4000 American Troops Dead...
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
March 24, 2008 7:29pm CST
...what does that mean to you? Is it just a number that doesn't really mean a thing? Do you say, "So?" in the manner of the D1ck Cheney? Or does it make you feel very sad, as it does me, no matter what your feelings are about this seemingly endless war, where 97% of the deaths have come AFTER Bush declared "Mission Impossible" when you think of all these mostly very young men and women all of whom were someone's child, spouse, parent, sibling and/or friend?
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16 responses
@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Cheney could care less! All he is worried about is his pocketbook and how Halliburton's will fare when the war is over. It should have been over a long time ago, but our short sighted administration wouldn't listen to people with an ounce of common sense when they warned over and over again about how this war could end up like Vietnam....it didn't work then and it won't work now. Our soldiers are being picked off while we are just waiting for the Iraqi's to come to their senses I guess.
Bush can't admit he made a HUGE mistake and all he is doing is allowing more and more Americans t die and for our country to go broke while he and his friends fill their pockets with our money.
The reason Bill Clinton had to sign a treaty was because BUSH SENIOR got us into the first war. Bush pulled out and left Clinton to have to deal with the aftermath. So don't blame this mess on the Democrats.
I am voting another straight ticket just because I don't want to even see a Republican because they ALWAYS voted for the war even when they found out they were lied to.
The only Republican I would vote for is John Warner and he isn't running for re-election.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Congress put us in Iraq just as much as Bush did.
It was a lying democrat that signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998. In fact, he was later CONVICTED of PERJURY.
We had Vietnam won until a gutless liberal Congress voted to cut off the funding, and we have the same problem developing now.
If Bush made a mistake, then Congress did as well.
Now then, just what treaty did Clinton sign?
Bush was in office when the Iraq Ceasefire Agreement was put into effect, so just what treaty did Clinton have to sign?
All Clinton had to do was hold the fort, and we all saw what a lousy job he did of that.
This mess is the democrats mess, just as much as it is Bush's mess, and the same as it is America's mess.
The only ones lying about this war are the ones who keep saying they were lied to.... and that would be the lying liberals who also lied when they said that they would FORCE Bush to withdraw from Iraq if they got elected.
Yeah, we see how well THAT worked now didn't we.
The democrats knew that they couldn't do it, but they told you they could anyway, which means THEY LIED.
ROFLMAO at the liberals.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 signed by Bill Clinton, the enforcement of a ceasefire after 17 UN Sanctions, and the bipartisan authorization of Congress to enforce the ceasefire.
If Clinton would have been the one to have returned to Iraq and finish the job instead of leaving it for Bush to do, you would be in support of Iraq and you know it.
It is an unfortunate reality that people die in wars, and everyone is someone's child.
When Bush declared Mission Accomplished... it was the end of the mission to remove Saddam from power... so in that sense he was accurate.
It then morphed into the mission to provide security in Iraq while the newly elected government there became stable and strong enough to defend itself without outside help.
That is what we are doing now, and it is finally working.
That doesn't mean anything to you though.... instead you get on here and continually denigrate Bush for doing his job.
By doing that you cheapen every life that has been lost fighting this war, and every word against this war and the president serves to strengthen and support the very people that they are fighting.
We are there for a very important reason, and no matter how many times it is stated you people just don't seem to get it.
If we leave Iraq in an unstable and unsecured state then we will just have to go over and fight the terrorists again...and if they have regrouped and rebuilt then it will be much harder and many more than 4000 will die. It is just that simple.
Bush knows that, Hillary knows that, and even Obama knows that.
So just what part of that do YOU not understand?
If you democrats haven't got the stomach to stay the course, then maybe the democrats should not vote to authorize wars.
I would have thought you democrats would have figured that out when you cost us Vietnam.
There is a reason that democrats are not considered to be real good with National Security issues.
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@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
25 Mar 08
Sorry, but from what I understand here Clinton had the sense not to invade Iraq while Bush didn't.. ?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Mar 08
So what would you call that bombing campaign that Clinton was overseeing against Iraq while he was in office?
All Bush did was escalate from an air invasion to a ground invasion...
Some of you people need to do some research.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Another comment about Slick Willie! If he had done his JOB and taken Bin Laden when he was offered not once but TWICE(once by the Sudan government and once by the United Arab Emerites) then New York might still have two very tall towers and 3000+ more citizens! The only thing Bill Clinton was good at was keeping Monica under his desk and he even botched that one!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
Hi anniepa, I am not an American, but a Canadian, yet this makes me feel very sad. We have troops in Afghanistan, and have also lost far too many young men and women. War is wrong, yet no one seems to be really seeking peace. I am hoping that a change of government in this country will help, but I am doubtful. Blessings.
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Lies Lies Lies and in more years to come More Lies , why floks ? Why must we hype ourselves up and promote these leaders that never get nothing accomplished ? i was never for the War to begin with..there's no progress no disrespect to the troops theyre doing all they can but heck they dont wanna be there , themselevs if they saw a plane with Straight to America on , they'll on be one it ..ugh im just so thru with politics and the whole nine cause its all senseless
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@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
25 Mar 08
The losses are sad.
