I Believe In God. Why Do You Have A Problem WIth That?
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
March 30, 2008 12:40pm CST
He may not, in your mind, be your God. He may not even exist.
But I believe.
Why is that so hard for some people to accept?
I can hear some of you now, saying - I don't have a problem with it, I just don't want it shoved down my throat.
Then don't listen when I talk about it. Walk away. Stop making me feel bad because I'm not a Philistine, aka, a non-believer.
Look around you people. There are more belief systems in the world today than we can count. Few of them, DON'T promote *the spreading of the word*.
For those who are actively involved in their religion, they are going to use whatever medium they can to *spread the word*.
My belief system is personal, and rarely do I discuss it. I prefer to live it.
That said, I have to also say, that I am sick and tired of seeing those who are more vocal, be on the receiving end of rudeness. Religion and spriritual beliefs are very touchy subjects. For a lot of us, they are a lifestyle.
I've read and heard, what I think, are a lot of misguided beliefs. That doesn't give me the right to put down someone elses, even if they put down mine.
There is no excuse for rudeness. There is no excuse for intolerance. Perhaps if less people reacted so negatively to things they didn't understand or believe, there would be less friction and more open dialogue that would teach non believers to understand and perhaps eventually to believe in something besides their arrogance as the be all, end all of the meaning of life.
Does your personal belief system have room for tolerance and acceptance? I mean, really, does it?
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39 responses
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
30 Mar 08
Tsk tsk.. 'philistine' is actually a derogatory term that follows much more connotation than a belief in religion. ;)
I always try to keep it at a respectful level but it can be a bit hard when the opposing beliefs just appear to be a bit ignorant. I'll never go as far as to name calling someone. I'll try and keep it at a sarcastic humor style.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Mar 08
Where and how I grew up gopher, being called a Philistine is exactly how I meant it here. In my day, Philistine meant, not a believer in the One true God and historically and biblically, it meant the same. These days, the same term is used to infer the same disbelief, but on a broader scale. But like you, I would never resort to name calling and the whole point of this discussion was to show how upset I get at that very kind of rudeness. And humor is always a good leveler.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I remember a couple of specific members that have definite problems with anyone believing in God or ANY religion. Just like a few other people I've encountered, perhaps people believing in religion is a threat to them. I'm serious. This is the same as several all-out Christians and those of other religions (encountered those more). Atheism and other religions are perceived as a threat, a falsehood, something to fight, supress and discourage. No basic respect is alloted to anyone with a differing viewpoint. In my experience these people are invested in their faiths but others are afraid of people pointing out flaws in the religion.
I've said before that people have found their own answers and paths. If not, they'll find them in due time. If one asks for perspective on a religion or a way, introduce them but be mindful of their beliefs. (There was one time a discussion like this on mylot was turned into a "ha ha you believe in religion, you suck" type discussion).
I've no problem with other people's beliefs. I've seen Christians of varying degrees here, Muslims, Pagans, and more (especially if the member didn't reveal it!). My own personal belief system does have room for tolerance. Maybe it helps that I'm not in any religion but simply questioning what religion and reality are. I have some beliefs, some experiences and some questions I've invested in, but in the end... no real answer...Just a life to live.
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@y2ksuprio (853)
• India
30 Mar 08
i do not believe in God. But I believe in one thing that is balance of nature and a true power that is around us. The god is a constant with the help of which we keep honesty and do good things.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Mar 08
Interesting response y2k. But a bit of an oxymoron don't you think? You say you don't believe in God, yet you say that God is a constand with whose help we keep honest and do good things. Could you clarify this a bit for me please? I'd really like to understand. Thanks.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Apr 08
Thanks tess it certainly does. Boy, I love to learn something new every day!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 Mar 08
your right relgious belief is personal, and private when you shove it down someone's throat and I don't me you personally but you in general meaning the public it is not going to be well reserved because people will resent it,
let's say I was muslem I am not but let's say I was and I cornered you and starting saying allah is the one true god, you tell me you believe that Jehovah is, I disagree with you, I tell you you are a poor misguided soul and you will go to hell because you have not accepted allah, you tell me that you are not interested in this conversation but I will not let up, I will tell you you are wrong, I will start quoting the koran I will judge your actions and say Allah does like that you are a sinner.
