I had to call 911
By Amber
@AmbiePam (96356)
United States
March 22, 2008 7:29am CST
I just feel sick at heart this morning. I went to sleep last night despite thinking about my uncle's passing. Knowing he is at peace helped me sleep I'm sure. But about 3:30am I hear slamming and screeching. That jars me out of sleep, so I'm not certain what I'm hearing. At first I think it is children fighting, but then I see the time, and what little kids here are out at 3:30am? I've not seen any in my apartments out and about at that time. Well, then I hear cursing and other words that aren't cursing, but are unprintable anyway. It is is coming from right outside my patio door. It's a woman and she's yelling at someone that she is going to kill them, and I can't really explain the rage that was in her voice. Well, I picked up the phone and called 911. I said it was my next door neighbor on the bottom floor. They said they would send someone, and we hung up.
Well, minutes later I hear pounding on the door above me, more curses, and then a slam. I realize it is my upstairs neighbors, and the woman was yelling UP to the man by standing down below on my patio (which is a concrete slab). So I call 911 back and give them the info of where it is. I'll try to make this brief now. They show up, talk to them, I hear the police outside around my patio, and I can hear her tell the police it is her apartment, and that her brother is just staying with her for a little while (he actually stays a lot). The police go, and they close the door. I know they have scolded my neighbors, but of course the fighting has stopped, so that is that.
Thirty minutes later I hear a knock on my front door. I look out the peep hole and see no one. Of course I didn't open the door. Ten minutes later I hear them yelling again. But because they were keeping it confined to their apartment, I just let it be. So then I decide I don't care if it is dark outside, I want to leave. I'm going to my parents. But I know when I leave, they will hear my front door close (I know because I can here theirs close) and I just get the feeling they are going to confront me. So I leave, but go an inconvenient way to the parking lot, just so I won't go by their door. As I'm getting in my truck I hear something and turn around, and they are entering the parking lot, coming toward me. I was right, they were going to confront me. I think they waited, thinking they would catch me coming by their apartment, but gave up when I didn't go that way. Anyway, I hurriedly got in my truck and left. They were standing there as I pulled out.
Now I know I did the right thing. I think it is sad that apparently I'm the only one who called for help. I've heard to many stories about people ignoring fights, only to learn later someone died because no one called the police. The violence in both of their voices was scary.
But now I'm scared. I hate to admit it, but I am kind of afraid they are going to vandalize my place, or try to confront me. I don't want to fight. I think the police either told them who called (they knew my apartment number), or they deduced that since they were yelling outside my place, I logically must have called.
Any advice? Sorry this post was so long...
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29 responses
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Well police aren't supposed to give out the information on who called they can just say that we recieved a call about domestic violence. I would however talk to your apartment complex manager and get the police reports about how many times the police have been out there to stop the fighting because this interferes with your right to have enjoyment of the property. LOL(people's court) ... You have a right to have a reasonable enjoyment of your property in which you rent. Meaning that the land lord has to confront these tenants ask them to stop if not you are well within your right to move out. I would tell your landlord that this is interfering with you sleep and that you would like something done ask if there is another unit that you can move to away from the tenants below. With most rentals if you have the police called on you to much the rental company or land lord can evict you and it's usually stated in the lease. I would do some research about you own lease and see if there is that type of clause there and if you do run into the neighbors downstairs I would make sure to have a can of mace on my and one of those really loud horns that they use at hockey games to one startled them and call attention out if they should try anything and two the mace to immobilize them if the continue to come after you.. But honestly I would seriously speak to the rental agency or landlord first and have the documents of the police being called to the tenants below apartment becuase more likely than not it can cost them their lease if this behavior continues. I'm sorry that you have to go through this .. I have lived in apartments before and you know what not many of them did I have this problem because they had in the lease that if the cops were called for domestic violence that the tenants would have to leave the apartment without notice. I find that a very effective lease because it ensures that the poeple that live above and below don't have to listen to fighting at 3 am and that they can enjoy the amenities of the apartment. good luck.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
24 Mar 08
If you're afraid of being labled a snitch .. What I would do if I were you is call the police and have them fax over the information to your land lord anonymously. That way no one knows who did it and the land lord get the information needed to get them out or give them a warning. You can't live somewhere where you feel threatened. You have a right to peace and privacy.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Mar 08
Goodness, what a terrible night you've had. I feel so sorry for you.
