I'm rapidly losing faith in the human race...
By filmbuff
@filmbuff (2909)
United States
March 25, 2008 10:24pm CST
Maybe it's because of my job and the fact that I deal with the public, perhaps it's due to my past experiences or what I see on the news, in print and just by observing the world and lives and events of the common man.
It just might be all the stuff I see going on with big business, and a corrupt system. Toss in all the suffering, and inhumanity to man, dishonesty and injustice, and I really start to wonder how anyone can be content, let alone happy.
Is everyone going through life with blinders on? Do they just choose not to see how twisted the world really is?
Maybe it's just me, I don't know. I'm sorry if these seems a depressing subject, but well it is one, and I have to admit it has me more than a little down.
Anyway you cut it, I'm losing my faith in the human race. If you can offer something to help me change my mind, please do... I need something to believe in...
What are your thoughts on the subject, do you still have faith in mankind, and if so... why?
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11 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Mar 08
I believe in the basic goodness of Man, buff, but I have learned to take the human race on a one to one basis. It's easy to look around our world and see everything that is wrong with it and feel powerless to do something about it.
I had such grand ideas and high hopes when I was in college about changing the world. Several years of living the rat race cured me quick! So I determined to simplify my life and my expectations. It was the only way I could hold on to my faith in humanity and myself. So now I concentrate on individuals and try to *pay it forward*. And it works. There will always be evil as well as good in the world, but my growing experience now is more with good. This world of the net, for example has brought me in touch with truly good, kind, decent and loving people from all over, and I have reconnected because of them with my faith in human nature. But on an individual basis - a one on one, day by day basis. We don't have to share philosophies, cultures, even language. What we share is a common interest in each other, and what better beginning than that for faith?
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I've always tried to pay it forward, long before there was a movie with that name. I, much as you thought I could change the world or at least make a difference. As I grew older, I tried to make a difference in specific people's lives and maybe I did, maybe I didn't I don't know. But I guess I just don't see the point in it anymore.
Why give someone fleeting help, or a fleeting moment of something good when a permanent solution is so often out of their grasp. All the little things won't add up, or make a difference at all.
I don't know, I'm just really starting to think I should check out and just let this world go to hell. I don't feel like watching or participating. I'm starting to think that people get what they deserve, myself included.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Honestly, I think it was the one on one connections that made me realize how empty my life really is, and how empty this world is. I just don't see anything in it for me. I know I'm a good person, I really do. Which is why I see little need to suffer, and no reason to keep picking myself up. I'm ready for a confrontation with the almighty, because he/she/it (petty, vindictive being that it is.) has a lot to answer for... and I'm not talking just about me.
Wow that was an interesting turn, again I say honesty is my only excuse.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Mar 08
Oh buff, what can I say to that? I understand so well depression and despair and just plain being tired of it all. There is nothing I can say here, or anyone can really for that matter that can offer you a quick fix to your feelings. That, only you can do. But trust me when I say this. The little things DO matter. The small gestures, the fleeting moments, the little kindnesses. As I discovered, it's the one on one connection - even if it's only one person out of the millions that populate our world, that can make all the difference. I think maybe, that one on one you need to connect with, is yourself buff. It sounds to me like you've lost sight of the good in you, and therefore can no longer see it in the world. Do you think you can find the part of you that gives you some measure of peace, of pleasure, of hope? I certainly hope so, and you know that you have many friends here who would be more than happy to help. Me included.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Hello Handsome:))
honestly yes we are all moving about with blinders on. It is the only way I can survive. I know this is true of most of the people around me. Sometimes we are forced to look at the harsh reality that is life among the populations of the world. But we can not look long as the pain is to crushing for anyone soul. Have I lost faith in humanity? You bet your sweet a&&. I did that when I was 8 years old. But I get glimpses into goodness, and heaven every once in awhile, and that is what gets me through some time. Someone will do something so kind for me, that in and of itself makes me want to weep. Or I see a kindness to a person who desperately needs it, and my faith is renewed even if it is a very short moment. I hold on to those small moments and keep my blinders on for the most part until I am once again forced to see the beasts face.
