I overheard a woman call a Tattoo a "Tramp Stamp" and why would any woman

United States
March 30, 2008 9:53am CST
defile their bodies with ink? Have you ever heard of tramp stamp? Let me start off by saying I have a tattoo, only one. How is getting a tattoo any different than piercing your ears, wearing makeup, fake nails or coloring your hair? It's all the same to me, you are enhancing your looks, period. Does that mean every woman with a tattoo is a tramp???? I beg to differ. I have been married for 11+ years and got my husbands initials (tattoo) as a sign of love to him. What do you think?
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17 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
30 Mar 08
In many cultures tatooing is an art form. I think when a person is an adult they can make the decision for themselves. i personally do not have one.But many friends and family do. I do not think woman that have these are"tramps". I think the phrase has been made popular. But that doesn't make it right.
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• United States
30 Mar 08
I wonder how the phrase became popular because its obvious someone feels this way. I totally agree with you!
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• United States
31 Mar 08
I personally will never get another persons name tattooed on me, but the tramp stapm thing is really stupid why get a tattoo you cant see
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• United States
1 Apr 08
From what I am learning in this discussion, you wear low cut clothes so you can see the stamp.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
31 Mar 08
I think that "Tramp Stamp" is a revolting phrase and one that I have not heard before. Personally I don't understand why people get tattoos, but I certainly don't condemn those that do, be they male or female. Indeed, whether you have a tattoo or not doesn't make you a person any the less worth knowing. I am certain that you are not a tramp and you should be offended if anybody thought that you were.
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• United States
1 Apr 08
I was offended at first but then I remembered who I AM. I dont live my life for other people, never have, never will.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I have heard of this even though I don't agree with it. Some feel that tattoos are only on "bad girls" or the like. Never made sense to me. I don't mind tattoos in general although I think some go a bit over board on them but I feel that way with some piercings as well. It seems they got a negative image some time ago and it stuck especially with older generations. I know my parents and their generation in particular seem to view them as something that good girls do not have. That they are for harlots and the like. Like I said i don't agree but can't really change their mind. It gets me that they view it that way but they don't seem to think bad of my brother who has two of them.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
I've never heard it referred to as a "tramp stamp", but I do know people who consider tatoos on a woman to be 'gross'. My soon to be ex is one of them. Everytime he sees women with obvious tatoos, he immediately puts them down. Now, I'm not a fan of tatooing my own body, but it drives me right up the wall when I hear my soon to be ex go off like he does about tatoos. To make the mental midget leap that a woman is a tramp because she has a tatoo, or a man a loser because he has one, to me speaks of a closed, unimaginative tiny little mind that should be tatooed with the words "NO ONE OF SUBSTANCE IN RESIDENCE"!
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• United States
31 Mar 08
I do not get put off by seeing a tatoo on someone but for myself I have to have a pretty damn convincing tatoo to have it inked on me and I do have a few which only mean something very real to me and I think thats all that counts, like "I AM" and "Just Do It" (without the nike sign). The first one is jut a quote from the bible and I learned that we are creators more than we know and basically Jesus' whole message and Im all about reaching my full potential so thats why that would be important to me but for the next person, WHAT?? It is hard for me to see girls getting a tatoo just because their cute but my opinion does not justify anything and I just keep it to myself and who am I to decide what is right for someone else?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Mar 08
I personally am not big on tattoos. If I ever get one, it will probably be something small like a rose or a heart and in a place that I can cover up if I want to. But if somebody else wants to get one or even many, so what? The term tramp stamp just strikes me as rude!
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@Stiletto (4579)
31 Mar 08
I thought a tramp stamp referred to a tattoo across a womans lower back? That's what I've always understood it to mean anyway. I think it's quite a cute phrase really - I've heard people who have them calling them that. I do have tattoo's but not one there although I quite like them on others. I don't think it's necessarily meant in a derogatory way, although no doubt some people will mean it that way when they call it that. I know a lot of people don't like women with tattoo's but that's their choice I guess.
• United States
1 Apr 08
I agree somewhat with you except for the phrase being cute.
@pumpkinjam (8853)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I've never heard tattos called that before. I am sorry but I did laugh. I personally don't like tattoos and that's why I wonder why people get them. Although I can understand some people who have their loved ones name, etc. tattooed. What I think is defilement of the body is those who have lots of tattoos everywhere or have really big ones. I don't really understand why people would want to risk infection and pain for having art painted on their body but then, I am sure there are people who don't understand why women would go through risks of giving birth! I used to think that people were stupid if they had tattoos. Of course I don't think that now but I think the reason I did think it was because I live in an area which is full of idiots. Many of them happen to have tattoos because it made them feel "hard" or whatever. Those would be tramp stamps to me but having someones initials done properly and in good taste, I don't really see why people should assume you are a tramp because of that.
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 08
That is true, we risk infection anywhere. I would never go into a nail salon either but I'm the least girlie girl you will ever meet! I also have given birth twice but somehow it is still more appaealling to me than having a tattoo!
• United States
1 Apr 08
I like your comment, it says you are open minded. These days you risk infection just stepping into a nail salon or even a hospital. As for pain, no greater pain than childbirth and I been down that road twice. I would get a tattoo before giving birth again, LOL
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31 Mar 08
I have four tattoos, all of them my own artwork, and I see no reason why anyone should consider them as a "tramp stamp". I am a 57 year old woman and didn't get my tattoos done until I was in my forties, no different from dying my hair, painting my nails or putting on makeup.
