Have u ever tried to Diet? Were you successful?

March 29, 2008 9:25am CST
Gaining some pounds after I gave birth to my son, I have tried a lot of ways to shed off the excess unwanted pounds. On some occasions, I have succeeded in loosing weight and sometimes regain them back. I have tried water theraphy, after 6, etc. Most effective was with a nutritionist and exercising on a gym. Now since I have been busy with work and stressed most of the time, I again have gained much pound around my waist and dont have much time to diet and exercise. But will try soon again for health's sake. Have you dieted in your entire life? Were you successful?
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29 responses
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
29 Mar 08
In Sept 07 I started walking daily but mainly for my dog because he was starting to get overweight but while trying to slim him down I lost a lot of weight myself. If you can you should try and do at least a 30min walk a day and since you have a son he'll make for a great walking partner :) or if he's not walking yet babys usually love going for walks in the stroller. Also just watch ur calories. i used to think this was hard but its not. actually if u intake a lot more fiber you REALLY won't be hungry that much and it'll take a less to fill you so watching the calories is easy. This is what i usually eat - cereal or fruit (sometimes eggs and toast) for breakfast and for lunch i'll have a quaker bar or yogurt or fruit or sandwich or something along those lines and for dinner it can really be almost anything but i eat a lot of chicken (mainly cuz im just really picky eater) but i always try to not go over like 500-600 calories for dinner. I've lost 110lbs in about 7months from walking and working out. i was 260 something I am now 180 and my goal is 175lbs by july which i'm sure ill hit probably in another week. but yeah, the best thing is walking. at least i think swimming is really good too or biking.
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@sameroad (3179)
• United States
29 Mar 08
i've lost about 85-90lbs actually not 110.
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• Philippines
2 Apr 08
Wow congrats sameroad for a job well done and I hope you get your goal nearest time. I just need 20 lbs to lose and its hard for me. Well I guess that is an inspiration for me to lose weight. I will try out walking but would be nice if I have a dog to talk a walk.
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 08
When I was kid til high school I was a fat girl. I tried to diet, and here's my formula: a glass of low-fat milk and toast bread (whole wheat bread) for breakfast, a glass of fruit juice and steam vegetables (carrot, corn, potatoes, and beans) for lunch, fried eggs, 2 portions of fruit for dinner. After a month doing it regularly and i lost weight about 5kgs. Would like to continue it but I think I had reached my ideal. Human body varies from one another, some people lost weight more than others. One thing to remember when dieting is that you should pay attention to the nutrition of the food you eat. It doesn't mean that you should always avoid fat, coz it's one thing the body needs. Lack of fat will result in a weakness of the body. Medicines of losing weight has a yo-yo effect, be careful to it.
• India
30 Mar 08
My dad is a diabetic patient, and so doctors have advised children to avoid being fat. So I have tried to maintain weight. So far I have been very successful. I am trying to see that I never get underweight.
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• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Hi Jofeli. Thanks for sharing your advice. I have tried taking that much little food but cant last long as my stomach still craves the heaviness of rice and it makes me a bit weak to just eat that much food. But i know it takes time to make my stomach get used to that little food. I agree that we also need fat in our diet and we have to pay attention to the nutrition of the food we take so as not to be malnourished due to dieting. Have a nice day!
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
29 Mar 08
not, always 46 kg have been lean are 1,68 the contrary serves me..........maybe bye myryam
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• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Hi myryam. Well good for you that you dont need to go on diets. Well you must be one of the lucky ones who have a good metabolism and is slim. Good day!
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@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
29 Mar 08
i am a fat college going girl....and so its quite understood that i am desperate to loose weight. for this, i have tried dieting many times but couldn't continue for more than a day. not that i try out crash diesting...i continue having three meals a day...but even then my taste buds beg me to have some delicious junk food...and i just can't resist. as a matter of fact, i have been on a low diet sonce abt a week....n have lost about 1 kg weight...this is like the longest period for which i've been on a diet...and i wish i continue it this way. although i am feeling a bit weak and depressed....but as long as i am loosing weight...i am ready to sacrifice my happiness for a couple of day...lol..wish me luck!