I know that is of no help but I am trying to be honest with you here. There are no big fixes or answers, just small steps and small moments of clarity.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I don't know anything about showing you kindness. What I do know over the last 12 18 months that you and I have shared here in mylot, I have come to think of you as a friend. Not only a friend but a friend who's opinion and intelligence I have great respect for.
Now What I am about to say I want you to talk in the love for which it is meant. GET YOUR FLIPPING HEAD OUT OF YOUR A&&, Son. Or I am going to have to come up there.... where do you live again? and turn you over my knee and take great pleasure in whooping up on tender young fresh flesh!
You have 2 choices here right? Suck it up and put some damn blinders on... or crawl into the bottomless pit and set fire to yourself. Hold on to small things. At this point, it is all you have. It is a life line. Jesus Filmbuff, I know you have people around you that love you, and this kind of selfishness must be driving them insane. I want to shake you silly young man.
Just so you know this is the same way I would talk to my own kid after trying to reason with him.
LMAO I will shut up for a few minutes.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
26 Mar 08
It is not even about you being happy right now. That may never truly come for you, I don't know. What I do know is that you have everything to offer, and pouring yourself into this pit, and giving in is just selfish and wrong. I have shared with you when you are jovial and your heart light, those are the moments that you need to hang onto when it gets dark..... A laugh, a shared joke, a touch, however smalll! That is what we hold on to.
okay I am shutting up again. maybe.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I think the blinders are beyond me. I don't think I could live my life that way, and frankly I just don't want too.
I see very little kindness in this world, most seems to have an ulterior motive, if just to make the person who is doleing out said kindness feel a bit better about themselves.
I appreciate your candor and honestly (now I'm just being blantantly redundant) perhaps a little just ain't enough.
A lot of you people here, have shown me a great deal of kindness and understanding and I want to thank you for it but I think you are right, there are no big fixes or answers and that is just maddening.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Humans are a strange an unusual species. Everything is corrupt and depressing these days, but it does not have to be.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Human have to learn that there is more to life than what they think there is, and they all have to learn that life is short and should be valued.
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
27 Mar 08
Yes things are really bad and the sad thing is, more and more people out there are becoming more evil, and YES I think evil.. not just self centred. I wonder whats going to happen in 2012.. only 4 years away. But something is predicted to happen.. something that will shake everyone up. This has to end somehow and at some point.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
If you were a history buff, you could see that over the long term the world is evolving and raising it's Consciousness. I'm 74 and can remember when life wasn't as much fun as it is today. Yes there is corruption and greed, but there has always been, The difference today, its more out in the open. The internet is rapidly bringing the world together and this will further even out the consciousness. Womens rights, Human rights, and Equality for all, are growing in every country world wide. Religious Freedom is Growing as the world becomes better educated. The church is losing its authority, as the poor nations get hooked up to the internet. Yes I do have faith in Humankind!
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
26 Mar 08
That is an interesting concept Barehugs, one I did not share until you spoke it out as such. Now giving it thought, I agree somewhat with you. I can see what you are saying in that to evolve with the enlightened and mass media we now have, that the real fight for freedom has only begun. But my friend I can only see much further devastation, even here in the US among our own government, before basic human freedoms are a reality, real slavery has ended. The very freedom that stout patriots scream in defense of this war, are they very ones our own government, is slowly stripping from us while our attentions are diverted. There has to be a huge awakening, before what you say can come to pass.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I agree with both you sort of. The main problem is that I don't think humans will survive much longer at our present rate of self-destruction. Global warming and a looming religious war on the horizon I think is far more devastating now then it would have been in the past. I hate to say it, but I think we as a race are done.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I don't have blinders on but when I quit working with the public I regained my faith in people. The everyday people--your neighbors, people at your church, the person behind the counter at McDonald's or your server at a restaurant, your mail person--are very nice. Just like you! They know what it is to work for a living and they know how hard people have to work just to scrape out a subsistance living.
