unwanted child!!

United States
March 31, 2008 8:00am CST
I talked to my friend over the phone and she was depressed a lot. She got 2 kids and only her husband is working. She is again pregnant and wanted to abort it.. I tried to calm her down and told her to it wholeheartedly, telling her there's a good reason for that..She is not listening. Any advice?
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25 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
31 Mar 08
I am sorry to hear your friend is feeling so upset, all you can do is just keep trying to talk to her and be there for her. Ultimately any decisions she makes are hers and her hubbys, she may just be upset, she may calm down and after a while may see things a little more clearly. But until then all you can do is be there for her when she needs you.
• United States
31 Mar 08
yea..I wish im there for her, but im too far..she is totally depressed and wont talk to her husband..anyway, like what you have said she will just calm down..thanks gemini_rose...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Apr 08
It is a decision to be made between the woman and her husband. All you can do is be her friend and be there for her. whatever she chooses, it will be a very hard decision for her and she'll need you as her friend. just be supportive in whatever choice she makes.
• United States
8 Apr 08
i'm trying really since I knew the first time she talked to me about it...I didn't listen instead giving my opinion!
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 08
thanks for this wonderful words said! I was thinking really why I did is wrong since I didn't just listen, but I am very happy not finally she decided to save the baby after trying to abort and was unsuccessful! hopefully, it wont harm her baby but she told me lately, she is very willing to accept her baby now and love him/her equal to the other two kids!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Apr 08
It is hard not to give your opinion on a strong subject as this is. Now that you have, you should make it clear to her that regardless of YOUR opinion that you do support her in whatever choice she makes even if it wouldn't be yours. I do this with my girls and it has always worked well. I tell them what I would do and how I would feel. If they go against that, I will tell them that I don't agree. They may get angry but my response is that I still love them and will support and help them and who knows....maybe I am wrong in my thoughts. They have to be true to themselves. They really want me to agree on all they do and I'm too blatantly honest...i don't...won't. Still, I have their backs. I'm not always right. I am not one to go back and chant....told ya so. same with friends...do what's in your heart. It is always right even if it seems wrong at the time.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Hi, Well, I can understand her being depressed about having 2 kids and pregnant. Her hubby is the only one making a living, but she can also provide. There are all kinds of ways to make extra money online. This is what I am doing and it all helps with food, bills, etc. My hubby is the only worker right now. If your friend is sure she doesn't want the baby, she needs to talk to her husband about it....I don't believe in abortion, I think if they don't want to have another baby, they need to look into adoption. There are TOO many couples who want to have kids, but for some reason or another, can't. This would be a gift to one of those couples. Let your friend know you are there for her if she needs an ear or a shoulder to cry on...but don't let her do anything without talking with her husband. There is hope and she just needs to put her mind in a place where she knows everything will be ok and this is not as big of a problem like she thinks it is. Good Luck and your friend is lucky to have a friend like you ~Icy~
• United States
5 Apr 08
They have talked about it and her husband has no problem about.He assured that he will try his very best to support them but, she is the one who doesnt like anymore to have little one to take care of! She cant do also this type of sideline since they have no internet...I understand how hard it is for them but I am not convinced of abortion as far as her plan is concern!
• United States
17 Apr 08
I agree Sid and thank God, she end up deciding for the best! Thanks for all the wonderful opinions!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Apr 08
There are more than enough kids out there needing homes to be adopted into. There is not any shortage of adoptable kids. She has to search her heart and find the best answer for her and her hubby. It is just as hard to give a baby up for adoption after carrying it 9 months as abortion is.
• Australia
3 Apr 08
I think it's very selfish of her to want to abort it. To me, that's murder. In Job the bible tells us that the creator sees even the embryo's in the mother's womb. Tell your friend that....
• United States
4 Apr 08
thats why I really blame her and told her to be responsible of their actions...Not being unfair to that little creature who never ever wish to be here in this world!
1 person likes this
• Australia
5 Apr 08
Yes, exactly!
@TinaP40 (329)
• Spain
4 Apr 08
I think no baby should be brought into the world if it is unwanted and if this woman wants an abortion then she should have one.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
5 Apr 08
There is always adoption. Couples who want kids and can't have them will love this child deeply.....it is a precious gift.
• United States
4 Apr 08
there are other ways to solve that problem i guess TinaP40 rather than killing..But, I respect your point of view, you're just concern to that baby who might be emotionally suffering later on due to maltreatment!
@molly124 (22)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Has she considered adoption instead?? Usually the parents that want to adopt the child will pay for all the prenatal care!
• United States
4 Apr 08
she didnt mention that yet, the time we talked , she was just thinking on how to get rid of that baby in her tummy! you know...
