some " personal help " ? =]
By heatherxbby
@heatherxbby (20)
United States
March 23, 2008 12:14pm CST
Okayy I want to know why my daughter never had a boyfriend yet ?
She's really gorgeous ask anybody!She models :]
She's really sweet & playfull ; she's only 13 almost 14.Her friend had like 10 boyfriends ; kissed them & made out!She hasn't done any of that yet.I dont thnk boys even carry about looks anymore ? !! But anyways her friend is sorta pretty , she's shorter then my daughter her chest is also a little bigger.What is it my daughter is missing ? !!
Is it when boys like her she's shy?Or should she be more pushy ?! HELPPP .
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16 responses
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Why im wondering would you want your child to grow up so fast? maby she isnt ready to have a relationship yet,im fact no child of mine would have a boyfriend before 16 so whats your hurry? i dont think your daughter is missing anything allow her to be herself and when the right boy comes along there will be sparks.
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@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thank you :] It's just that where I live [ new york ] pretty much everygirl in her school has a boyfriend.And your right the right one will come along soon . I just really hope she isn't missing out.
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@georgette1 (184)
• United States
23 Mar 08
sorry but I lived in new jersey new yorks neighbor and not every 13 year old girl in my daughters school had a boyfriend
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@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Well that's new jersey.But in her school literally everyone has a boyfriend!
@Louiseybaby (68)
23 Mar 08
i think there is a problem with you not her! 'her chest is a little bigger' you compare your daughters chest to her friends? :S 'her friend has kissed and made out with boys' you WANT your 13 year old to do that? :S
'what is my daughter missing' your her mother how can you even think she is missing something?
i suggest you stop panicing and don't say anything about it to your daughter or she might grow up thinking A: there is something wrong with her. or B: woman should run around desperately looking for a boyfriend when infact they shouldnt!
oh and maybe boys think her friend is more likely to put out..and for godsake don't encourage your daughetr to put out!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Mar 08
You tell her Louiseybaby. This mother's thinking is sooo inappropriate. Haveing a boyfriend is just so not important at this time and i don't care who else is doing it. The daughter is more intelligent and together than the mother and I pray she has protection from her Mum. this sort of thinking borders on abuse IMO.
I have a granddaughter going on 13. I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She was shocked and horrified and answered with a resounding "NO!"
Holly is intelligent, interesting, shy but outgoing, funny, talented and capable. Her self esteeem and self confidence as a young woman are just starting to develop. Her time is filled woth shool, music/band practice, swimming training and horse riding. She has a younger sister and two parents who are involved heavily in their activities. She has a group of girlfriends she spends time with and does girly things with.
Does she need a boyfriend? Absolutely not. A boyfriend would only spoil things for her.
Does s
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
why the heck are you rushing her into a relationship??? SHEESH, the only reason to date is to find a perspective partner and she is much to young to worry about that!
my daughter is 14 and we ENCOURAGE her not to date! i want her to concentrate on school before she worries about dating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
23 Mar 08
i have a 10 and a 13 year old both girls. i am very pleased that neither of them are into boys for mor then just a friend. personally i dont see why you would want your daughter to have boyfriends. i mean why would you want to start worrying about pregnancy, std's, sneaking out, etc. i like the fact that i dont have to worry about that with my kids yet. boys like my daughter but she tells them quick no thank you and etc. i would never want to push her towards it. your daughter just needs to be heself and if she finds a boy she likes and he likes her then fine. i wouldnt worry why hasnt my daughter made out witha boy or kissed a boy yet. i would be proud to say she hasnt. not that i am worried somthing is wrong with her.

@georgette1 (184)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I didn't know that there was a type on who gets pregnant
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@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thank you.That would be easier if my daughter didn't think about boys too ; i must agree!She's not the type who would actually get pregnant though.Infact if she had a boyfriend I think she might be scared to even go to his house!But yeah im not her i dont know what she really wants.

