3 different kinds!!!

United States
April 3, 2008 11:56am CST
Okay first off this is just my guess and in know way a judgement of anyone. If you take it as a judgement then I apologize, that is not my intention. I have been on mylot for a year now and I have seen all different kinds of posts and members on here. It is my guess that all of us would probably fit into 1 of 3 different kinds of mylotters. Here are the three different kinds of mylotters I think there is: Mylotter #1 The first kind of mylotter is the kind that is just here strictly for the money. They could care less about making friends or seeking advice. They log on and just answer as many posts as they can with mainly one liners or one word answers. They also tend to start the meaningless discussions that we wonder why they even started it. They don't rate people and/or discussions, add tags, or comment back to people who have responded to thier discussions. Out of the three kinds of mylotters they most likely make the least in earnings. Of course again, this is just my guess. Mylotter #2 These kind of mylotters are the kind that are here just for advice and to make friends. They could careless about the money they earn. To them it is just an added bonus. They start great discussions, respond back to other members, rate people and/or discussions, and mark best responses. For them, they probably make the most earnings out of anyone. Because they aren't concerned about thier earnings. AND, Mylotter #3 This last kind of mylotter are those that are here for making friends, getting advice, and making money. This group of people are pretty much just like group 2. The only difference is that they also are trying to earn money on here. I am guessing that this group makes pretty decent earnings just like group 2. So, Do you think my guess is acurate or inacurate? Do you agree or disagree with my guess? And, What group are you in? For me I belong in group 3. My main reason to be here is to make wonderful friends, seek advice, and try to help others if I can. But I also strive to increase my earnings at the same time as it gives me a little bit of pocket change. Of course, before anyone trys to tell me that this discussion will probably get deleted. I am figuring as much, but I have still had fun typing it.
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16 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
No3 I joined origineally to earn extra money but from day one started a discussion and answered each person that responded and kept answering as many discussions as I could and requested friendship until I have now got to the stage where my discussions are more indepth, have made more friends and I get many friends requests too. They say you learn something everyday and on here I really believe you do. I only found out the other day about the hovering of the mouse over a star to see exact rating. Still don't know how it works fully yet as far as earnings go but have made payout each month. The people who don't reply to a response aren't actually having a discussion as such. Some of mine go back and forth back and forth and others will add under others comments too which I think is great. Fantastic discussion topic by the way. Ellie :D
• United States
5 Apr 08
Yes that is correct. People who don't reply back to a response aren't actually having a discussion. I couldn't agree with you more. I actually spent one whole day just commenting back to people who had responded to me just to see if it would effect my earnings and it did. I didn't start any new discussions that day nor did I respond to any new discussions that I came across.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Yes, speedy, you are pretty close, and I belong to group #2, with just one little bitty difference, I'm not good at starting great discussions, I'm lacking in that department! But I really enjoy being on here, and I enjoy communicating with my "myLot" family!
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@msmargo (361)
• United States
4 Apr 08
i belong to #1. I am fairly new here and my membership is a work in progression. I haven't yet started any discussions. I find so many interesting discussions to respond to. i don't stick around to see if anyone posts to my responses. I usually do my myloting late at nite; post and move on. i don't have many friends. i can see myself evolving into a 2 or a 3.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Welcome to myLot, msmargo, I hope you enjoy being on here with us, we enjoy,especially meeting new people, and it's true there are hundreds of interesting posts on here! I've made several good friends here, and there is a lot of good information also!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Apr 08
Oh, I just knew you would fit in group 2 musicman6. LOL! You are one of the many friends that I always talk about being the reason I come back to mylot everyday. As for not being good at starting great discussions, well there is nothing wrong with that and I still consider you to be in group 2.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I think those are pretty accurate descriptions and categories. Even though I hate being labeled or pegged I would fall into the third section as well. I am here to meet people, learn new things, share what I know and in the process earn some money. I doubt I would have found mylot if it wasn't for my need to earn money. I sure wouldn't stay here if I didn't enjoy it. I couldn't be as active as I am if I found it a chore. I will admit though the thought of earning some money does spur me to post more but if all I wanted as the money I wouldn't be concerned with what all I posted to. I wouldn't waste a lot of time reading as I do if all I cared about was money.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Oh I didn't think you were trying to point to one person or anything like that. I didn't think it was your intention to label anyone. I was just trying to show that even though I don't like labels they are in many ways a fact of life. That no matter how much we try to be unique some facets will always match up with something or another. That the reason generalizations work is because they are general and cover a lot of areas. Hope that makes sense.