I think you did the right thing, whatever your neighbours think.
Unfortunately, they'll probably confront you at some stage, but if you can leave it until they've cooled down I expect they'll have seen reason. I'd make sure it's daylight and busy when you go home, just in case, although if you genuinely feel threatened by these people then do make sure you are accompanied home.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Mar 08
Ambie the Police should not have given that Information out so they better hadn't
They are not suppose to give the Information for your Safety so I hope that they haven't
Have you been back there yet I think you need to take someone with you do not go on your Own Sweetie

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Mar 08
Sweetie deny it
If they confront you deny it and if they ask why you went away so fast just tell them that you stayed at your Parents because of the Noise and that you did not want to be faced with them while they where so angry that is what I would do
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Thanks gabs. Maybe they didn't give the information. I could be paranoid because I was so scared. I think I've watched too many police programs where 'bad' cops give out information they aren't supposed to. I don't watch those shows anymore, but years of watching them with other people must have gotten through my head. I know my neighbors are angry with me, but they probably arrived to that conclusion on their own, and not with the help of the police.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I think you did the right thing. It must have pretty loud to have waken you up at that time. If they confront you just tell them you thought someone was in trouble and needed help. Your right people should really get involved instead of ignoring it. You might want to let the police know that your scared. Let us know whats going on.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thanks Terry. I got home a little while ago, and I know they heard my door open. But they haven't come down here, so maybe they are letting it be. Perhaps they were acting out on anger this morning and have cooled down. This girl is a nice girl, but the rage I heard in the middle of the night was something I've never heard. When I called, I didn't even know who it was. Her voice was not recognizable when she was screaming.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
22 Mar 08
that's both scary and annoying, I'm sorry you had to go thru that.
I have called the cops on my neighbors many times, I tell them NOT to come by the house because I don't want my neighbors to know who called for just that reason, and sometimes the morons still come by
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
24 Mar 08
The 911 operator asked me if I wanted the police to come talk to me, and I said no! But I know they were outside on my patio with my upstairs neighbors, so... They might have just been asking if they had been coming down there, but on the other hand, that might have tipped them off about me by bringing them down.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I'm not sure where you live (state/city) but I do know that the police normally do not give out that information, they may have stated that a 'neighbor' called in the complaint, and if you seemed to be the only one up (with lights on, or whatever) then they would have assumed that you were the one that called. As for them confronting you, for a while I would just be home before dark and not go out after dark unless someone was meeting you at your place and leaving together. If they do confront you, the only statement you need to make is 'this is harrassment, and if you continue I will contact the police and swear out a resstraining order'. If they should be calm, highly doubtful, then you could tell them that you were just concerned that someone might get hurt. Other than that, just avoid them, avoid eye contact or any talking to them.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I think you did NO wrong at all. I would hav probably done the same in your situation, anyhow they were totally breaking the law by disturbing the peace anyhow.
People have to realize that others don't like being woke up in the middle of the night becuase of a bunch of fighting that sounded as though it escalated to violence, If they hadn't been family no telling what might have happened.
I would go or call my apartment manager and explain what is going on to them and tell them you are afraid now and also call the cops and explain to them so if something does happen they know how to respond and what it might be about and respond faster. I wouldn't go back to the apartment unless you have someone with you and have the manager of the apartment check to see if they are their. But it sounds as though these 2 are nothing but trouble and maybe if you give management a warning they will help and if they get other notices maybe these people might be evicted. well, I wish you luck and hope all goes well for you.

