How would you react if someone hit your child so badly.....
By a1intnet
@a1intnet (248)
March 31, 2008 2:21am CST
with a piece of a plasic toy that they bruised them?
My sister in law 'smacked' my 6 year old son yesterday afternoon with a piece of a plastic toy so badly that he has a huge bruise on the side of his knee. Her son screamed and said that my son had hurt him so she whacked my child. Her son has no bruise, not even a scratch but my child is bruised. I have never, ever smacked him with anything except my hand and I have never hit any of her children either. I prefer to tell her if they have done something and let her discipline them. Needless to say I really had a go at her for hitting my child like she did and have made it very clear that what she did is NOT OK! And that I will not tolerate her ever lifting a finger to him again. We used to have a really good relationship but after this I don't trust her with my child at all. I am still so angry - what if next time she can't control herself she hits him over the head with a stick and then says 'sorry I was angry' like she did about his leg?. Kind of like 'sorry I broke his skull but he was naughty'. She doesn't seem to see much of a probem with what she did either which is seriously worrying. Had she hit a little harder she would have cracked his kneecap. What would you do in this situation? Would you be able to resume your relationship with her after what happened because I honestly don't believe I can. I love my son more than life itself and she hurt him - I can't get my head around this issue.
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17 responses
@iluvmy5babies (2)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I would keep my distance and be very vocal with her why you do not want to be around her any more. Now seriously, her son got hurt, ok... but a 6yo hurting another 6yo is one thing, but an adult hitting a child with a TOY? Thats ludicrous. I hope she knows that was wrong. Thats abuse If i have have ever heard it. How terrible. I hope you can make her see the error in her ways, does she do that to her own kid? Sorry you are going through that!
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
I have been very vocal about it and have asked her to stay away from both of us. Her son is only three not 6 but all that happened was that my son threw a piece of toy into the air and it fell on her son's shoulder when it landed. She then proceeded to hit my son with the toy so badly that she bruised him. She must have really whacked him so hard for the bruise to be what it is. And what you say is right - she is an adult. Apparently she has done that to her own kids, but she only had to do it once because they listened after that. This is what she told me in an email yesterday. I want nothing more to do with her ever again. I seriously think there is something warped in her mind if she thinks this sort of abuse is ok.
@hopeful327 (189)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I'm so sorry that you're going through this.
You need to keep your distance. Do not, under any circumstance, leave your son alone with your sister in law.... if she watches your child while you work, find other childcare asap... and miss work if you have to.
Her behavior was just plain wrong. You are correct in that she might do even more damage the next time... another thing to think about is that CPS might be called, and you would be considered a perpetrator too becuase you left him alone with her and knew about her behavior. I used to be a CPS worker, and trust me, you do NOT want to get involved with them!
You might also lovingly and politely encourage her to get some counseling, and perhaps attend parenting classes. Well that might be better if your husband/brother told her.
Her relationship is toxic... I would take a break for now. I'm not saying cut off all ties but to take a break.
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@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
Thanks hopeful. I have not been able to eat or sleep since it happened because I feel sick everytime I think about it. I feel so responsible for putting my child in harm's way.
Luckily my child is in school so the only time he is near her is in the afternoons when we are home, and he is now not allowed to play anywhere that I can't see him. No fun for a 6 year old is it? I am looking for a place to move to so that we are no longer anywhere near her. I have been looking for a few months but have also been a bit fussy - now fussiness goes out the window and I'm fully intending on grabbing the first decent place I find.
I'm quite happy to cut off all ties at this stage. After her e-mails yesterday trying to justify what she did and telling me that she did nothing wrong - she only gave him a 'little correction' I really want nothing more to do with her. She is a monster.
@sanell (2112)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I would react exactly the same way, she could have just disciplined him by telling him it is not okay to hit, but to go to him and hit him is absolutely WRONG!! What does your husband say? Is this your husband's sister? Or you brothers wife?? HOw exactly is this relationship set up anyway?
For her to just dismiss it and say that it was not a big deal is just ridiculous. Okay so you already laid into her, now you no longer trust her but is that fair to the kids? Do the kids like to play together? Are you still okay to be with her in a room with others? You have to think about how it is going to affect your children as well. If the kids would prefer not to hang with their cousins anymore then that is one thing. Perhaps from now on you have to be present at all times, or you want your brother or husband to be present or something.
