Is depression forever?
By fawcey
@fawcey (926)
March 25, 2008 6:55pm CST
I was just wondering what people's thoughts are on this. Can it ever really be cured or is it like other diseases and goes into remission, only to rear it's ugly head down the track when you least expect it? A dark cloud hanging just over your shoulder waiting for the right moment to enter back into your life. A lifetime of sadness just made bearable by the breaks in between, the glimpses of hope, the days you think it's gone. Have you ever been depressed and then never again? Or does it come back over and over again, like a virus.
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16 responses
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
I spent 30 years fighting , and loosing to depression, and then I found a doctor who treated the symptoms rather than the name. I take an anti psychotics. I know that sounds odd but I was so very angry, at the point of white rage, it was with me always and I do not know what caused it but the medication works so well that I feel normal for the first time 5 years ago and have been OK ever since. In my case I almost believe it was a chemical unbalance as chemicals have cured it and therapy and anti depressants never did just made me feel like a zombie
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
26 Mar 08
I am glad you found a great doctor who treated the syptoms you had, not just the name. I don't think you taking anti psychotics odd, as I too have had taken them for a while but am only only anti depressants now, some did use to make me feel like a zombie, but I guess it is just finding the right ones for the individual. I am glad to hear you have been well ever since it is good to know it does happen, that people get better and move on. Thanks for your response RobinJ. :)
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Personally I think depression is a lot like an addiction. You might be able to withstand it, treat the symptoms or ward it off but it is still ever present within you. You might go years without problems but then suddenly boom you are suffering with it all over again. Of course a lot depends on whether you are talking clinical depression or just situational depression. Situational depression can be cured because it stems from what is happening at the moment around the person once the situation is resolved the depression is gone and they might not ever have that problem again. Clinical depression is very different. It is usually deals with many things and not just that time period. There is usually far more causing it like chemical imbalances for example. For that I don't think it can be cured at this time. Remissions can happen but one is ever reminded it's there waiting to creep up again.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 Mar 08
You are quite welcome. I guess from my response you can tell I suffer from depression. I actually have manic/depression or bipolar is the newest term for it. Now I will be the first to admit situational depression can make clinical depression worse. Yes you can have both at the same time and it can just make it all the worse.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks for a great response emeraldisle, you have worded it very well.'Remissions can happen but one is ever reminded it's there waiting to creep up again.' That is my thoughts exactly, and I agree with the way you have put it into two different groups, Situational adnd clinical, which is more a chemial imbalnce not just because of an event or situation one has been in. Thanks again. :)
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
31 Mar 08
I did guess from your knowledge on the subjetct that you were talking from experience, I know what you mean about having the two at the same time. Already having clinical depression does not make dealing with depression caused by the situation you are in, or an event in your life that would be hard to deal with at the best of times. I suppose at least one will eventually let up, not that, that is a great help at the time!! :)
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Mar 08
It only is if you let it be. You have control over your depression and you do not know it. First step to getting over depression, get out and doing things. Get a job if you do not have one. That will get you over your depression. Do things that make you feel good.
@Phlamingho (7823)
• Denmark
26 Mar 08
There's no final answer to your question. As with all "mental" tings depression is very different from person to person. Some people get over it, some have to struggle with it all their lives.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
I wish I could tell you. I suffer from depression too and lately its been bad but its been especially bad lately because I am not stuffing my emotions down with food anymore and its very unpleasant but hoping in the long run it will pay off. Personally I am not sure if you can ever be truly completely "cured" but there are ways to deal with it and to live a happier life. Honestly, I shouldn't be even offering advice because I can't say for sure but that is what I think.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
29 Mar 08
Thanks, I have no other option, being overweight AND depressed was just making me downright miserable. In fact my saving grace right now is that I am feeling better about myself BECAUSE I am doing something about this part of my life.. other areas, well thats something else all together. Best of luck to you!! If you want to ever chat, I am here :)
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Hey it's your opinion and thank you for sharing, you dont need to be an expert to have a say, I have suffered depression for a long time and I have no more right than anyone else to offer advice, as what works for one doesnt necessarly work for everyone. I agree eith you about there are way to deal with it and to live a happier life, I guess I should just be grateful for that and not look for more, I guess it is nice to dream though! I wish you luck with your knew approch to dealing with your emotions, I too use to stuff myslef with food to make myself feel better, but it didn't make me feel better for long cos It made me stack on the weight and then I just had another reason to hate myself, I guess it is just finding that moderation and better ways to deal with emotions, but it is all a learning process and no one (unfortunatly) can do it for us. All the best. :)
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Mar 08
How you describe it, is exactly how I describe it, but as a black cloud hanging over me waiting until my guard is down before it creeps in. I suffered depression on and off from 18 until I was 27, I am now 34. I just got so fed up of taking medication for it that I decided to try and control it myself, I knew how I felt before it came and so I just did that. I have managed well up until the last year, but I think that it is starting to creep back in. I just hope it goes away again!!
