would you be upset or am i making more of it than i should??

@nelly5 (1424)
United States
March 20, 2008 3:08pm CST
I am a receptionist at a factory. My job duties include the usual clerical work, I file invoices, insert invoice data on a spreadsheet, insert bank deposit slip information on a spreadsheet, keep track of all temporary employees hours, run errands, answer phones/transfer calls/take messages, take care of the daily truck (semi's) log, and greet all visitors at the window. I enjoy the job, it is pretty simple work and I have the benefit of being just down the road from home and/or the school, so if I am needed by my kids or the school, I am close by. Now for the down side, I am always left out of the loop. No one fills me in on what is going on around here. Therefore, when I get phones calls for a certain person and I page them a repeated number of times, someone will respond in a cocky way and tell me that person isn't here..is on vacation or whatever. Well I am not a mind reader people. Okay, well that is a little off track, the reason I am so ticked off and upset is b/c I came into work today to a letter on my desk that read this. To do list for you while (specific name) is on vacation: 1. Check bathrooms in factory (both locations) to assure that paper towels, and toilet paper are available. Be sure that the soap is available also. a.All supplies are either under the womens restroom counter or in the back closet. b. Be sure to check paper towel in break room. c. Be sure each sink is wiped daily due to the paint. If this does not occur then the sinks will be stained and ruined. 2.the break room floor needs to be cleaned daily. 3.The trash cans in each office need to be emptied on Tuesday and Thursday. 4.The Lobby and hallway need mopped each day. 5.The conference room floor needs swept on Tuesday and Thursday. 6.On Thurs. at 3:30pm the uniforms in the bin outside the office door need counted. The sheets are on my desk, write the name and quantity down. 7.Set the bin in my office for pickup Friday morning. The items above involving cleaning need to be completed in a timely manner and should be done by 1:30pm. Okay,now let me tell you all I do not make much money. I have been here at this job for ...well actually 7 months today, and have never even been offered a review for a raise, so I am ticked about all these extra job duties. Do I have a right to be upset, well I am sure I do. But what would you think? How would you feel? I did take this note into the person who wrote it and told him that I was very upset and ticked off about this letter. His reply was "so are you saying you don't want to do it?" I said "oh I know it doesn't matter how I feel, but I am very ticked off about this, I have been here for 7 months and have not even been offered a review for a raise" and he didn't say anything in return..just looked at me like he didn't know what to say or maybe it was that he simply didn't care. Of course I wasn't going to say that I wasn't doing it, why would I do that, then he would have a reason to fire me. Please let me know what you all think about this situation. I am so mad right now...grrrrrr
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15 responses
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I would not be happy at all if I were in your position. I didn't think receptionists were supposed to do the jobs that the janitors normally do. That's ridiculous! I can understand you being hesitant to refuse to do it, since you've been there less than a year. I would be the same way. I think you need to get your boss to put in writing what your specific duties are so that you have something to refer to in the future. What's being required of you right now is just not right.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Good, I am glad to know that I am not making more of this than what it is. I am glad to see that many others would be upset about this too. Thanks for the response. Have a great day!
@reeseyj (906)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I have never heard of a receptionist doing a janitors work.Was the the guy you talked to your boss cause if not I think you should talk to your boss and ask him if some of these duties have been given to other people or are you doing all of it. It might be that those duties were assigned to the person who gave them to you and he just passed all of them down for you to do.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
20 Mar 08
The guy who gave me these job duties is my boss. He is the one in charge of situations like this. See, I kind of thought it was crazy too, that the receptionist is going to be out on the floor cleaning and cleaning the bathrooms..ugh that aggravates me. Thanks for the post, have a great day!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Mar 08
I hope you got a job description before you started. I can tell you that if I was receptionist I would not be doing all that work! To me, a receptionist answers the phones, files, mails stuff, makes copies and maybe a few other things if they are making $8 or so an hour. If they are making more, then yes that have more responsibility. Your work places doesn't seem like they care if you stay or go and they are just pushing you so you quit and they won't have to fire you (and pay unemployment). I would start looking for a new job ASAP.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
20 Mar 08
When I started, I did not get a job description on paper. It was just by word of mouth. I was told that I would be doing clerical work, running errands..well all that you mentioned. I do make only $8 and hour. I also feel that they don't care if I stay or go. I have never heard, hey good job or thanks for doing that, I really appreciate it. Trust me I am looking for another job. My career of choice is to be a probation officer. I have a degree in criminal justice and I work part time with the police department here in town. But I would love to have something in my field of study ...full time. I also thought that he would not want to fire me b/c he would not want to pay me unemployment. Thanks for the post, have a great day!
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
ZYD, I don't need to clean at a factory to promote or increase my capablity..I have been a mother for 13 years, and have 3 children. I know how to clean..lol Sorry you make so little for your job, wow, that is crazy. Where are you from that you would make so little for what you do?..just curious. Thanks for the response. Have a great day!
