Cat Scan
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
March 31, 2008 7:51am CST
Ok Results ....... I do have one of those Tumors but very small and no danger so no action required and aparently it can take Years for it to grow for action to be taken so that is fine by me
Went to the Doctor this Morning, what a waste of time. I asked so what is causing the Pain and the reply I got is that I should be seeing my regular Doctor, why??? He sent me for all the Scans not my regular Doctor, all I want to know is what is causing the Pain, well one Scan showed Gall Stones and the other didn't, right I understand that bit, so what is the next action????? I have to see my regular Doctor and talk to her about it, by this time I am sure my Blood pressure is rising as it seems to me they do not know their a$$ from their Elbow,
All I want to know what about the Pain, all I get told is I have to see my regular Doctor, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr any bl$$dy Doctor will do, nope no joy I have to go back on Thursday at 4.50pm and of course if I get Pain I have to take Pain killers, you know the ones that make me all stupid ( don't need tablets for that
) make me tired, make me loose concentration, make me cry because I have no control over my body and what ever else they do to me
Well anyway I am back to square 1 with the Pain, no Idea. I might just not bother as I am fed up with being pushed from Pillar to Post
So that is the News, at least I know I do not have anything Life Threatening which yes I am happy very happy about, but what is causing the Pain ??????????
Doctors are just not any more what they used to be, I give up 

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37 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Hey gabs Im so relieved to hear your not in any danger. I was so worried about that. You know gallstones can be very painful sweetie. I know I had them. They will probably have to take them out. And you will feel so much better. Try not to get discouraged I know its hard. Hang in the love. Big hugs to you!xxxxx
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I know gabs. When you go to the doctor on Thursday tell them you are tired of this and want this fixed. Or your want another doctor! They might already have a plan for you. I dont want you getting yourself worked up then it effects your breathing.
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@Darkwing (21583)
31 Mar 08
Firstly, I'm glad to hear the news on the tumor... that's one worry off your mind.
Now, the pain... remember I showed you that site, and remember K's scare? He was having a lot of stomach cramps, and the article did state that small stones can form in the liver and not show up on x-ray. So, I would ask your GP if this is what could possibly have happened to cause the pain you're experiencing. Ask him if there is a flush you can use, until I can speak to you about the one in my book. If you pass stones, then you'll know that this is the problem.
Mind you, having said all that, if you have a gallstone, this too could be the root of the pain. It wouldn't hurt to just go and chat with your GP anyway... at least it would put your mind at rest. Gallstones and stones in the liver can be removed by keyhole surgery these days, my friend. They really aren't too much cause for concern, as long as you get them sorted.
Good luck and Brightest Blessings. Love and hugs. xxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
31 Mar 08
Yes, I know you are, and perhaps you should explain to him whilst you're there that it's stressing you out no knowing, which in turn, is making the pain worse, because that's what happens when you stress. It also won't do your breathing too much good.
Try not to get on your high horse with the doctor... stay calm, and talk it through with him. I'm sure he'll help. xxxx
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@weemam (13372)
31 Mar 08
I had my Gall Bladder removed when I was in my early 20's pal , It was not keyhole then and is much easier to do nowadays , it took them 2 years to diagnose that with me as they said the usual thing was to be fair fat and 4o , I was one of them :) , it can be very frustrating pal , I lived in dry bread and ox tongue for months , I hope they sort you out soon pal , all this bl**dy waiting isn't helping you , Take care sweetheart and let us know what is happening xxx
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Glad to hear the scan came out fine but not happy about the pain your still in. I hate when drs. do that, pass you off to another cause they have no clue where their azzhole is let alone why your in so much pain. Gall stones can be very painful IF that is what is causing the pain. I had my gall bladder taken out a few years ago after it ballooned to the size of a baseball and couldn't stop throwing up. The pain was like a knife going thru my chest and out my back. Unbearable! They caught it in time b4 it exploded thou. Lots of prayers and hugs, my friend.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Ut Oh! When you go in Thurs. DEMAND to have tests done on your gallbladder, gabs. They did an ultrasound on my chest. That's how they found my gallbladder so big. They released me from ER but soon as I walked out the door, I started throwing up again and didn't stop. They rushed me right into surgery from ER. Gabs..please make them do an ultrasound on your chest. I'm praying it's not your gallbladder and something else not so serious. I'm scared for ya g/f. 
Seriously, if it was me and someone told me this, I'd be heading to the ER right now. I'm praying for ya, gabs. Praying hard that everything works out ok for you.