Do you deal with the public that has money? Or think they do? Because that's where I've always found the most callous and pretentious people who thought I was an underling. No manners, no concern for anyone outside their little sphere, looking down on "the help", etc. You have to feel sorry for them, really, because they all get their comeuppance in this life and especially in this economy as it is now, they're hanging on by their fingernails because "things" are so important to them and they're up to their eyes in debt. Treating you like crap makes them feel better.
Go to the park or something on your day off, start a conversation with someone, go to someplace frequented by people who don't have money or pretend to. You'll find wonderful people. And if you really got to know those people that are making you lose your faith in humanity, they're probably pretty nice--just scared and sick because they think so little of themselves that they have to treat others like crap to make themselves feel important.
90% of people are great. It's the 10% that are real &%*$heads that we remember. Pick out one nice thing about people like that and compliment them on it. They'll be so grateful that they'll start treating you almost like a human! They'll feel better, treat others better, get treated better themselves and actually start acting like normal humans.
I'm glad I'm out of the public service. It's stressful. Good luck, you're a brave person.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I deal with all kinds in my line of work. From the poorest of the poor, to the those with money who treat everyone like a servant. Some of them break my heart, others I just want to break. You are right, there is good in all them, and they are all also twisted.
Another common thread I've noticed is that they all are trying to get something for nothing. Which is just another symptom of the lack of morality in our culture. Everyone sadly, is twisted.
I'm getting out of this job, maybe my views will change, the ironic thing is that I want nothing to do with people. I don't want to see them, I don't want to talk them. It's kind of pathetic really.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Mar 08
You're right to want to get away. I did the same thing and after a couple of months away from people I felt better. You need a break! Good luck, and I'm sure you'll have your faith restored if you quit working for the public.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Hi film,
Yes, I see all the ugliness in the world, but we have to remember that we all are sinners and all have rebelled against God.
There is only One Whom you can truly rely upon and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. People will let you down..not always intentionally, but they do. We are so imperfect. God is totally perfect and He does care and He is with us always.
I choose to put my faith in Jesus Christ. I know that He is in control of all things, even when they seem so crazy and chaotic. God gives us strength to endure hardships and He promises those who love Him Eternal Life. This life is not all there is. This life is very temporary and so is evil. One great and awesome Day, Jesus Christ will return and all evil will be destroyed for all eternity! Amen!
Cheer up! God loves you! He is with you always and promises never to leave you nor forsake you! He will never let you down. Trust in HIM.
God bless!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Sad as it is, filmbuff, I feel much the same way about humanity. It coud be that the human race is doomed. I know that it is looking more and more like humanity is some kind of failed experiment. People watch terrible events unfolding each day and don't bother to raise an eyebrow. Big corporations are profiting off the backs of the common man and often goes without punishment. The economy is in a mess, and the sky is falling. The only advice I can offer is to believe in yourself. When all is said and done we are the only ones who will not let ourselves down. I try to do something kind whenever I'm given the opportunity in the hope that I just might make a small difference.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I agree that there is far too much bad and ugly,twisted things going on in the world. Still, it is not all bad. There are good people and beauty still. I work in the public as well and I have met some very wonderful people who are sincere, kind and honest. I have my children and grandchildren. I have a few very good friends whom I can get out and enjoy time with. All the bad stuff makes me notice and appreciate all that is good around me.
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@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
Most of the time what we see, hear about what's happening around us is really depressing. But that doesn't mean you loose hope and give up. That just mean you have to be more positive. Be a fighter. Live with the challenge. Believe in the Supreme Being. This things will really happen since its already written that we will be facing a GReat Tribulation, but then, somehow, we have to have Faith in something or Someone, otherwise we get defeated and that's what the Dark Force wants us to feel.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I've lost faith in god and man, sad but true. Y'know I'm starting to think that the supreme being needs to earn my worship. I should be thankful he gave me life? I can create life too, it takes a partner and nine months.... it will take a bit more than that.
