dogs! is really man's best friend?

@julyteen (13252)
Davao, Philippines
March 31, 2008 9:32am CST
what is your point of view about the dogs? for me i considered the dogs as my best friend. i love dogs. i remember when my dog died, i cried! i felt he is not different from human.
4 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I am not a dog lover to be honest, strange I know being a wolf, but I have always had cats in the family, I prefer cats as they are far more independent and easier to keep. I did have a dog when I was a child and he lived to a a grand age of 17. All animals are man's best friend I think it's how we treat the animals in the first place, if we are cruel to them then expect them to attack! If we love them any animal and they will give love back unconditionally.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Apr 08
yeah i depends on how we treat them. ..we are unique and because of this we have different like and dislikes. i like dogs of couirse I can't say that you like dogs too. LOL
@jenmau (28)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
for me, my doggy is not only my best friend... i consider him as my son... ^.^ He's the one who makes me happy when im sad... we always play hide and seek... we eat together... sleep together (coz he cant sleep without me by his side)... and i think ghe really loves me like i do... ^.^
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Apr 08
thanks for loving the animals similar to human.
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
2 Apr 08
My dog was part of the family. When we had to have him put dog, it was like killing a family member. We had this dog for 17 years. So he was part of the family.
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@joespez (180)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I think dogs are great. I've got two now and seemed to always have at least one until I left for college. It is always terrible when we lose one. I had them die tragically and naturally and it is never ever easy. Dogs are great friends and comforts to humans. I think God had that in mind...especially since dog is God spelled backwards. :)