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@mummymo (23706)
31 Mar 08
OK Angel you know how I feel about this - the relief is huge! Thing is I know you too well and I know all you are going to do from now til Thursday is worry and when you worry you get anxious, when you get anxious it affects your breathing so STOP now! Remember i was left with nothing more than painkillers and wait and sees for a long time , the painkillers didn't work I had them in all sorts of combinations and they had serious side effects but no pain relief! I do understand sweets but at least you have the hope of some information on Thursday so try and stop worrying til then, please! Oh yeah and things like moving furniture around really don't help the pain so please don't do it! xxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I am more mad at the moment to be honest because they are useless
Haven't moved any yet even though Gissi wanted me to move the Settee to the Computer instead of his Chair
What gets me one minute they say there a Gall stones and then they change their mind
how am I suppose to trust them???
I am tired lol only had 4 hours sleep lol because of this stupid Clock going forward 

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@gemini_rose (16264)
31 Mar 08
Well first of all I am glad that the scan turned out ok, oOh gall stones, they can be rather painful so I have been told and is that not whats causing the pain? Or does the doctor just not know and so is palming you back to your own doctor. How frustrating for you, there is nothing worse than being in pain and no one seems to take you seriously they just give you tablets to take and tell you to rest. You will just have to see what the doc says when you go and try and get through to him that it needs to be sorted out, but I too am really happy to hear that everything else is ok.

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
Rose they need to sort it as I am getting anxious about it and with me having Emphasmia COPD Asthma it is not helping my Breathing I am just so sick of it how they shove me of more Tablets
I will see on Thursday what they will come up with next, I am glad to that the Scan was fine but the Pain is still there grrrrrrrr 

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@gemini_rose (16264)
31 Mar 08
I really feel for you, I wish I could do something for you and take the pain away. x
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I sometimes wonder if you get more sense and warmth from the local tom cat! I hate doctors, mine have had sympathy bypasses and just treat you like a number or worst still something they have trodden in. The one good doctor I had who was one of lifes gentlemen was in Essex and sadly I moved away from his catchment area. Now I have to wait 30 minutes after my appointment time and they don't seem to give a damn! My doctor actually said I was fit enough to work again, the doctor who saw me for a full medical said absolutely NOT! Go figure eh! Sorry you had a rough time but at least as you said there is nothing life threatening, but there are still answers needed, after all you know you're own body and you know there is something wrong xxxxx