• United States
4 Apr 08
aw. thats sad. hopefully she will calm down and think about it a LOT more....I dont understand how people can consider abortion,especially after theyve had children and been able to see how amazing they really are.
• United States
4 Apr 08
you got it! thats why I felt like I wasnt a good listener to my friend that time! just expressing my personal view about it which is to face their responsiblity!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
okay so what advice did you give to her? it is right that you calm her down. she is just confused and might be feeling really down because she is already thinking of the future, what to give their baby and how they can survive... tell her that God gave them another blessing, and he will help them get through this trial together, with the baby.
• United States
5 Apr 08
I told her that it has a reason why it happens. To save the baby and accept it wholeheartedly!
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Mar 08
I am so sorry to hear that. I have to say it's a very difficult decision. I think no matter what's the decision that your friend will make up, we have to support her. There is nothing wrong with it. She has some problems to have one more child. I know she will feel so guilty to abort a baby. But at least maybe life will be easier and it'll be good for a whole family. Just tell her to be careful in the future and never make the same mistake again. Nobody should blame her.
• United States
31 Mar 08
I was guilty you know, I was inconsiderate at first and blame her for not being so careful with the contraceptives they are using...I understand her partly since only the husband is earning and i know its tough.anyway, I learn from you..thanks
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I got pregnant 3 times on birth control! it is not entirely foolproof to say the least. One I lost because I did not know I was pregnant and kept taking it. I am a very responsible person and I was taking it right. One time it was expired birth control that I had just bought...i blame that on the pharmecy. I was married with the first 3 but was single raising 3 on my own on the last one. it was a tough decision to say the least. I chose to keep her and now have no regrets but I will say that I considered my options. I considered them long and hard. I really was in no position to bring another child into this world. When I heard the heartbeat, it became real for me. I thought of adoption and I couldn't do it. I just chose to do my best and deal but that is me. Thing is, I am glad for the choice. it was MY choice. Had the choice been removed, I may have felt resentful...i know i would have. Choice gives way to thought and inner percpective. I teach my children to think and make good choices in their lives and this is just one good example .
@Brandig (11)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Hi. I had a miscarriage about 3 weeks ago. I already have 3 children that do not live with me. I am married, but we have both had other relationships. I don't believe in abortion and agonized over this pregnancy for 2 months. I was lucky; God interveaned. The only advice that I could give is to trust God and yourself. Also there are tons of people out there that really can't have children. Maybe your friend could do an open adoption. Her & the adoptive parents know each other and include each other in thier lives; during pregnancy, during the raising of the child, etc.
• United States
3 Apr 08
Thats a good suggestion, I appreciate it. I didnt hear from her yet but Im praying that she will choose to save the baby whatever happens..Its unfair for that little creature to be deprived to see the world and have life!
• India
1 Apr 08
Hi checapricorn, In my opinion, your friend should not abort her child. I don't feel sorry for her because she very well know that it is only her husband's earnings by which she has to run the family then why she has not taken preventive measures to avoid pregnancy, purticularly when there are plenty of methods available.In my opinion it is not fair to abort, when the mistake is with us. Good Luck.
• United States
1 Apr 08
Thanks guys..I thought blaming her and her husband was a big mistake!! I really did..and I was really talking to her like im her mother!They are suppose to take the risk since they were not too careful enough of their actions..Im still hoping for the best, like she will decide to just accept it and everything has a reason!! She told me she started taking pills to remove it..I do know if it will be as effective as what she was expecting.
@Mamagee (392)
• Malaysia
3 Apr 08
Hi, Tell her, children is the best gift in our life. There is nothing to worry about the comming baby. Every time a baby was born, the parent will have extra earning. you right and there's a good reason for what happen. It is good to have kids. Some people is struggling to have kid.
• United States
3 Apr 08
exactly right! others are even willing to spend $$$$$$ just to haev their own baby!
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
6 Apr 08
some times our friends won't listen our words it is normally things any where but her has two kids and her husband is working some where so better to judge her self.
• United States
8 Apr 08
true! I am just a friend..so, all I offer is my ear to listen and advice to give whether they will take it or leave it!