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• United States
7 Apr 08
That does make alot of sense. And your right. Even thought we try hard not to be labeled, there will always be someone out there that will try to label us.
• United States
5 Apr 08
It seems to me that everyone has found it to be quite accurate. I am a little surprised. I figured I would have had at least two people come in and disagree with me. As for being labeled, that was not my intention. This discussion was not directed at anyone person. It was just a generlization that I personally had about mylot and wanted to see if anyone agreed or disagreed. Of course you are unique just like everyone else.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
4 Apr 08
This was a really neat post speey and I hope that it does not get deleted. It was interesting to read and see how the categories went. I think I would fall into group 2 or 3. I don't like one-liner responses although there have been a few times where I've given a really short response because the subject wasn't something that you could really elaborate about and it would have been strange to give more than that. But I definately like a lot of the people here and like to come here as kind of a little break from my day because I almost always find something interesting to read or respond to and have gotten some great advice from people when I have asked for it.
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• United States
5 Apr 08
You know there isn't anything wrong with a short response if there is nothing else you can really add. It's those that do it to every post that you see them respond to. It is a clear give away that they are only here for the money and are just trying to respond to as many discussions as they possibly can. Of course I imagine that it doesn't take them long to get bored with mylot because thier earnings aren't going up like they hoped they would.
@terri0824 (5020)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Well, it hasn't gotten deleted yet, so that would be a good thing. I think I would fall in to category 3 as well. I enjoy responding to others discussions, I don't usually start many. I like to be able to pray for someone who needs prayer or tips or advise that someone may need. I think this is a great community, that I have belonged to for about a year now. I've met some cool friends and the earnings is just a bonus!
2 people like this
• United States
5 Apr 08
I know you enjoy praying for others and sharing your advice. You are one of the most wonderful friends I have met on here. Mylot really is a great community to belong to and you know I had totally forgotten that we started on here about the same time.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Why would this get deleted?? It's not offensive. I would say I was number 2 because I really truly don't care how much I make. Whatever it I make it is more than what I had before I started. The friends and all that they have given me on here is what really counts for me!
2 people like this
• United States
5 Apr 08
Well I figured someone would come along and get offended or think I was trying to sterotype people here. You never know what someone will report to mylot. But I am glad to see that it hasn't been deleted yet. Yes the friendships for me do come first, but still like trying to make payout everyday as it gives me a little extra spending money.
• United States
5 Apr 08
I like the little spending money myself! :)
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@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
3 Apr 08
No I don't believe this will get deleted.. But if it does well than you know there are some people on here that have problems with the truth... Ok enough of that... lol what you have just said is basically the truth.. I've read it myself here.. I have gone back many months and see it for myself.. But there is one thing to understand here alot of people don't work so they depend on sites like this to make money and yes as much as they can, but yet make friends, give advice and so on.. Now there are some people here too that give meaning less advice I mean you can look in a book and get the same thing out of it and or just repeat someone else's reply but in a different way to make a few cents.. know what I mean? I won't deny the fact that yes I am here to make money because if I wasn't I never or would anyone else would have put in a payment processor in there profiles.. But this is why mylot is here and this is what it's really all about and not to mention sharing idea's with other people no one can tell me any different cause I won't believe them... We all found this site from other paid sites... Just my oppion!
2 people like this
• United States
5 Apr 08
What you have said is very true. I do understand about those people who don't work and are here to make money. In fact, I don't work as I am a SAHM, but I am not here just for making money. Yes, that is what lured me here, but it's the friendships that I have made that keep me coming back. But thanks for sharing your opinion and it sounds like you belong in group 3 like me.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Apr 08
"Of course, before anyone trys to tell me that this discussion will probably get deleted. I am figuring as much, but I have still had fun typing it" LOL LOVE THAT!!! I would have to say that I'm a Group #3 person..I've been here for over a yr and though I JOINED to make money originally, that changed long ago...My top priority for being here now (and the past several months) is because I love the conversations, many of the members and I enjoy it here..the payout is just an excellent bonus at this point.