I would say that another family meeting is very important and to ask your SIL again why she dismisses this so much? What is her deal and does she do this with all the kids in the family? Maybe the rest of the family should be aware of what happened?
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
It is my brother's wife. The fact that she feels she did nothing wrong really puts me off having a family meeting to be honest. Perhaps if she had been able to apoligise and admit that what she did was not right I might have been able to sit down with her and talk about it. Right now I feel sick every time I think about it.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
31 Mar 08
OMG... what your sister in law did to your son can be considered as a child abuse and you can report her to the authority if you want... especially with the evidence of those bruises... that is really cruel no matter what your son did... especially when you say that her son is alright and your son is the one who get hurt... i will never dare to smack other people's child no matter what... and i would never want anybody to lay a finger to my child... if anyone should discipline my child, it is me as the mother and nobody else... i will definitely confront her and tell her that what she done is totally unacceptable... i would never leave my child with her anymore ever again as well... hope your son is alright now...
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
31 Mar 08
She would be lucky that I didn't hit her with it!
I only have one sister in law (she is married to my brother) and I know she would never raise her hand to any of my children.
I wouldn't let her around my child without me being there. She is obviously abusive toward children. Even if your son had hurt her child, what she did is no way to solve it! The fact that she doesn't think she did anything wrong is just another reason to not let her near your child again.
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
lol! I really feel the same. I so wanted to tell her that if she ever touched him again I would return the favour adult to adult so that she could see how it felt - but I suppose that would have been threatening so I restrained myself. My child has been told and she has been told that she is not allowed near him unless I am there.
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I don't think that I would like that at all and I would tell them if they did that that I really didn't appreciate them smacking my child like that for any reason if they were being bad just wait until I got there and tell me and then I would handle it from there and if they didn't want to follow that and do that I would not let them be aroudn my child anymore becaus you are the only one that should have permission to smack your child if they do something wrong and then not hard at all because that is child abuse...
@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
1 Apr 08
What your sister did was wrong. She should have just separated the two children if they were fighting and maybe found another way to punish your child other than hitting him that way. I definitely wouldn't let her alone with my child again if it were me. I also wonder what your husband says about all this because this is his sister. I know you will have to be civil to her because she is family, but I wouldn't let her near your son unless you are in the same room.
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
It is actually my brother's wife that hit my child. I want nothing to do with her and I have warned my son that he is not allowed near her unless I am there. She sees no problem with what she did which is even more worrying and I am not prepared to take a chance with my child's safety.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
31 Mar 08
What did your hubby have to say about it? Family situations can be difficult, but I would suggest not leaving your kiddo alone with her again, if it happened once, it's bound to happen again, and be progressively worse. I would talk to your hubby about it, make sure you are both on the same page, make sure he'll back up your decision to not allow her alone time with your kid. If you act without him, he may feel forced into a decision, but if you ask for his support, he'll be more likely to choose your side over his sister's (which is hard, but it's her fault you have to make him choose). Good luck to you!
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@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
Thanks wmharper - It is actually my brother's wife that hit my child. He has not yet approached me for my side of the story so I leaving it as is. I have told his wife not to come near either myself or my son again as I just cannot take a chance with my child.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
1 Apr 08
I am a firm believer in forgiveness, but I am learning also, that some people have to be loved from a distance. I do not have any children, but I know that when someone does something to hurt anyone of my nieces and nephews, I let them know that this will not happen again if it is left up to me. I do not play around.
Your child needs to know from you that what this adult did was wrong and that you will do everything in your power to make sure that it never happens again. As for her, she sounds like she could us parenting classes and anger management. I mean, just because her child did not get hit this time, there is no telling what she does to him when she gets mad.
I know that my heart does not discriminate against children. If I protect one, I will protect them all the same. I believe that if she abuses one, she will abuse them all the same. If she thought that hitting your child like that was no big deal, why would she think hitting her own like that would be a big deal?
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
My child knows that what she did was wrong. I had a good chat to him about it and how adults may not hit children just whenever they feel like it and especially NOT with objects. I also showed her the brusie she had given my son and told her in front of him that I felt this was not ok! I told her that what she had done was wrong and that I would prefer that she never, ever lift a finger to my little boy again. She has since e-mailed me to tell me that she doesn't belive that she is anything wrong and that she did this to her own children. I will no longer be having anything to do with her again.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
31 Mar 08
Hi there. I think you should let her husband know just what kind of person she is and what shes done, and that you no longer have trust in her with your child, I think that was absolutely cruel and uncalled for. No child deserves to get bruised up like that, shes lucky you dont report her for abuse, which you could, especially with photos because thats exactly what it was,. As a mother Im sure you'll know what to do and how to handle this issue and situation your in. Good luck and god bless that child of yours...