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Hi daffodil. I have also been chubby since I was a child and now have to loose about 20 pounds. and I agree with you that its hard to resist junk food and craving for those also, but I try to think of my health when i fall short of what I need to accomplish and just think of ways not to eat them and at time, tried fruits in replacement of junk food. I also tried drinking water. It will make you full. Well, wish you all luck that you will achieve your goal girl!
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• India
30 Mar 08
oh thanks!...the idea of having lots of water sounds easy and effective..i'll try that!
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@pkc3000 (1266)
• India
29 Mar 08
Dear friends Earlier I washefty but one of my friend advised me to go on diet and also to some exercise regularly to reduce the weight. As per his advise I decided to diet control and started regular exercise like daily morning & evening walking, cycling and other exercise, yoga, meditation, pranayam etc. By doing so since last one year I observed lots of change in my health i.e. reduction in weight.If you try it is sure that you will also be benefited by dieting & exercise. pkc3000
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Hi pkc3000. That's great to hear. I know a lot of diseases are due to our being overweight and so it may be prevented when we reduce in weight. Im glad to hear that you have achieved in loosing weight and have changes in your health which is more important. Yes will try all those but can I ask what is pranayam? I would also love to learn yoga. I have tried it supervised but forgot the right breathing exercises but it really made me sweat.
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@mnvamsi (539)
• India
29 Mar 08
yes i have and i am very much successful.BUT YOU know if you want to loose your wait doing try to do that decrease your food intake day by day do this for one mounth you will loose your wait and after doing that try to have constant amount of food so that you will be slim always
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• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Thanks mnvamsi. I have tried that to reduce my intake and cant forget the nutritionists advice. However, Im having hard time to loose the fat around my belly and in my stomach thats why i need to exercise also. Thanks and will try that again and am doing that. I bet you are slim. Thanks.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
I have been dieting all my life but they never work at all. At least not for me.
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• India
30 Mar 08
Hi Winterose, What you have mentioned here is absolutely true. However, we have to put up some extra efforts, in order to retain the present weight, so as to avoid the extra-pounds in the future. I am doing this only.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
I've been dieting on and off all my life. I have the tendency to gain weight easily so I really have to watch what I eat. Not that I'm body or image conscious, but getting heavy has its own setbacks and it's better to stay within the normal range. Anyways, the most effective diet that I went through was the Atkins diet. It's a diet wherein sweets and other carbs like bread, pasta and rice are prohibited. It's very hard to discipline myself not to consume those favorite foods, but I was successful at that time because I was really determined. Other than that, I think the next best diet is the no rice diet. It also makes you lose a significant amount of weight. For now, maybe you can get easy or even do away with rice, softdrink/soda, candies/chocolates and fancy desserts. That will really help melt some inches away. Goodluck! :)
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Right now I'm trying to diet for pretty much the first time in my life. I delivered mail for almost 20 years so then I could eat whatever I wanted to because I'd walk it off but now I'm not able to do it anymore and it's all caught up with me. From what I've tried and what I've read and heard the main thing is moderation. "Fad" diets don't work, you just want to eat less, eat more healthy foods and cut down as much as possible on the junk food but don't deprive yourself completely of the things you really love. Drink LOTS of water. I'd love to compare notes with you and maybe we could compare notes. Annie
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I lost 15lbs in three months by just changing the way I ate. Switching to low fat or fat free things and watching the calorie intake. I did exercise when I got home from work like riding my stationary bike or I have the lateral thigh machine and while I did that I would read a book. For maybe 10 minutes. In order to stick to a diet you have to make a schedule. I would wake up at 7am take a shower eat breakfast go to work at 10 I would have a little snack either fruit or a handful of unsalted nuts lunch at 1. Snack on the way home which was an apple or something like that which was at 5:30. When I got home like I said I would work out take a shower eat dinner around 7 and go to bed around 9. What helped me stick to my diet even more was if I did really well during the week I would give myself a treat on the weekend. I didn't go overboard it was maybe a candy or something. It gave me something to look forward to on the weekend besides being off. Oh and drink alot of water. At first it was hard to do the diet b/c it felt as if I was always hungry but I would drink a glass of water when I would get hungry. Good luck.