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
9 Apr 08
Dear Mylot Friend, I hope and pray, I'm not too late in responding, but I want to encourage you to keep on talking to her as much as you possibly can. Right now, she is in need of a close friend. I understand that you live very far from her, and that must make you feel terrible. It sounds like she is overwelmed with financial struggles as her husband is the only one bringing in the income to support his family. So knowing that she is caring another child to raise would indeed feel like the worse thing that could happen to their family. However, you are absolutely right in saying to her that there is a good reason why this has happened. And it sounds like she didn't take it very well, but don't let that discourage you. Please let her know that she is not alone eventhough she may feel like she is. This decission in aborting the baby will have a huge effect on her later on, so I would like to ask you if you are aware of the power of prayer. God doesn't make mistake with a human life is at stake. God has a plan and a purpose for each child who comes into this world. Please encourage her to seek sound advice and help where they live. I belong to "The Word Of Life Women's Ministry", and we have what is called, a Prayer Chain. If you would like, and if she didn't mind as well, I like to make a reguest on her behalf and you, if that is okay, but please ask her, and if she says yes, I will indeed make a request for her and her family for prayer. I can assure you there will be help on the way in her time of need. So please continue to encourage her to not abort the baby, because all children are a gift from God. from your Mylot Friend, ccdiane
• United States
15 Apr 08
Thanks a lot ccdiane! I got her txt message last week and she confirmed that she didn't lose the child after several trial of aborting, I am very glad to know and hoping , there will be no harm or side effect on the child's part. I am excited to see her baby soon and hopefully, she/he will look as cute as the other 2 kids my friend's got!
@Mandyhao (20)
• China
5 Apr 08
Well I'm sorry to hear that.Maybe I donnot have the experience to join in the discussion,because, you kown I'm a girl who have not married,but I'm just intrested in it.In my opinion,you shouldnot feel so upset because ,after all it was the decide of your friend.Maybe she quite enjoys the happiness of having a lot of children.Just relaxed!
• United States
5 Apr 08
thanks Mandyhao!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Apr 08
In all honesty..the only two ppl who REALLY have the right to say or decide is her and her husband and ultimately the choice is SOLELY HERS....As long as she thinks through all her options carefully she'll make the right decision whehter its carry and keep the baby, carry and give up the baby for adoption or abortion....I would say that the best thing YOU can do is #1 dont try to sway her into any specific choice since its not your place nor is it fair to her and #2 be a kind, understanding and supportive friend EVEN IF she decides to make a choice that YOU PERSONALLY wouldnt make...Bottomline is, its her life, her choice and only SHE knows what will be best for her and hers ya know..
• United States
1 Apr 08
thanks Ravenlady...I know for some reason I was that good listener since I forced her to listen to me about saving the baby and everything has a reason..I was just sad about that plan thinking they were both mature and educated enough about! I will not forget this piece of advice..Thanks
• United States
1 Apr 08
I had a friend who became pregnant with her second kid and she felt the exact same way. She did not want another kid at all.(where she should of took the proper precautions to prevent an unwanted pregnancy she didn't) she actually complained about how she didn't want a kid up until her ninth month. She went to the hospital to have the baby and was still talking about how she didn't want it. She takes care of the new baby and all but it's not like the first at all. She does was she has to do and thats about it, she doesn't go above and beyond for this child as she did with the first one. So, if the baby is really unwanted, and is not gone to be taken care of like the other ones, would an abortion really be wrong?
• United States
1 Apr 08
for me yes..its a life...to be cared and loved!
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
In my point of view, abortion is murder. No matter how justifiable your reason may be, it is still murder. I suggest your friend carries on her pregnancy and after that, she may opt to be ligated, or her husband can have vasectomy. One good reason: (I read this one through e-mail) - Beethoven's mother was a pr0stitute, she had 8 kids prior to Beethoven (3 were deaf, 2 were blind, 1 was metally retarted) and the mom had Syph. Yet, she still continued the pregnancy. I am not 100% sure if this one is true, but what I am trying to say is, you never know what will happen in the future. Who knows, the baby she's carrying might be the next president, or the next CEO of a big company.
• United States
1 Apr 08
thanks janujennifer..I totally agree with you, like that I have said everything has a reason! Have a great day!!
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
tell her that why did she get pregnant if she didn't want to have more children? tell her that she should talk to her husband 1st.. ^_^ there's nothing u can do if she doesn't listen to you, she may or may not regret what her decision was and whether she should have listened to you..
• United States
1 Apr 08
actually, I told her that. She said she was very confident in the contraceptives they are using and never thought she will get pregnant..When she knew that she is preggy, she blamed her husband a lot, hit him and throw him anything just to express her feelings..thats why I also blamed her, told her not only her husband's fault but she is part of it!
• China
1 Apr 08
The child is innocent and she/he is also a life in the pregnant period. Do you dare to kill someone? if your answer is NO, please let him/her born. If parents have their child, they should take care of him/her.
• United States
1 Apr 08
ThaTS My side too..they do it, they know the consequence and they have to accept the responsibility!!!
@viewpoint (137)
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
She's probably really stressed out at this time. I think that the best thing to do is to be there for her for she really needs a friend now more than ever. She may not be hearing out anyone, but once she's calmed down she would be able to think things over and make the right decision.
• United States
1 Apr 08
exactly..I amwaiting for her to call me again and looking forward for her decision...Im wishing her to save the baby but whatever her decision is, have to support her!!