How emotional are you?
By LouRhi
@LouRhi (1502)
April 6, 2008 6:25am CST
Personally I am a very emotional person. Tears seem to fall from my eyes quicker than rain from the sky.
For example, Finding Nemo (a Disney/Pixar children's cartoon) is one of the sadness movies I have ever seen. No joke, I cried for like the first half hour of that movie and then a lot more later on. It is seriously heartbreaking stuff.
So I have this abnormally strong ability to sense and feel the pain and sorrow of others. Whether it be reality, a movie, book or a story on the news. If it is touching or emotive in anyway what so ever, I will cry
My neighbour of nearly 2 years came over today that her husband died yesterday afternoon. I did not really know him very well, just one of those wave, smile and occasional chit chat relationships. Any way I have spent most of the afternoon in tears or very close to tears.
The thought of this poor woman being all alone now just breaks my heart. They had been married over 30 years and spend a great deal of their day together (they have a farm about an hour or so away from where I live and spend quite a bit of time there)
Of course the news had little to no effect on my husband. So how upset do you get over things?
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19 responses
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
6 Apr 08
I am quite an emotional person, but over the time I have learn that only you can respect your emotions and they don't have the same meaning once they are in front of others. So, now a days I just keep them to myself. It does help and the others think that I am lot stronger now.
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
Yes others can interpret our emotions the wrong way which can be very disheartening.
It is such a shame that so many people seem to think that being emotional is a sign of weakness.
It is good to hear that people perceive you as stronger now
Thanks for stopping by
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 Apr 08
I go through stages. Freeze and thaw. Freeze and thaw. I know I have a tendency to be over-emotional sometimes, but for my own mental health I've had to learn to sometimes just put things away, not storing them up, but distancing myself from them. Otherwise I would be completely crazy now after living my life. You'd expect my therapist to argue that this wasn't healthy, but actually she agrees with me, because it keeps me from self-destructing.
It's actually easier for me to cry about other people's pain or fiction than about my own life. If I had a neighbor who had lost her husband like this, I would empathize with her in the moment, and then push it away after she left, leaving myself free from it. That's just my way, I guess. It makes people think I'm cold sometimes, but it's the only way I continue to exist in a world that nearly destroyed me as a child.
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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
6 Apr 08
Sorry to hear that the world was so cruel to you as a child. Though by the sounds of it you have come out stronger and wiser.
It is important to push things away when they are done, there is no need to hold on to baggage (especially someone else's) for longer than you have to.
Sometimes I too find it easier to release my emotions through the sorrow of others or a movie. In fact I have a selection of movies that I like to watch when I am feeling down. At the end I feel rejuvenated and free as all the sadness I was holding in is released. Mind you I generally need to make sure that I have a big box of tissues ready as well!
~ may in every way this be a special day ~

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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 Apr 08
*nods* For me it's usually music or poetry (reading or writing) I turn to when I want to get something out and can't.
*shrugs* I'm pretty happy with the person I am now, though I can't say I don't have any baggage exactly. Darn PTSD. *beats up her own brain*
Okay I feel better now. 

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@gratitude (181)
• South Africa
6 Apr 08
My bladder is definetely far too close to my eyes!
My heart is far too small/big for my own good - so I am told.
My tear ducts work overtime! The sight of two kids playing - a young child trying to sing a song thats so out of tune or the words are all wrong - a child crying in pain - an animal hurt - an baby animal falling over its own newly found paws etc etc brings tears.
I never go home from my volunteer work in a few old age homes without shedding tears - but i go back!
I can't handle seeing a child or an animal been hit or the aged been mistreated in ANY way! It angers me so much i just sob!
Think There's a lot of us, that had too much compassion loaded into our genes when we were created!
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
6 Apr 08
I thought I was very emotional,but when I read you post,I think I am not that imotional as you are.I used to be very imotional and cry all the time.Then I found out that's kind of a weakness always get myself hurt.I wanted to be a little stronger.Now,I really changed.This afternoon I felt that I want to cry and let my fall down my cheeks,but I didn't shed a tear.That's strange,I guess I don't have any tears any more.That's kind of sad.
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
6 Apr 08
Yes sometimes I think that being so emotional is a weakness but at the same time it shows that I am aware of my emotions and when I need to I can be very strong and control them as necessary.
I am sure that you still have tears left inside you, your body just didn't need to cry today.
Glad you are feeling better now

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@ruby222 (4847)
7 Apr 08
Hi..i think that most people respond to emotion in very different an extent i am an emotional person..but im not one who wears her heart on her sleeve...i think that i feel i have to be emotionally strong to support those who need support.
Hubby is a very emotional person..and tears will spring to his eyes at the slightest thing....
Empathy is a good thing..its good to be in touch with your feelings...but once you have done what you can for someone and will continue to give them a little support..that really has to be the biggest part of you job has to go on...and as much as you will feel for have to think of your own feelings too.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Apr 08
First off sorry about your neighbours husband..thats so sad...
As for being an emotional person..well I am very empathetic and very emotional HOWEVER I'm not openly emotional when it comes to things like crying or being sad etc..
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
6 Apr 08
I am so like you, sometimes I wish I did not cry at everything.
When I am watching something with my family and a sad scene comes on they all now automatically look at me which makes me worse.
Sometimes my partner will look at me when something not even sad is on and I have tears in my eyes, he now just laughs at me.
When I witness happy things I cry too.
I suppose it shows our sensitive side and the ability to empathise which many people do find hard to do.
For me it also releives alot of stress and I get my emotions out there and then instead of bottling them up which for me would definitely send me insane. I have been told I can come across as volatile sometimes, in my opinion though i just express my feelings as I experience them which most of the time is a good thing but on some ocassions I wish I had a bit more control.
Oh well at least what you see is what you get with me!
BTW, Dumbo is the film that sends me into a wreck, the 'Baby of Mine' scene, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about
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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
6 Apr 08
Yes happy can turn the water on here as well!
Watching my kids doing their school performances or getting awards. Even watching the year 7's graduate last year year got me a bit choked up, despite the fact that I didn't know any of them! They were so full of excitement, little knowledge and they had their whole lives before them (not that we all don't have our lives before us) but these kids were about to embark on the next stage of their journey, going to high school...oh don't get me started!!!!
My husbands does exactly the same as yours, a couple of times I have not been teary when he thought and he has stated his surprise.
Yep Dumbo does it to me as well! 

