Is this SIN? Is this Charity? Would god approve this? Stolen Cash.

faith in god. - So he decides to pickpocket. For every ten dollars he makes he decided he will keep one dollar. he will donate the rest to a charity. 
But he says, god says "give me all that you own, and you shall recieve the same tenfold" or something like that. maybe that'll help his familes money problem right now. but he would like to buy himself some small things because of the risk he is taking. 
so what do u think? Is this SIN ? Is this Charity? Would god approve this?
@deepti15 (1190)
March 29, 2008 3:26am CST
I just read something very idiotic and I'm not able to stop myself from asking how would you respond to this. A guy decides to begin pickpocketing because his family is very poor. he was thinking of buying myself some nice stuff but then he thought something else. he says he is an extremely devoted christian and his favorite verse of the bible is " to defend the fatherless and the needy". So he decides to pickpocket. For every ten dollars he makes he decided he will keep one dollar. he will donate the rest to a charity. But he says, god says "give me all that you own, and you shall recieve the same tenfold" or something like that. maybe that'll help his familes money problem right now. but he would like to buy himself some small things because of the risk he is taking. so what do u think? Is this SIN? Is this Charity? Would god approve this? I don't approve this. What do u say?
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24 responses
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 08
I can understand stealing food if you are starving, but this is just idiotic and wrong.
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@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
It's wrong. I can see why he may think that, but there are other options. He could get a job, beg, and I'm certain there are programs to help people like that.
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@mom4kids (657)
• Canada
2 Apr 08
This is sin and no God would not approve. The bible says that we should believe him for all things. Have faith in God and in his provision and you will be taken care of. Give and it will be given to you. Also Jesus talks about how he adorns the lilies and how he takes care of the sparrows and that we are much more valuble than flowers and birds so we don't need to worry he will take care of us. This is a perfect example of someone picking one verse from the bible and making it fit into their lives how they want it to fit and not taking the whole bible in context and living according to God's principles. The bible also says not to steal. I guess the man just chose to ignore that part because it didn't fit into what he wanted to do!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I think that would fall into the SIN category. Does he think he is Robinhood? Take from the rich and give to the poor??? Picking pockets is wrong no matter how you look at it!!! I would never approve of such actions. I think if I needed money, I would do something, anything, even if it didn't pay much just so I was making a contribution to society. It may come across as begging, but if I am giving something in return, then it would be worth it.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
13 May 08
Since he is technically giving what is not realy his money to give, so it is not charity. Plus he is making it worse by wanting to use the money for something other than survivial for him and his family. This is wrong.
4 May 08
God will not approve on something that is wrong. Stealing for the sake of others is still STEALING, he is committing sin to people, to God and to the Law. Giving 10% of what we earn is Biblical, but God will not honor something that comes from SIN. I pressume he is a healthy man, why not find a job, then he will be able to help his family.
• United States
25 Apr 08
Thou Shall not Steal. It does not give any room for question. Stealing is stealing it does not matter what you do with the money. Ignoring wrong doing because your trying to make something good out of it does not change the act itself. God would not approve. I really cannot stand when people use their religous beliefs to make the wrong they are doing seem right.
@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
4 May 08
I think that this is not good because if his family is poor then he can do some work and earn. Pickpoketing is not the answer to his problem. Its a sin and even doing charity will not turn this into a good deed. Its just an false consideration for his misdeed.
• Australia
2 Apr 08
Theft is a sin, nough said! The bible speaks about the sweat of ones own hand and earning your own bread. He's giving other people's money to charity, it's not his and who knows if these people need this money just as much as his family. Sometimes people appear to have money but are going through their own struggles. What he is doing is wrong, pure and simple!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Apr 08
Thou shalt not steal is one of the ten commandments He did steal and no giving of stolen money will redeem him in God'eyes. Of course stealing is a sin and not charity. God was very clear in his ten commandments. thos shalt not steal. that is very clear andeasy to understand.Also if you break one of the ten commandments you have broken them all. no charity just a wrongdoing.
@ruthinian (2309)
• United States
23 Apr 08
It's in the ten commandments... thou shall not steal. That is for the christians at least. For other religions, I think taking other people's possession is a bad thing too. I guess the person just want to justify his wrong doing. People have their way of evading things especially if it is immoral in the eyes of God. Each one of us have our own personal beliefs and faith. What is moral to me may not be moral to you. The point here is that, we have to respect each other's belief. It could be a sin to us because of ho he deals with it. But in that person's mind, he might think that he is doing the right thing. Who are we to judge anyway? I don't know also if God will approve of that, because I am not God, and I don't know how God thinks. But one thing is for sure. God is a forgiving God.
@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
30 Mar 08
If The stolen cash is returned that would be a real charity
• India
29 Mar 08
no doubt pic pocketing is sin but the kind of charitable heart he has is really a thing to be considered....i appreciate him despite feel bad for the profession he choosed..!
@joxjob (12)
• Malaysia
30 Mar 08
This is very idiotic. A stupid excuses to steal. Fact is stealing is a sin. Maybe he really tried to help the needy, but what about the person he stoled from? don't they have family too? maybe they got baby to feed and then this stupid guy stole the money with reasons to do some good. Thats really stupid. I don't approve this guy!
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
i dont approve of this too. i always believe that the end does not justify the means... no matter how poor a family is.. there is always a choice. a choice to steal, or a choice to do what is right... and that is to work and earn real money and not stolen money. for whatever purpose it may serve, stealing is stealing. it is still a sin
@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
29 Mar 08
I think its very stupid of that guy to do such a crazy thing. He can take up a better job or join a social service group. Even they pay nowadays. Or best he can join mylot & start making money. I am just kidding here
• United States
29 Mar 08
God does not approve stealing no matter what the reason
@mememama (3076)
• United States
29 Mar 08
Sin! When I've had a hard time with money, a church will always helps us out, and in return when I am doing well I help the needy. If he needs money that bad, what's the saying? "God will provide".
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
29 Mar 08
this sounds like bad karma to me. It doesn't make much sense to steal money and then give it away. it would be far better to earn it the hard way like everyone else. Taking from someone else is putting yourself up for a lot of trouble!
• United States
29 Mar 08
Wow- he definitely deserves an A for creativity in justification of sins and in mastering the art of ignoring the other 98% of the Bible. Yes, I believe it is sin. Theft is theft. His sin is no worse than mine, but just as I cannot justify mine...neither can he.