What "Clique" Were You In In High School?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
March 22, 2008 12:56pm CST
This mostly applies to women but you guys can feel free to respond with your memories. Remember the high school cliques - there were several different ones in my school, the "in crowd", with the cheerleaders and twirlers, all of whom really thought their sh1t didn't stink, the brains or "nerds", the "tough girls", the athletic girls - then, in my case there was a group of the "rest of us" who didn't quite fit into any of the above. Then there were those who may have been among the "cooties" group in earlier years that I posted about before that kind of kept to themselves. Were you in any of these groups as a teenager and do you still keep in touch with your friends from back then? For those of you who were in or were close to members of the "In Crowd", what are they like today? Do you - or they - STILL think your or their sh1t doesn't stink? Also, for the rest of you, not from the elite chosen group, how thrilled does it make you feel when you run into one of them whose life hasn't turned out quite as they planned? And how surprised are you to find that some of them have actually matured into fine, decent women who are nothing like their snobby younger self?
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17 responses
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Ok... I was part of the "in" crowd- cheerleader and all that. I was also an honors student so I was part of the nerds, I partied with a lot of the stoners at times and I also considered them friends. I never thought that my sh*t didn't stink and many of my popular friends weren't that way. We just ran in the same circles as the jocks and went out with them and the others who didn't fit in or didn't want to, gave the "in" crowd the snobby label. When in fact we were athletes as well, cheerleading is a rough competitive sport. I had friends from every group and so did most of the other girls.
I keep in touch with many people from high school because I live in the same neighborhood and now our kids are going to school together (and cheerleading camp. Pretty much we have all married and moved on- some high school couples ended up married and divorced and married other high school people which is a little weird- if you remember a person with a totally different person. Other than that, most people grow up and get over it. High school is never easy even if you are "popular" but I think for me, at times, it was worse being popular than not.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thank you for responding to this; I'm glad to hear from a former member of the "in crowd" and I apologize if I seemed unfair in my assessment of them. I'm sure all schools are different and you went to school much later than I did, I think, but I did get the "sh1t doesn't stink" impression from some of the popular girls in my school, although some of them were quite nice. It was also true in my school that some of the cheerleaders were also honor students but when I mentioned the "nerds" I guess I meant those who were totally immersed in their studies and didn't bother with much else, such as cheerleading or athletics. Also, cheering is a much more demanding and competitive sport than it was when I was in school. Unfortunately, in my day there weren't many athletic opportunities for girls at all and the cheerleaders didn't do any of the things they do today.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Mar 08
Hi Annie this might come as a surprise to you lol but I was a lonely Girl as I did not trust anyway, I was to shy and also I never had time to have Friends really but that is another Story and I stayed shy like that and mistrusting for a long time
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Mar 08
This actually soesn't surprise me Gabs. I always felt that you seemed to be the shy quite type when younger. I don't know why but it was just a gut feeling. My respionse was drawn out and long. I have my mind in high gear today it seems. This response down below is one of a few long ones I've done today. I usually speak my piece as brief as possible but for some reason today it seems I am Gabby Bob.

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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Mar 08

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Mmm...to be honest, I never really hung out with any one particular "clique" as I just plain never liked cliques whether in high school or in college...I loved mingling with all sorts of people, and do so even now. So I felt very comfortable with being with the dorky nerds (as I was a bit one myself), comfortable with the wacked out hippie dippies as I called them, as yes was one of them too, was even friends with the tough gals...the only ones I didn't care to hang out with were the prissy snobby types who felt superior to everyone else or the completely "straight people"--meaning those that didn't partake in uh, illegal substances..Nope don't know anyone now from those days
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I have to admit this discussion inspired one of my own....heehhee..you'll see..the blast from the past one..in it I dare to show a photo of me during my "hippie days"
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Mar 08
i was part of the "stoner" crowd which would be the same as your "the rest of us"...We hung out in the smokers court during lunch or break or hung out at the corner store across the street etc etc..
I am actually back in touch with a few ppl from back then over the past few months which is pretty interesting to say the least LOL..As for running into someone who was a snob or whatever back in the day only to find out their lives turned out for the worst..honestly, I pity them really..I feel sorry for them for a few reasons actually...