1 person likes this
• China
21 Mar 08
$8 an hour!it is much better than me,i earn just $400 or so an mouth as an engineer,as a receptionist,it may be too much duty for you,but i think it also a good change to promote your capability,then you can find a better job,so it is no need to be sad, you should hold the fate by yourself,wish you and good luck!
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
21 Mar 08
oh yes... i would be mad as well if i were you... that sounds to me not a receptionist job but a cleaner job... i would definitely make a complain to my boss and tell him/her how i feel... and i certainly won't be doing all of them... it is so unfair especially if you don't get paid for it... i'm sorry that you landed in this situation... hope everything will be alright for you soon... good luck...
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
It is good to see that so many other people would be upset too, that makes me feel better, knowing that I am not acting like a baby about this. I do believe it is very unfair, I am sure the cleaing lady makes at least $1 to $2 dollars an hour more than me, but of course I wasn't offered to have her pay while I do her job! Thanks for the response, have a great day!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I'd be mad but I'd do it simply because jobs are hard to come by these days. I would also be looking seriously for another job.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I am very upset about it. Also get this, no one told me when the cleaning lady leaves for vacation. Like I said in my first discusion about this, they don't fill me in on what is going on around here, therefore, I didn't even know she was going on vacation until I came into work yesterday and seen the note laying on my desk and no one has even mentioned anything about when she is leaving, so if I was suppose to do those things yesterday and today, they didn't get done, b/c as far as I know, she is still coming into clean in the mornings before I get here. Thanks for posting a response, have a great day.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
How long do you need to do the cleaning for? A week or more? That is great you want to be a probation officer. My mom's sister is a probation officer. And my mom is going to college to become a lawyer. I know I would be upset in your position too, but just do the best job you can, and try to think positive when you do the job. Remind yourself you won't do this job forever and someday you will have a great job you will like and enjoy allot. Try to think positive and let go of the negative and you will feel better. Also pamper yourself and treat yourself. After work take a bubble bath and listen to your favorite music or read your favorite book. If you pray, ask God to help you at work and help give you peace of mind and ask him to give you wisdom to say the right things. Or ask God anything you like and trust in him. God is all powerful and more powerful than any human being on the earth. If you want a new job, ask God and tell God you want a new job. Let him know your hurts and things that make you upset and mad. Tell him it all.
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Okay, I understand what you are saying, I should just do the work and not a make a big fuss about it, but this is my problem, I am stubborn. I know I am and when I get something set in my mind, that is just how it is. I guess it is b/c I already feel that I am not appreciated around here, so why would I want to do anymore than I am paid for. I do pray, and maybe I should be praying about being so stubborn. I have been praying about a job for a year now. I want a job in my field (criminal justice). I did get a degree in it for a reason, it is just hard to find a job in this rural area right now, hopefully something will come along soon. Well thank you for the response, have a great day!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I would nicely ask who is going to do the job that I do while I am doing this persons job. It is very unfair to put it all on you. I could see one or two things and spread it over several employees, but how does he expect you to do all of it and still get your things done?
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Well of course, I am suppose to do my work and do all of her work. That was made clear. Oh and to make the matters worse. The person who gave me all these new job duties, left yesterday as soon as I had words with him, and he went on vacation to florida and will be gone all next week....grrrr. Thanks for the response. Have a great day!
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
Okay now that you have done it, she will always expect you to do so. Since you said that there is no written job description for you, why dont you ask for it now? Reason out to your employer / boss that you need to know your main tasks so you can focus on them and just do the seconddary tasks assigned to you. Im sure you were hired for those primary functions you are set to do and sometimes workload will just pile up on you if you don't complain and let them know you are on top of your job.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I have not done it yet, I am putting it off, waiting to see what one of the co-owners say to me in response to my email. I should get a written description of my job duties, but I am sure after this, it will say in it, to do the cleaning jobs when the cleaning lady is gone. Thanks for the post, have a great day!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
Well, you have to be patient at times though. goodluck with it. Thank you too!
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
i am also a receptionist and i know how you feel...do you have a job description? is this in it? or do you have the magic words...'other duties as needed' i sometimes end up doing some pretty wacky things but i routinely get a raise, so its not too bad where i work, but sometimes it gets pretty crazy!!