I have not respected the fact that you asked me not to talk to you about my religion, and that is shoving something down someones throat and all that does is anger people,
if you truly want to witness to someone you do it gently, lovingly, quietly without righteous indignation and you do it with someone that is interested in hearing all the wonderful things you have to say about your personal faith and your religion.
again that is you in general not you the person
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 Mar 08
thank you sparky, the people that telling you are wrong are the very ones that are shoving it down people's throat, I wonder how many converts they ever made that way.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
LOL, good point winterose. I wonder if they realize their hypocrisy?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
I loved reading your post winterose. It explained the situation so well. As for witnessing to people - I do it by example. If someone asks me questions, I give them full and honest answers, but I let them come to me. It's amazing how many people WILL ask, if the vibe they get from you (the collective you) is not one that makes them want to back off, but to move forward. I've had many people tell me I'm going to h*ll and that I'm not a good Christian. My answer to that is usually "Well Hello God, nice to see you in the flesh!" Most people are so shocked, they just slink away. lol
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@Darkwing (21583)
31 Mar 08
Ok... I was christened as a baby, and for very many years, I tried to follow the Christian faith, but it wasn't right, nor comfortable for me, so I changed my path. I know my ethics, and as a pagan, take great exception to being called a Philistine. I think you should practice what you preach, here. I know a lot about the Christian faith, and others. I am not averse to entering a church and observing the service and the ceremony, and I love to learn about other people's religions and embrace them. I think you'll find that most pagans will tell you that nobody is wrong in what they believe, and everybody is right, and has the right to believe what they feel comfortable with.
Yes, there would be a lot less friction if people like yourself accepted the "non-believers" as you call them, for what they are and what they believe, for they are no more incorrect than you. "Non-believer" has no meaning at all to me, because we all believe in something. Just because you don't agree with what we believe in, doesn't give you the right to rudely call us Philistines and Non-Believers. I wouldn't dream of using such negative words to you, even though I'm not a part of your belief system. You are right to believe in God, and your church, just the same as I and my fellow pagans are right to believe in their deities and sacred spaces.
Brightest Blessings, in perfect love and perfect light.

@Darkwing (21583)
31 Mar 08
Oh dear... I'm so sorry if I misunderstood what you were saying, here. In fact, I've just read it through again, and see I did misread it, and owe you an apology for that. I hope you'll forgive me.
I still have to stand by my reference to non-believers though. In whatever context you put the word, there is no such thing. Brightest Blessings.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
I think Darkwing, you misunderstood what I was trying (obviously badly) to convey. People call ME a Philistine for not sharing THEIR beliefs. I wasn't calling anyone that. I was reacting to having BEEN called that. So I wasn't being rude - in fact I was posting about the very kind of rudeness you are accusing me of in your response. I also made it clear that though I believe in God, I don't believe in organized religion and follow my own path. In using the term un-believer, I was refering to those that have different beliefs and put down those who do not share them. It is the equivalent of a Muslim calling a non-Muslim an infidel, but I didn't want to name specific religions or beliefs so instead used the term non-believer. Perhaps I could have been clearer in my terminology, but I really don't think I could be clearer than what I did say. I was ASKING for tolerance and acceptance not the opposite. I am sorry if you were confused by my post.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
Hello Darkwing. No worries my dear. People misunderstand me all the time! LOL
And I should never write when I'm so tired because then what is clear in my mind doesn't always come out as clear in my typing.
I also have re-read your response and I see your point to and it is well taken.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Mar 08
Tessah, my love, I've been dreaming of you! LOL
I just declared divorce on my hubby, so I've been kind of busy off line.
I know I was supposed to start a discussion you and I talked about, but now I can't find the discussion we discussed it on, so could you remind me? LOL
I just KNOW these gray hairs I'm finding among my lovely locks are NOT good for my brain cells! LOL
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Mar 08
ok.. i spose kickin yer hubby to the curb is justifiable reasoning for not being around! so yer forgiven. dunno if to say yey grats! or aww, im sorry.. so you pick and insert proper response HERE i created the discussion heh.. Last Word.. and waited and waited for you for so longgggg and not a single person responded. i feel all.. dejected and forlorn/cry the myspace stuffs is all screwy, no alerts being sent at all.. private messages not working, blah.. so just use my email addy that i gave you, or list me in AIM happy to see you
check it, i can use the smiley thingies now! yey! 