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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I wouldn't think the police are SUPPOSE to give out that info
but around here they do. I wouldn't worry about it. Just tell them the truth. You thought someone was in trouble and needed help. They have no reason to be mad at you.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Bless your heart!! I'm sorry you have had such a rough time. I definitely think you did the right thing in calling 911. Surely to goodness they wouldn't give out your information, it seems to me that that would be illegal. I hope it was just that the neighbors figured it out because, like you said, they saw your lights on or something at one point.
I think you were right in going to your parents too. If they were going to confront you like you said then they will probably try it again at some point. Make sure that someone is always with you when you go back home. It wouldn't hurt to have someone stay with you for a few days just to be on the safe side.
Take care hon!!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Mar 08
You did do the right thing! You are right...too many times no one helps and the end results are not good. I also would be scared and not wanting to have the confrontation as I don't like those types of situations. I personally would get it over with and explain to them that you wanted to make sure everyone was safe and if they want to argue to take it someplace else....not on your patio! Good luck. Hope you feel better today!
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
22 Mar 08
Hello dear friend. I think that you have done the right thing. You don't have to be afraid of their confronting you. Instead they are supposed to be ashamed of it to wake up people at this late hour of the night. Be brave and there is nothing for you to fear because they should feel guilty for it. Good luck and take care.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Oh what a scary situation for you to happen in the middle of the night like that. I think if it was me, I would report it to the rental office that you called the police on them for being loud in the wee hours of the morning. And if they confront you about it, just say; if I ever cause a disturbance like you did, I would expect the same for you to call the police on me!
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I feel like all of a sudden I've turned into a coward. I'd like to not tell the apartment manager unless they mess up again. This was the first time they had done anything, although it was a very BIG thing. I know I'd be labeled a snitch, and that brings its own troubles. After all, I didn't nickname it Chateau Ghetto for nothing. : )
@butterflygrl76 (205)
• United States
22 Mar 08
You definitely did the right thing. It's a shame more people don't do the right thing and help someone in trouble. Thank you for being one of the people that do help others. The police are not supposed to give out your information. Just because they're fighting in front of your place, your neighbors probably assumed that it's you that called. Just be careful, it's hard to tell what people will do. I wsh you the best of luck with everything. My prayers are with you.
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@laurenwhitnall (50)
22 Mar 08
wow go i was scared reading it wow i think your brave but i would make sure when you return you take someone with you just in case but i'm not sure if they will do anything but just in case they did it might be drastic but i would try and move or at least stay somewhere else for a while. wow i'm really shocked
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I have a contract for 10 more months, and unfortunately I can't get out of it because I'm on Section 8. I came back when it was still daylight, and my friend walked me to my door. They know I'm home because like I said, we can hear each others doors open and close. And so far they have kept to themselves. I'm beginning to think they might be scared too. Perhaps scared I went to the apartment manager. I'm trying to downplay it in my head, but it was insane. Despite everything, I'm glad I called.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I completely understand where you're coming from. I live in the most uncivilized apartment complex in my entire town. I'm serious. There's only like twelve crimes a week here and half of the occur in my complex, as everyone knows from the paper where they list the addresses of crimes. But you did the right thing by calling for help. I'm sure you never would have forgiven yourself if something happened to your neighbor. My best advice to just avoid them and lock your doors. My assistant says that maybe they were coming to apologize, and she might be right but if I were you I wouldn't take the chance.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I thought that might be it too, but it was still dark, and stil around 5 or 5:30am. I'm sure the fact that it was night made it all seem more nefarious. I sympathize with your situation. My choices to live were limited, and I actually picked a safer complex than my other options.
@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Wow. Well thats scary!! Im not sure what to tell you to do...have you been back home since the incident, or are you still at your parents?? One thing is maybe you could have one or both of your parents to come home with you and spend a couple hours there just visiting incase they do come to confront you.
Or, if you they do confront you, tell them you didnt know who it was that was fighting and you were worried that someone was going to get hurt...
Or, deny that you called. I know its dishonest, but if you are afraid of them, admitting it was you might cause more problems than YOU need...
