Left overs from dinner?. do you eat them the next day or dispose of them?

United States
March 25, 2008 7:23am CST
Okay i know this is bad. but i RARLEY ever eat left overs. lol like i really have to like that food inorder to eat it after its sit in the fridge over night. Like spagettie, im just afraid that its spoiled over night.and i or someone else will get sick. it maky look and smell okay but i still will not eat it. LMAO. like side dishes i make with dinner. if they are not gone i just throw them away LMAO. I guess i do waste alot of food. i just cant help it though:(. same thing with sour cream LOL. THATS A BIG ONE FOR ME. i love sour cream but after 2 days in the fridge i wont eat it.lol How about you?. are you like me? ir the total opposite?
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27 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
24 May 08
I love leftovers...especially lasagna. Since I eat very small meals I usually have several bowls of leftovers to pick from. Hubby also likes them heated up for lunches. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 May 08
Well, I'm glad your a fellow lasagna lover...I couldn't bear the thought of wasted lasagna **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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• United States
26 May 08
Yea see even tho i throw some left overs away. like i said i will never throw a half of lasagna away. i will defiantly eat it the next day. its just certin things. not everything:).lol i love lassagne even stuffed shell and manacotti i wouldnt darer throw away. or some of the zuppa tuscanna i make never would i.. but mash potatos, and corn, and little side dishes like that i most the time dont keep.
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• United States
28 May 08
That is sooo funny :) I totally understand how you feel about that I don't leftover food that much and mostly will not eat it...just something about it..however.. I feel somewhat quilty if the leftover is an expensive meat, fish or whatever..then i will make an attempt to create a another dish out of it but after that if is still around it is by by leftovers and goes down the garbage disposel. Actually a very well known food editor said that leftovers start to spoil after about the 3rd day of refridgeration, thats enough for me:) but sour cream... which I love...holds up for quiet some time.. I'v never had any that lasts long enough to spoil:) sooo with the high cost of food now days I'm looking into alternate ways of using those left overs....I'll share my LO recipes.. take care
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• United States
28 May 08
Hahaha its funny you bring sour cream into the convo.. that is my absolute number one fear... is after i open my sour cream if i dont have it gone by the next day. i absolutly cannot eat it. I love sour cream to. but i just have the phobia. another right behind it is cottage cheese. and i feel so silly having that phobia. because its like already currdeld milk.. eww i just dont think about thatw hen im eating it. and i eat it not so often BUT yea. that one is definatly a big one to... Oh yea! definatly share your recipes. i could use them forsire:P
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
27 May 08
I usually cook enough for my husband to carry in his lunch the next day and for me to eat the next day for lunch. We have to cut back everywhere we can. Sometimes, I use the leftovers so I can make a different dish and it doesn't quite seem like left overs. LOL
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• United States
28 May 08
I just dont have the create tivity for that really:(...
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@snowy22315 (186544)
• United States
27 May 08
Sometimes I eat them but more often than not I find the food goes bad before i get around to eating it. I do ieatt leftover pizzeria pizza or any restaurant leftovers, You pay so much to begin with for the food I feel it must be eaten. course I do have some leftover chinesse I never ate.
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• United States
28 May 08
OMG! I dont think i could ever waste any chineese left over or not.. and mexican food too i love love love it. If it is resteraunt food. then i dont waste it. yes because you pay so much why would you wanna waste it like that./ BUT at the same time. you pay a pretty penny for grocherys these days 2. i dont know. but chineese and mexican no way i wouldnt waste:P.
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• Philippines
27 May 08
Oh no!! I can't afford to throw away some left overs. Wasting food is a bad habit. You can re cook them and pur other ingredients on it. It is the best thing I learned from my parents not to throw away blessings. We are fortunate that we could eat 3 times a day and some could even afford to eat 6 times because we have plenty. If we could just imagine the people in other countries who are just eating the left overs in the garbage, we might value the food that we wasted. I don't throw away left overs unless they are already spoiled and not good to eat. But if possible, I will prepare a meal that would be enough so that nothing would be wasted.
• United States
28 May 08
But if we dont waste atleast alittle., there will be no food in the trash cans for the ones who do need it.. No im kidding. but if i could give away my left overs i would most definatly.. I am always helping in local food drives every chance i get, when i have bought somthing i know wont be used. i give it away to thoes who need it. I am veary giving when it comes to that because just like you said there are some people who cant afford.
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• Philippines
28 May 08
yes of course!especially the rice.here in the philippnes we called it "kaning lamig" or "bahaw". its delicious and easy to prepare as fried rice.saute it in garlic and voila!delicious!
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• United States
28 May 08
see i soo need to learn how to make me some fried rice. i love fried rice. and my mother loves white rice. so when i cook white rice i dont eat it s there always left overs.. If anyone has a good way to make it. if you could let mme know. i dont think i would ever waste the rice again LMAO.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
Yes, it does depend on the type of food which we are gonna eat the next day. Sometimes left-overs gets spoiled over-night, I readily throw them away. But if it's steak or any kind of meat, I usually turn them into another dish or use them as meat fillings. I mostly use them and put in my fried rice, oriental style!
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• United States
26 May 08
Yummm friend rice! great idea, i dont really throw meat away its mostly pastas and veggitables really.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
26 Mar 08
I think also it is bad. i do not support the idea of consuming so much left over. i think they can actually damage the system. something of the quality of food get damaged.