I am thankful that we have such brave men and women.
The war was just.
The war turned sour.
If we don't finish what we started or our children or grandchildren will have to.
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@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Your comment shows me two things about yourself;
1.You are a left wing kook who probably blames America for all the worlds problems.
2.You have no real knowledge of why we toppled Saddam's genocidal regime (other than the anti-American media/web sites that you are parroting).
If you don't like America, Leave.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
26 Mar 08
My heart bleeds for those young fine men and women-I dont know if the commander in chief sometimes wishes he did not order the war!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Mar 08
It really saddens and depresses me to no end. It has gone on long enough and we do not need to lose more lives. the economy has went to crap also and this war has gone on long enough. I do not see any progress for it myself. It needs to stop and get our people back home.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Mar 08
It means its gone on for quite a while and its quite a loss (not even counting civilian deaths caused by terrorists/criminals, fighting). People did volunteer for this but others that were lost in this did not; the losses are still saddening. I do think of family, friends and those affected (I have to note though for people trying to claim the same thing, I don't see you in any of the army family discussions ever...) I'm just sick that people only really pay attention when it reaches a nice round number. It also means that people (especially the BS alphabet soup newsmedia and politicians) don't really care that lives were lost here... its just another political statement. (*said dryly and sickened*) Isn't it great when everyone runs out to use bodies for a political platform? -_-
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@DESMASTER2007 (1130)
• United States
29 Mar 08
This is actually pretty sad. It seems that they are not thinking. Don't you think that is too much people dying. I tell you it is really sad. Shouldn't they have some kind of sympathy. Fathers, brothers, sisters, and friends, are being affected.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
27 Mar 08
It saddens me but those who do chose to fight in the military have made that choice for themselves at least in this war. I give them credit for that. I would never join the military- no way!! Too chicken.
Military people believe in war as a way of protecting our country and our "freedom" (that the government so loves to take away bit by bit at times).
Honestly, I'm very torn about the war. I think it is needless but then again, I don't want them coming to our soil and creating a war here on our turf.
I'm thankful for the ballsy people who fight for us and feel sorry for their families when we lose them. But even in loss, their families still remain proud as their military family member believed strong enough in America to fight for it. There is something to be said for military bravery...I hope the brave souls who paid the ultimate price have found ultimate peace!
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@drscorpius (166)
• Czech Republic
27 Mar 08
Georg W. Bush, Colin Powell, Rumsfeld, Fleischer, Wolfowitz, Riceová, Cheney and McClellan....all of them were lying (and still are lying) about Iraq
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@huppsterdave5125 (279)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Let me start off by saying that I absolutely disagree with this war. I think Bush prdered the troops in under false pretences. FOr example, the weapons of mass destruction that Bush was so sure they had, of course did not turn up when our boys got in there. But having said all this, in any war, there are casualties. We are in a war, and casualties are somewaht unavoidable. Sure most of us don;t agree with it, but there are some that do. Who knows, maybe without our invasion, something more drastic may have occured, like another major terrorist attack. One good thing has come out of the dust of Iraq. At least Saddam is out of power.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Mar 08
"Who knows, maybe without our invasion, something more drastic may have occured, like another major terrorist attack."
Obviously, we'll never know, but if hit had happened it wouldn't have been because we didn't invade Iraq, that much you can be quite sure about. Also, Saddam has been out of power for almost five years; why are we still there?
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@satkumar077 (180)
• India
25 Mar 08
What you expect from a war ? .How many American lives were lost in vietnam ,a place half the world away, a war which U.S just got into to settle their scores over communism ,seventy thousand lives were lost , was that worth it ? .So wars are not about numbers , it is whether or not you attain your objective .
with regards

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
When one joins the Army, Navy, Airforce, or the Marines, he or she is expected to fight, especially he since most women are probably killed doing non fighting tasks such as working in an office when the enemy attacks. It is tragic but then when you are fighting a war, people die. And you also have to not think of keeping your son and daughter from fighting because horrors! they might get killed, but think what would have happened if they were not in Iraq. What would have happened to the Iraqis? I remember the opposition to the Vietnam war and the soldiers being called baby killers and I later learned that much of this was false information designed to end the war. Now Vietnam is a communist country.
Who knows whether a new strong man will arise in Iraq and be worse that Sadam Hussein. America should support its troops, make it possible for them to have a defense against enemy attacks, and not demoralize them.
And those who are not fighting, working as store clerks, as drivers, etc. should be better protected against terrorist attacks.
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@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
25 Mar 08
it saddens me quite deeply. I am thankful today that my nephews..one marine, one army...are both home from Iraq since last monday. I am so thankful that they were both safe but the horrors of what they have lived is just awful. Cheney could care less what happens to those soldiers. I think most americans in some way are related to or know someone who is there now. I am very empathetic to all of them.
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