shopped till I actually DROPPED!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
April 9, 2008 6:49am CST
Yesterday evening we had decided on going shopping for the Bengali New Year which is on the 14th of this month. my hubby and kid came down to my office and all three of us landed in the shopping district around 6:30 in the evening. There was a long list for all the members of the family (i.e. nine in all) and the shops were soooooooo crowded, you actually had to wait at a queue for 15/20 mins before we could get anywhere near the counter of choice. And then there was my son of course! Every few minutes he would go like...i want that toy, I like this shirt, can I have an ice-cream, my throat is parched, get me some coke’ ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh I was screaming at him though you could hardly hear me above the din and as usual it had little impact on him. The little guy was so excited. By the time we were through with buying everything and entered an eatery around 10:30, I was ready to drop and did exactly that on nearest empty chair. Whew! What a hectic shopping spree. Do you plan and buy all at one go? I do it usually to save both time and money otherwise I end up buying more than I actually need. How do you deal with the hustle-bustle of festival shopping or do you buy beforehand?
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21 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 08

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
My better half is entirely different’ …just goes to prove how all intelligent species (read women) think alike. There are two other reasons why the men keep on pushing us – one they are scared that by so much choosing we will ultimately buy the most expensive one and they will have to pay (of course) and second is that men have few choices themselves where colour and style is concerned, so they are jealous (now don’t deny it).
Even I prefer going to as many shops as is humanly possible for me and my hubby and son (male bonding) stand outside most of the time.
Thnx for the wishes.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 08
Thanks for your comments.
By the way I am not at all scared (or bothered) about expensive clothes. If any thing is choosen I would go for the best quality, irrespective of the cost.
Also, there is question of being jealous, it may be possible, that my choice of colours may be not as good or say limited to that of my better half.
So you are like my better half, scanning shops after shops.....before finally taking a decision.....LOL!
SV, Thanks for your inputs as well.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
but truth be told….the jostling, the bargaining, the SALE, the latest fashion statements, the accessories, the smell of new clothes (shoes even), the smugness of having got the best bargain…I wouldn’t miss it for anything Gabs. I tried once to do my shopping in July but by October (our puja season) I was so miserable with everybody around talking of little else but their impending shopping.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
‘keep doing’ who’s gonna pay for it Gabs! Wish I was born as Paris Hilton you know. Only reason I accumulate all my shopping to only twice a year is coz of the funny-money-honey factor.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Apr 08
oh yeahh... i had actually done that as well... there is one day when i shop since morning (around 8.30 am) and i went home at 10.00 pm... and all the time i am walking and walking and only rest to have my lunch, tea break and dinner... pheww... it is really very tiring and i do it just to ease my mind...
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
shopping can and does uplift our mood, it’s a huge feel-good factor but since morning till night! Did you leave out any shops at all? What all did you buy, for the entire family or what!!!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
10 Apr 08
lol...I can just imagine the Bengali mom yelling at her child...all the Bengalis I know do
I usually plan and buy ahead...a little here and there especially when I get good stuff on sale. It's hard to shop at a crowded place with kids. But even without the kids, I hate having to wait and spend so many hours shopping (though I do love to shop, I don't like to do it when the place is crowded)...and having to choose with so many people pushing against me.
We have just 2 main is Vishu (on the same day as your Nabo Varsh - April 14th) and the other one is Onam which is usually around August-September. So, I plan ahead and buy things as and when I see it...and I usually go to the wholesale market.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
10 Apr 08
lol....I'm very stingy (though I like to shop) and since I don't like the crowds...I don't shop again! So, works for me.
Look at the bright spent more money and got more stuff!!! You got to shop twice.
Thanks for the bong words...yes...they are new to me. But I also know 'ikada aasho' and 'akkada bosho' lol....besides the 'ami tumake balo bhashi' that everyone seems to know...
Thank you for the Vishu wishes....we have some early morning traditions we follow on the day....I'm still wondering if I have to do it this year...want to catch up on my sleep
Subho Naba Barsha to you and your family and your

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
it’s the same Sandhya, its either Poila Baisakh (i.e. 1st day of Baisakh) or Naba Barsha (i.e. new year). Just add Subho (happy, good) before that! There…I have taught you three bong words!
I tried buying once in July for the coming pujas in September/October. Panataloons usually gives a good sale around july/aug and I thought it very intelligent of me to have done my shopping there. I mean I got really good stuff at affordable price. But then come sept/oct and the buying bug got me and I had to go and buy something before the pujas. It was as if I was breaking some tradition. So I actually ended by spending more and from that year onwards, my hubby has strictly prohibited me from going to such sales.
PS: Happy Vishu to you and your kids, and your hubby and your family and your friends and your..... EVERYBODY