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
I hope it doesnt creep back for your sake gemini_rose, but if it does I suppose you can look at that it went away last time. I sometimes say black cloud too or darkness or blackness, it is all of those really isnt it. I would rather it go away and hang there though than be there 24/7 but still sometimes depending on my mood it just seems harder to deal with. Thanks for sharing your experiance :)
@jvego7426 (153)
26 Mar 08
It depends on what kind and how deep the depression is. There are depressions classified as psychiatric illness or injury which are then caused by traumatic experiences or it can be an abnormality itself. If its that, I'm pretty sure that there has been programs made for people to be cured bit by bit.
But, If we're talking about the depression you come across generally speaking in life. The cure for it, is having the courage to actually stand up in your feet and move on. Depression is one of the consequences in every obstacle we come across. It is part of the downfall but also then becomes the part of standing up. Itself is a part of its cure, or the discovery of it.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Depression as a mental illness is what I was talking about. The other I dont think of as depression, just as life. Ups and downs are a part of living but depression is not just generally feeling down or having a bad day, and I agree with what kind or how deep as there are so many different levels that even if someone was 'cured' it would not mean the same would or could happen for the next person. Thanks jvego7426 for your comments and the way you explained dealing with lifes obstacles was good. :)
@lalchetian (410)
• India
26 Mar 08
Can't say if its forever but it remains for a long time for sure
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
They say time heals all wounds.. So why can't be depression. There is nor reason for someone to lock herself because o depression we have to brave in every obstacles as they are lessons in our lives that makes us stronger.. Diversify to things that can make you occupied at times and slowly you are teaching yourself to live normally and worry free
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Ah yes time. What if you can not find the wound to allow it to heal, what if there is no one wound, what if it is just you. A disease that in itself can not be healed by time, or teaching or being strong. But then again if there is a reason like a lost loved one or an accident or some other life changing event that you can put your finger onand say yep thats when it all started then yes I do believe that time is a factor and that in time you can learn to deal better with it, and live with it, but does the hurt still really go away? I know in my case there is no wound I can heal, I am the wound, and time does give me a chance to learn and deal and become stonger in dealing with things and learning to cope better with my syptoms but it doesn't heal me as such, I wish it would. I thank you ayou82 for your comments and your take on my question it is one that for some would ring true. :)
@smwilliams (647)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I think everyone has experienced depression in one form or another in their lives. I had post partum depression after my son was born. I took it out on my husband though..not the baby. I didnt see any of the warning signs. Depression isnt like being Bi Polar or mental illnesses like that. Its very common and it depends on the person who has it. Actually let me rephrase that. It depends on the person who realizes they have it. Most people wont ever label a horrible weepy week as being depressed. There are many different forms. And their are many different medications. Personally I went on prozac for 3 months after I realized there was something wrong with me. I went off the meds and upped my vitamin B 12. Its a matter of how you handle it. I think its just something everyone goes through at some point. Some may have it more often than others. I highly doubt anyone can say they have never been really sad or have never cried in their life. It just depends on the severity. I wish I was happy 24/'m sure my husband does too :)
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks smwilliams for your response on this, I guess yes most people have had sadness in their lives but depression IS a mental illness and is very different from feeling really sad and having a cry. I agree that some people will never admit to having it but left untreated can cause very destructive behavour that can be outwards or inwards. Having a horrible weepy week is not classed as clinical depression from my point of view. I am glad that prozac helped you and you were able to eventually go off them and handle things better.