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• Latvia
26 Mar 08
I try to prepare dinner for one evening. I love with my boyfriend and it is easy to cauculate food for two. But ... my boyfriend has strange habbit - he always leaves just a little bit, tiny bit on the plate and asks me to save it. But I don't have to be worried about throwing it away - he wakes up at night and eats what was left from dinner:)
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• United States
26 May 08
Well there ya go... you dont have tp throw it away and its still gone that night.. i need me one like that LMAO
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I do eat left overs. I will just decide to throw it if its really bad or smell bad already but If I can still handle it, I wont waste it, thinking of million of people in my Country that has nothing in their table! you know!I grew up poor so I am that particular about food!
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@Zmugzy (773)
26 Mar 08
I try not to waste any food. It's typical of our greed driven wasteful societies that so many people don't think twice about throwing good food away whilst others in other countries, or perhaps even in the same city, are starving or living on meagre supplies. Once you have cooked for yourself or other people a few times you should have a good idea of how much food you need to cook. There really is no excuse for wasting food.
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
28 May 08
You're very right. I do not have a lot of money for food, so we eat almost all of the food that I cook. We try not to waste a lot of food because we can't afford to buy a lot of groceries. We also know we are lucky to have it, so I don't like throwing away perfectly good food when I know that I can eat it.
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@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
We always eat them the next day.. we dont throw them if they are 3 days old and not touched in the fridge then we get rid of them..
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• United States
26 May 08
Yea same here. thats if i do keep them. I know my mother will eat them. but saomtimes they just sit. so i dont see the point really:9
• United States
28 May 08
My husband gets the leftovers to bring for lunch the next day. Other than that, anything I have leftover and have good intentions of using in the next days meals, usually get thrown out in a couple of weeks because I've forgotten all about it! By the way left over spaghetti fried in a pan for lunch the next day with tons of parm cheese is DELICIOUS!! I'd rather have that than fresh spaghetti any day!
• United States
6 Jun 08
Please explaion how you fry spagettie in a pan.. i was thinking and it just doesnt seem right to me.. spagettie is my worst fear for left overs really, i had put a pot of spagettie in the fridge the next day took it out and it stunk so bad had small bits of mold in it..wtf? over night!!! yea so I NEVER eat left over spagettie.
@popocan (222)
• Hong Kong
26 Mar 08
I'll eat them the next day. My partner's always the one who finshes all the left over, I do appreciate with his attitude. Noone likes wasting food, but we've gotta dispose those that make you sick.
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• United States
26 May 08
I dont know, i jus have this phobie of getting sick from them. they look old and. i dont know. somthings i just cant
@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Mar 08
We don't consider them as left overs in the first place.In our preparation things don't get bad soon.We mostly cook the curry and gravies extra and keep it for the nest day too.There will be always something left for the nest day in the fridge kept under very hygienic condition.
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• United States
26 Mar 08
Well,im not sure were you from. but my step father is from india. and when he cooks yes he trys to cook enough to were we will have some more tomarw... i could habdle eating indian food left overs because it still taste awsome:) unlike regualer food to me. and all u have to do is heat up some bread. and your good to go:). thanks for responding. im off to work
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
26 Mar 08
howdy.. i am just the opposite.. with 8 people to feed in my house.. dun think i can afford to simply 'throw-away' any leftovers. normally my mom or i try to cook 'just enough' for us to finish in one 'sitting', but i guess there are times when one or two of the children dont really want to eat as much as they normally do... hence - leftovers. if i have any leftover of rice - plain rice (we eat rice everyday for lunch) - i make fried rice for breakfast the next day. if have any vegetables, meat or chicken left from lunch - i'll put them into whatever i am cooking for dinner that evening.. but - basic rule is - try to prepare + finish everything in one mealtime... no leftovers, no wastings..
• United States
26 May 08
Hey there 4mymak:) first off thanks for responding to my discussion. rice everyday for lunch i dont think i could do that:P. I love freid rice though and if i made it i garuntee there would be no left overs:P lol. but i dont think i would have a problem eating left overs of rice. its really just some things that make me sick just thinking about eating them after they have been sitting over night in the fridge. i dont know i guess im just weird like that. thanks again!
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
26 Mar 08
There have been times when all I have in my refrigerator or freezer is leftovers. I've found that some things taste even better the second time around.
• United States
28 May 08
Yes i like somthing the next day.. pizzas not to bad cold:)
@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
I do eat leftovers. Food is very precious just to be wasted. There are so many hungry people around the world and food is becoming scarce so why waste it. It's not fun eating leftovers but if you put a little effort you still can enjoy it. Like for example in spaghetti, I usually separate the pasta from the sauce. I mix enough amount together so that in case it is not consumed, it will still be al dente and fresh the next day. For some vegetable or meat dish, I recycle them into new dishes so that it will be more exciting eating them again. I try to come up with different ideas so that my excess food will not just go to waste.
• United States
26 May 08
Man i wish i was that creative LMAO. thats is the number one main thing i wont eat left overs of is spagettie. but i always mix my sauce in the spagettie. so it goes bad really fast. mabey next time i wont and use my noodle the next day for fettacini or however you spell it.lol thanks so much for your responce and idea!:)
• India
25 Mar 08
Ha ha. I don't eat left overs the next day. I'm more concerned about my health. Also advise everyone the same. It's better to prepare food of the required amount. But if it is left over share it with someone or give it to pet.
• United States
25 Mar 08
Oh how i would love to make my food only the amount i need. but if i have to feed 2 people, and there are 5 servings in a can of veggies. how do i not have left overs?. i just for some reason find this veary hard to do. but i would LOVE to do it. not only would it save from left overs.but also save me money lol. thanks for responding hun!:)
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
28 May 08
i would still eat some food left overs from dinner as long as they're not yet spoiled and as long as i can still eat them
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