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@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
It is my brother's wife that did it - not my husband's sister :-) I bleieve that she has told my brother her side of the story but he has nt approached me for my version. I guess we all have to look after our own don't we? I have no intention of letting her near my child ever again. My biggest concern is that even now she is trying to justify what she did. Telling me that all she did was give my child a 'bit of a correction'. I feel sick every time I think of it.
@maggiemoon (487)
• China
31 Mar 08
what a terrible sister you have!
keep the distance with her,that's my proposal.I feel that it's not the simple thing that she hurt your son.It's actually the performace that she is the one without good manner.
BAD mother also loves her child but in very selfish way!
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@bluemars (952)
• Australia
1 Apr 08
I am not sure if I would be allowing my child to be around someone that is violent or even fixes issues with violence. I think I would find a more better environment for them and that way they can learn to be a better person and learn to talk things through with decent people who do the same.
@NueroticMomma (4)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I do not know if I could have contained myself from hurting the person who hit my child. I have a son who has Autism, ADHD and is Bi Polar and he has aggression issues but my family has been wonderful and very hands off with punishment as I am not for spanking or smacking. I think you should go with your gut feeling. Are you ever going to trust leaving your child with the person who caused harm to him? I know I could not and I would not have a very good relationship with that person either SIL or not she had no right period! hitting your son.
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
I will never trust her with my child again. And I will seriously warn any other family that visit that they should watch their children around her too. As for our relationship - it is ruined. She still beieves that she did nothing wrong and had tried every way, shape and form of justification for what she did. I cannot have a realtionship with someone who is so unable to control her temper that she hurts children.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
1 Apr 08
If the tables were turned and it was her soon she would be fuming mad too. I do not think you should ever leave your child with her and do not have any relationship with her.
My stepmom hit me with a broom one day and from there on out she was abusive to the point I got taken away. This lady could be abusive you never know. Protect your child you know what is best.
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
1 Apr 08
I told her that Susan and her response was that if I had hit her child so badly that I bruised him she would know he had done something wrong and would give him another hiding! I have absolutely no inetntion of ever letting my son near her again. She is a monster.
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Been here done that. It wasn't my sister inlaw or any of my relatives, but it was a neighbor that lived across the street from us. We had been swapping kids, so we could both work, and not have to pay for a sitter. Then my kids grandparents were coming to visit, it was around Christmas time, and they were bring them back to IN with them for Christmas, we were going to meet back up with them in IN to bring them back to CA after the holiday.
The day they were to arrive, my neighbor's dog attack our dog, and I needed to rush her to the vet. I asked our neighbor to come over and watch the kids. We had let our kids open their presents that morning, so we would have less to carry to IN.
My daughter asked if she could go in our back yard(which is privacy fenced in) to play with her new toys. Some how this pissed the babysitter off and she kicked my daughter in the shoulder and left a big bruise. My daughter didn't say anything when I got home. I took her to headstart that day, when I picked her up the police was waiting for me wanting to know who Jill was. That is when I found out what happen. I am glad the police found out before I did, or that woman, I would have killed her. She was charged for child abuse and was convicted. My daughter's teacher touched her on her arm where she was kicked and she said ouch. The teacher pulled up her sleeve saw it asked her what happen, then called the police. I am grateful, for them for doing that, because I would have found out later when bathing her, and I would have went over there and beat her down. Then I would have been the one facing charges on battery not the other way around.
In my opinion you should be contacting your local Child Protection services on this. By law if you don't you are guilty yourself of child abuse.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Apr 08
OH HELL NO!!! OMFG!!! if ANYONE puts their hands on my kids I will knock the everloving crap out of them! that is BEYOND unacceptable what she did and I have to say kudos to you for keeping your cool because I would have pounded her bloody!! 

@stumpyjim (22)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Wow thats tough. Keep your distance. I know its hard because of family and all but hopefully the will be on your side. If you have a camera take a picture of the bruising that way if anything ever happens and you need proof you will have it.