• United States
1 Apr 08
See, I totally agree!!! I got my tattoo at 35.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
31 Mar 08
well i don't think that a tattoo is like makeup,piercings,and what not cuz you can change those things and a tatoo is a little harder to change. i have a tattoo and plan to get more. and i am not a tramp by any means. around here they call the ones that are at the lower back a tramp stamp,i guess because most of the girls around here that have them do wear trampy clothes to show off their tattoo.
• United States
1 Apr 08
You can change tattoos. It might be very painful but you can change them.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
31 Mar 08
naw, i have to agree with you...while i dont have a tatoo, (no money and not a fan of pain...) i dont think they signify that you are a tramp per se, i lean more towards a sign of self expression...
• United States
1 Apr 08
Well thank you
@mummymo (23706)
31 Mar 08
While I respect that womans right to her opinion I think she is being very closed minded! I am no tramp but I sure have a stamp! I have a Celtic love cross - 3 love hearts in the shape of a cross, it signifies my faith and the fact that it is all about love! I'm with you on this one! xxx
• United States
1 Apr 08
Wear your stamp proud and I agree with you.
• United States
31 Mar 08
I honestly think people judge way to quickly. I agree with you that there is no difference between piercings, makeup, tattoos etc.. Its all a form of self expression and everyone has an opinion. Granted people are entitled to their own opinion, but there is no reason to be horrible and mean. If a woman were to say that to me ( I have two tats) I would tell her that with every point of a finger she has three pointing back at her. Get over it..No one is perfect and its my body and if I want to self express I'm going to. Its not hurting anyone..They are covered up 80% of the time. And if they dont like it..dont look at it..LOL...Like its such a hard thing to look the other way right? Times are changing...most people have a difficult time accepting change..this will be something that will go round and round for at least another 50 years Im sure :)
• United States
1 Apr 08
You said it especially with the finger.
• United States
31 Mar 08
Some Christian religions teach against 'marking your body.' I believe it is some Leviticus thing. So, good girls are selectively motivated not to get tattoos. The rebels or non-Christians have no such disincentive. Now, if a good girl wants to rebel, gets drunk, and gets a tattoo, they suffer stigma. The tattoo, has already become associated with distinguishing good girl from bad girl and only builds momentum from there. People with emotional pain sometimes get tattoos, in fact on of my friends seems to tattoo himself when he is in emotionally trying times. It might be a sort of masochistic or cathartic release similar to people who mutilate their bodies with piercings or even in more drastic examples, teenagers who cut themselves ("Cutting") as a way to find a sort of release. So now, we have an indication that tattoos might be more common in rebels or people with some psychological pain. Ones that might be more desperate for attention and more removed from the Intolerant-Judgmental-Denomination of the Christian religion (most denominations, I think.) Some people get tattoos when they are drunk and not making good decisions. Now we have tattoos associated with drunks, rebels, and bad girls. With hair, makeup, nails, and style of dress, someone might change their .. questionable habits to conform. A person with certain types of obvious tattoos has a harder time doing this. Therefore, they are more permanently under scrutiny. Now, if one adds to this an observation of the frequency of Tattoos on the small of the back of adult film starlets, you now have a certain association of the small of the back tattoo with a certain perceived partying attitude. Men who see such print, video, or online images of women with tattoos on the small of their back start seeing women who have tattoos on the small of their back in that light. They start treating women with such tattoos in that way. Women who don't want to be treated this way are now provided with a selective discouragement towards getting such at tattoo. Women who, from low self esteem will tolerate being treated that way in return for 'attention' have a selective encouragement to be marked in such away. If the tat is displayed at a bar, they will receive a certain degree of attention from a certain type of man. Do you get the drift here? Now, if any man seems to have observed this pattern in the dating pool and passes the information along to his friends with mnemonically easy to remember rhyming phrase of "tramp stamp" he provides his buddies who are only interested in one thing with motivation to treat women bearing the "stamp" in a certain way. As he's been dating these women, it is likely sooner or later, that these guys will observe what they expect to observer and will pass along the 'knowledge' in the form of repeating the bold and bragging appellation, "tramp stamp" with discussing their exploits and 'conquests.' This should, I hope, establish some understanding of how such a .. stereotype is created and propagated. Hopefully, you can find some small consolation in the fact that they are not.. most likely.. talking about your tattoo of your husband's initials. Hope that helps.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
31 Mar 08
The only tattoo I have heard referred to is that is those tats that go across the small of the back. I have 2 tats and would like to get more. I don't consider women with tats tramps. I believe those people who use such labels do not understand why people would get tats and do not respect others.
31 Mar 08
I have never heard a tatoo being calle dthat before. I do not like tatoos and would never get one, however, I do not think that people who have them are tramps. I do not judge people who have them - just because I do not like tatoos does not mean I will dislike someone who has had one done. I agree with you that is no different to percings or any other changes you make to your body.
• United States
1 Apr 08
Well thank you
@Gollywog (1092)
8 May 08
"Tramp Stamp" thats funny! I would say that would be for the females that wear thick make up and short short skirts . Trying to look older to catch a bloke lol.Tattoo`s are fine art, and are very special to people as some have tatts with family names maybe after a berevment. Its some thing they treasure.