abortion are you agree with this?
@julyteen (13252)
Davao, Philippines
23 responses
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
20 May 08
i am pro life and definetly against abortion. why kill an innocent child because of a mistake? let the child experience the beauty of living,the feeling of being loved and protected. do not deprived him/her the things that she/he will experience during him/her existence in this world. life is so beautiful cherish it and protect it..dont waste the gift from God. The child is an angel. be merciful
@ShardAerliss (1488)
20 May 08
Except that, until birth, that child doesn't exist...
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@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
21 May 08
yup you are right not EVERY child can experience those that i have mentioned but why deprive them the chance to experience it? even in a foster home some can experience love and protection.
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@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
21 May 08
the child already exist inside the mothers womb.
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@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
No to abortion, I have mentioned this to another topic, its a mortal sin, only God has the right to take away the life that he lend to us.
For whatever reason one has, one may think its valid, but it is definitely not pleasant in the eyes of God, and also punishable under the law.

@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
not all women are mature enough to take care of themselves yet alone a baby.
And yet some want those very women to have babies (as a punishment)... how can that stance be pro-life?
longbangod; give me some evidence that is it a mortal sin.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
Well, no one's ever been able to show He is anti-choice. He and His prophets have been quite schtum on the subject in fact. The only verse that specifically deals with abortion (as not prayed for by the Israelites to hurt their enemies... Hosea 9:14) is Exodus 21:22.
If a woman is caused to miscarry through violence (an accident, not on purpose) then the man responsible must pay a fine to the husband (as the contents of her womb was considered his property!).
But an elective abortion? Not a word... He leaves it up to the women (or their husbands *rolls eyes*) to make that choice.
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@SkatingBella (57)
• South Korea
18 May 08
I completely disagree with you longbangod, however I respect your opinion and I enjoyed reading your say.
I have always gone with Pro-choice and am sticking to pro-choice.
I feel that woman have the full right to make decisions about their body, they have ultimate control over their own actions.
Another point, not everyone beleives in God.
Maybe some people out there don't believe in religion?
In North America, we have the right to choose our religion. In North America, we have the right to state our opinion.
In North America, we have the right to decide whatever we think best for our body, whether it be to have abortion or not.
America and Canada are both free countries, we are given the right to CHOOSE.
Lastly, it is NOT punishable under law as you state, what gave you that idea? Like I've said, America and Canada are both free countries.
Keep in mind that a not all woman are mature enough to even take care of themselves, let alone a baby.
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@randomosity_prevails (1110)
21 May 08
I think, in this day and age, it is appalling that some narrow-minded bigots can still be against abortion. A woman should ALWAYS have the right to choose whether she wants a baby or not. I am completely against the current UK bill, regarding lowering the abortion limit to 20 weeks, from the current 24. There is no medical basis for this, 99% of babies born at 20 weeks will die. Even at 24 weeks, there are only a small amount of babies who will survive.
It is cruel and barbaric to expect a woman to continue with a pregnancy that she doesn't want. Regardless of whether she 'should have thought of that before getting pregnant', it is her choice to keep it or not. An unborn child does not have more rights than the woman it is inhabiting.
This seems to be the current 'issue' for religious campaigners. I have nothing against people who have a religious belief, but I do take objection when said belief attempts to damage other people in the country. You cannot base an argument, moral or otherwise, on the existence of a 'God'. As 'God' either doesn't exist, or doesn't participate actively in the House of Commons, any arguments pertaining to him are flawed.

@randomosity_prevails (1110)
21 May 08
Thank you, that's great news. I missed the outcome of that yesterday.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
21 May 08
God... doesn't participate in the House of Commons,
lol, brilliant! I have to use that one.
Oh, and the bill was voted down; it's still at 24 weeks!
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@chaigay20 (166)
• Philippines
19 May 08
i don't agree with abortion. if a parent don't want the baby, there is adoption. she can find a good parent for her child if she doesn't want to take care of it.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
Find a good parent? 2 children a week are killed by their parents or guardians in the UK (NSPCC). And the numbers for children abused by guardians is... phenomenal.
There are plenty of children out there that already need homes. Why add another one to that pile of unwanted children?
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@TheManager24 (1302)
• Philippines
20 May 08
my answer is NO. I would never agree with abortion... even if it is necessary. i agree that there are cases that abortion is the only solution to save other people's lives like the mom's.
but other than that, it is a clear indication of being irresponsible.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
20 May 08
Whereas bringing a life into the world that is not wanted, dumping it with a stranger... that's totally responsible?