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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I like to think I am a fair and open minded person. I may not believe in the same things as the next person but as long as they accept that then there is no problem. The only time I do have a problem is when religious people insist that they are correct in their beliefs and are unwilling to leave those who do not believe alone.
Forgive me if I am wrong but as far as I know, the only types of religion to be told to spread the word are Islam and certain branches of Christianity (by that I mean any monotheist religion which believes in Christ as a saviour). This may be incorrect but I have never heard of another religion doing that.
If someone is open-minded enough with me, I am perfectly willing to converse with them. What I personally dislike is religious people coming to my door and telling me that they believe in the "truth" and if I "know the truth" without giving a single thought as to my own beliefs. I doubt very much they would like it if someone else did the same to them.
I also feel that there are times when it is simply not appropriate. On here for example, you have posted this discussion, it is about religion and religous responses are expected. However, if someone has posted a particular question about their own particular beliefs then I don't think it is right that others should go along and tell them they should believe something else.

@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
Ok fair enough. I personally have no intention of convincing anyone anything. I agree with you that a well-reasoned debate is preferable to an argument. And I also agree that everyone should be tolerant of everyone else's beliefs. Of course, no one has the right to be rude to someone else because of their beliefs but nor does anyone have the right to condemn people to Hell or to insist on trying to convert people when those people have made it clear that they are not interested.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
People have beliefs and in our society the right to express them. Actually they even have the right to preach them. What this discussion is about and what people don't have the right to do, it to be rude and intolerant of the beliefs of others. I would rather engage in a debate than an argument. With a well reasoned debate, you may be able to convince me. Maybe not. But my right to be treated respectfully, should never be in question.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
Very good points indeed pumpkinjam. Thanks for getting back to me.
See? Debate can be fun - even if it involves religion! LOL
(Sorry just trying to add some humor - that's a big part of MY belief system)
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@ana3173 (420)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
I do believe in our Almighty God, You believe that you have a mind but did you see it?, you believe theres an air to breath and feel it, but did you see it? The existence of God can be proven by using science, history and the Bible. God's pronouncement and prophecies can become our stronghold in believing that He exist. The words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:5, 7 showed how his prophecies are coming to pass right now in our time, including the proliferation of deceivers, the occurrence of wars and rumors of wars, famine, pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places. Any wise person will surely believe in the existence of God because no one will exist without him. the existence of the almighty God is a big controversy over time among the people who believe in God. Different religious denominations introduce him in Different ways. The Muslims call him Allah, the protestant and born again call him Jesus. they believe Jesus is the Father, Jesus is also the Son, and Jesus is the Holy Spirit. thats why they refer to him as A God Jesus, Jesus the Father, Jesus the Son, Jesus the Holy Spirit. According to the they are but one person, the person of Jesus.During the time of Moses the name of God never became the of contention and even during the time of the Apostles and the first century Christians, there had been no debate regarding the name of GOD. Why is it because all of them knew the truth. They had our Lord Jesus Christ with them. Its was very easy on their part to know what the name of God was because Jesus revealed it to his disciples. Moses, on the other hand, heard the name of God right from the angel's mouth. Nowadays, there is a great need to come up with a strong basis which could used to clarify and prove a thing, an understanding, and a belief. The different concepts/theories of knowledge, like in calculating energy, the different scientific theories, lines, figures and texture in architecture are just some of the bases which used in the fields that were cited. But in matters concerning spirituality, do you know which is recognized as a strong basis of faith? It is the Bible, the Bible is said to be the oldest known best-selling book of all times, which has been translated into more than 100 languages.http://www.angdatingdaan.org
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
A very well considered and thought out answer ana. Thank you. You have added to my knowledge and that is always a good thing. I will be looking up the passage in Matthew. It is my belief however, that we are now in the end times as described in Revelations and it is there that I spend most of my time when reading the Bible.
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
I agree with you. Everyone has each point of view but people should not rudely answer ones discussion if they are against it. Lot's of people believe in God but we are not forcing others to believe as well. We each have our own beliefs and we have to respect that.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
And that the point isn't it, of most religions? Respect. I just wish more people didn't forget that.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
30 Mar 08
You know what Sparks, I understand totally what you are saying here. I am the worst one when it comes to spouting off my mouth or fingers, just what ever pops into my brain first. You think at my age I would have long learned to curb the beast that is my tongue. I have bridled it some. There are things I am passionate about and those things are what will generally set me off in what others might construe as rudeness, when actually I do not mean it to be at all. Religion is one of those things. I learned early on in mylot that those kind of discussion, unless started by a friend where as Nova says I will not have to defend my stance, are discussions I need to stay away from.
