States
23 Mar 08
I like this one!
• United States
20 Mar 08
Aloha kilani, You've known her for 4 years already are you dating? Have you kissed her? If not then ask her out to a movie you can't very well talk while you're inside a movie theater and after the movie you talk about the movie. When you're going from the ticket booth to the movie try to hold her hand if she holds your hand back it's obvious she would want to be more then study buddies. Let the relationship build from there, ask her to go somewhere else the next free day you both have and make sure it has nothing to do with school and studies. Ask her to go dancing with you and make sure you slow dance with her. I'm sorry I just thought of something, is that a picture of you or someone else? Are you a man or woman? It might be more difficult if you were a woman.
• United Arab Emirates
21 Mar 08
no its my pic and thank for the advice
@alexdra77 (147)
20 Mar 08
i would suggest you tell her, but as you said you are not sure of her response. There is a possibility she could like you too and waiting for you to make the first move. Be brave, bold and get in there before somebody else does. Hopefully someone else can give you better advice
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
thanks for ur advice i really appreiciate it
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 08
thanks my freind and here is + rating for you
20 Mar 08
cheers mate, hope it works out for you. good luck
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@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
21 Mar 08
it seems that you are a sensitive guy. i do respect that in you. but it is the time man. go ahead and very good luck
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