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@maquisa (316)
• Philippines
20 May 08
Its the biggest sin...why would you like to kill a life that doesn't even know what did he/she had done,life is life and only HE has the right to get a life.Why can't you stand on what you have done and be a man to the consequences...and be fear of Karma...
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
20 May 08
It is the biggest sin.
Some proof?
Why would you like to kill a life that doesn't even know what did he/she had done
Do you eat? Every time you eat you kill a life and suffer karma (according to the Hare Krishna movement... a movement I find to be very enlightened; I love Hare Krishna cook books, lol).
However, there are, of course, different levels of karma gained (or lost, depending on your belief structure) depending on the extent of the thing you do and your reasons for doing it.
Taking a human life is a massive karmic event... but, does a foetus contain a human spirit? If you believe it does, then karma be coming, if you believe it does not then the gain of karma is not so great.
Now, as for a foetus knowing what it has or has not done. A foetus is incapable of KNOWING anything. It does not have a brain. At the point it does have a brain then there are no higher functions.
In fact, before 12 weeks (which is when the majority of abortions take place), the embryo has less cells than the brain of a gnat.
There are several karmic beliefs on how good or bad karma is gained or lost. Obviously all believe that, karmicly, it is bad to take any life. However, there are different opinions on how bad, karmicly, it is for the spirit of the foetus and thus how bad, karmicly, it is to kill that foetus.
Some believe that no harm is done, as the spirit can simply reincarnate again.
Some believe it is bad, karmicly, to the spirit because it has not had a chance to gain any good karma/lose any bad karma (or lose any karma... karma is complicated!).
So, karmicly, it all depends on what you believe happens to the karma of the spirit of he foetus... if indeed the foetus has a spirit within it.
And ultimately; will you gain more bad karma by bringing an unwanted life into the world than putting that life back into the cycle?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 May 08
I not only am Pro Choice and therefore agree with abortion PROVIDED its not a constant means of birth control but I've also had an abortion..and for the record it WAS NOT "to hide our wrong doings" it was an unfortunate decision that had to be made...unfortunate but necessary and right none the less
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
20 May 08
I would not have an abortion myself because it would be the wrong decision for me. I imagine that I would find it difficult to live with my decision because there is nothing that can bring back to life a baby that has been aborted. In life people make mistakes and abortion is one thing that people can't change their mind on. If I was raped and got pregnant I would not choose to have an abortion, instead I would have the baby adopted. If I got pregnant at the wrong time in my life I would try to make my life more suitable and so I could keep my baby. I respect other people's opinions and so I can appreciate some women do choose to have abortions. Abortion is legal up to 24 weeks pregnancy in my home country. I know that even in countries where abortion is illegal then it still goes on and often in back street clinics that are not terribly clean. I think that many people are strongly against abortion and I can understand the church doing this.
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@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
19 May 08
Every women should have the right to do with their bodies what they want.
Who am I to judge them? Everyone has rights-lets not take them away.
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@mywahmommy (5)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I am 100% against abortion.I once watched Tv show on channel 13 about abortion they showed exactly how abortion was done.It hunted me for months.I couldn't believe what I saw.I actually started crying when I saw what they do to the babies that are still in the mothers woumb .Do you know that they actually cut up the baby into pieces,and when I saw how the baby legs arms and head was cut up I was horrified ! there are some women that get abortion when there unborn babies are around 7 months ! Do you believe that?Imagine having an abortion then after it's done seeing your babie cut up into pieces in a garbage can?That I what i saw on this TV show!!!! If you don't want to have kids TAKE THE PILL !
@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
Any abortions performed int he third trimester in America, Canada, EU are done to protect the life of the mother or to prevent undue suffering to a malformed foetus. Elective abortions are NOT allowed after the third trimester.
Pah, in Britain they are voting today on bringing the limit from 24 weeks to 20 weeks for elective abortions.
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@mnsrwt123 (2057)
• India
5 Apr 08
well, i don't think there's any objection in the abortion as if someone really don't wanted to give birth to her child then how can someone force them to do it...
Have Fun!!!

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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
20 May 08
I had been seeing and running away with this discussion of yours, buddy. For the reason that, to tell you a secret, I once tried abortion with my girlfriend before. But that was a long long time ago. I was 20 at that time. Nevertheless, the baby is now a mother herself.