@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
23 Mar 08
What has got me a little disgusted by this post is why you want your daughter to grow up so fast. Let her be a kid. She's 13 years old. Just because her friend does it does it mean that she has to do the same thing as well. If your daughters friend jumped off a bridge would you want your daughter to follow. Things will take course when she is ready for them to. Don't go and pressure her into something she is not ready to do physically mentally and emotionally. As for this other girl who has had 10 boyfriends kissed them and made out with them. I think her parents need to sit her down and talk about the birds and the bees talk. Boys that are 13 years old are full of harmones and walking time bombs just waiting to go off. Give your daughter some credit that she is not out doing this.
@Dollface812 (84)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Maybe your daughter isn't interested yet. I agree with the previous poster. Why do you want to her to grow up so fast? When I was that age people were just beginning to date. You shouldn't really be worrying your daughter she seems normal =)
@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Thank you.I think she feels a little left out from most of her friends.It's not that i want her to grow up fast it's just that I want her to be happy ; if she wants a boyfriend & as long as she doesn't do anything bad why not have one ?Aww thank you :]
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@BlackBay (584)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
I would take it that your daughter has a HIGH regard for herself and thinks twice about who she gives her affections to. My daughter is 20yrs.old Beautiful,kind,caring ,friendly outgoing and has never really had a boyfriend and could care less if she does or not. She says she is to busy being her and enjoying the things she wants to do to have to worry about guys and what they want. When she's ready then she'll look for a guy. I would say your daughter isn't missing anything, with the rate of STD's and teen pregnacy in her age group I would consider yourself lucky!!!!And your daughter very, very SMART!!!
@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Lol I quess for some people you just qot to wait for that right one.
@punkgurl73 (248)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I would not worry about her not having a bf at 13,she might be thinking about high school and college?maybe she likes to go to the mall and hang with her friends and just be a teenager.anyways,just let her be a kid for now!
@butterflygrl76 (205)
• United States
27 Mar 08
If your daughter gets pushy with the guys, that will only bring on negative things for your daughter. Maybe your daughter isn't ready to date or make out yet, or maybe she isn't into boys. Whatever you do, don't push her into doing things she isn't ready for :)
@heatherxbby (20)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Yeah you know what , I never that if I push her she would do those neqative thinqs.
@CheshireKat (564)
• United States
24 Mar 08
It's impossible to know why your girl hasn't had a boyfriend yet without interviewing all the guys she knows. You said she's feeling left out because she hasn't? Is that her feeling left out because -she- wants one, or her saying she feels left out because you keep interrogating her on why she doesn't?
Be careful what you say around her and what you ask her. If you're getting this kind of reaction Mylot, imagine what effect you'd be having on your daughter if you asked her 'what's wrong' with her. Just leave the subject of why she isn't seeing anyone be.
Girls that are boy crazy get into trouble. Be thankful that she hasn't started dating. Take this opportunity to get closer to her so that when she gets older you may not have a really difficult time. There are some girls I know that talked to their mothers throughout their adolescence, and generally they stay out of trouble. (With boys and otherwise.)
By the way, unless you talk to her about not getting pregnant, there's a possibility. There's a possibility even if you do, but it's better if you talk to her about such things before she's in a situation where she may have to deal with it. Get in her head before the guys can. :P
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@beaniecat (329)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Relax and don't worry about it. In fact, be thankful. She'll get interested in boys soon enough. She's probably just busy with other activities and that's good. Let her enjoy being a kid.
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@georgette1 (184)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Why would any mother want her daughter to date and kiss and make out at thirteen. be glad that she isn't because at her age nothing but trouble follows. anyway since you are so worried about why she doesn't have a boyfriend yet maybe it is because of her occupation. You say that she models so sometimes people are a little afraid of anyone that is into this type of work they might think that she is snobish. Don't be in such a hurry to have her date she is still young give her time and she will come into her own. maybe boys are asking her but she is not ready to date yet but is afraid to tell you.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Mar 08
If I had posted something like this I'd want it deleted too. But there is no way you can. We've put some pressure on you do you think your little girl feels? Ease off and just give her the love and attention she deserves and needs from you. She's just fine the way she is. If you push her into something she's not ready for yoou will probably regret it...both of you.

@gavsmomjamie (319)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Ok, first I'm 22 and I'm not ready for a relationship! Just enjoy your time with her because she will grow up fast and start dating, have her heart broken/break a couple hearts, get married, and you will wish you had this time back
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@Berniceann (4)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Your daughter is missing nothing. You are the one missing it. You said it yourself... she is ONLY 13. good grief! give her a chance to grow up. at 13 she has enough upcoming issues and boys aren't a necessity!
Be thankful they aren't pressuring her, and you need to back off. she has plenty of time to have boyfriends.
i'm curious to know... how old you were when you had her, were you married? etc...?
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@roshan91 (1)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 08
Definetly NO .. i mean NO . how can u even think such things...i knw ppl will get lonely sometimes..not have frens ...but i understand ur SITUATION .what ur trying to say is that in her( ur daughter)school every one's GOT a boyfren..and she dosent BUT tell me this ....does she need one? some more in this age? TRULY do u THINK SHE SHOULD GO out at this stage of age? ok fine ..i admit ppl fall in love cause LOVE is endless i fell in love when i was 12 or 13 with a girl..but Unfortunately she never liked me..BUT hey!! THINK ABOUYT many HUGE number of possibilities could have happened . SHE COULD HAVE BEEN Abducted.. u want that? she could have been taken away from u by the bf? u want that? ofcourse no. u lov ur child. and must do the RIGHT thing..she could have a boyfren ..u can aloow her..BUT check out the boy FIRST!! put her activities or something what does she like to ..maybe enroll her in some art class or something. I LIKE ART!! and SHE could possibly get over these THINGS. ok thats about it ! gud luck!!