I do not wear my faith on my shirt like a badge but it is the core of my person. It has taken me many years of growing and educating myself to rid my mind of the things that were ingrained as a child. So much of what I was taught was nothing less then brain washing. So when I stumble onto a discussion that makes me want to scream out in it's insanity I now just move on.
I realize my opinions are just that, they are mine. For me they are quite strong and with reasoning and what I believe intelligence, so i get quite frustrated if I am talking or corresponding with someone who will not even give my thoughts a second or two to make sense. I can be ferocious in the defense of my beliefs and opinions. Oh boy have I learned here in mylot it is better to walk away, and move on.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
30 Mar 08
BTW, there was no acceptance or tolerance taught, of other religions and beliefs. Anything that was not the way "WE" believed was disguarded as rubbish . and of Satan. Thats what I meant, or what I should have said, when I said it took me many years of education and searching for truth on my own to dispell some of the ingrained beliefs I held.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I'm just so glad that I never had that pounded into me like that. My mother is completely irreligious and my father was too cowed by her to force anything on us. But I've managed to come to my own conclusions about the whole thing and feel quite satisfied and content with what I've come up with. I'm just glad that you've been able to pull yourself out from under all of that hellfire and damnation and sinner/saint bullshite and come to a peace about it. You're a wonderful human being, and there's no way you should be damned for anything. And thank you for what you said about us. I agree and feel blessed by it.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
30 Mar 08
The beast that is your tongue. Nicely said, darlin, as is the rest of your response. You and are sisters in many ways, I think, except in the religious upbringing and the brainwashing that you evidently went through. My parents didn't force anything on me like that, but my daddy was from the south and as you know, most of 'them' are religious. He liked church, and I sometimes went with him, but I only went for the singing. I just loved the hyms, like Just As I Am, The Old Rugged Cross, Will The Circle Be Unbroken, and many, many more. Remember This Little Light of Mine? Oooh, I loved those songs. Still do, frankly. I love singing Amazing Grace. Music has great power and it can bring your faith up from that little bit of it that you keep within you, into a great big rolling thing, that just bounds out of your soul with your voice as it sings out loud and joyously. As usual, I digress, but I enjoyed typing it out.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Since your religion is personal and you are not a person that is pushing their religion onto anyone, you are not the people they are upset about so you shouldn't let it make you too upset.I think they are tired of being told they Have to believe or they will go to hell.I find telling a non believer that they are going to hell a waste of time. Why?If they don't believe in your G-d, then they don't believe in hell either.I am like you, my religion is very personal and I don't have to recruit anyone.And I find it wrong when non believers are rude to believers and when believers are bullies to non believers.I must be rare. Whenever I find something that i don't understand, I look into it and see if I can understand it after some study or I just leave it alone if I am not interested.I don't demean anything Just because I don't understand it.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
I think I'm in love! LOL And here I thought I was the only 'rare' flower in God's garden. Thank you sarahruthbeth. A wonderful answer and one everyone here can learn from.
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@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
31 Mar 08
From what I have seen, people who do not believe in god are most commonly the people who have had miserable experiences in the past. They are more often god-haters than having no faith in the existence of the almighty. They insult theists with ridiculous remarks against god, and radiate constantly the negative energy out of their inner turmoil.
I, for one, am never going to let myself be least affected by what atheists have to say about the existence of god. I experience the presence of god everyday and sincerely follow the path he guides me through. Although I don't believe much in idol worship, I pray to the almighty power that is controlling us.
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@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
1 Apr 08
Yet, how many exert this free will? And how frequently?
I'm sure most of us are aware of the faculty of free will at the back of our minds. But that is not enough. For you to put your free will to use, you need to first think along those lines. It is only under god's mercy that WHEN is it that your brain runs the thought-force that enforces the exertion of your will.
I'm not countering your comment. In fact, what you said is literally correct and agreeable, but if you look at the bigger picture, you'll realize that our will power is ultimately only a subset of the supreme power of the almighty.
Very thought-provoking comment! Rated +.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Apr 08
Hello Luv. I approved your friends request by the way. Thank so much for asking.