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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I wish I could be more emotional sometimes. I won't say that I am a complete Ice Queen, but its hard for me to show my emotions outwardly, especially if I want to cry about a movie and I am watching it with other people. I don't know why, but its embarrassing for me to cry in front of other people, so I end up with this weird feeling of getting ready to burst, but I can't. I wish I knew how to let go.
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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
Sometimes I wish that I could hold it all in! There have been times when I have walked out of a movie with tear stained checks and if it was not an overly sad movie people tend to look at you a bit strange!
Many people feel uncomfortable showing their emotions in front of others and quite rightly so. We have been conditioned to see emotion as a sign of weakness and in today's hard and fast world no one wants to be seen as weak!
I am sure the time will come when the flood gates will open and you will wish you knew how to close them! 

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@madhuraks (425)
• Kuwait
6 Apr 08
I am also just like you.My husband always says dont be so much emotional.
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@wanblygaleshka (72)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I'm a dichotomy, often outwardly in public ppl swear that I'm not human but Vulcan. I have the ability to no show emotion and be perceived as rather Stoic. Although, at home or around close friends, I'm extremely emotional and cry over books, movies, etc. Even when I don't appear to show emotion outwardy, I feel it deeply inside. Guess maybe I am Vulcan, because they too feel emotion, they just don't show it. The story you told brings tears to my eyes, for the same reason. I don't mourn him, but rather her. She's the one that will hurt, and I hate seeing ppl hurt.
But I do have the ability to hide my emotions and deal with any situation with a cool head. My wife, on the other hand, is so emotional that I often wonder how she is able to do her job. She gets upset, angry, cries, carries on, over things that I feel should be dealt with calmly, then let the emotions out later.
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
12 Apr 08
Emotions, good and bad, happiness and sorrow, play a very important role in a person's life. The amount of each carves the life of a person, moulds him into situations. If one is quite emotional from childhood, they might be emotional when they grow up as well.
I'm very emotional and I usually express it. If I'm sad, I usually have a long face and have a very low response. The movies that made me cry were the Terminal and Saving Private Ryan. Both were great movies and I loved them both.

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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
13 Apr 08
Yep they sure are sad movies. I couldn't get all the way through SPR. Apart for not really being my type of movie, it was just to sad, to real (oddly enough
You are certainly right about emotions having an important role in a person's life.
Thanks for sharing

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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
21 Apr 08
Well i am senstive but i always laugh all my way through my life yea ... maybe it covers my sadness prehaps .
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
6 Apr 08
I am also very emotional ! I think it is very natural to be emotional, it is natures's way and the human beings since are evolved better they express it in various diferent forms. Like human beings the animals are also emotinal and they express the same in bit crude form except for the pets like dogs and cats who are very expressive in showtheir emotions.So basically I think to be emotional is very humane.I am very emotional and I do shed tears when ever I see any emotional secene either on TV or in movie. I get tears in pleasant moments too ! My heart literally bleeds at the sorrowness and hardships of others and I think a lot about them in the event I come accross one of such situations.Apart from being emotional I try to help out the people in distress and try to help out the poor animals who are hungry or in pathetic state. These tings comes to me very naturally. I can't see some one in morose state. I love people laways with smiling faces . This makes me happy and contended that people around me are happy and are free from troubles and sorrows! Thanks dear friend it was a nice topic of discussion , enjoyed answering !
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
7 Apr 08
Thank you for taking the time to answer it, I am glad that you liked it. I have really enjoyed sharing in this discussion as well.
When I was younger I used to be a bit embarrassed by my free flowing emotions. However now I stand tall and proud of my caring ability. There are so many people in the world that don't care or show emotions I guess people like us help keep everything in balance.
I too love a smiling face and always try my best to encourage smiles where ever I am.
~ may in every way this be a special day ~
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@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
20 Apr 08
Wow i thought i was the limit of emotions, but you seem to b just more emotional than me. I do cry all the time and feel ppls sorrows n pains, but i didnt cry on watching finding nemo. Any ways because i cry so frequently for the slightesst matters, the person i love or rather i used to love, just calls me a cry baby and an actor! Just those words hurt me even i wish i cud chage and for once, i cud have a stone for a heart instead of a sponge!
@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
6 Apr 08
In my case, I guess it would depend on my mood. When I don't feel well or irritated, I become very emotional. Things become complicated when I'm in emotional stage. I try to change this but I sometimes I can't control my emotion. I usually cry when I can't take the things that's happening around me.
@bojangles88 (649)
18 Apr 08
I am a very emotional person though the example you gave about disney films has really never been applicable to me. Though most books i read really do make me cry. Also in my relationship it only usually takes a small tiff for tears to start rolling down my eyes. My boyfriend often thinks I'm a little mad I think, but they just seem to roll down there without any influence whatsoever from me.
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
20 Apr 08
Yeah, the disney thing is a bit much isn't it. You know another one that gets me is Ice Age, mainly at the end when they give the boy back to his father, but also when the mother drowns. I guess I just look to far into somethings! As for books, well the emotions in some books are even stronger!