But now, I can't take it. I can't accept it to myself killing a baby. I just cannot imagine it...
We will be responsible to God and the laws of the people...

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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
19 May 08
To me abortion is wrong. Have the baby and give it up.
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@gloreymay (882)
• Philippines
19 May 08
i totally disagree abortion, i believe it's against human right and each person has the right to live.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
19 May 08
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. People have tried and tried to justify it and cannot. The Bible clearly says that God knew us before we were ever born. We were fearfully and wonderfully made. There are many passages of Scripture that is totally against this legalized murder.
I pray that any woman who is pregnant and afraid, will come to know the Lord and seek His guidance. Killing the baby is not the answer. Two wrongs do not make a right. God will help you if you seek Him. God has a plan for that child and we have NO right to take the life of the child.
God bless.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
19 May 08
God gives us free will. We are sinners and we rebell against God. Yes, God knows what we will do. He can stop it, but sometimes He doesn't and He has reasons that I cannot explain.
Yes, the Bible does tell about how important we are to God and that He knew us before we were born. He created us and He has a plan for every single person.
May God bless!
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
You said God has a plan for everyone. That negates free will.
And I asked for scriptural evidence that abortion is a sin. Scripture that SPECIFICALLY states "Abortion is a sin." NOT your interpretation of one verse... because I have my own interpretation of that verse.
And don't tell me you have no Bible to hand; biblegateway.com or bible.com are to hand whenever you're online.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 May 08
Erm... what are those passages that are CLEARLY against abortion? As far as I know abortion is only mentioned once in the entire Bible... and then it is considered damaging another man's property and not killing.
If God has a plan for a child and a woman aborts then He planned badily! I'd have thought the all seeing, all powerful God would know if a woman was going to abort or not.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Apr 08
The abortion rate is actually on the decline in the US.
I don't see terminations as people trying to hide their wrong doings. Being sexually active is not a "wrong doing" it's a normal & healthy component of being an adult. And pregnancy shouldn't be viewed as a punishment for being sexually active. Abortion is a safe & legal medical procedure, and if a woman choose to not be pregnant it's her right & her business if she chooses to terminate.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I am totally against abortion. I have been on several other posts on this issue and of course sometimes i got a lot of flack about it, but i really think that killing an innocent child that didn't even ask to be born, is a sin and it very uncalled for. Some debate on whether the person was raped or if it was either the mother live or the baby, but i still think it's wrong because there is always adoption if you are raped. Honestly though, more people are using it as a form of birth control which really sickens me. Every baby should have a chance at life and it shouldn't be the mother or father that determines whether that baby is killed. People today are taking lives into their own hands instead of letting God do His work that only He should have the right to do. God bless
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
4 Apr 08
eden, i have to disagree with you there. it is a baby from the moment of conception. my opionion, your opinion. not everyone agrees so we agree to disagree, but by 8 weeks you can hear a heart beat, so it is a living being whether people wanna believe it or not. sometimes it's easier to say it's not so people don't have to deal with the reality of killing a child. God bless
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@monishavakil (1019)
• India
5 Apr 08
you cannot really pin point whether it is good or bad, well lets put it this way you cant really get a child into the world and ruin that life if you are not capable of looking after the child, at the same time that does not give you the right to have fun thinking it is so easy to just have an abortion. Have a physical relationship with some one where your options are open and you do have a long term ealationship where you do not have to go around ahaving abortions.
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@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
20 May 08
Abortion done to hide wrong doings is totally wrong and aturning a blind eye to it will further encourage such acts and people especially the youth will become more promiscuous. However, if abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother then i might see the justification for it but only if it is absolutely necessary.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
21 May 08
That hardly answers my question. What are the wrong doings that you think are being 'covered up' by abortions?
The original poster did not state what 'wrong doings' they thought were being covered up either. So referring me to their post isn't much help.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
20 May 08
Abortion done to hide the wrong doings.
What wrong doings?
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@triptadasgupta (900)
• India
20 May 08
well friend...i absolutey disagree on abortion if the parents of the child are lawfully wedded but... if the child is the result of the undoing of the lovers then yes the child should not be given birth to.The recent survey shows that there are many unborn children who are getting aborted because of the wrong doings of the lovers.Infact more steps should be taken by the parents,teachers as well as the govt to provide education to the teenagers.
have a nice day....
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
20 May 08
Huh? So... you'll allow abortion for unweds but refuse it for married couples? Why?
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