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
It was when I was living in Wickford, lovely man. Now I have to keep my temper in check because I just want to scream at these unfeeling, uncaring people and tell them what it's like, especially when they say cheer up. grrrrr Sorry excuse my rant. But is it any wonder why GP's get verbally and physically assaulted? I don't condone it but sometimes I feel that you are not getting through to them if you are kind, polite and accepting. xxxxx
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
We'd make a great pair wouldn't we Mooch! No one would mess with us once we got together and hit them with everything! This wolf may come over cuddly and tame but believe me there is a dark side to me and like any animal when we are pushed into a corner we fight, all teeth and paws!
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Hi gabs im so glad to hear your results were not a life threatening.Far as your pain I seen in your other discussion where the doctor is now looking into whats causing the pain.I hope they find whats wrong and will be able to prevent the pain from coming back.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
4 Apr 08
oh okay,i just hope they get everything squared away.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Well, it's a relief that there is nothing life threatening, even though the thought of a tumor is not exactly making me jump for joy at the moment. And that fool that sent you for the scans should have had an answer for you instead of hemming and hawing and jumping around the subject. What an idiot! I don't blame you for being upset hon. I would be too. Is the doctor that sent you for the scans going to send whatever results there were to your regular doctor? He should anyway. Lots of love and hugs to you sweetie.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Apr 08
Well it is all on the Computer they are both in the same Practise his Office is opposite hers so does that tell you anything Sweetie
She is the one that sent me home last year telling me I am fat when I went to her with my swollen Stomach does that tell you things to??? lol
Well I am hoping to be moving in the next 12 Months to a different Area so I do hope that the Doctors there are better
Love you
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I have been dealing with a life-threatening disease for over 4 years now and I can tell you that dealing with the medical establishment-- doctors, nurses, technicians, insurance, etc. is nothing short of frustrating. If you don't like the answers, be assertive until you get satisfaction. These people are not gods and goddesses, as much as they think they are! It's your body-- be the boss and advocate of your body!!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Apr 08
The specialist sent you back to your regular doctor because she knew your history and has the records of went the pain started. Oh and you have to tell her where it hurts. Saying "I have this horrible pain" does no good unless you say,"It is in my thigh, it is down below" or wherever. I would suspect the gall stones, but I am not a doctor. I do not know how things work in England, but here in Canada where we also have public insurance, we first see a regular doctor or a clinic and they send us to a specialist and it takes some months to get in. Also when you do not have a private doctor but one appointed by the state, those are not as good as the ones you would get if you had thousands of dollars, or in your case, thousands of pounds (if they are still in circulation over there.) Sometimes you may have to keep gong back and again until they find the problem. It also might be the tumor that might be pressing against a nerve.
@Nan110 (469)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Don't feel so bad. The doctors where I live doesn't know how to do their jobs. I'm always sick cause of my immune system is down. I have a bunion that hurts and I have to wait till May to see the foot specialist. If I want a good doctor I'll go to Texas to see one and I know a good doctor in Texas.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I certainly don't understand why he acted the way he did..He should have told you something..I would have been angry too!..I am glad you don't have a life threatening problem..but pain is awful..and I hate to take anything for my pain..but alot of time I just have too!..hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Apr 08
Hi Feona
The thing is though when the Pain sets in it affects my Lungs which breathing even harder for me then what it is already with the Lung disease I have
I will see what they say tomorrow and they better come up with something
Big Hugs to you
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
2 Apr 08
There has got to be a reason for the pain..I'm sure if they were in pain, they would want to know why..You are always in my thoughts..Keep bugging them until they tell you something...hugs
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@kolleenwilson (94)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I am so grateful that your cat scan came back with the best possible news - no surgery right now. Is the pain in the area of the tumor? I hope your regular doctor is more willing to spend some time with you and discuss this challenge - pain any where is so distracting - it causes people to lose their focus on other things if not addressed. I hope your pain is addressed soon. Take care
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Apr 08
gabs really stomach pain is so much a symptom of gallstones I know I went through that and nothing helps only surgerry have them out it is a band aid type surgery only in the hospital over night.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
1 Apr 08
maybe your doctor dont know about migrane, maybe she cannot explain what it means, as long you dont have a sign of hemorage that is ok. as i know if the person go for scan they have those sign either tumor or cancer, that what i know if there any latest information about that sign & symtoms maybe if you dont mind let me know.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
1 Apr 08
Hi gabs,
I am thankful to hear that you don't have anything dangerous, but just the same, why can't this doctor that ordered the scans see this through with you? I hate it when a family doctor sends anyone to a specialist, and then the specialist says go back to your family doctor. It really makes no sense, but many people seem to get this 'run around' these days. I encourage you to keep on going to whoever will do something for you, until you get the desired results, and relief. Take care. xxx
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
2 Apr 08
Thanks for your concern, gabs. I have my good days, and bad ones, but try to get on here as much as I can. It always cheers me up, and I'm sure you can relate to this also. Thanks for clearing this up, regarding the doctors. I do hope they find out what's going on, and you feel better soon. xxx
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Bless Your Heart!! After all you have went through they should be able to do something!! I agree with you hon, doctors just aren't what they used to be. Some of them really care about their patients if you can find one like that but some of them are just in it for the money.
I sure you get some relief soon hon.
Love and Hugs!!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Oh crap gabs...thus really're right though, doctors aren't what they used to be...used to be doctors would really take their time, really listen to a person, now it's rush in, rush out. But what do they mean you have a tumor but not to concern yourself with it....that doesn't make're right again, it sounds like your doctors don't know their a$$ from their elbow..gee, no wonder my great-grandmother who was a nurse thought doctors were idiots even back then though
Gabs..where is the pain anyway???? Is it your lungs? I know this might sound weird to do...but is there anyway you can do yoga type breathing exercises or would that aggravate it..your breathing or lungs?? You're in my thoughts all the time you

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Apr 08
gabs gallstones cause severe cramps I am tellin you and they just will not go away without surgery but its really an easy surgery and you would onlybe in the hospital over night or if you have someone to care for you they may send you home the same day
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Gabby my friend please do not give up, the scan may not have shown gall stones because you may have passed them. I also think you should at least follow up with your doctor to see what she says. At least go this once more. I know you waited so long for the stupid scan to find out this time you do not have stones.
I cannot beleive what a mess your socialized medicine is. If we need something done if we have insurance we get the test done in a matter of days. Then we get the results soon. We do not have to wait for weeks and weeks like you do.
Good luck my beloved friend.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Mar 08
Sorry I know you have socialized medicine there and it takes forever to get an appointment and and act of god practically to see a specialist, but can't you persuade them to send you to a pain specialist or something? Something has to be causing this and there's no reason you should have to live like that!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
Well Dawn I will see on Thursday what they come up with
I mean they might make their mind up
For 2 weeks I have not had the Pain strong but it can hit again
I went 2 months without Pain and then it came back so strong I was rushed into Hospital and they didn't do much
Never mind I will see Thursday
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