Which religion is true religion?
@MAHESH2008 (844)
March 30, 2008 6:13am CST
Every religion insists that only its believers are going to heaven and the rest burn in hell for eternity. each insists one his god is real god. what does this prove? To me since no religion has overwhelming majority so most religious peoples are completely fooling their believers. what do you say?is their any true religion?
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17 responses
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I doubt most people will like the implications of your question or my answer, but I really feel that because no single religion can be correct without everyone else's religion being wrong (including very specific differences within the major religions broken down to the individual level), it is best to say all religions are wrong and all are correct. They are wrong that they are the only true religion, but they are right in allowing people to organize their lives. The only "true religion" though, is to believe everyone has the right to believe whatever they want. The trouble, of course, is when people start acting on those beliefs, but that is where the "law of man: has to set the rules.
Interesting, I know, but how about that run-on sentence I started with (59 words!) Yeah!

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
Hi healthcliff, I don't usually comment on someone else's response, but I like this so much that I felt that I had to comment. I wish we had more people in the world who thought as you do, and it would be a much better place for all of us. We must all learn to practice our own beliefs without making someone else wrong for the way they worship. Blessings.
@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I too liked what you had to say and yes that was a very impressive run on sentence that you had up there.
I am a devout Christian but agree with what you said. People should have the right to believe what they want. A true loving God would not force love.
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
30 Mar 08
As a Baha'i, I believe that the founders of all the major religions are true and from God, otherwise how would they gather so many followers? I include Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judiasm, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith in the category of "major religions". However, the teachings of these religions have been corrupted by clergy most of the time. This corruption has led to conflicts between the religions which would not occur if only the pure teachings of the Manifestations were examined. Also, not all religions believe that non-believers are going to hell, many do not even believe in hell as a distinct place. Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith, explains heaven and hell as states of being rather than actual physical places. Hell is basically just seperation from God. God can be found through any of the major religions if one looks at the teachings of the Manifestation and not the clergies interpretation of the teachings, which can be difficult, but is not impossible.
@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
30 Mar 08
This is true and sad. Many clergy have perverted the teachings of God. As a follower of Jesus, I believe that a relationship with God is more important than empty religious practices.

@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
31 Mar 08
That is a tough question because we all believe that our religion is the true religion. But as a Christian I believe we should all be tolerant of others as well as their religion. While I might not believe certain aspects of another religion others do so who am I do say they are wrong. We all have our favorites of many things. When I was a child many years ago a couple of my friends were Catholic and they told me I could not go to Heaven because I was not. I do not believe that Jesus would say that one religion is better than another. How can I say that Jewish people are wrong or that those who believe in Islam are wrong. Many people are not given a choice but are raised into a religion. Others come to a religion but choice. Is there a true religion? Only to those who believe what they believe.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
31 Mar 08
i beleive that loving every body, and hurting no one, no cheating, dont think bad for any one. is true religion, LIVE AND ENJOY UR LIFE
@gofourtech (32)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
I believe that no matter what your religion is, there is no true or best religion. It is sad because, our world is not in peace because one factor that greatly contributes is religion. Like Christians and Muslims fight. There is no one religion greater or superior among others. And no religion I suppose would say that if you do not believe in god, you die. I believe religion is there to get you focused to something. It controls you. By controlling I mean, it teaches you to be a good person. Like being a Catholic, you do not want to kill because it is a sin. Because of that, we are more controlled on our actions.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
the true religion is the religion you feel most comfortable with,
I believe that God is real and true and he is a part of the believe of all religions and he is the same god just called different names.
@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
31 Mar 08
i do not believe in religion. i believe humanity is the biggest religion
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
Hi MAHESH, Some religions are more reasonable than others, just as we find with people. The fact is there are many paths, but so many people forget that. One of my sisters converted to Mormonism, many years ago and apparently, it was right for her. The only problem was she thought that it was right for everyone, and tried very hard to get all of us to convert. She was very sincere, and felt that what she was doing was right. This happens all the time with a lot of different faiths. Someday people will learn that there can be no religion that is right. We must all stop thinking that ours is the only way. There is no need for anyone to convert unless they want it themselves. Religion is all about a way of life, and that is what all the great masters have been trying to teach. Mankind has twisted these teachings to appear like something it is not. We should all try to follow what is right for us, and not make someone else wrong for the way that they are doing it. Blessings.
@beekay (421)
• India
31 Mar 08
There is nothing like true religion . Every person believes his religion is the best and true of all. They have their faith to believe in their religion and god. But for me there is no such best religion, Every religion is best in it's own terms. Everyone has the right to think and act according to their nature.
So lets don't involve yourself to findout the answer because you will not get any answer anyway.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Mar 08
I thinkthat all religions that worship God have some good pointa but I feel that each has his own religious beliefs and to God that is just fine. to each his own live and let live
@BeppoBannson (1)
31 Mar 08
After reading all this I am kind of laughing. Ironically no one has brought into things what God himself thinks, or how he wants to be worshipped. If there is a true religion is it for man to decide based on whatever works for him? Religion shouldn't be like food where we pick based on personal tastes. I am personally one of Jehovah's Witnesses(Christian). I have chosen that course obviously because I believe in it or else i wouldn't have chosen it. That decision was made based on carefully examining what The Bible teaches. Jesus himself stated that many would come in his name and he would say to them "Get behind me workers of lawlessness"(Matthew 7:15-23). At least for christians that should clearly point to the concept of 1 true religion, or at least that some would be untrue. He also stated you would recognize "false prophets" by thier fruits, so i guess you should just examine what the religion as a whole promotes and it's "fruits" to find if they are all in line with what God and his son teach. In a sentence, yes I believe there is one true religion, it just requires some digging and effort to find it.
On a side note, I'm not trying to step on any toes or anything this is simply the conclusion I have come to.
@ImSoBoredOhPlease (48)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Well no one religon is the truth, it all just depends on what you beleive
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
30 Mar 08
your right thats what every re;ligion says,they think they are the only ones going to heaven..I use to feel this way myself but the thing is religion will not save you....Ita a personal relationship with God...I have nothing against going to church ,i love the singing and the worship,but no one knows a mans heart except God....To me if you repent of your sins and are baptised as the bible says and are full of the spirit and walk with God thats the true religion....If you are full of the spirit and love one another and live a clean life ,i don;t think the name on the church matters,ita a personal relationship with God..Through prayer ,God will led you into righteousness.....
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Since every religion has some truth to it, they all also have non-truth and so no religion is the absolute true religion..
@eftychiap (349)
• Cyprus
30 Mar 08
I was born and raised to believe that my religion is the right one and true. I am well concerned right now about this, and I really hate to doubt mostly about everything. I believe there is one God, which is called Buddha or Christ, or Allah or whatever depending on the religion and this God, is basically the major force, which is beyond human perception and has somehow created this world. I don't believe in the "Big Bang" Creation, and I don't think sience can explain everything. So there must have been something before the existance of the universe and man. This something, (I want to believe that ) is God. Now, religions make rules and "facts", so believers can choose what religion follow which best describes this God, what is best to believe and how is right to behave.