@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 08
oh dear... that sounds soooo tiring....
but you only have one child to go shopping with...
i have 5... FIVE !!...
well my two older ones are 14 and 12... so they normally helps me look after the younger ones..
but... the 3 younger ones could really get on everybody's nerves...
we are just lucky that we have 'sales promotion' all-year-round.. and we dont have to wait to the last minute to shop.. but they are certain items which you just to wait to buy during the festive seasons... and we got no choice but to go and 'join the crowd'....
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
FIVE !!!!! how do you manage to shop??? I mean if I had 5 (no chance in this life) I would promote hand-me-down(s) for clothes and books from older to younger (all in the name of promoting sibling sharing) and after spending whatever money we earn on them, there would hardly be anything left for shopping!
And to manage them all….you are my SUPERWOMAN!
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
10 Apr 08
I tend to do most of the Christmas shopping for my children's toys at the same time. Several department stores near me have 25% off toys around July with no-deposit layby (lay-away) and Christmas eve pickup so that is when I usually get the toys. When I get my tax refund I usually pay most of it off so that I only have to pay a couple of dollars a week between then and Christmas.
It works well and I know I've got the bulk of the shopping over... also, it saves me having to face the shopping crush just before Christmas.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
that’s really good planning and I tried it once but could not stick to it. What happened is that here too, February & July are lean months for shoppers and so big malls offer upto 50% off on most products during these two months. Once I had this brilliant idea (at least I thought so), made a list, pestered my hubby to withdraw the amount from the bank and shopped gleefully. Well I did save a lot but you know what I did then? Come April (new year for us) and come September (Puja for us in October) I again revisited the shops and bought some more stuff and actually spent more than I saved
. What to do, I couldn’t resist myself!

@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
10 Apr 08
Well, in my case it is not all of my shopping, just the main bulk of it. I still always end up with more closer to Christmas but I only spend about a quarter of what I spend in July
@subha12 (18441)
• India
10 Apr 08
hi sudipta, i think i also do shop at a one go sometmes. i do that with parents. its new year for me as well i guess.we have alrady done the shopping. but itsdone in installments of visits. i have made it in say 4-5 days. it actually makes tired when you buy at a go. anyways happy Poila Baishak,,, 

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
yes Subha it does tire me out. Previously my office was in Gariahat and so I used to do it in small instalments, maybe lunch hour and so. But now going to Gariahat itself is such a trouble with the traffic and everything that I don’t like to repeat the experience. And since I am working, I enjoy my weekends at home. But I am glad it is over for now (till the Pujas i.e) and I really liked what I bought in such a short time.
Subho Poila Baisakh in advance to you and your family.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I shop that way when I am with my best friend. She lives a couple of hundred miles away but I take part of my vacation to go spend with her. When we go we go for all day! Lunch included and by the time we get home we have to have a nap! Shopping is tiring. If there is a festival or holiday I go before hand if I am going by myself! I bet you had a wonderful time anyway! LOL
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
yes, much as I would never admit it to my kid, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was looking forward to it for weeks, planning, budgeting and such. By the time they were due that evening, almost the entire office knew that Sudipta’s going shopping with hubby & kid. And telling you frankly, it was not only kiddo, I got a bite & a sip from him every time he got something for himself (sharing in the name of saving money)