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
23 Mar 08
I was anything but popular, in grade 9 a real outcast but then in grade 10 and after I had a few friends that I hung out with. But I was never part of the "in crowd".. but I highly doubt their lives were as glamorous as it appeared to be on the outside.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I had a group of friends that was coed and we all were on the smart side but we weren't nerds. All of us had a good sense of humor and we weren't snobs.So of us were rich, others poor but we had a good time.
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@hey_baby (425)
• Philippines
23 Mar 08
i was one of those who belong to "the rest" - i had a small circle of friends (actually more like a triangle or a square, there like only 3 or 4 of us), shy, quiet, doesnt like to participate in any school activity unless absolutely required. We don't belong to the brainy ones, too. Back then, the brainy ones are quite cool, not as the concept nerdy nowadays.I just realized that i only know like 5 boys of my year.
i do regret the my attitude in high school. i should've participated more, raised my hand more, made friends more, and not as an geeky, alienated, "in my own world person"
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I was more of a loner I suppose - I did have my friends, they were all rather scholarly but not in any geek squad or anything... I played in the orchestra but there was not really an orkie crowd. I knew some popular kids personally and we shared time together but I was not in their in crowd. I was not a dirtball.... I think loner works well for me. I neither led, nor followed. I was an independent.
@coolcarsinc (242)
23 Mar 08
I am part of the almost everyone person grupe normaly dont know who im going to hang out with from one day to another
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
23 Mar 08
I was in a number of cliques when I was in school. It was an all guys mission school. I was a school prefect for 8 years and so I mixed a lot with my fellow prefects. I was also quite a senior office bearer in the National Cadet Corps (those school soldiers in green uniform) and I used to hang out with about half a dozen friends of mine who also hold senior office in the NCC. I was in my school's softball team and we meet up weekly for practices and tournaments sometimes, so I did spend quite a bit of time mixing with the guys. The other group of students I was hanging out with was some of my classmates. We were great buddies, studied together sometimes, went movies and outings and played games together. Those were memorable times indeed and it was more than 30 years ago. Today, most of them are successful people, mostly in managerial positions. Many of them are lawyers, engineers, lecturers, doing business or senior managers in their companies. After all these years, we are finally getting back together in alumni gatherings and catching up with each other on past happenings. We are still trying to gather the rest of the gang, and so far, about 15 of us have contacted each other and met over ex-class gatherings.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I was very shy in school but friendly...smiled alot. I really didn't fit into any group....maybe the geek group. I don't know. I got along with kids from all the different groups. I definitly was not a part of the IN crowd. Some of them are still somewhat the same but of the ones I've run into, most have grown up and come down to earth a bit.
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I was in kind of a "rest of us" group, although it was mostly made up of the smarter kids... only the ones who weren't stereotypical "nerds." We just all did our own thing. It was great. There was one guy we hung out with who had parties almost every weekend and so we were all over there all of the time and it was fun. I have stayed in very close contact with my best friend from high school, and not as much with the others although I still care about them and still see them and hear about them once in a blue moon.
When I went to my 20 year high school reunion some of those "princess" types were just the same. It was almost sad to see these 38 year olds running around like they were still in high school. I was jealous of the two who put on their old school uniforms because there's no way I could fit into mine. I felt like one of them was really showing off too much because she had just had a baby and was still wearing her high school uniform.... but again, I confess I'm probably coloring this impression with my jealousy. :)
I don't pay a lot of attention to how people have changed or not changed. I just know that I have moved forward since that time. I wouldn't mind being that thin again, but I'm much happier now than I was as an uncertain teenager, and much more content. I still don't understand the confidence that some of these kids had back then, but I'm happy to have "bloomed" later in my life instead of having to feel like my best years are all behind me.
@robemccartn8 (33)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Boy this really brings back memories. we had the rednecks ,the heads, the preps, ect,ect, but i was in a grouphome so we were the dogwood village kids so we were like the bottom of the barrel. we were always picked on beat up and made fun of by everyone . but i would not have traded the expierience for anything because it made me a better person
@sergeantrom (5721)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I ran with the nerds. In fact, my best friend was the math genius, typical bifocals with the tape in the middle. Whats up with that? Why didnt anyone use clear tape? Funny looking back now. I moved out of state and have not run into anyone from high school. But before I left, I know my best friend became a CPA. Sometimes I do wonder what happened to the cool crowd but it quickly leaves my mind.