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• Philippines
2 Apr 08
Thanks Mflower. I did something like what you did and had me drinking lots of water to seem like water theraphy. It worked but I guess the hunger pang got me as I get hunger more often than not. I am not really that overweight but just the belly around the waist that bothers me so much.
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@shynie (556)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
Oh dieting has been a part of my life! and everything that I did seems like forever to get any results. LOL! But I see, I really need to do dieting because I get fat too easily. I was a fat girl when I was in college, too and my lifestyle has changed a lot because of that. Now that I am pregnant, I do watch what I eat and can't help but be concern about it and all. I don't want to get any more bigger after my baby is out. And exercise is very important for me, too.
@TAPARIA (314)
• India
29 Mar 08
yes i have tried to diet many times but the maximumi could stuck to mhy dietwas for 4 days. I had weight problem 3-4 years back. I tried everything but it failed. then i joined gym and then i was able to loose 15 kilos in 65 months. now my weight is normal and do not need to to diet as i burn it out in gym. it much more easier than dieting.
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Wow 15 kgs in 65 months! That's hard work. GLad you made yoru goal and maintaining it. I also joined gym but due to work I was constrained to quit so i gained weight. But will find other ways to loose weight in other forms of exercise. Thanks!
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@nice030481 (1109)
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
i didnt try to diet, i ate anything i want and i still not get much increase on my weight. all i do is to walk everyday from our house to the gate of the company where i used to work. thats is a good exercise.
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• Canada
29 Mar 08
me personally i never tried a diet, but i also being a guy im sure not many guys do take part in diets! lol my diet is eat what i want when i want and play alot of sports and go for alot of runs :D
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• Philippines
29 Mar 08
Thanks Italia. I guess you are the first guy to answer in my post. Well yes i think only a few guys diet ( at least to those I know). But some who are overweight also like my former boss who was also fat. Maybe because women tend to gain weight faster than men do and after pregnancy, the more. So more women diet than men. And i think your being active helps you to be slim.
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
I had a food diet before because I got big just out of nowhere hehehe.. It was a little hard fighting your cravings every now and then especially if the food is within my reach. After a couple of months I got rid of my fats and now on my good fit. I don't mind what I eat most of the time, I have a small structured bones that's why I don't get that big, just a little bulky on my hips.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I have tried last year and it works great! i remember my friend losses 18 lbs using same products im using...its just expensive...cant afford anymore..the best I guess is self-discipline!
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
I started gaining weight in my 30's and in my 40's I am a bit overweight. I started reducing my carb (carbohydrate) intake when I found out I have high level of triglycerides. So from 172lbs I'm now at manageable 160 lbs. I still have some pounds to shed though and I walk a bit after each meal. It help keep my stomach small.
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@Mamagee (392)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 08
hi, my weight increase about 16 kg after I gave birth to my fourth children. I have tried many ways to reduce my weight. But.. ha..ha..ha... it still the same. recently I walk 1 km a day and now I lost 3kg.
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@achmadku (23)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 08
i've ever tried to diet but never work with me... i don't know why...
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• India
30 Mar 08
Hi Gabrielle, Often, I have been taking the 'vow' to follow a strict diet program inspite of my wishes of eating high-fatty, cholesterol, blah, blah... Yet, I couldn't follow a strict diet. Sometimes I tend to starve, but to no anvil. I am sure only a few gifted persons would have really followed diet and would have been much successful. All others should be just watchng them:-(