Were you dying to be on your own?

@tjades (3591)
March 22, 2008 6:52pm CST
As a teenager that is. You know how most of us couldnt wait for the day to come when we'd be able to move out of our parents home and launch out on our own. We were beckoned by the prospect of freedom from curfews and all the restrictions that were present at home. I remember the last time lived on my own. After sighting all the reasons I needed to get out of here I found a place and moved out. The cost of the rent drove me right back home after a while. I was very daunted by the prospect of forking out so much of my hard earned money every month for the landlord. I decided to come back home and use that money to get my own home instead (morgage). I have not started yet and I am still dying to be on my own but Id rather be here than to be out there paying so much for rent. Id just like to know what is your take on the subject. Would you do the same? Why or why not?
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5 responses
@cindy2003 (196)
• Australia
23 Mar 08
It's a great feeling isn't when you move out of home and own your own. I had money saved up first, then moved out of home and put a deposit on a home, and paying a mortgage, and it was the best thing my parents ever said to me to do. I started saving my money since i was 15 and moved out of home when i 21, and never looked back. Hoping you will have the money soon for your own mortgage, and you'll appreciate more being on your own when you're in your own home. good luck with everything
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@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
23 Mar 08
Wow. Now that was a very good start. Thumbs up to your parents for having the insight to encourage that habit of saving in you from that age. At 21 I was fresh out of college and as broke as a church mouse. Having your independence is a bliss. Thanks for sharing cindy.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I wish I could relive my life in that aspect. I would save up all the money I was making at my first jobs while still living at home and put it towards a house of my own. Instead I moved out into someone else's home and have never stopped being a renter to this day. I've lived in a small house, a one BR trailer, an apartment, another apartment, an apartment above a garage. Another small house and today with husband, son and father in law a 2 BR house. Never in all this time did I put money away to get our own house. You are smart. Don't waste money on things. Only buy the necessities of life and save for your house. You can't depend on prince charming to come along and give you a castle and you can't live off of love alone. Women need security. Home of your own is security.
@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
23 Mar 08
I couldnt agree with you more snowmouse, Renting is a back breaking and pocket/bankbook emptying experience. I will certainly pay closer attention to how I spend. I think I do well but with the ridiculous increases we're now facing I bet there's something else I can do. Thanks for sharing.(lol)
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@myahw20 (1115)
• Canada
6 Jul 08
Sometimes I would think that I would like to be on my own but really I guess I am not that ready yet. Plus I love my parents. In our culture families are really close so it's not a MUST to move out when you turn 18 or so.
@olivemai (4738)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I did want to get out of my parents' house alot! It has been quite a while since I first moved out. Would I stay if I could and save money for a house? Yes, of course, I would now and I would have then, if it was possible!
• India
4 Jul 08
wll.,i guess most teenagers actually r very eager to leave home and live independently..in india..we do not have the culture of living separately at such a young age..but while in the last year of school..i was desperate to attend college in some other place and live by my own!!i succeded..n have completed one year of studying outside my city and living independently...though i was very excited in the beginning,soon hardships followed..i actually understood the value of staying at home..and the value of all those who work so that i live comfortably!!!when i m back for vacations..i hardly do any useful work at home....i have spent a month relaxing..catching up on ,my sleep..and enjoying the peaceful life here..while gearing up for the usual tough life ill have to get back to..in a matter of 4 days!!!!!!! all the best!!!!