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Apr 08
LOL! Thanks for the complement on part of my discussion. It seems that it hasn't been deleted like I figured it would be. I think almost everyone here on mylot joined for the money first and some of us have come to realize that there is so much more here on mylot than just the money. By the way, sorry I haven't pm'd you about that other topic we were in a week or so ago. I still plan on pm'ing you, I have just been a little busy outside of mylot.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Well Id said number 2 for me. I just recently started getting into this more. Being pregnant and having to sit longer helps. i love the stuff you can learn on here. The money well of course its nice but its just fun money for me so id be here without the money too.
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• United States
3 Apr 08
Yes there is alot of stuff that one can learn here on mylot. Even though I consider myself to be in group 3, if the earnings were to stop all together I believe I would still stick around because of the friendships I have made.
4 Apr 08
I see myself in group 2 as the money I earn here is nothing especially with the exchange rate in the UK. I enjoy responding to meaningful discussions and when I do come here, which isn't as much as before, I stay loyal to my friends posts. It is good to see Mylot getting back to what it was a year ago when I first joined. It did become a site to attack alot of members and for that reason I left here for ages. Those who are just here to make money or report members will not experience the more genuine side of this place.
2 people like this
• United States
5 Apr 08
It does seem like mylot is getting back to the way it use to be a year ago. I sure have seen my fair share of attacking here. I have even been in the middle of it before and was just trying to defend myself. UGH!
@sahyd2don (2942)
• India
4 Apr 08
i really appreciate how you devided the mylot participants into....I think i will be a person who comes under 3rd category..........what about you in which category do you come under...
• United States
5 Apr 08
Ummm, I believe I mentioned that I belong in group 3 in my discussion.
@sergedan (767)
• Romania
6 Apr 08
I'm surprised you consider 10 dollars a month pocket money.I would say it's some spare change. Speaking from group 2 to group 3.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I am a SAHM and my husband makes enough to pay the bills. So what money I make online is my money to spend any which way I choose Yea same here...and I also make money on a couple of other sites so if I'm pulling in $30+ a month each month (and I don't spend my earnings every month) then it adds up which is great
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• United States
7 Apr 08
Same here Raven. It does add up if you know how to save it and spend it wisely.
• United States
7 Apr 08
Pocket money or spare change, either way they are the same to me. I am a SAHM and my husband makes enough to pay the bills. So what money I make online is my money to spend any which way I choose. This isn't the only money making website I do, so what money I make between all the different websites is nice to have in my pocket. That way if I want to take my kids out to lunch one day or I see something at the store that I really want. I have my own money to do that and I am not tapping into our savings.
@paid2write (5201)
3 Apr 08
I think that is an accurate assessment. I agree with you that the first group will earn less than the second. I also think the majority will say they are in the third group. I think many people join myLot because of the money earning potential but soon find out that its fun to take part and stay to enjoy the experience. Some of these will still try to make the most of the opportunity to make money. I would say that I am one of them so I belong to group 3.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Apr 08
You know it will be interesting to see which group has the most people in it. I am also wondering if anyone will even admit being in group 1. We will have to wait and see.
• China
4 Apr 08
i am newbie here ,and i have no idea with how much could i earn from a post,but i think it is a good idea for the agent to attrack other PPL here to gethering the power of internet, i wish i can get more informations and make more friends from all over the world ,i am here ,not for money!~
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I guess that I would probably fall into the third group here. I first joined myLot to make a few cents, but have made some pretty good friends here. I enjoy it when I can help someone out, or join in a meaningful discussion, but I will also join in discussions to make a few cents sometimes too.
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• Australia
5 Apr 08
Yes it think that the people who put in more thought to their replies earn the most in cash. The people who reply with one words answers and meaningless disscussion earnt the least amounts, sometimes i like just browsinghere, and sorting through the discussions and real topics from the fake their are alot of good discussions on this site. I think if more people took the time to find the good discussion amongst the other stuff more people would stay here.
• United States
5 Apr 08
It would be nice if more people would take the time to find the good discussions to reply to. But we both know that will never happen. There are always going to be people who just want the money and could careless about the discussions.