No one is happy 24/7 yes it s true but they are not all depressed, just human! (and if they are woman hormonal!) Thats my excuse most of the time! My hubby says but all of the time!?lol
@isin07 (18)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Well lets get to some basics about depression: first off there are many types or degrees of depression. Some can be cured, and some can only be controlled. Sadly as a medical provider it is not easy to determine which type you may have. This takes plenty of time, talk therapy, and medication treatment.
If you do happen to suffer from depression my best reccomendation is seek out a psychologist, for therapy, and a psychatrist for diagnosis and medication. Your typical family practice doctor may not be as versed in all the symptoms of specific mental disorders. It is not uncommon for patients to have their diagnosis changed and treatment plan changed as well. The reason for this is more information is uncovered about the patients symptoms thus causing the doctors to rethink what you may or may not have.
Keep up with treatment, and remember that just because you may feel great on your meds, does not mean you are cured. Continue the treatment your provider plans out, and only manage meds or treatment with their advise and recommendation.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks for the good information and advice isin07, I have suffered from depression and other problems since I was about 15 I am now 27. Most if what you said I have heard before, but it is still great advice for those who have not heard or recieved any treatment and where wondering what steps to take. I agree with the statement on the meds, I have no problem with the fact I will probably be on meds for the rest of my life, I mean if I had diabetes and needed meds to make me feel better and keep me alive then of course I would take them and the same is with my depression. I guess I just in one of my weird thinking moods, wondered if depression is actually curable or just controllable, I guess though know thinking about it as long as it is controll able then I guess that is way better than it being out of control!!!
Thanks again.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Technically it can and will be cured. It takes medicine, and many psychiastrist visits, but it does well. It's the whole idea of breaking down ones self and then building them back up to manage well and less stressful in society. Awesome discussion.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks melvinandheather1, I guess in that sense depending on the person and the type of depression it is about more than one aspect of treatment but it may not cure it, just treat the syptoms. I have been on meds for 13 years and have seen psychiatrist sometimes daily during that time and I am yes better than I was but in no way cured. Glad you like the discussion. :)
@benjosh (44)
• Italy
26 Mar 08
I have a friend who's been depressed for 1-2 years and now seems to be good...the only aspect is that sometimes, I believe to not falling down again he has assumed this behaviour, appears just like aman who knows everything, can do all etc....I don't care because I believe, as I said, that's a form of self protection and for him it works....other people I know are still depressed and seem they can't go depends from what you really want to do and from tha cause of your depression, in my opinion
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks benjosh for sharing about your experince with your friend. That can all be part of depression and bi polar where when they are not depressed they feel they can take on the world and do everything and help everyone and are invincible, it is a high that makes the fall even harder. Then again it can be a way of dealing by not admiting things and just being and doing might as you say his way of coping as we all have different ways to do so. Your friend is lucky to have a friend like you that just accepts him the way he is and believes in him. :)
@redrover (597)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I have been depressed most of my life. As noted above it does lighten up and come back.
I think if your truly cured it s gone forever. However, in my case, I think it's cured so I stop the treatment to soon. I fool myself into thinking I am cured, but am not.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
26 Mar 08
I know what you mean redrover, you feel better so you think it's gone and you no longer need your treatment, when in fact it is the treatment that is helping you feel like your cured. So even if you feel better never just stop your meds or treatment, it is a vicious circle. I hope it is curable, but I just maybe havnt been cured yet!
@xxxitaliaxxx13 (179)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
i think that it can be cured.. and not by any medicine or anything like that i think if you sit down with someone talk to them and etc.. over time it will become less and less until they are no longer depressed so kind of like theorpy
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
26 Mar 08
Thanks for your views xxxitaliaxxx13, I wish it was as easy as just sitting down and talking to someone, but that is great if your a bit down, but not if you have major depression or any other mental illness. I agree that therapy is a good thing to help but it alone is not a cure, but that is only my view It might be different and helped others on it's own. Thanks :)