The weight of the world is crushing me.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
26 Mar 08
while i have to agree with you on the fine examples of the human creature that youve offered, albeit numerous examples, they are not the epitome of mankind as a whole, they just get the most attention. what appears on the news, is what gets the ratings. it is a television show afterall, and they search for the most shocking and disgusting dregs of society that will make people gasp and turn up the volume over the dinner table. same with newspapers. you dont read happy human interest stories on the front page of the decent people doing decent things to help their fellow man. theyre stuffed way in the back, in a blip of two or three short paragraphs, which most dont even get to notice. sensationalism at its best to get the sales, get the ratings, most bordering the line of the tabloids in their "news" reporting. and we are bombarded with it everyday. thus the reason i dont read the papers and avoid the evening news like the plague. your job, dealing with the public, is always a depressing way to spend your time, expecially if you work in customer service. people dont call customer service unless they have a problem, thus, they arent going to be in a good mood when theyre dialing that phone, or walking into a store. theyre already annoyed over the problem, and are passing their annoyances and frustrations over to those chosen to deal with them. its easier to see the "bad" in te world, because its what makes the most noise.. and sadly, alot of the general populice feeds on its madness in an attempt to make themselves feel better about their own lives. it helps them to achieve a superiority complex to look at anothers misery and be able to say "at least my life isnt THAT bad" which is why shows such as jerry springer, and the reality programs that are all the rage now are/were so very popular. how do *I* deal with the barage of sadness that seems to permeate the world? i take the time to look for the decent underneath the surface of pond scum that others are so quick and hungry to devour into their existances. *IM* not like those others, the company i keep arent.. it would seem that you are not either.. and if WE exist, surely, others do as well. and maybe someday, we wont be the minority.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
28 Mar 08
You have some very valid points about the media, and also issues of dealing with people when they are already plainly upset. I would be lying if I said that I didn't see some really good poeple and some really kind acts. I'd also be by lying if I said that I didn't make a difference in people lives, because I do... both good and sometimes sadly bad as well, lord knows I'm not perfect.
Power however corrupts, so how will things ever get better? Those in power rig the system against the common man and that is the problem. I have little doubt if I ran for office, I would be just as corrupt should I attain any seat of power because I would have had to have sold my soul to get there.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it, and I see where we heading as a species. I just want to take my ball and go home.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
28 Mar 08
absolute power, corrupts absolutely. those in power are aware of history, and the mistakes made in the past, unfortunately.. there are things called a god complex, superiority complex, and the "it wont happen to me" syndrome. everyone beleives they can do something better than another, until actually in the position itself. i dont think all of those in politics and government started out running for class president kicking off their political careers with the intent of becoming corrupt, but to quote spiderman for a sec.. with great power comes great responsibility. not everyone can handle the responsibilities. humans, are flawed, and its up to the individual as to whether or not they cave in to the flaws, make bad choices and blame it on "oh, well.. im ONLY human" i detest that cop-out more than you can even begin to imagine. we as a species claim to be higher on the scale than the beasts, but those with the fangs have a better standard of honor than pretty much any human ive ever met. they dont slaughter for fun or profit, they dont lie, and the list goes on and on. only human? why not strive to be MORE? to be BETTER? to make the hard choices rather than the easy ones? i personally do.. and i teach my children to do so as well. there will always be a set of checks and balances, its the law of nature. Balance will be achieved regardless. Light cannot exist without Darkness. for every reputable individual, there will be one that will strive in the other direction and attempt to influence, bully and barter to bring others with them. it is up to the individual as to whether or not they fall to peer pressure, turn coward, or beleive its OK because theyre "only human". taking yer ball and going home.. takes one more decent individual out of the equation. one more to fall under the pressures.. and thatd be a damned shame.
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