In the spirit of debate, not argument, may I please say that I have to differ with your premise of "needing to think along the lines of free will". We exercise our free will every time we make a decision or choice. We have a conscience. Listening to it, is exercising our free will. The very act of thinking and then acting is exercising our free will. The only 'control' that I see being in the hands of God when it comes to our free will, is making choices based upon our knowledge of Him and what we believe He would expect of us. In giving us the power to reason, He gave us free will and raised us out of the realm of acting on instinct alone and thereby putting us at the top of the food chain. Even Christ Himself appealed to His Father to take His free will away and make the decision for Him when He was agonizing in the Garden of Gesthemane before His sacrifice on the Cross. But God didn't take it and Jesus made His decision Himself.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
Your response took my mind in so many directions, that I'm still spinning. You made some very good points, though I do have a bit of problem with your remark that 'the almighty power that is controlling us." God gave us free will. He does not control us.
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@lily3753 (388)
• China
31 Mar 08
In our country ,many people believe in buddhism but not god. And in other countries ,the people has his own believes . Believe is a good thing, it can help you encover difficulty . People have different believe , you cann't make everybody believe in god like you .
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
Lily, I'm not trying to make anyone believe anything. I'm simply saying that, as there are MANY belief systems in the world, we as a global community need to show respect, tolerance and acceptance of all those differing beliefs.
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@bradhart (659)
• United States
31 Mar 08
You make me laugh when you talk about negative reaction to things we don't understand or believe. If you want to talk about being rude, that is like the pot calling the kettle black. When your so called vocal go out and spread the crap, I mean word, they are completely obnoxious in trying to get anyone and everyone who believes differently than them to see the light. if you don't want to be taunted or belittled for just being sheep, I mean yourselves, then go away and leave the rest of us alone.
Ask for trouble and it shall be given, seek trouble and you shall find it, knock and don't be surprised if the guy who opens it tells you to get the f*ck off his porch!
Don't interfere with my life and I won't interfere with yours is all the tollerance I am prepared to give you.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
First of all, I was not prostlizing in this discussion. I was speaking out against the rudeness of people like you who lash out from ignorance and show no tolerance or acceptance of the rights of others.
Thank you though, for proving the point of my discussion.
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@bradhart (659)
• United States
31 Mar 08
What you did was not proselytizing, it was trying to play the martyr role which is sad and pathetic. You come on and cry I believe in god, why are people mean to me. Then you say it is obviously because were are ignorant fools who just don't understand. That is even more laughable since most of us who don't believe are better educated in your religious texts than you as believers are. Hell we even know how to spell proselytize, or know enough to use a spell check. Get over yourself and know that you aren't liked because of what you represent, ignorance and superstition, as much as you are for just being plain obnoxious.
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@bradhart (659)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Well gee little miss sunshine wake up and smell the roses, you asked why you aren't tolerated. You were given an answer and now you are proving the point. You go along shouting you believe and then say if we don't like what you say to go away. Ha, if you don't like what I have to say why don't you go away? Life is tough, you opened the door for this get over it! If you want to spout you believe and irritate me and the others you deserve what ever you get, I seem to remember something about reaping what you sew.
If you don't want to hear what I have to say in response to what you say, well I really don't care. Your biggest problem is you somehow have deluded yourself that no one should ever disagree with you or say things you don't want to hear about you, or lord forbid are just plain mean. You have no such entitlement in life. You have a right to speak your mind, but that in no way means you have the right to be free of the consequences for doing so, which is exactly what you are trying to get away with.
You claim to believe in God, so lets put you to a test. Are you sure I am not his messenger telling you to keep you mouth shut and go on your merry way before you piss someone off who does more than taunt you? If you are sure I am not his messenger, how do you know? For that matter, how do you know I or anyone else who tells you to go away ans shut your mouth aren't actually god?

@Celanith (2327)
• United States
31 Mar 08
No one should ever compromise their personal convictions and beliefs for another. Just this week my family and some other walked out of a church we went to for a very long time. They have brought in new things not bibilcal and are selfish and mean to people. It pretty much came down to control of the members and not allowing freewill or personal ministry and a lot of double standards. While they tolerated people for smoking they told a man who had turned his life around and gave his heart and life to Jesus when they learned he had AIDs from his mistakes.