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I think the biggest shopping day I participate in would be black friday. It is the day after Thanksgiving in the US and the stores always offer crazy specials but you have to be there at like 3 in the morning to secure your place in line to get one of the deals they have in limited supply.
I do all my Christmas shopping on this day, and it goes something like this.
We have Thanksgiving dinner around 3 on Thursday then I go to sleep until 10 PM. I get up and argue with the poor unsuspecting victims I have roped into going with me to get them ready to go. We drive to WalMart since they price match with a list and a circular from all the other stores we want items from. Everyone takes their list and gets in their respective line after going through the store and getting everything else that we are price matching from other places.
They open the "special" merchandise at 5 AM, we load the carts and are out of the door by 6:30 and hope we don't have to go anywhere else but we usually do have to visit at least one other store. Then we all head to Dennys for breakfast. We eat then head home. I leave all the gifts locked in the car when I come in and pass out from exhaustion usually around 10 AM.
So at least once a year I too shop til I drop!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
‘unsuspecting victims’ I wonder Cyn how come they are not all avoiding you by now. you must be preparing really yummy dinner. I’ll mark it out in my personal calendar and would be there this year! Good for hubby & kid, they wont even know where I am!
But (and this reinforces my belief) you ARE crazier than anybody I have come across. Of course there are crazier still (otherwise Walmart wouldn’t be crowded at such an ungodly hour), but in my known circle, you take the cake.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Apr 08
This reminds me of the time i went shopping with mymom and younger sister and my little girl who was just three. we were all looking for some dress material to make some dresses. I looked around for lisa rose who had been hanging onto my skirt and no Lisa. I was petrified as she was so loving and might have gone with anybody. we searched the store and ran up and down the aisles.I was just sick with worry and blamed myself for taking my eyes off of her for one minute. then a clerk came running up to us smiling like crazy. I think I have found your Lisa Rose.she says where is Mommy. I followed her back to the drygoods section and she pointed toa shelf behind the counter.LIsa rose was laid out on a stack of yard goods still half asleep. she cried theres mommy. pick baby up.I sure forgot that my feet hurt and pickedup my baby.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
what a touching experience and I can feel your fear. I have not yet lost my son ever in such melee but any day I might. He’s almost 9 now and doesn’t like to hold hands anymore. Half of the time we spend on arguing whether he’s too young or old enough

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
11 Apr 08
good for you, I know we all try to avoid the crowds and get more caught in them.
@wittyakanksha (436)
• India
9 Apr 08
oh yeah that's something that happens quite a bit with me too.but i make sure that if it's to do with gifts i go at the weekend before teh festival or probably someday at the weekday.that way not too many people are doing their last minute shopping and i can look for deals too and save on my money.i have suffered huge losses while doing last minute shopping because then i want to buy something as soon as i see it only later to find out that i could have got the same thing for less in the next shop.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
yes shop-owners do have a way of conning us at last minute sales. I have even heard that the items they put out at SALES are actually overpriced by say 40% and then discounted at say 20%. This way they do manage to make more profits during these festival times than through the year. What to do, its us customers losses all the way. I had gone on a weekday hoping that the crowd would be less, but no luck. It seems everybody had the same brilliant idea

@icequeen123 (934)
9 Apr 08
I like to take my time about shopping, I try to check out exactly what I want by doing some research on line in advance.
I think ebay is a great place to check out prices of things before hitting the shops, that way you know whether you are getting a good price or not.
I don't have any children, but I imagine that taking the whole family on a shopping "expedition" is quit a hard job. Hat's off to you, I'm sure I could not manage it.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Apr 08
you are sure you cant manage it but I am equally sure that once you have children they will ensure that you can! Expedition it indeed is, no less that pitting your strength against a surge of humanity, all flowing in all directions.
I have just started surfing ebay but my main problem is that ebay in India accepts paisapay as a majority mode of payment and only a handful of shops transact with paypal. I use paypal for my online transactions, so I am a bit limited right now.
@painkiller77 (2073)
• India
31 Aug 08
i generally do it about a week ahead. it mainly occurs during the time of durga puja.i hope you must be aware of durga puja.. that time i go into the shops and they won't hesitate to put down lots of varieties. they will pay heed to your words and show you whatever you want.. but during the pujas, they become very arrogant and get irritated very easily.... bye and happy my lotting..
@mkkn22 (91)
• India
9 Apr 08
Hope that you are from West Bengal, India. Please tell the world about the the variety of sweets available in WB and a bit about Durga Puja Celebraions !
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
15 Apr 08
wow. that was one heck of a shopping spree. it must have been fun even though it was tiring. right?
i only shop 'til i drop when i have the money and when there's a sale. and that seldom happens because our payday doesn't jive with sales in department stores. .

@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I like to if it's with somebody else. Then you chat, compare, and stop for something to eat. Socially tends to be more fun for me. I have shopped till I dropped once. Well, nearly... I was exausted anyway. I went with family before Christmas. It was not fun.
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Apr 08
I always plan out everything I want to buy and which shops I want to go in, it makes it all so much easier, then you can just go to the shops that you want and not have to trail around them all. We also always go well before the shops start to get busy, I hate all that hustle and bustle and crowded shops it is horrible. I always end up getting really short tempered, it is no fun when it is like that.
@suganrekh (264)
• India
9 Apr 08
April 14th is also Tamil New Year.
ONe can see more 50% offs here also today we went to big bazaar and bought things as we had some vouchers. I basically like hustle-bustle shopping