Any people with children with Cerebral Palsy?
By Thoroughrob
@Thoroughrob (11742)
United States
10 responses
@heather_mi (5)
• United States
29 Nov 06
My best friend has CP.. he uses a Delta talker to communicate & uses a power wheelchair
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Can I ask how old your friend is?
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Was he ever able to walk and is it getting harder for him to get around and take care of himself as he is getting older. My son is 12 and I am sort of worried that as he gets older it will be harder for him to get around.
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@dragonsangel1369 (341)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I grew up with a good friend who has cp. The drs told her mom to but her in a home and forget she had her. That she would never walk work or make it is school. Well Robin proved them all wrong I cryed more when she graduated than when I did, and we all can understand her just fine. She is holding down a good job as a fitting room att. She went to public school but had special classes. She went through many sergies when she was little. Her thepy was a game we all played with her so it wasn't all that bad for her. We are now 31 years old and things are getting harder for her but her spirt to never give in keeps her going. I am soo glad her mom didn't listen to the Dr.s because she was and still is a big influnce in my life. When times get hard for me I just look back to all she has over come and tell myself that it could be worse for me and smile because thatis how she makes it through it all with a huge smile. Watch what your son can do with a little of love and a lot of backing. You just might be surprised.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
17 Dec 06
That is an amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing it! Those of us who have never had this in our families or anyone that we know...just don't know what it is like for you and can't really relate. We just know it must be very difficult at times and admire you.
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@pilot2006xx (950)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I have it :) But im not that bad I can walk and talk im just slower at things
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I wish you all the luck in the world. Do you work? If so, what do you do?
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@cindyngeorge (333)
• United States
5 Dec 06
M so has Cp and really can't do much. But I give him all the love in the world. There ist a thing I wouldnt do or him. i love seeing him smile.. It let me know I'm doing somethn righ. One time we saw another kid with cp around the same age and the we cooing at each other and smiling. it was the cutest ting
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I have Cerebral Palsy myself. I'm 30 and I live independently with the help of personal care assistants to perform daily living activities. Email me if I be of help to you
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@ashumit02 (818)
• United States
31 Jan 07
In the society near my home there is no any chidren with such cerebral palsy.but i have meet with one of the children outside the state who have cerebral palsy.So i can understand the problem of cerebral palsy.Doctors can maintain and take care best in such cases.This way it can be cured.By the way it takes time to improve.
@cindyngeorge (333)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Hey what is that pump you mention? I'm so happy that My son is finally getting his wheelchair.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
15 Dec 06
It is a pump that is inside his belly that delivers medicine into the fluid in his spinal fluid. It avoids all the medicine going through the oher organs of his body. It is called a baclofen pump and is used to control his muscle tone so that he can use other muscles and gain stength in them. Bryan had so much tone you could not get his pants up because his legs had so much tone you couldn't get them apart. They don't do this usually until after they are a school age. It has been wonderful. It took his spasms away and definitely made him more comfortable.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
13 Apr 07
My brother-in-law, Jim has CP and he is in his mid fortys. He was born prematurely when my mother-in-law was going through menopause, and she didn't know she was pregnant. He's kind of a miracle kid because he only weighed about 2 1/2 lbs. when he was born, and they didn't have the medical technology back then, and the doctors didn't think he would make it.
Jim is able to walk, but you can tell he has CP because his legs are bent up, and he kind of looks like he's hopping when he walks. He's been through several surgeries trying to help straiten his legs, and spent time in casts up to his hips.
Throughout his life, he's had to put up with predjudice by teachers, classmates, and others, and my mother-in-law has gone to battle for him many times. Throughout his life, despite his handicap, Jim has been able to maintain a sunny disposition, and a loving, caring attitude towards everyone he meets.
He graduated from YSU, and has a full time job at the police department entering records into the computer system, and does very well. He has a lot of neices and nephews and other family who love having him around, as he's always cheerful, and fun to be around.
About a year ago, there was some witch at work who was on the supervisory staff, and she complained about Jim, saying he took too long getting his work done and that he goofed off too much, or something like that. She tried to make herself appear caring saying she was only trying to help him out, and set up an evaluation of Jim and his work performance. I think she was trying to get him canned, but it didn't work. The person who came to evaluate Jim did a thorough study of him at work, and was amazed at all the work he did, and he said that he himself could not do the work that Jim did. He wrote up a very favorable report, and now the witch finally shut her mouth.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I have a four year old daughter who was diagnosed on April 12,2007 with mild left cerebral palsy. We have always know she had a form of C.p. But the doctor's finally admitted it at this past visit. She is going into kindergarden next year,she has a perpro now in headstart. She is also developmentally delayed,epileptic and only has one kidney due to multi-cystic kidney diease.
She is so easy going and a very smart child. But she falls alot even with orthonics on both feet. Her legs are so toned! She isn't potty trained yet we can't seem to get her to "get it".
It has been a long and hard road. I am proud of all parents who have children(or family members) with disabilties it is not always easy.