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@hey_baby (425)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
i feel for you..that is really a reason to get upset. but i you can't afford to lose your job for the moment, tell you boss(in a nice way) that you'll be doing the chores 'temporarily' even if its way out of your job because you care for the company (even if that's not true) - for him not to be ticked off and fire you for insubordination. Then ask for an employment contract, stating your rate, superiors, and job description. That way in the future you'll have reference. Then maybe start looking for a new job, if in case you want to. But don't let go of your current job until you find a new one. Employment are so hard to find these days. Goodluck.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
He won't fire me for insubordination b/c I know they don't want to be paying me unemployment. But I do believe that he is trying things to get me upset, so that I walk out and quit. I won't do that, I have 3 children, a family to support. I need the money, therefore I need this job until a better one comes along. Thanks for the response.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
I am sorry to hear about this. I know what I would have done...uhm...Hell no...I am not a cleaning lady. But I think your e mail is a good idea. Just say that you will be doing it, but in the future you would like some kind of notice. Also, I would include that you need to be compensated somehow. That is BS. They just want to have you do her job and not pay anyone any more...because I am sure she is getting vacation pay. Just be rationale when you write it. I mean the head lady may feel this was also inappropraite. Good Luck..Keep your head up.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Yes, I feel I should be compensated somehow also. You know, if he would have come to me prior to her going on vacation and asked me if I were willing to help out, I would have. If he would have said I could come in early, so I could have more time to do it and it would give me more hours on my check, I would have said okay to it,...but none of that was offered. I am trying to keep my head up but this has me very aggravated right now. Well girly, I will call you later tonight. Love ya, Nelly
@dnbuster (442)
• United States
21 Mar 08
yea that has happened at many jobs for me before, i get moe work so that they dont have to hire someone else to do it
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
So you say that has happened at many jobs for you before, well were you upset about it? I don't feel that I should have to do someone else's job and still get paid ..probably at least $2.00 less an hour than she gets paid. Thanks for the post, have a great day!
@dnbuster (442)
• United States
21 Mar 08
oh yes i got upset about it, moved on to another job that i felt appreciated:)
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@aero89 (422)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I think you could have been finished with number 1 in the time it took you to type all of that out. Plus I think if you can use myLot while you're at work, you haven't got it all that bad. The best thing you can do is do what you can in the best way you know how. You're wasting your time if your being upset about it, and wasting your energy. Don't worry about what someone else has or is (or isn't) doing. I guess work isn't easy, but it pays the bills. So, do the extra hour or so of work, and forget about it - it's only a week! You'll be fine.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
It didn't take me long to type all that out, considering I can type 70 wpm. Who said I was using mylot while I was at work? And, they never offered me any more hours, which I would have been fine with because I could always use the extra money, but they want me to do all of it during my normal hours. Who said it was only a week? It could be 2 weeks or more. Anyhow, thanks for the response, have a great day!
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I don't get vacation, since I am only part time...and that is another thing that sucks about it, but oh well, nothing I can do about it. Have a great day. =)
@aero89 (422)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Well, by using the word "here" more than once, I figured you meant "there" - at work. And yes, if you want to get technical, perhaps you can type faster than it takes to get #1 finished, and perhaps it's 2 weeks rather than one, but my point was; the more time you spend stewing about it, the less time you're going to have to get it finished. Sure, we could all probably use the extra hours, but ya know - the extra work doesn't seem all that difficult. So you have to put up a little extra effort in the company's best interest, who cares? When it's your turn to take a vacation, somebody will then have to pick up the work that you aren't there to do (at least some of it). That's how teams work. I hope you have a nice day also.
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@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Wow, you sure have lots of work to do as a receptionist. That is new to me. I used to work for a company, the receptionist did nothing more than chat on the phone with her friends etc. She was also getting paid very well, over $12/hour. She was also very rude to the customer. Eventually after two years, she was fired for breaking company rules. End of the story. So I believe you should say something, receptionist now a days make pretty good money since the represent the company. This is not a receptionist job. It sounds like what an office manager should do instead. Receptionist have to be at the desk answering all calls how can they be available for the calls if they are away checking the bathroom etcs. Good luck
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Exactly what I was thinking also. A few people show that they are upset when I walk out of the office because I am not in there answering the phones, but now they want me doing all this other work too. Well one of the owners will be back in the building today and I am going to speak with her about it. I sent her an email and she did not email me back this weekend. So, it should be interesting today. Thanks for the post, have a great day.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Well, I would have made a fuss, walked out and then I would be in a pickle, no job, no money, no unemplopyment. You are smart to stay put and look elsewhere. It does sound like a no-win situation when the management won't communicate. I hope you find something else soon. What a joy to hand your boss your resignation when he gets back from vacation!
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Oops, if you get my comment and don't know why, I put it in the wrong slot!
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
21 Mar 08
If the boss didn't want to hire in a temp to take over for the cleaning lady, he would need to be more fair when it comes to delegating the work so that every employee there would be getting assigned part of this vacationing woman's work instead of the assignments going to a single person. It's as if you're working two fulltime jobs while getting paid for only one. Usually, when people work two jobs, they work each job at a different time and gets paid for both. The situation that's going on at your workplace where the cleaning lady's work needs to be done and the boss doesn't want to pay for a temp is one that should be solved by dividing the work up among the other employees.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I totally agree with you. If he would have come to me and said, hey look, she is going to be on vacation, is there any way you would be willing to help us out with some of her job duties. I most likely would have said, sure not a problem....as long as he split the work up with a couple other people too. I mean, he didn't even mention it to me in advance..just threw it all at me at once and then acted upset b/c I was upset...grrrr. Thanks for the response. Have a great day!