They did not want him around them or their children. The acted like he was a leper. He is a clean man and nice and is paying a heavy price for his sin. They suddenly acted like he was poisonous. He was very hurt and left. His blood is on their heads. Lots of other things that just finally some of us had enough and though it tore us apart to leave family and friends still choosing to stay we stood on our convictions and have a living room group of about 30 people now.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
What courage you and your family have displayed and I truly hope that the rest of your former congregation takes a lesson from YOUR Christianity! Well done. It is made clear in every Bible I've ever read, that only God (through Jesus) has the right to judge us. Only God truly knows what's in the hearts of men. I do not, and will never be able to look at certain 'Christians' and believe them and their message when the example they set is like what you just described.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Mar 08
"I can hear some of you now, saying - I don't have a problem with it, I just don't want it shoved down my throat. Then don't listen when I talk about it"
I dont have a problem with it...Do what you do and I'll do the same..and I partially agree with the whole walking away, dont listen thing HOWEVER when snide, bible bashing comments are constantly directed at a nonChristian (and we have a few ppl like htat in here in fact I have my very own personal stalker online) then walking away or not listening isnt an option..
"For those who are actively involved in their religion, they are going to use whatever medium they can to *spread the word*."
I disagree on that....I am very active in my spiritual path but I do NOT concern myself with "spreading the word"..its not my place to. Now if someone asks questions then I'm more than happy to share but I dont hound ppl with my path by any means, I dont try to convert and so on...in fact I do just the opposite because my personal path is just that..MINE and PERSONAL...
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
Hello Raven. I'm sorry you have a stalker. Very unnerving. But, my dear, I'm sure you of all people can handle it. If not - just let me know and I'll spark some of my own insanity on them! lol
When I said "people involved actively in their religion....." I should have made it clear I meant those whose belief system included the witnessing to others on a constant basis. These are the people I meant when I said "....would use whatever medium...". I was just trying to avoid being too specific in names of different groups. I do so agree with the points you've made though. Well said.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
I'm Christian (I believe in God, as in the God in the bible) and I'm spiritual (this covers too many things... but I believe in Karma, and ghosts, and the power of positive thinking, etc). But one thing I do know, is that rudeness is intolerable to me.
I do my best to live by the "Golden Rule"... to "do unto others as I would have them do unto me". I think that if more people in this world kept that "rule" in mind, there would be a lot more acceptance.
Unfortunately, especially on mediums such as mylot and "duh net", people feel they can hide behind their computers, and mouth off and be "rude". It's abhorring really. It IS possible to have strong viewpoints that reflect acceptance of other differing views, and not be politically correct every moment.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Mar 08
Hello Canada and three cheers for you! Exactly, exactly my point! There are so many Christian fanatics out there who profess to believe in Jesus, yet adhere more to the Old Testament ways than those of Jesus Himself. He had two major objectives when He came to earth. To absolve us of Original Sin through His sacrifice on the cross, and to throw out the old religious ways and give us one simple rule to follow to attain our place with God. We know it today as the Golden Rule. Jesus' actual words were "Love thy neighbour as thyself". How much simpler could it be? He abhorred organized religion as he made clear when he said "Get out of her my people". But we are human. We think, therefore we complicate. Truly, tolerance, acceptance and hope are the only tools we have left to find that neighbourly love.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
Three cheers for me? Do I get a little dance too? lol
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
None of us are perfect, but as you say, doing our best and living by example, is, I think just about all God expects of us. Good for you msfreeze.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
31 Mar 08
My approach to God is simple. I believe. My approach to religion is equally simple. I don't believe. But I would never dream of telling any religious adherent that they were wrong, and if you look closely you will see that I live my life broadly in line with the Anglican Church, because that was the branch that I was brought up with. I do object to the fact that there are religious groups and individuals that insist on pushing their own set of standards and beliefs as the ones that others should endorse, without making any allowances for the fact that there might be differing perspectives. When this happens to me on myLot I become especially peeved.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
You and I are the same page when it comes to God and religion P1Ke. I was raised a guilty Catholic and it took a lot of years to erase that stain from my soul. That's why it irritates me so to see such anger and lack of tolerance or respect when it comes to expressions of religious beliefs. I want to slap them all silly and send them back to sunday school to relearn the very simple message of Jesus, and shed all the cr*p man has wrapped that message in!
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@moshehackner (31)
• United States
31 Mar 08
most times, it because they are either jealous or scared..
do you agree?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Mar 08
No, moshe I don't agree completely. I think most times it's because they are fanatical and very shortsighted. But yes, sometimes, there can be elements of fear and jealousy.
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