Whatever you decide, PRAY FIRST. The situation will work out.
BTW, i just read your post about your uncle. I am truly sorry to hear that he passed away. Im glad that you can rest knowing that he IS in Heaven and as a Christian you know without a doubt that you will see him again! (((hugs))
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thanks Amber. I hope you got my e-mail too. I think maybe my e-mails are not going through to several people. I am home right now. I came home when it was still light outside and had someone walk me to my door. My parents told me I could stay at their place, but I figured it was best to 'get back on the horse.'
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Amber, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. You seem to be going through more than your share of problems these days. You did the right thing regarding your neighbors. The police have no right to tell them you called, if they did. You are brave. I would not have wanted to leave at that hour. Chances are the neighbors will catch up with you. I would be direct and tell them that you are not comfortable with their level of fighting and if it happens again, you will call again. Beyond that, I would find another place to live. If your parent's place is big enough, you could pay them rent and live there.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Because I'm on Section 8 and I signed a lease, I can't leave now. If I did, that would forever exclude me from getting another apartment with their help. And with my finances I have to have their help. My parents told me I could stay with them if I got too scared. Right now I'm making sure I leave and come home when it is still daylight. And I don't leave my place during that time. I'm hoping I run into them while we are outside, and I can deduce from our run in whether they are holding a grudge. The thing that is really strange, is that all my neighbors dispute who really lives there. Supposedly one person is supposed to have had a lease on it, yet there is a dispute on whether a man or woman is the renter. The woman told the police last night outside my patio that it was her apartment. Yet several neighbors say a man called 'Jack' said it was his apartment. However, the man the woman was fighting with last night was named 'Michael.' Something is fishy.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Well, when your lease is up, I would consider paying your parents rent. The money goes to them instead of a stranger..you will be safer...this is 2008...finances are tight for normal people....you are normal. Even the Bible says that we are to "cling unto" our parents until we marry. You can help them and they can help you. The only people of normal finances who REALLY need their apt are the one who desperately must shack up. That isn't you.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Sorry I'm getting to this late..I sure hope things have calmed down by now and you haven't had any confrontations by your neighbors, have you??
You did the right thing though by calling the cops since that screaming and yelling must have been really loud to wake you up like that.
Amber, we live such different worlds you and I, cause you see hearing someone yelling and screaming or loud voices is almost a daily/nightly thing here. For some reason some cultures are loud talkers to begin with, and it does sound like fights all the time, but that is just the way they normally talk! So to be honest folks around here are just plain used to it including me. I was all set to call the cops one very late at night though when a gang of teenagers were rambling down our block..they decided it would be "fun" to lift the bags of garbage on the streets to be picked up the next days garbage pick up..they were tossing them all over the place and many of the bags broke and there was garbage all over on the sidewalks and streets...problem was they ran away and disappeared after doing this so fast it would have been pointless to call the cops--my concern initially was that they would take it in their heads to light the garbage on fire...oh yup, some kids did that in the past too and yes we did call the cops then
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Oh MY Amber, that is horrible..Good thing you had your parents home to go to, but as far as confronting the neighbors, I don't know what to say..I know some neighbors can be just terrible and there is nothing you can do other than ignore them..But I do think you did the right thing, especially when you heard the threat.
I would contact the police and tell them your fears and though you may not get the whole truth, inquire if it was slipped that it was you that called..
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Yes, I know what you mean.I can only pray that you can find a better place to live, sounds dangerous for you too..

@laurika (4532)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Hi Ambie, that sounds like terrible night. You did the right thing calling 911 and also leaving later to your parents house. I admire you, I would probably scared and panicked, when I would see them coming toward me. I just hope their heads will cool down and they will not do anything bad to you, I don't have really any advice for you, just call again 911 if there would be something what will harrass you. let us know, if you are ok.
@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Thanks Laurika. So far so good. They know I'm home, and I know they are too because I can hear them walking above me. So they have let things be so far. I'm hoping they have cooled down and realized that there was no other choice than to call for help.